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Tall Tales

These are the time-warped adventures of Rupert Pilgor, Jr., lackey to a damaged contraption from the future that forces him to meet everyone on Earth from 1017 B.C. to 1983.

Sago Mine Disaster (Featured Story): Appalachian Coalfield Stories

My goal as a resident of the Appalachian coalfields and as a writer is to capture the spirit of these people, their pride, work ethics, strong religious convictions, traditions and love for these mountains.

Enviromental Due Diligence: A Professional Handbook

This is a resource for professionals on all sides of Environmental Due Diligence. It’s practical handbook with examples to assist in gaining knowledge and skills needed to perform/review an assessment.

Any Time Now

Encounter an odd couple of historic dimension as they ride roughshod through the American Civil War. History may never be the same.

History Lessons Then and Now

I was overwhelmed with joy. On the last page of the 1820 census were the names of sixteen free colored persons. My three-great-grandfather Thomas Day and two cousins were included.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams