| John Stuart Mill - Political Science - 1865 - 118 pages
...subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, М.Д. MD Î1.RIA 8vo.with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 1 vols. Svo. £4, 13s. Vol. I. General Pathology.... | |
 | William Massey - Great Britain - 1865 - 470 pages
...DISEASES of INFANCY and CHILDHOOD. By CHABLES WEST, MD &o. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. 16*. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA &o. Surgeon and Lecturer ' , . on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan... | |
 | John Henry Newman - Theology - 1865 - 448 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDMRI .A. 8vo. with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. 8vo. £1 13s. Vol. I. General Pathology.... | |
 | Charles Richard Weld - Roma (Italia) - 1865 - 668 pages
...subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF UoinooxEBT, MJL .MI'. MBIJL STO. with Illustratious, ZS*. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MJL Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vuls. Svo. JU 13*. Tol. I. General Pathology.... | |
 | Charles West - Children - 1865 - 858 pages
...IN jjrimtific ^iterate, PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. anir SYSTEM OF SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical, in Treatises by various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab., Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children, and Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital... | |
 | James Edward Pollock - Tuberculosis - 1865 - 476 pages
...AND IN Stfonttfir J iterate, PUBLfsHED BY MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. SYSTEM OF SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical, in Treatises by various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab., Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children, and Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital... | |
 | Jacques-Charles Brunet - Printing - 1865 - 994 pages
...treatise on surgical injuries, diseases and operations, by John Erichsen. /.o/idon, 1853, in-8. fig. — A system of surgery, theoretical and practical, in...treatises by various authors. Edited by T. Holmes. London, 1860-61, 2 vol. in-8. 7491. Nouveaux éléments de chirurgie et de médecine opératoire, par... | |
 | Thomas Henry Dyer - Rome (Italy) - 1865 - 516 pages
...Surgeon to the Hospital fur Sick Children. Second Edition, with 9 Plates and 112 Woodcuts. 8vo. 21». A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMKS, MA &c. Surgeon and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Cliief to the... | |
 | Digby Collins - Dressage - 1865 - 314 pages
...connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDMRIA 8vo. with Illustrations, 15s. A SYSTEM of 8UBGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon. to St. George's Hospital. 4, vols. 8vo. £413s. Vol. I. General Pathology,... | |
 | Jacques-Charles Brunet - Rare books - 1865 - 958 pages
...treatise on surgical injuries, diseases and operations, by John Erichson. ¡Midan, 1853, in-8. fig. — A system of surgery, theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. Edited hy T. Holmes. London, 1860-61, 2 vol. in-8. 7091. Nouveaux éléments de chirurgie et de médecine... | |
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