| Albert Bushnell Hart, John Gould Curtis - United States - 1897 - 636 pages
...towardes the toppes of those hilles next adioyning, being but of meane higth, and from thence wee behelde the Sea on both sides to the North, and to the South, finding no ende any of both waves. This lande lay stretching it selfe to the West, which after wee found to bee... | |
 | Jonathan P. A. Sell - Literary Criticism - 2006 - 236 pages
...the existence of any truth-content in the text at all. Let us consider another extract from Barlowe: This land lay stretching itself to the West, which after we found to be but an Island of twenty leagues long and not above six miles broad. Under the bank or hill, whereon we stood, we beheld... | |
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