W QRK S OF Oliver DR. GOLDSMITH. CONTAINING ALL HIS ESSAYS AND POEMS. LONDON: Printed for A.MILLAR, W.LAW, and R. CATER THE HE following Effays have already appeared at different times, and in different publica tions. The pamphlets in which they were inferted being generally unfuccefsful, these shared the common fate, without affifting the bookfeller's aims, or extending the writer's reputation. The public was too ftrenuously employed with their own follies, to be affiduous in cftimating mine; fo that many of my beft attempts in this way, have fallen victims to the tranfient topics of the times, the Ghoft in Cocklane, or the fiege of Tyconderago. But though they have passed pretty filently in the world, I can by no means complain of the circulation. The magazines and papers of the day have, indeed, been liberal enough in this refpect. Moft of thefe Effays have been regularly reprinted two or three times a year, and conveyed to the public through the channel of fome engaging compilation. If there be a pride in multiplied editions, I have seen fome of my labours fixteen times reprinted, and claimed by different parents as their own. I have feen them flourished at the beginning with praise, and figned at the end with the names of Philantos, Philalethes, Philaleutheros, and Philanthropos. The gentlemen have kindly ftood fponfors to my productions, and, to flatter me more, have always paffed them as their own. It |