O Mary ! dear departed shade ! "Where is thy place of blissful rest? Seest thou thy lover lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast? That sacred hour can I forget? Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live... The illustrated book of Scottish songs - Page 83by Scottish songs - 1852Full view - About this book
 | English poetry - 1844 - 92 pages
...Hearest thou the groans that rend his breast ? That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallowed grove Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live one...image at our last embrace ! Ah! little thought we 't was our last! Ayr, gurgling, kissed his pebbled shore, O'erhung with wild woods, thickening, green... | |
 | Robert Burns, James Currie - 1844 - 706 pages
...of blissful rest 1 Seest thou thy lover lowly laid ] Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast 1 That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallow'd...the winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting lovel Eternity will not efface, Those records dear of transports past— Thy image at our last embrace... | |
 | American literature - 1850 - 602 pages
...Heir'stthouthe groans that rend his breast ? " That sacred hour can I forget — , Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live one...love ? Eternity will not efface Those records dear to transports past ; Thy image at our last embrace, Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last ! " Ayr,... | |
 | Printers - 1844 - 328 pages
...ttiou th<- groins that rend his breast?' That sabred hour can I fnrg->i?— C in I forget the hallo*M grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met To live one...day of parting love ? Eternity will not efface Those record;! d ar of transports past,— — • Thy image at our List embrace : — Ah ! litde thought... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - Elocution - 1845 - 334 pages
...thou thy lover, lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans, that rend his breast ' That sacred hour—can I forget. Can I forget the hallow'd grove. Where,...winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ! Eternity—will not efface Those records dear, of transports past; Thy image, at our last embrace... | |
 | C P. Bronson - Elocution - 1845 - 398 pages
...ihou the groans, that rend his breast I That warred hour— can I forget, Can 1 forget thehallow'd grove. Where, by the winding Ayr we met, To live one...parting love ! Eternity— will not efface Those records denr, of transports past ; Thy image, at our last embrace ' Ah ! little thought we, 'twas our last... | |
 | William Coombs Dana - Europe - 1845 - 408 pages
...Hearest thou the groans that rend his breast t That sacred hour can I forget ? Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where, by the winding Ayr, we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will not effaceThese records dear of transports past; Thy image at our last embrace, Ah ! little thought we... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - Anatomy - 1845 - 418 pages
...1 That sacred hour — can I forget, Can I forget the nallow'd grove. Where, by the winding Луг we met, To live one day of parting love ! Eternity — will not efface Those records deur, of transports past ; Thy imnge, at our last embrace ! Ah ! little thought we, 'twas our last... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - Elocution - 1845 - 390 pages
...lowly laid ? Hearst thou the groans, that rent] his breast I That sacred liour — can 1 forget. Can 1 forget the hallow'd grove. Where, by the winding Ayr we met, To live one dny of parting love ! Eternity — will not efface Those records dcnr, of transports pa.Ğl ; Thy imnpe,... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - Anatomy - 1845 - 330 pages
...thou thy lover, lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans, that rend his breast Î That sacred hour— Ğan I forget. Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where, by the winding Луг we met, To live one day of parting love ! Eternity — will not efface Those records dear, of... | |
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