The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast: Theirs buxom health, of rosy hue, Wild wit, invention ever new, And lively cheer, of vigour born, The thoughtless day, the easy night, The spirits pure, the slumbers light That fly th The Pearl of Orr's Island: A Story of the Coast of Maine - Page 71by Harriet Beecher Stowe - 1861 - 157 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Ezekiel Sanford, Robert Walsh - English poetry - 1822 - 582 pages
...every wind, And snatch a fearful joy. Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed, Less pleasing when possess'd ; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast : Theirs buxom Health, of rosy hue, Wild Wit, Invention ever-new, And lively Cheer, of Vigour born... | |
 | William Enfield - 1823 - 402 pages
...every wind, And snatch a fearful joy.. Gay hope is theirs by Fancy fed, Less pleasing when possess'd ; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast ; Theirs buxom Health of rosy hue, Wild Wit, Invention ever new, And lively Cheer, of Vigour born ;... | |
 | William Banks - English language - 1823 - 462 pages to darkness and to me." Ibid. " Gay Hope is theirs, by Fancy fed, Less pleasing when possest ; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast : Theirs buxom health, of rosy hue, Wild wit, invention ever new, And lively cheer of vigour born ;... | |
 | 1829 - 600 pages
...hope. Of children, Gray says,— Gay hope is theirs, by fancy fed, Less pleasing, when possess'd ; The tear forgot as soon as shed The sunshine of the breast. There is a captivation in the smile of infant innocence, in its smooth and benign features, and in... | |
 | Lydia Howard Sigourney - Connecticut - 1824 - 294 pages
...pleasures, are not to be encountered. " Theirs are the joys by Fancy fed, Less pleasing when possest, The tear forgot, as soon as shed, The sun-shine of the breast." This truth was well understood by Madam L , and practised with that ardour which the love of benevolence... | |
 | William Hazlitt - English poetry - 1824 - 1064 pages
...every wind, And match a fearful joy. Gay hope is theirs, by fancy fed, Less pleasing, when possest ; : Theirs buxom health, of rosy hue: Wild wit, invention ever new,. And lively cheer of vigour born;... | |
 | William Hazlitt - English poetry - 1825 - 600 pages
...every wind, And snateh a fearful joy. Gay hope is theirs, by faney fed, Less pleasing when possest ; Ne never, sithen the first man was borne, Ne eoude man by : Theirs buxom health, of rosy hue : Wild wit, invention ever new, And lively eheer, of vigour born... | |
 | Thomas Gray - Fore-edge painting - 1825 - 346 pages
...every wind, And snatch a fearful joy. 40 Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed, Less pleasing when possest ; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast : Theirs buxom health, of rosy hue, 45 Wild wit, invention ever new, And lively cheer, of vigour born... | |
 | English literature - 1825 - 600 pages
...whole group is animated and delightful. Gay Hope is their's, by Fancy fed, Less pleasing when possest ; The tear forgot, as soon as shed, The sun-shine of the breast. ta ^,_T 356 357 Theirs batom liiv.Uli.uf rosy hue, Wild wit. Invention ever new. And lively cheer,... | |
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