| John Henry Walsh - Greyhounds - 1864 - 459 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDMRIA 8vo. with Illustrations, 25». A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors, arranged and edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. 8vo.... | |
 | Sir William Fairbairn - Engineering - 1864 - 472 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMEEY, MAMDMRIA 8vo. with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors. Kdited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. Svo. £4 13s. Vol.... | |
 | Elijah (the prophet.) - 1864 - 210 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDUILI.A. 8vo. with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors, sfrranged and edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. Svo.... | |
 | Thomas Weeden Cooke - 1865 - 306 pages
...Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children. Second Edition, with 9 Plates and 112 Woodcuts. 8vo. 21s. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Chief to | the Metropolitan Police. 4 vols. 8vo. £4 13s. Lectures on the Principles... | |
 | Edward Fitzgibbon - Fishes - 1865 - 364 pages
...DISEASES of INFANCY and CHILDHOOD. By CHAELES WEST, MD &c. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. Svo. 16s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police. Second Edition, thoroughly revised, with numerous... | |
 | John Francis Maguire - Temperance - 1865 - 408 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMEBY, MAMDMRIA Svo. with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. Svo. £4 13s. Vol. I. General Pathology,... | |
 | Thomas Erskine May - Constitutional history - 1865 - 684 pages
...1'apero en subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MOSTGOMERY, MAMDMBIA 8vo. with Illustrations, 25f. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. 8vo. £4 185. Vol. I. Uoncral Pathology.... | |
 | 1865 - 582 pages
...George's and the Royal Orthopedic Hospital, fcc. Second Edition. Churchill and Sons. 1864. pp. 93. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by various Authors. Edited by T. Holmes, MA Cantab. * Asrietant-HUrgeon to St. George's Hospital, and to the Hospital for Sick Children. In Four... | |
 | Henricus Oort - Baal (Canaanite deity) - 1865 - 152 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwiferv. By WF MONTGOMEEY, MAMDMRLA. Svo. T-'ilH Illustrations, 25s. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. 8vo. £1 13s. Vol. I. General Pathology,... | |
 | Henry George O'Shea - 1865 - 718 pages
...Papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDMRIA Svo. with Illustrations, 25s. A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA Cantab. Assistant-Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. 4 vols. Svo. £4 13s, Vol. I. General Pathology.... | |
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