TELEPHONE AMERICAN TRU BELL SYSTEM ASSOCIATED THE Bell System is a home town enterprise in operation so that each community may have service that suits its needs. It is a national enterprise in research, engineering and manufacture so that every telephone user may have the best that concentration and quantity production can achieve. There are twenty-four operating companies devoting their energies to telephone problems throughout the United Statesfor example, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company operating throughout Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. It has 11,000 men and womenfriends and neighbors of the other people in their towns working to maintain in its TELEGRAPH.CO COMPANIES territory the best standards in telephony now known. In New York, in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and. the Bell Laboratories, are 5000 persons, including scientists, engineers and consultants in management, engaged in inventing better apparatus and discovering better ways to do things. The Northwestern Company with its 11,000 employees has the use of all that this group of 5000 in New York discover and perfect. Likewise the other twenty-three operating companies. They are regional organizations adapted to local conditions, but behind every telephone in city or hamlet is the national organization for the development of the telephone art. Massachusetts Lasell Seminary FOR YOUNG WOMEN 10 Miles from Boston Two-year courses for high school graduates. Strong Home Economics course with both theory and practice. Excellent opportunities in all departments of Music, with Concert work. Chorus, Glee Club and Orchestra. Secretarial, College Preparatory, Art and Dramatic Expression courses. Gymnasium, swimming pool, golf, tennis, skating, skiing, tobogganing, horseback riding. Delightful home life and friendly atmosphere. A separate school for younger girls. Catalogs on application. GUY M. WINSLOW, Ph.D., Prin. 135 Woodland Road, Auburndale, Mass. associated with the School of Fine Arts and Crafts. Courses combine academic studies of college grade with work in fine arts or music. Small classes. For illustrated booklet, Address: The Director, 102 Fenway, Boston, Mass. The Massachusetts General Hospital TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES Regular three-year course requires high school diploma. Time allowance to college graduates with accredited courses. Five-year course in affiliation with Simmons College giving B.S. degree. Maintenance, text books and uniforms supplied to members of the training school. Entrance February and September. SALLY JOHNSON, R.N., Principal. BOSTON, MASS. THE 62nd Year. Young men and young women find here a homelik atmosphere, thorough and efficient training in every department of a broad culture, a loyal and helpful school spirit. Liberal en dowment permits liberal terms, $500 to $600 per year. Special course in domestic science. For catalogue and information address, ARTHUR W. PEIRCE, Litt.D., Box F. An Endowed ROGERS HALL School for Girts College Preparatory and Academic Courses. Two year Graduate Course. Gymnasium. Swimming-pool. Outdoor Sports. Facs Rogers Fort Hill Park. Twenty-six miles from Boston. Miss Olive Sewall Parsons, Principal, Lowell, Mass. MONSON ACADEMY For Boys College Preparatory. Endowed. Instruction fitted to individual needs. Small classes. Modern, homelike. Close supervis Exercise for all. Rate $950. BERTRAM A. STROHMEIER, Headmaster, WALNUT HILL SCHOOL ear Boston. Thorough College Preparation, also Two Year Grad- THE EAGLE WING SCHOOL ORLEANS, MASS. College preparatory and general courses for girls who have ompleted two years of high-school work. ROXANA H. VIVIAN, h.D., Principal; MARY ELIDA RUST, Warden. Address MISS IVIAN, Box 297, Back Bay Post Office, Boston, Mass. WILBRAHAM More than a century of service in preparing boys for college and for life. Gaylord W. Douglass, Headmaster. Wilbraham, Mass. GRAY GABLES Com Boarding Department of the Bancroft School of Worcester. Missouri Lindenwood College Standard college for young women. Two and four year courses. Accredited. Conservatory advantages. 50 minutes from St. Louis. 101st year. Every modern facility. Catalog. J. L. ROEMER, Pres., Box 1428, St. Charles, Mo. New Hampshire Stoneleigh By The Sea Beautiful COLLEGE PREPARATORY AND JUNIOR COLLEGE COURSES. Progressive methods. Excellent modern equipment. Gymnasium. Tilton, N. H. WORCES ORCESTER THOROUGH COLLEGE PREPARATION FOR BOYS 93RD YEAR WALTHAM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS en miles from Boston. College Preparatory, General and Special Courses. Outdoor activities. Homelike Atmosphere. Christian nfluence, 69th year. Moderate terms. Separate Residence for Girls to 12 years. LOUISE FAY, PRINCIPAL, Waltham, Mass. PINE MANOR¬ A School for Home Efficiency ATWO-YEAR Course for the graduates of Dana Hall and other secondary schools. Higher cultural studies, with emphasis on all subjects pertaining to the management_of the home. Country life and sports. Fourteen miles from Boston. Catalog on application. Massachusetts. (Fifty minutes from New York) A country school with beautiful grounds. College preparatory and General Courses. (Over fifty girls in leading colleges today.) Resident Department carefully restricted. Special attention to Music and Art. Athletics, Dramatics, Riding. EMELYN B. HARTRIDGE, Vassar A.B., Principal PREPARATORY SCHOOL J. B. Fine, Headmaster Preparatory for all colleges. Rapid progress. Limited number of pupils and freedom from rigid class organization. Excellent equipment. Special attention to athletics and moral welfare. New gymnasium. 55th year. For catalog address Box A, Princeton, N. J. PRINCETON Cathedral School. GARDEN of Saint Mary NEW YORK N. Y. College Preparatory and General Courses. Right_Rev. Ernest M. Stires, Pres. of Board. Miss Miriam A. Bytel, Principal. MANLIUS A Training for Life General William Verbeck, President BOX 386, MANLIUS, NEW YORK David Dannes Pusic School Artistic guidance under a distinguished faculty for students of all grades and ages. 157 East 74th Street, New York City Butterfield 0010 RIVERDALE School for Boys Well-Balanced Program. One of the Best College REPTON SCHOOL Meets the requirements of the young boy V. WILLOUGHBY BARRETT, Headmaster, Box A, TARETTOWS. X I RUSSELL SAGE COLLEGE Founded by Mrs. Russell Sage. Liberal Arts, Secretarial Work, Household Economics and Nursing RUSSELL SAGE COLLEGE, TROY, NY Ohio GLENDALE JUNIOR College and Preparatory. Est. 1854. A school for 50 girls. Tutorial system. Music. Home i nomics, Art, Secretarial. Rates $1000-$1200 Suburban Cincinnati. THE GLENDALE COLLEGE, Inc., Be 118, Glendale, Ohio. |