QUEEN and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner keep: Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright. Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare itself to interpose; Cynthia's shining... The Atlantic Monthly - Page 2521867Full view - About this book
 | William Allingham - English poetry - 1860 - 316 pages
...knee ; And I mysel' were dead and gane, And the green grass growing over me ! [HYMN TO DIANA.] t UEEN and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid...itself to interpose ; Cynthia's shining orb was made Heav'n to clear, when day did close : Bless us then with wished sight, Goddess excellently bright !... | |
 | Evenings - 1860 - 386 pages
...Juliet wills it so,How is't, my soul ! let's talk, it is not day. | en Jons on. SONG OF HESPERUS. QUEEN and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid...excellently bright. Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare thyself to interpose. Cynthia's shining orb was made Heaven to clear when day did close : Bless us... | |
 | Robert Gordon Latham - English language - 1860 - 256 pages
...measures ax, axx, xax, the case is different. Here a syllable or syllables may be subtracted. Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid...sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted splendour keep. Hesperus invokes thy light, Goddess, exquisitely bright. — BEN JONSON. lable, yet... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - English literature - 1860 - 778 pages
...not abide him. Since ye hear his falser piny, And that he's Venus' run-away. HYMN TO CYNTHIA. Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, Suite in wonted manner keep : Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess, excellently bright. Earth, let... | |
 | Robert Gordon Latham - English language - 1860 - 486 pages
...different. Here a syllable or syllables may be subtracted. QueSn and huntress, chaste and fair, N6w the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in w&nted splendour keep. Hfisperus inv&kes thy light, Goddess, exquisitely bright. The formula for expressing... | |
 | Francis Turner Palgrave - English poetry - 1861 - 356 pages
...burden loads the day, And, when God sends a cheerful hour, refrains. LXXVIII J. Milton HYMX TO DIA.VA Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare itself to interpose...excellently bright. Lay thy bow of pearl apart And thy crystal-shining quiver; Give unto the flying hart Space to breathe, how short soever: Thou that mak'st... | |
 | English language - 1861 - 312 pages
...mythological character, and which has always been admired for its elegance and melody. HYMN TO DIANA. Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep ; Seated in thy silver car, State in wonted manner keep. Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright ! Earth,... | |
 | Mrs. A. T. Thomson - Authors, English - 1862 - 360 pages
...the sun is laid to sleep : Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner keep. Hesperus intreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright. ' Earth, let...with wished sight, Goddess excellently bright. ' Lay this bow of pearl apart, And thy crystal shining quiver ! Give unto the flying hart, Space to breathe,... | |
 | Katherine Thomson - 1862 - 328 pages
...1600 by the Children of her Majesty's Chapel. * Jonson, 2773, note, BB 200 'CYNTHIA'S BEVELS.' ' Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid...silver chair, State in wonted manner keep. Hesperus intreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright. ' Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare itself to interpose... | |
 | George Frederick Graham - 1862 - 304 pages
..."With down stuffed of the butterfly.' ' Queen of hunters, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid asleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner...Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess, excellently bright !' ' I am monarch of all I surrey, My right there is none to dispute ; From the centre all round to... | |
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