Come, and trip it as you go, On the light fantastic toe ; And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her and live with thee, In unreproved pleasures... Poems on Several Occasions - Page 176by Christopher Smart - 1752 - 230 pagesFull view - About this book
| Christopher Smart - 1791 - 282 pages
...toe : And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain Nymph, fweet Liberty ; And if I give tisee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee. In unreproved pleafures free ; To 'hear the lark begin his flight, And finging ftarth... | |
| 1793 - 376 pages
...Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Com, and trip it as you go On the light fantaftick toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee 35 The mountain...if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crue, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; 40 To hear the lark begin... | |
| Joseph Ritson - English poetry - 1793 - 388 pages
...Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Com, and trip it as you go On the light fantaftick toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee 35 The mountain...if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crue, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; 40 To hear the lark begin... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1796 - 476 pages
...famaftic toe, •\nd in thy right hand lead with thce The mountain nymph, fwe« Liberty; And if Г cive thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved plcafures free; To Ьеяг the lark hogin his flight, And finging ftartle... | |
| John Milton, Thomas Warton - English drama - 1799 - 148 pages go On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleasures free; To hear the lark begin his flight, And singing startle... | |
| Apollo - 1800 - 224 pages
...light fantaftic'toe, And in thy right-hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, fweet LIBERTY ; And if 1 give thee honour due, MIRTH admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; To hear the lark begin his ffight, And finging ftartle... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 842 pages
...And in thy right hand lead with thee, 35 The mountain nymph, fwcet Liberty ; And if I give thee honor due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her, and live with thee, In unrcproved pleafiires free ; ' 49 To hear the lark begin his flight, And finging... | |
| English literature - 1803 - 402 pages go, On the light fantastic toe ; And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee, In tinreproved pleasures free. No. CCL. MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. Disce docendus adbuc,... | |
| Peter Pindar - English poetry - 1804 - 180 pages go On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right-hand lead with thee, The mountain-nymph, sweet LIBERTY. And, if I give thee honour due, MIRTH, admit me of thy crew, £ To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleasures free ; To hear the lark begin his flight, And singing startle... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1804 - 578 pages go, On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleasures free. No. 251. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18. Lingua centum sunt, oraque... | |
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