O Mary ! dear departed shade ! "Where is thy place of blissful rest? Seest thou thy lover lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast? That sacred hour can I forget? Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live... The illustrated book of Scottish songs - Page 83by Scottish songs - 1852Full view - About this book
 | Lord Francis Jeffrey Jeffrey - Edinburgh review (1802) - 1846 - 792 pages
...thou the groans that rend this breast f " That sacred hour can I forget. Can I forget the hallowed grove. Where by the winding Ayr we met. To live one...love ! " Eternity will not efface Those records dear ol transports put ; 848 Thy image at our last embrace ; Ah ! liule thought we 'twas our last ! fragrant... | |
 | 1846 - 374 pages
...Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? " That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ? " Eternity will not effiace, Those records dear, of transports past : Thy image at our last embaace ; — Ah ! little thought... | |
 | Ballads, American - 1846 - 166 pages
...of blissful rest ? See'st thou thy lover lowly laid ? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by llie winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will not efface Those records dear... | |
 | British empire - 1847 - 856 pages
...groans that rend his breast ? That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallowed grove, When by the winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting...image at our last embrace ; Ah ! little thought we 't was our last ! 168 169 5. — THE AYR AT COILSFIELD. Ayr, gurgling, kiss'd bis pebbled sbore, O'erhung... | |
 | Books - 1847 - 808 pages
...bit 8uft, Do* l'tbei tarn )ui*nou bie -Jtadjt. (Eine anbere .fjalbftrcpbc in bemfelben Eiebc Eteraity will not efface Those records dear of transports past, Thy image at uur last embrace — Ah! little thought we, 'twas our last. bcift bei ibr: За Croigteit ectgeff i*... | |
 | Erastus Darrow - 1850 - 104 pages
...breast ? " That sacred hour can I forget ? Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where by the wandering Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity...image at our last embrace ! Ah ! little thought we 't was our last. " Ayr, gurgling, kissed his pebbled shore, O'erhung with wild woods, thickening, green... | |
 | 1850 - 602 pages
...? 11 That sacred hour can I forget — Can 1 forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Луг we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will not efface Tho.se records dear to transports past; Thy image at our last embrace, Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last ! " Ayr, gurgling,... | |
 | 1850 - 138 pages
...breast t " That sacred hour can I forget T Can 1 forget the hallowed grove, Where by the wandering Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will not eflace Those records dear of transports past — Thy image at our last embrace ! Ah I little thought... | |
 | Robert Burns - 1850 - 508 pages
...breast ! That sacred hour can I forget. Can [ forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Луг we met, To live one day of parting love! Eternity will not eflace. Those records dear of transports past ; Thy image at our last embrace ; Ah ! little thought... | |
 | Abraham Mills - English literature - 1851 - 616 pages
...place of blissful rest 1 Seest thou thy lover lowly laid1 Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast1 That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallow'd...winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love 1 Eternity will not efface Those records dear of transports past; Thy image at our last embrace! Ah,... | |
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