| John Leland - 1769 - 470 pages
...Piety and Virtue recommended, as the bigbejl Pleafure and Delight. DISCOURSE XVIII. PROVERBS iii. i7. Her Ways are Ways of Pleafantnefs and all her Paths are Peace. OU R Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath inftructed us to form the jufteft Notions of Religion, hath obferved... | |
| John Flavel - Presbyterian Church - 1770 - 556 pages
...A. That religion is no melancholy thing, but the fountain of all joy and pleafure ; Prov. iii. 17. Her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace. Of the Increaje of Grace. Queft. i. | "VOth all true grace increafe and grow ? JL/ A. Yes, it doth,... | |
| Conduct of life - 1772 - 412 pages
...this life, is appparent from what follows a little after: " Length of days is in her right hand, " and in her left hand riches and honour: her ways are " ways of pleafautnefs, and all her paths are peace : She is "a tree " a tree of life to thofe that lay hold... | |
| Thomas Boston - 1773 - 630 pages
...3. Moft groundlefs is the prejudice againft religion, that it is a melancholy thing, Prov. iii. i7. Her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace. None have fuch reafon to rejoice as the believer has. If the poor wretched and condemned creature has... | |
| Charles Jenner - English letters - 1776 - 292 pages
...O my deareft friend, can any one fee thefe effe&s of virtue, and not cry out with the wife man,. " Her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace." Adieu, my Henry, a few days will, I truft, increafe the happinefs of us all. *. ALTAMONT. FINI S. *,... | |
| John Logan - 1781 - 138 pages
...crown of glory fhe beflows Upon the hoary head. According as her labours rife, So her rewards increafe, Her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, And all her paths are peace. HYMN V, EH OLD ! the mountain of the Lord a, ff In latter days fhall rife, Above the mountains and... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Natural theology - 1782 - 478 pages
...fcriptures as pleafant and ify, when we are accufcomed to it. Thus ;n fays, of wifdpm, Prov. iii. 17. her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace ;" and David ays, Pf. cxix. 165. " Great peace have they who love thy law: and nothing {hall offend... | |
| 1783 - 360 pages
...improvements; for the more any one improves in wifdom, the more he deArcs to be acquainted with her ; for " her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace." Now when any one acquires thefe valuable bleflings of health, honour, riches and wifdom, merely by... | |
| sir Walter James James - 1786 - 366 pages
...life itfelf -, and happy they, who, in their moral conduit, condufr, follow firrplicity : for " all her ways, are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace ! " LETTER XLVII. A DIEU ! a long adieu to the •*- white hours of domeftic peace ! — O, my Carolina... | |
| Samuel Hoole - Bible - 1786 - 348 pages
...appearance, ftill increafe in beauty the further they are explored, and lead to full and perfect enjoyment : Her ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and all her paths are peace *. Nor is the mifery me teaches us to avoid, lefs formidable, than the reward * Ecclqf. iii. 17. which... | |
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