71.S. Lavus, statutes, cte, AN ACT, ESTABLISHING The several Laws relative to the ARMY; the MILITIA ALBANY: PRINTED BY WEBSTERS AND SKINNERS. 1812. .. Index to the Laws, &c. A12 1812 PAGE. AN ACT for establishing rules and articles for An Act to raise for a limited time an additional 60 An Act authorizing the President of the United Supplementary act, An Act to establish a quarter master's depart- ment, and for other purposes, An Act to amend the same, 103 80 96 An Act for the organization of a corps of artíficers, 87 organize certain volunteer military corps, Supplementary act, An Act making further provision for the corps of engineers, 75 104 88 An Act for the better regulation of the ordnance, 91 army of the United States, 97 An Act respecting military bounty lands, 98 Acts making further provision for the army, 94,101 An Act respecting the pay of the army, 103 An Act to regulate the pay of the militia, 105 An Act to provide for calling forth the militia, 108 An Act to authorize a detachment from the militia, 111 Respecting the approval of sentences of general courts martial,...... Enlistment, oath and receipt, Form of enlistment for volunteers, 117 115 117,18 118 201 NOTE. In the following Index, where the figures are A ABSENT without leave, From parade, Accused persons, Rights of, Adjutants, their allowance for forage, Adjutant General, rank, pay and emoluments, J His assistants, their rank, pay, &c. Deputy Adj. Generals, and their assistants, Art. Page. 21 18 44 23 86 32 90 33 103 4 69 ib. pay, &c. 2 101 His postage to be free, 3 102 Age and qualifications of recruits, 11 54 Aids de Camp...maj. generals two, brigadiers one, Armorers; 2 masters and 16 men; pay, &c. 87 Arms, penalty for selling, &c. 38 22 Captains accountable for, Act making further provision for, Respecting the pay of, See Military Peace Establishment. Arsenals and magazines, keepers to make returns, 8 93 Militia to be governed by, when in service, 97 35 Artillery, officers and soldiers subject to c. martial, 98 36 Conductors of 250198 17 85 Art. Page. Artillery, two teachers of music to be added to ea. reg. 1 60 Light, may be mounted, 1 79 Officers of allowed forage, 1 ib. To furnish their own horses, 1 ib. A saddler and farrier to ea. company, 2 ib. Their clothing, 1 ib. Twelve drivers to ea. company, 6 95 How composed, pay, &c. Duty of superintendent of, Artificers, a corps of to be organized, Axes and spades, four to each company, 87 ib. Attached to qr. m. general's department, ib. ib. 41 Blacksmiths-2 masters and 20 men; their pay, &c. 87 Others to be employed, their pay and rations, 92 Boat Builders-2 masters and 16 men; their pay, &c. 87 Carpenters-2 masters, 20 house and 5 ship car- penters, to be appointed; their pay, &c. See Dragoons. Certificates, false, Children of officers-See Officers. 87 92 98 14 17 25 19 4 14 7 65 24 75 45 53,63,79 Art. Page. Penalty for purchasing of soldiers, 19 57 Of light dragoons and light artillery, 79,80 By whom to be provided, 5 82 Commissary General, and his deputies, 4 82 To give bond, salary, duty, &c. 83,96 His further allowance, 3 ib. Compensation for clerks, 11 84 Allowed the privilege of franking letters, 10 83 See Ordnance-Musters. Command and rank, Compensation for enlisting each recruit, To n. c. officers and soldiers when discharged, 64,66 To officers and men disabled, &c. To officers for extra expenses, See Pay. Conductors of artillery-See Artillery. Confinement, term of, limited, 62 26 11 54 55, 64, 67, 72,77 20 74 79 31 For trial of the militia, when in service to be composed entirely of militia officers, 35,109 DEATH, sentence of, by court martial, Debts under 20 dolls. soldiers not liable to arrest for, 58,74 A2 92 34 52 25 85 31 33 21 99 36 D 87 32 2 36 |