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merchandise shall be shipped or transported from or out of such opened port, except under permits granted upon compliance with Regulations and Local Rules, and payment of the fees prescribed in Regulation XLII.

Applications for permits to


XXXII. Applicants for permits to ship to any port or place affected by the existing blockade, but occupied by United States forces, must present, with their application, a certifiblockaded cate from the Department of War, or Department of ports, how the Navy, either directly or through a duly authorized officer, that the articles are required for military or naval purposes, and a request that the transportation of the same may be permitted, together with invoices in duplicate of the articles. to be permitted, specifying their character, quantity, value, and destination. On receiving such certificate and request and duplicate invoices, the Secretary of the Treasury, or some officer specially authorized by him, will transmit to the proper officer one of the invoices, and direct the permitting of the transportation requested, and forward the other invoice to the Assistant or Local Special Agent at the port or place to which the goods are to be permitted. The Assistant or Local Special Agent will, in all cases, on the arrival of any articles claimed to have been permitted, examine and compare such articles with the duplicate invoice; and in case of any excess or evasion of the permit, he will seize the whole shipment, and report the facts forthwith to the Supervising Special Agent, that proceedings may be taken for their forfeiture under the act of July 13, 1861, May 20, 1862, and March 12, 1863.

XXXIII. Where ports heretofore blockaded have been opened by the proclamation of the President, licenses will be Licenses may be granted by con- granted by the United States Consuls, on application suls to block by the proper parties, to vessels clearing from foreign aded ports reports to the ports so opened, upon satisfactory evidence opened. that the vessel so licensed will convey no person, property, or information contraband of war, either to or from said ports, which license shall be shown to the Collector of the port to which the vessel is bound, and, if required, to any officer in charge of the blockade. And on leaving any port so opened, the vessel must have a clearance from the Collector, according to law, showing no violation of the conditions of the license. Any violation of the conditions will involve the forfeiture and condemnation of the vessel and cargo, and the exclusion of all parties concerned from entering the United States for any purpose during the war.

XXXIV. Vessels clearing from domestic ports to any of the ports so Clearances from opened will apply to the custom-house officers of the proper ports, in the usual manner, for licenses or clearances under the Regulations heretofore established.

domestic ports may be grant


Bonds may be required in certain cases.

XXXV. Whenever application is made to a Collector, or Surveyor authorized to grant it, for a permit, license, or clearance, for either a foreign or domestic port, if for satisfactory reasons he shall deem it necessary to prevent the cargo of the vessel from being used in affording aid or comfort to any person or parties in insurrection against the authority of the United States, he shall require a bond to be executed by the master or owner of the vessel, in a penalty equal to the value of the cargo, and with sureties to the satisfaction of such Collector or Surveyor, conditioned that the said cargo shall be delivered at the destination for which it is cleared or permitted, and that no part thereof shall be used in affording aid or comfort to any person or parties in insurrection against the authority of the United States, with the knowledge or consent or connivance of the owner or shipper thereof, or with the knowledge, consent, or connivance of the master of the vessel on which the same may be laden, or of other persons having control of the same, until after delivery to the proper consignee, and the sale or other disposition, by him in good faith, of said cargo.

Clearances may be refused in cer

XXXVI. Collectors and Surveyors will refuse clearances and permits to all vessels, or other vehicles, whether with or without cargo, destined for a foreign or tain cases. domestic port, whenever they shall have satisfactory reason to believe that such vessels or their cargoes, or any part thereof, whatever may be their ostensible destination, are intended for ports or places in possession or under control of insurgents against the United States. And if any vessel or other vehicle for which a clearance or permit shall have been refused as aforesaid shall depart, or attempt to depart, for a foreign or domestic port, without being duly cleared or permitted, such Collector, or Sur

veyor, or the Supervising Special Agent, or Assistant Vessels may be Special Agent, shall cause such vessel or vehicle to be seized. seized and detained, and proceedings to be instituted for the forfeiture to the United States of such vessel or other vehicle, with her tackle, apparel, furniture, and cargo.

whatever local

XXXVII. When any Collector, Surveyor, Supervising, Assistant, or Local Special Agent, charged with the execution of Merchandise, in these Regulations, and the laws authorizing them, shall ity, liable to find within his proper limits any goods, wares, reach insurg or merchandise which, in his opinion, founded on ents. owner to satisfactory evidence in writing, are in danger of give bond. being transported to insurgents, he may require the owner or holder thereof to give reasonable security that they shall not be transported to any place under insurrectionary control, and shall not in any way be used to give aid or encouragement to the insurgents. If the required security be not given, such officer shall promptly state the facts to the United States marshal for the district within which such goods are situated; or if there be no United States marshal, then

If no security given, goods to be taken pos

session of.

to the commander of a near military post, whose duty it shall be to take possession thereof, and hold them for safe-keeping, reporting the facts promptly to the Secretary of the Treasury, and awaiting instructions.

XXXVIII. No clearance or permit will be granted for the shipment of prohibited articles, viz: cannon, mortars, fire-arms, Prohibited arti- pistols, bombs, grenades, powder, saltpetre, sulphur, cles. balls, bullets, pikes, swords, boarding-caps, (always excepting the quantity of the said articles which may be necessary for the defence of the ship and of those who compose the crew,) saddles, bridles, cartridge-bag material, percussion and other caps, clothing adapted for uniforms, sail-cloth of all kinds, hemp and cordage, intoxicating drinks, other than beer and light native wines, or other articles prohibited by the proper authorities, except upon certificate and request under Regulation XXXII, or by the special direction of the Supervising Special Agent sanctioned by the General commanding Department or District into or from which the shipment is to be made.

XXXIX. Every vessel, on approaching a gunboat or revenue Vessels to report cutter, or vessel appearing to be such, before proto gunboats or ceeding further, shall bear up and speak said boat revenue cut- or cutter, and submit to such examination as may be required.



XL. All vessels, boats, and other vehicles used for transportaViolations tion, violating Regulations or Local Rules, and all these regula cotton, tobacco. or other merchandise shipped or transtions, how ported or purchased or sold in violation thereof, will punished. be forfeited to the United States. If any false statement be made or deception practiced in obtaining an Authority, Certificate, or Permit under these Regulations, such Authority, Certificate, or Permit, and all others connected therewith or affected thereby, will be absolutely void, and all merchandise purchased or shipped under them shall be forfeited to the United States. In all cases of forfeiture, as aforesaid, immediate seizure will be made and proceedings instituted promptly for condemnation. The attention of all officers of the government, common-carriers, shippers, consignees, owners, masters, conductors, agents, drivers, and other persons connected with the transportation of merchandise, or trading therein, is particu larly directed to the acts of July 13, 1861, May 20, 1862, and March 12, 1863, and to the orders of the Secretaries of War and of the Navy hereto appended.

Packages to officers and sol

XLI. In cases where military or naval Commanders shall have ordered all packages sent by friends to the officers and soldiers of their command to be delivered only to desig nated regimental or vessel officers for delivery to the proper parties, such packages may be transported, with out Collector's or Surveyor's permits, by the Adams Express Com

diers how sent.

pany, or other carriers having authority for that purpose from the Secretary of the Treasury, on such carriers giving bond conditioned to render a true account of all such packages by them transported, and to carry no goods without proper permits, other than such packages. XLII. The following fees are prescribed:

Fees for administering oath and certifying affidavit...... 10 cents. for each Authority from agent..


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for certificate of Local Special Agent..
for each permit for purposes of trade...
for each permit to purchase cotton in any insurection-
ary district, and to transport the same to any
loyal State
per pound..
for permit so to purchase and transport tobacco per hhd.
for permit so to purchase or sell and transport to or
from such district other products, goods, wares, or
merchandise, five per centum on the sworn invoice
value thereof at the place of shipment.
for each permit for individual, family, or plantation sup-
plies, on every purchase over $20 and not over $50,
over $50 and not over $100,
over $100.

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For permits for individual, family, or plantation supplies, not over twenty dollars in amount, no charge is allowed, except for revenue stamps, on affidavits and certificates in districts under restriction; and no charge, except five cents for permit and five cents for each revenue stamp on affidavit and certificate, is allowed in States declared in insurrection. When purchases are less than five dollars, the permit officer may dispense with affidavits and certificates when no ground to suspect fraud or imposition appears.

3 dolls. 10 cents.

20 cents.

4 cents. 2 dolls.

5 cents. 10 cents.

15 cents.

XLIII. Internal revenue stamps are required by law to be attached to affidavits, certificates, and bonds, but not to any Internal revenue other instruments or writings provided for by these stamps to be Regulations. Stamps will be furnished by the proper attached. Special Agents at the rates fixed by the internal revenue

act, namely:

[ocr errors]

For affidavits.
For certificates of Local Special Agents or Collectors and

For bonds...

record of per

5 cents.

5 cents.

25 cents.

XLIV. Every officer authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to grant permits under these Regulations shall keep in his Officers to keep office a record of every permit granted by him, showmits and fees ing the names of the owner, shipper, and consignee, received, and the place from and to which each transportation is permake reports. mitted, the character and invoice value of the merchandise permitted, and shall transmit to the Secretary, and also to the proper Supervising Special Agent, as near as possible on the first day

of every month, a transcript of such record; and will also at the same time transmit to the Supervising Special Agent an abstract statement showing the permits granted daily to parts of States not declared in insurrection but in which trade is restricted, and also showing the permits granted daily to States declared in insurrection, with the invoice value of the merchandise permitted, the fees received, and the disposition made of the same, together with the names of all Agency Aids reporting to him, and the compensation paid to each.

XLV. All money received by each Assistant or Local Special Agent shall be paid over as promptly as possible to the SuperSupervising, Asdvising Special Agent, or to an Assistant Treasurer or sistant, and Local Special Designated Depository as directed by him, and so that Agents to pay all receipts during each month shall be paid over before over money as the making of his required monthly report; and all received. money received by each Supervising Special Agent or Collector, Surveyor, or other officer authorized to grant permits, under these Regulations, shall be promptly paid over to the Assistant Treasurer or Designated Depository most convenient to him, and so that all receipts for each month shall be so paid over before the making of his monthly report.

Officers authorized to receive

each month.

XLVI. Every officer authorized to receive money under these Regulations shall transmit to the Secretary on the first of each month a report, stating in detail all moneys so remoney to received by him during the preceding month, and from port on first of what sources received, together with all expenses of his office incidental to the execution of these Regulations; and if any money has been paid out or otherwise disposed of by him during the month, an account thereof, and by what authority, to whom, or for what purpose it was so paid or disposed of. with the vouchers therefor. A duplicate of this report and account shall at the same time be transmitted to the Supervising Special Agent for the Agency in which it shall be made, and a triplicate to the Commissioner of Customs.

XLVII. Assistant Special Agents shall keep a record of all their official transactions, showing specifically and in detail Assistant Special Agents shall every Authority given to traders, (Reg. XIV;) every keep record, &c. Authority for the purchase of products, (XX;) every inspection of trade store, and the results thereof, (XV;) all appointments of Agency Aids on cars, vessels, and boats, and the compensation of each, (XXX;) all seizures in cases of excess or evasion of permits to blockaded ports, (XXXII;) all seizures or detentions of vessels or vehicles departing, or attempting to depart, when clearance has been refused, (XXXVI;) all cases of security required when goods found in danger of being transported to insurgents, and if security not given, the action taken by them, (XXXVII;) all fees received for affidavits, Authorities to traders, and for the purchase of products, and from whom, and for what received, (XIV, XX, XLII.) And they shall,

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