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" This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches upon any. It acts not the Pharisee. The change it contemplates would come gently as the dews of heaven, not rending or wrecking anything. "
The National Tragedy: Four Sermons Delivered Before the First Congregational ... - Page 58
by William James Potter - 1865 - 67 pages
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Un-American Immigration: Its Present Effects and Future Perils: A Study from ...

Rena Michaels Atchison - United States - 1894 - 216 pages
...INTRODUCTION BY REV. JOSEPH COOK. "I do not argue; I beseech you to make the argument for yourselves. You cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of...consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics." — Abraham Lincoln. Proclamation, 1862. Leges nwri serviunt. —...
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Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865

Abraham Lincoln - Biography & Autobiography - 1894 - 270 pages
...States I now earnestly appeal. I do not argue — I beseech you to make arguments for yourselves. Yon cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of the...consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics. The proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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The Presidents of the United States 1789-1894

James Grant Wilson - Presidents - 1894 - 684 pages a calm and enlarged consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches upon any. . . . Will you not embrace it ? So much good has not been done, by one effort, in all past time, as...
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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Volume 5

United States. President - United States - 1897 - 858 pages
...earnestly appeal — I do not argue; I beseech you to make the arguments for yourselves; you can not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the times....consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897, Volume 6

United States. President - 1897 - 794 pages
...earnestly appeal—I do not argue; I beseech you to make the arguments for yourselves; you can not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the times....consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897: 1861-1869

United States. President - Presidents - 1897 - 794 pages
...earnestly appeal — I do not argue; I beseech you to make the arguments for yourselves; you can not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the times. I beg of you a cairn and enlarged consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics....
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The Words of Abraham Lincoln: For Use in Schools

Abraham Lincoln - 1898 - 300 pages
...those States I now earnestly appeal. I do not argue — I beseech you to make arguments for yourselves. You cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of...consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partisan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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The Pacific Monthly: A Magazine of Education and Progress, Volumes 4-6

William Bittle Wells, Lute Pease - West (U.S.) - 1900 - 1250 pages
...these states. I mostly appeal. I do not argue, — I beseech you to make the argument for yourselves. You cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of...and enlarged consideration of them, ranging if it na&y be, far above partisan and personal politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object,...
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The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 3

Ida Minerva Tarbell - 1900 - 276 pages
...upon the administration, he said : I do not argue — I beseech you to make arguments for yourselves. You cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of...consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partizan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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The Life of Abraham Lincoln: Drawn from Original Sources and ..., Volume 3

Ida Minerva Tarbell - 1900 - 278 pages
...upon the administration, he said : I do not argue — I beseech you to make arguments for yourselves. You cannot, if you would, be blind to the signs of...consideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above personal and partizan politics. This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches...
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