O Mary ! dear departed shade ! "Where is thy place of blissful rest? Seest thou thy lover lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast? That sacred hour can I forget? Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live... The illustrated book of Scottish songs - Page 83by Scottish songs - 1852Full view - About this book
 | William Chambers, Robert Chambers - English literature - 1835 - 336 pages
...rest ? See'st thou thy lover lowly laid ? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? That secret hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallow'd grove,...To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will not eiface Those records dear of transports past ; Thy image at our last embrace ; Ah ! little thought... | |
 | Robert Burns - 1835 - 438 pages
...rend his hreast ? That sacred hour can 1 forget, Can 1 forget the hallowed grove, Where hy the Minding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ! Eternity...dear of transports past • Thy image at our last emhrace; Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last ! Ayr gurgling kissed his pehhled shorei O'erhung with... | |
 | Robert Burns, John Gibson Lockhart - Scotland - 1837 - 622 pages
...of blissful rest ? See'st thou thy lover lowly laid ? Hear'st thou the groans that rend hi* breart f That sacred hour can I forget ? — Can I forget the...Eternity will not efface Those records dear of transports put ; Thy image at our last embrace ; — Ah ! little thought we 'twas our lut ! BURNS' WORKS. Ayr,... | |
 | Phrenology - 1826 - 674 pages
...forget the hallowed grore, " Where by the winding Ayr we met, " To live one day of parting-love ? " Eternity will not efface . •• Those records dear...transports past ; " Thy image at our last embrace, — •• Ali, little thought we "tu a- our lait" In the two following verses, the poet's Ideality... | |
 | Robert Burns - 1839 - 334 pages
...only to curse him with life which gives him no pleasure ; and yet the That sacred hour can I forget 1 Can I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding...we met, To live one day of parting love ? Eternity will1 not efface Those records dear of transports past ; Thy image at our last embrace ; Ah ! little... | |
 | John Wilson - Engraving - 1840 - 364 pages
...? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? " That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget tbe hallow'd grove. Where by the winding Ayr we met. To...our last embrace; Ah ! little thought we 'twas our but '. Coilsfield house is about six miles from Ayr, on the road to Mauchline, and is considered one... | |
 | John Wilson - 1840 - 372 pages
...lover lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? " That sacred hour can I forget, Can 1 forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding Ayr...love ? Eternity will not efface Those records dear of transporte past ; Thy image at our last embrace; Coilsfield house is about six miles from Ayr, on the... | |
 | Robert Burns - 1841 - 354 pages
...may at first appear a more prosaic edition That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live one...efface Those records dear of transports past, Thy imaqe at our last embrace ; Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last ! Ayr gurgling kiss'd his pebbled... | |
 | Samuel Niles Sweet - Elocution - 1843 - 324 pages
...blissful rest ? Seest thou thy lover lowly laid 1 Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? 2. That sacred hour can I forget, Can I forget the hallow'd...one day of parting love ! Eternity will not efface Thy image at our last embrace ! Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last ! 3. Ayr, gurgling, kissed his... | |
 | Child rearing - 1843 - 322 pages
...Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast ? That sacred hour can I forget ? Can I forget the hallowed grove, Where by the winding Ayr we met, To live one day of parting love ? Those records dear of transports past; x Thy image at our last embrace ; Eternity will not efface... | |
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