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...Navigation of the Ancients. By JAMES SMITH. FRS With Charts, Views, and Woodcuts. Crown Svo. Ss. 6d. The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith : a Selection of the most memorahle Passages in his Writings and Conversation. I6mo. 7s. 6d. A Memoir of the Bev. Sydney Smith.... | |
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...Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution. By the same Author. 1'cp. Svo. 7s. The Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith: a Selection of the most memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation. IGino. 7s. 6d. Prom MATTER to SPIRIT: the Result of Ten Years' Experience in Spirit Manifestations.... | |
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...delivered at the Royal Institution. By the same Author. Fcp. Gs. The "Wit and "Wisdom of the Her. SYDNBT SMITH: a Selection of the most memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation. 16mo. 5s. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern : Humorous, Witty, Satirical, Moral, and Panegyrical. Edited... | |
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...Navigation of the Ancients. By JAMES SMITH, FRS With Charts, Views, and Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d. The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith : a Selection...memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation. Klmo. 7s. 6d. A Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith. By his Daughter, LADY HOLLAND. With a Selection from... | |
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...SYDNEY SMITH'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS; induding his Contributions to the Edinburgh Rniew. Crown 8vo. 6». The WIT and WISDOM of the Rev. SYDNEY SMITH ; a Selection...memorable Passages In his Writings and Conversation. 16mo. 3*. 6rf. The ECLIPSE of FAITH; or, a Visit to a Religions Sceptic. By HBXIIT Rooms. Latest Edition.... | |
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...Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution. By the same Author. Fcp. Is. The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith: a Selection...memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation. 16mo. 5s. EPIGRAMS, Ancient and Modern ; Humorous, Witty, Satirical, Moral, and Panegyrical. Edited... | |
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...Watchword for Christian*. By the Rev. James Smith. S2mo, cloth, gttt, Is. fld. HJ T:. i,w •• Smith— The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith ; a Selection...of the most memorable Passages In his Writings and Conversations. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 7s. <M. Longman and Co. Smith— After Many Dayi; a Tale of Social Reform.... | |
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...they have more courage in advocating change in the face of danger to themselves. NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS. The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith : a Selection of the most memorable passages in his Writing* and Conversation. London : Longman and Co. 1860. MOST intelligent readers would like to know... | |
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...JAMRS SMITH, FRS With Charts, Views, and Woodcuts. Crown STo. 8f . Od. The Wit and Wisdom of the Hev. Sydney Smith : a Selection of the most memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation. I6mo. 7s. 6d. A Hemoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith. By his Daughter, LADT HOLLAND. With a Selection from hi«... | |
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