| Francis Bacon - Great Britain - 1868 - 466 pages
...at the Royal Institution, AD 1869. By Professor TvxDAI.I.. Crown Svo. It. sewed, or 1». W. cloth. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution, \s>. 1870. By Professor TYXDALL. Crown 8vo. !». sewed, or Is.... | |
| John William Donaldson - Greek language - 1868 - 790 pages
...Electricity at the Royi! Institution, 1875-6. With 58 Wooucuts. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6J. ProfessorTyndall's Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Instituticn. Crown Svo. is. sewed, IJ-. &/. doth. ProfessorTyndall's Notes of... | |
...VIII., the following work on Electricity may be used : — Electricity, by RM Ferguson, 12mo., 3s. fid. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, hy John Tyndall, LL.D., FRS, Is. in printed wrapper; Is. 6d. in cloth. (London, Longman.) (Edinburgh,... | |
| John Bourne - Steam engineering - 1869 - 392 pages
...Discourse ou the Scientific Use of the Imagination. Svo. 3s.; 12 NBW WOEKS PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS AKD CO. NOTES of a COURSE of SEVEN LECTURES on ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA and THEORIES, delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1870. By Professor TYITDALL. Crown Svo. 1s. sewed, or 1s. 6d,... | |
| George Salmon - Conic sections - 1869 - 426 pages
...delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1869. By Professor TrxDALL. Crown 8vo. Is. sewed, or Is. Gd. cloth. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1870. By Professor TYNDALL. Crown 8vo. Is. sewed, or Is. Gd.... | |
| William Longman - Great Britain - 1869 - 502 pages
...delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1869. By Professor TYNDALL. Crown 8vo. 1». sewed, or Is. Gd. cloth. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1870. By Professor TYSDALL. Crown 8vo. It. sewed, or 1«. Gd.... | |
| Frederic Seebohm - Education - 1869 - 604 pages
...at the Royal Institution, An 1869. By J. TYXDALL, LL.DFRS Crown 8vo. Is. sewed, or Is. 6rf. cloth. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1870. By Jons TYNDAI.I, LL.DFRS Crown 8vo. Is. sewed, or 1«.... | |
| Justinian I (Emperor of the East) - Institutiones - 1869 - 652 pages
...at the Royal Institution, AD 1869. By Professor TYXDALL. Crown 8vo. 1». sewed, or 1». G</. cloth. Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution, AD 1870. By Professor TYNOALL. Crown 8vo. 1». sewed, or 1». Gd.... | |
| Sydney Smith - 1869 - 424 pages
...Question of Diamagtietic Polarity. By the same Author. With 6 Plates and many Woodcuts. Svo. price 14s. NOTES of a COURSE of SEVEN LECTURES on ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA and THEORIES, delivered at the Royal Institution. AD 1870. By JOHN TYNDALL, LL.D. Crown Svo. Is. sewed, or Is. 6d.... | |
| George Frederick Graham - English language - 1869 - 418 pages
...Question of Diamagnetic Polarity. By J. TYNDALL, MDDCLFHS With 6 platea and many Woodcuts. Svo. Us. NOTES of a COURSE of SEVEN LECTURES on ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA and THEORIES, delivered at the Boyal Institution, AD 1870. By JOHN TYNDALL, LL.D., DCL, PRS Crown 8vo. Is. sewed... | |
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