A whisper, and then a silence : Yet I know by their merry eyes They are plotting and planning together To take me by surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall ! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall ! They... Vision: A Magazine for Youth - Page 2231893Full view - About this book
 | Donald Hall - American poetry - 1985 - 266 pages
...surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Poetry - 1988 - 442 pages
...the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | Martin Gardner - Poetry - 1992 - 226 pages
...the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...escape, they surround me; They seem to be everywhere. Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse- Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti,... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Juvenile Nonfiction - 1993 - 50 pages
...the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue -eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | Ken Tate, Janice Tate - Poetry - 2001 - 164 pages
...the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall ! They climb up into my turret, O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine. Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | Paul Negri - Poetry - 2002 - 146 pages
...planning together To take me by surprise. By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old moustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | Geoffrey O'Brien, Billy Collins - Poetry - 2007 - 778 pages
...the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back...Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match... | |
 | David Leverenz - Business & Economics - 2004 - 276 pages
..."castle[,]" and his chair becomes a "turret" that the daughters capture. Then comes the key transition: They almost devour me with kisses, Their arms about...Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! Longfellow's happy exclamation point belies the covert thrust of the allusion, which refers to a cruel... | |
 | Ebenezer Cobham Brewer - Language Arts & Disciplines - 2004 - 596 pages
...iniquity he was himself devoured by an army of mice or rats. His castle is the Mouse-tower on the Rhine. They almost devour me with kisses, Their arms about...bishop of Bingen, In his Mouse-tower on the Rhine. Longfellow, Birds of Passage. Binks (Sir Bingo), a fox-hunting baronet, and visitor at the Spa. Lady... | |
 | Paul A. W. Wallace - Art - 2007 - 36 pages
...long time afterwards, he could say, as Longfellow did in "The Children's Hour," The Mouse Tower ... I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine! The legend connected with the Mouse Tower is told in Mifflin's copy of Baedeker, page 79: Opp. the... | |
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