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III. Supervising Special Agents will supervise within their respective Agencies the execution of these Regulations; Supervising Spe- make and from time to time change such Local Rules cial Agents to not inconsistent with them, as may be proper for that make Local Rules. purpose, and temporarily suspend or qualify the authority to grant Permits, if the public interest shall require it, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury; and they will confer with Generals commanding Departments and Naval Officers commanding within their Agencies, and obtain, as far as practicable, their sanction to such action as may affect their military or naval movements, and carefully avoid all interference with military or naval operations prosecuted by them.

IV. These Regulations, and the Local Rules prescribed by the several Supervising Special Agents, for their respective AgenOfficers by whom cies, will be carried into effect by Assistant Special Regulations, Agents, Local Special Agents, and Agency Aids. Lo and Local Rules cal Special Agents will take the place and perform the

will be carried into effect.

duties of the Boards of Trade heretofore authorized. Assistant Special Agents will be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury; Local Special Agents and Agency Aids will be appointed by the Supervising Special Agents or Assistant Special Agents, as under Regulation XXX, subject to the approval of the Secretary.

V. No goods, wares, or merchandise will be allowed to be transported to, from, or within any State or part of a State Restriction up under restriction, or declared in insurrection, except under Permits, Certificates, and Clearances, as hereinafter provided.

on transportation.

VI. The officers of the Treasury Department authorized to grant Permits to Districts in States or parts of States hereOfficers author- tofore declared to be in insurrection, but where comized to grant mercial intercourse has been or may be licensed by the permits. President under Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, are the Surveyors of Customs at Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Madison, Louisville, New Albany, Evansville, Paducah, Cairo, Quincy, St. Louis, Nashville, Memphis, and Baltimore; the Collectors of Customs at Philadelphia, Georgetown, Beaufort in North Carolina, and Port Royal in South Carolina; and the Collector of Internal Revenue at New Orleans. Other officers will be designated to grant permits should the public interests require it; and no permit will be granted except by such officers as shall be authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, or such as are approved by him.

VII. Commercial intercourse with localities beyond the lines of military occupation by the United States forces is strictly prohibited; and no permit will be granted for the transportation of any property to any place under the control of insurgents against the United States.

Intercourse be

yond the line of military oc

cupation pro


aded ports, ex

VIII. No clearance or permit whatsoever will be granted for any shipment to any port or place affected by the existing No clearance or blockade, except upon the request of the Department permit for block of War, or the Department of the Navy, either directly cept as a mili- or through a specially authorized officer, addressed to the tary necessity. Secretary of the Treasury, or to some officer specially authorized by him, accompanied by a certificate that the articles are required for military or naval purposes, and in the manner and form prescribed by Regulation XXXII.

IX. The several Supervising Special Agents within their respective Agencies will, after conference with the Generals commanding Departments, when possible, and with their sanction, unless unavoidable circumstances prevent the

Trade districts,

how created

and defined. obtaining of it, designate by known geographical boundaries, or by enumeration of counties, that portion of the territory included in their Agencies, respectively, with which trade may be safely permitted, and report such designation to the Secretary. The part of territory so designated shall be called the Trade District; and no transportation of goods, except as hereinafter provided, shall be permitted beyond the lines of such Trade District.

how created and defined.

X. If it shall appear that beyond the lines of the Trade District, but within the lines of national military occupation, Supply districts, there is some territory within which the supply of necessaries is required by humanity and sound policy, while trade cannot yet be safely re-established, then the Supervising Special Agents, with the sanction of the General commanding Department, but in no case without his sanction, and subject to revocation or modification by the Secretary, may in like manner designate the portion of territory in their respective Agencies to which goods may be properly permitted for individual and family supply, but for no other purpose. The territory so designated shall be called the Supply District; and no goods shall be transported thereto for resale except as provided in Regulation XVIII.

XI. All applications for permits to transport goods or property under these Regulations shall state the character and Applications for value of the merchandise to be transported, the place permits shall to which such transportation is to be made, the names state. of the owner or purchaser, and, if any, of the shipper and consignee thereof, and the number and description of the packages, with the marks thereon.

XII. Every applicant for a permit to transport goods, wares, or merchandise into or within any place or section where Applications for permits to such transportation may be permitted, shall present transport with his application the original invoices of the goods, goods, how wares, and merchandise to be transported, and shall file with the officer granting the permit the certificate of the Local Special Agent authorizing it, if any be necessary, and an


affidavit that the names of the owners, the quantities, descriptions, and values of the merchandise, are correctly stated in said invoices, true copies of which shall be annexed to and filed with the affidavit; and that the marks on the packages are correctly stated in the application, and that the packages contain nothing except as stated in the invoices; that the merchandise so permitted shall not, nor shall any part thereof, be disposed of by him, or by his authority, connivance, or assent, in violation of the terms of the permit, and that neither the permit so granted nor the merchandise to be transported shall be so used or disposed of by him, or by his authority, connivance, or assent, as in any way to give aid, comfort, information, or encouragement to persons in insurrection against the United States. All affidavits required by these Regulations or by Local Rules shall be taken before a Supervising, Assistant or Local Special Agent, or some other authorized officer.

Certificate of Local
Special Agent, to

whom given, and

no permit without certificate,

XIII. No certificate shall be given by a Local Special Agent in a State declared in insurrection, for purchase of goods for resale, except to parties having trade stores under authority from the Supervising Special Agent, or Assistant Special Agent designated by him, as hereexcept for fruits, inafter provided; and no permit shall be granted to vegetables, &c. transport merchandise into any such State, unless authorized by such certificate; except that fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, ice, poultry, eggs, fresh butter, coal, wood, hay and other forage, beef-cattle, sheep, hogs and household goods of families moving, may be permitted by the officers named in Regulation VI, to go to any not blockaded military post, fleet, or naval vessel, of the United States forces, without such certificate but under careful discretion to prevent abuse of the exception.

XIV. After a Trade District in any Agency shall be designated, as aforesaid, persons of well-ascertained loyalty, deApplication for authority to continue siring to continue or establish trade stores therein, or establish trade may make application in writing to the proper Sustores, to whom pervising Special Agent, or to such Assistant Special and how made. Agent as he shall designate for that purpose, setting forth the locality of the proposed trade store, and will make and attach to such application an affidavit that he is in all respects true to the Government of the United States; that he will faithfully conform to the Proclamations and orders of the President of the United States and of the military Governors and Generals exercising authority under him, and to Departmental Regulations authorized by law, and that he will at all times by his conduct and conversation, and by every other means he can properly use, aid in suppressing the rebellion and restoring obedience to the constitution and laws of the United States. The Supervising Special Agent, or the officer designated by him, will inquire into the character of the applicant and circumstances of the locality, and if deemed expedient will authorize him to sell at said trade store an amount of goods per month specified in the Authority,

A copy of the Authority shall be filed with the Local Special Agent nearest the trade store, who shall thereby be authorized to give the Trader certificates amounting in the aggregate to the specified monthly sum, and upon which, goods, wares, and merchandise not prohibited by Regulations or Local Rules may be permitted by the proper Collector or Surveyor to be transported to such trade store. Great care will be exercised by the Supervising Special Agent, and Assistant Special Agent designated by him, to so limit the number of stores and quantities of goods to be permitted as to prevent undue accumulation of supplies at such stores; and every Trader, before receiving his Authority, shall be required to execute a bond to the United States in a penalty, and with sureties to be approved by the Agent granting the Authority, conditioned that he will not transport goods to any place other than to said trade store, or engage directly or indirectly in any prohibited trade; and that no part of the goods transported by him shall, with his knowledge or assent, or by his connivance, be so used or disposed of as to give aid or encouragement to the insurgents; and also conditioned that no military, naval, or civil officer or person. prohibited by law or by order of the President, or of military or naval commanders having proper authority, from being interested in the property purchased or sold by him, shall be so interested therein.

Authorized traders not to

wholesale, except in Mem

phis and Nashville. To keep

true accounts and file and

XV. Authorized Traders, (except in the cities of Memphis and Nashville and such other cities or towns as may be hereafter designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the concurrence and approval of the General commanding Department,) shall not sell goods to others to be resold by them; but shall sell only to persons for their own individual, family, or plantation use, upon presentation of the permit for transportation thereof preserve paof the proper Local Special Agent, as provided in Regupers. Penalty for violating lations XVI and XVII. In Memphis, Nashville, and Regulations or other cities after designation as above, authorized Local Rules. traders may sell goods to other traders for purpose of resale, upon the certificate of the proper Local Special Agent. Persons and families residing in Memphis, Nashville, and other cities after designation thereof as above, may purchase supplies for their own consump tion at any trade store therein without any permit or certificate; but goods so sold shall not be transported out of said cities, except under permit of the proper officer, to be issued only upon the certificate of the Local Special Agent, as provided in Regulation XVI. All authorized Traders shall keep true accounts of all their sales, with the name and residence of each purchaser, and the date and amount of every sale, and shall file and preserve all cancelled permits under which goods have been transported, and copies of all permits under which sales have been made; and their books, invoices, accounts, cancelled permits, and copies of permits, shall be open to inspection of the Supervising Special Agent, or Assistant Special Agents under his direction. If any such Trader

shall violate any Regulation or Local Rule, his Authority shall be revoked by the Supervising Special Agent, or Assistant Special Agent by him designated, and said revocation reported to the Secretary, and his stock in trade seized and forfeited to the United States.






XVI. The purchase and transportation of individual, family, and plantation supplies may be permitted by a Local Special Special Agents Agent, from any trade store in that part of a Trade Dispermit trict for which he is appointed to the home of the supplies, and applicant therein, upon application to him by the head of the family or such other person as shall be authorized by him or her in writing: provided, that the applicant shall make affidavit, and the agent shall be satisfied, that the supplies applied for are necessary for the use and consumption of such person or family during the two months next ensuing the date of the affidavit; that no part thereof will be sold or otherwise disposed of by him or her, or by his or her assent, except for use of such person or family; and that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, no application has been made for any permit for the same or like supplies to any other officer or Agent, and that no supplies for the period mentioned have been or are expected to be otherwise obtained; and no one person shall be recognized as representing more than six families.

Such transportation may also be permitted by any authorized ColAuthorized Col. lector or Surveyor out of the District for which the Local lector and Sur- Special Agent is appointed, upon his certificate and veyor may also recommendation, granted upon the same application permit supplies and affidavit as above required. when and on what conditions.

Conditions upon which parties in Supply Districts may ob

tain supplies.

XVII. Persons or families residing without the lines of the Trade District, but within the lines of a Supply District, may procure supplies on the certificate of the nearest Local Special Agent that the supplies specified therein are necessary for the use and consumption of such person or family for a period of time not exceeding the month ensuing. All applications for such certificate must be made personally to the proper Local Special Agent by such person, or a member of such family, or other person authorized by the head of the family; and the applicant shall make and file with him an affidavit that the supplies applied for are necessary for the use and consumption of the person or family for the time specified, not exceeding one month next ensuing; that no part thereof will be sold or otherwise disposed of by him or her, or by his or her assent, except for the use of such person or family, and that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief no application has been made for the same or like supplies to any other officer or Agent, and that no supplies for the period mentioned have been or are expected to be otherwise. obtained; and no person shall be recognized as representing more than six families. The certificate so obtained must be presented

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