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of scorn.

destitute of any of that higher education, | writers say, and to which the righteous country, within a few years, in the mode of which the mind, when college days are pass- reviewer alludes as "the most infamous of studying Geography, are attended with one ed, acquires for itself; education in the motives." We only observe, that the man, obvious disadvantage. Our geographies great school of the world's recorded expe- who learns in Grecian history to call Har- contain little excepting abstract, statistical rience; education formed by observing ex-modius and Aristogiton assassins, and the views. These are the proper elements of tensive analogies, and by weighing princi- beautiful verses in their praise a vile revo- the science, but they furnish little that is ples in the balance of other men and other lutionary song, will certainly think that the interesting to children. We are under the times; education to those great and gener- North American revolution was a wicked necessity of inventing a variety of methods ous sentiments, which fill the bosom almost rebellion, that the desolate plain of Old to facilitate the study, not so much because to bursting, while we dwell on those few Sarum ought to send two members to Par- it is difficult, as because it is uninteresting. Avatars of the spirit of liberty, which the liament, and that the Grand Seignior is the The descriptions are too general and too annals of our race relate. Of this educa- legitimate sovereign of Greece. We feel short to gratify curiosity; and when this is tion, a considerable part of the active and no more doubt, than if we had it under his known, they cease to excite it. They do leading portion of the community here and own hand, that this reviewer esteems the not occupy the mind long enough, to bring elsewhere is destitute. They read nothing, Inquisition "a venerable institution of the any of its powers into very active service; they reflect on nothing. Absorbed in busi- Spanish monarchy." and hence the impressions are indistinct ness, swallowed up with professional cares It is, more especially, with reference to and readily effaced. We do not, however, and duties, they have no time for any thing the state of liberty among the Greeks, that object to the present mode of studying geogbut what assumes, in some degree, the form the work of Mr Heeren makes a seasona- raphy; so far as it extends, it is certainly of a professional duty or care; and the ble appearance in our language. Mr Mit- good. Indeed, the progress we have made great work of administering the civil af- ford, with mild feelings and a perfectly in this science within ten years, has been fairs of mighty states and growing millions gentlemanly spirit, has uniformly pleaded very great, and it is now a very popular is undertaken without a day's avowed pre- the cause of arbitrary power among the study. Of the works which preceded paration; and with hearts, to which the Greeks, and given the most unfavourable Cummings' Geography, we shall say nothvery name of a generous affection is matter view of their democracy. There is really ing. When that appeared, it rendered so much good nature evinced in his able what relates to the absolute and relative work, that notwithstanding the frightful in-situation of places easily attainable. This ference to which it is designed to lead-that was what we most needed, and no progress men in society ought not to govern them- can be made without it. Other works have selves-you see in it only a customary defer- succeeded, rendering this part of the science payed by an Englishman to aristocratic ence much more accurate, and containing principles, as to a part of the established several important additions of statistical system of his country. But Heeren's work information, but retaining the same general is written in a much better tone; not that of character. It is best they should still retain a champion and an apologist, but that of a it; but it should be remembered that they man who gathers traits of greatness with a furnish only a basis for something more kindred feeling; who sees in the patriotic interesting. We want to know more of a exploits, the admirable literature, and beau- country than its latitude, longitude, and tiful arts of Greece, testimonies more deci-dimensions, that it is level or mountainous, sive of the excellence of their institutions cold or hot, that the inhabitants are black in the main, than the opposite language of or white, christians, mahometans, or patheir popular excesses. However, we do gans, and that they sell corn and beef, and not recommend the work, that converts buy tea and sugar. We want the true may be made by it; for it is really written characteristics, the real manners and cusin no spirit of proselytism. We recom- toms and principles of every nation, with mend it because it contains profound origi- such an account of their country as will nal views;-the fruits of much learning make us acquainted with them at their own with the display of a very little; and a ju- homes. All who have devoted much attendicious selection of topics out of the great tion to the higher parts of this science, mass of Grecian history and tradition. Mit- regard it as highly interesting; but it reford must still be read; and it is to those ceives very much less attention than it who read him that Mr Heeren's work will merits. Why is it that history is so much prove both most useful and most interest-more esteemed than geography? Is it ing.

It needs not be said that ancient Greece is the school, where the politician may find some of those lessons which he requires, and where the really great politicians have found them. It is a remark, which may be confirmed by a very long induction, that the course and part which a man will take in the great controversies of modern politics, may be judged of by the opinions he entertains of those of Greece. A striking instance has lately suggested itself to us. In the last number of the Quarterly Review-a number, not disgraced, but characterized by a pitiful libel on America-we find this sentence:-"To us, indeed, who have no great taste for assassination, even though executed by a sword hid in the myrtle boughs which graced one of the most beautiful of the Grecian processions; to us, with whom the song of Harmodius and Aristogiton, though written in better metre* than the 'Marseillois hymn,' and in language less vulgar than the 'Tragala, perro,' of modern days, is not a whit the less a vile revolutionary song, giving the noblest of names to one of the most detestable of deeds, originating in the most infamous of motives; to persons of this way of thinking, the first wearer of the name (Aristogiton) had left The translation of this work by Mr an abomination upon it, which it required Bancroft is very good;-far better than no successor to the appellation to augment." the translations usually made from German We shall not dispute with this temperate into English. It is the performance of a man writer whether Harmodius and Aristogi- who understands not only the language but ton conspired against the life of Hippias and Hipparchus, as tyrants and unlawful rulers, as most accounts state, and as the Athenian people implied, when they erected a monument to them in the Ceramicus, "because they had slain the tyrant and given EQUAL LAWS to Athens;" or whether it was a movement of private indignation on account of the seduction of the sister of Harmodius by Hippias, as the best ancient

the subject. To prepare it was an honour-
able employment of honourable leisure.
And parents, who love their children, may
well feel happy that they can send them
to a school, which bears fruit like this, in
the brief hours of relaxation which its con-
ductors spare themselves.

Sketches of the Earth and its Inhabitants,
with one hundred engravings. By J. E.
Worcester, A. A. S. Boston, 1823. 2 vols.


The criticism of this learned Theban is as valuable as his politics. The song in question is an inartificial compilation of four different verses by different authors, and partly in different metres. THE changes which have been made in our

indeed far more important to know what has been than what is? It may well be believed that a reading community will one day cease to prefer tales ten thousand times told-and often with questionable profit-to works which make us accurately and intimately acquainted with our cotemporaries. Give us good works of this character, and they will not long remain idle.

The book before us is of this kind, and the success it has already met with, proves the demand which existed for it. The diligence and fidelity of the author have been well attested by his Gazetteers and Ele ments of Geography. His reputation for accuracy is certainly merited; and we know not whether it is necessary even to remind him, that his obligations to great circumspection increase with his reputation. The Sketches consist of descriptions of

passage, five or six miles in length, but
only 50 or 60 paces in breadth, and in the
narrowest part only 25, in the time of the
Greeks, now nearly double from the retir-
ing of the sea."

The use of the distributive either as
synonymous with each, is not very uncom-
mon among good writers. It is not, how-
ever, well established; and all will avoid
it, who consider how important it is to pre-
serve exact modes of expression. An ex-
ample of this error occurs, vol. ii. p. 83;
"closed at either end by statues."

of moral purity, and their containing so much that is uninteresting and useless. We will merely suggest to Mr Worcester the propriety of publishing other volumes of extracts from books of travels. The course of his reading must have qualified him to select, with little labour, a great variety of useful and interesting matter which it is not easy for all to obtain, and which, connected as it is with much that is unprofitable or injurious, costs far too much.

the most interesting natural objects in every | of Thermopyla. "It consists of a narrow objections relate principally to their want country; the character and customs of the inhabitants; and their civil, literary, and religious institutions. A considerable part of these descriptions is taken from books of travels, and great judgment and fidelity are manifested in excluding from them every thing of an immoral tendency. It is, indeed, difficult to give a faithful view of the character and manners of the various classes in society, without resorting to language too gross and indelicate to be exhibited to children; and books of travels are seldom recommended by a great degree of purity. The art of describing licentious scenes or habits in an inoffensive manner, does not consist merely in marking them with just opprobrium. If the mind of the writer be in itself pure, a savour of innocence will characterize all that it does, and all that it produces, and do more than the severest censure, to protect the reader against the enticement of evil.

We have discovered other errors, but forbear mentioning them, lest it should be inferred that the faults bear a considerable proportion to the excellencies. Although we cannot concede to Mr Worcester a very good talent for descriptive writing, he certainly possesses a rare faculty for selecting the most important facts, which his subject affords; and, with a few excepThe style of this work is, in general, tions, he presents them in a manner not pleasing and correct; and many of the only intelligible, but highly interesting. descriptions are uncommonly beautiful. It Considering the great difficulty of describwould be difficult to name two volumes, ing works of art in a manner intelligible to which display finer specimens of this kind children or common readers, he has sucof writing. For this, however, Mr Wor- ceeded very well. We doubt not that the cester is principally indebted to his author-present edition will soon be disposed of, and ities. We frequently notice a want of ease we shall offer a little advice in relation to and simplicity which will render the sen- improvements. tences of his own writing obscure to children; and, occasionally, a deficiency in grammatical correctness. There are also many passages, to understand which, will require more science than most of his readers can be supposed to possess. He sometimes aims at the lighter graces of composition, but with no very great success. He has much better taste in selecting than in writing, but even here he some times fails. His assiduity in searching every where for the useful and the important, is not beyond his judgment in choosing, from his gathered stores, whatever it is peculiarly necessary that his readers should know; but he does not always cull the most beautiful flowers, nor wreathe them very tastefully.

We have noticed two or three instances, in which the definite article is used for the the indefinite; as, vol. ii. p. 121, in describing the Grotto of Antiparos. "The sides are planted with petrifactions, also of white marble, representing trees; these rise in rows one above the other, &c." If there were but two rows, this would be correct. The very prevalent error of using the singular adjective any after an adjective in the superlative degree, sometimes occurs; as in vol. ii. p. 288. "The largest of these temples and of any [all] in Egypt, is that of Carnac."

In vol. i. p. 275, we read: "The Lithuanians, who were formerly under the same government with the Poles, but now chiefly included in the empire of Russia, resemble the Poles and Russians." The imperfect tense here supplies the places of both the imperfect and present. Still greater confusion is produced in the following passage, vol. ii. p. 119, from leaving both tenses to be understood. He is speaking of the pass

As to the style, we have already made some remarks, which may have the effect to correct some errors. As to the matter, it would be well to describe the religions of several countries, especially in Asia, or to omit to mention them. The book may be filled with what is highly important and interesting, and, at the same time, intelligible; and it is injurious to the minds of children to accustom them to read or commit to memory what they cannot understand. We do not state this as a universal principle, for there are many important exceptions to it; but whatever can be made comprehensible should never be forced upon the mind unexplained. It is, therefore, rather worse than useless, to encumber the work with a remark that the religion of a certain country is that of Boodh, of the Grand Lama, of Sinto, or of Vishnu, without any explanation of its character. We might apply the same remarks to some other subjects, which are occasionally introduced in a manner that gives no important information. The Sketches are not a purely elementary work, and should not, like the Elements of Geography, admit general statements. They may receive a little improvement in this respect.

A very important object, which we expect these Sketches to promote, is to excite a more general interest in works which give similar information. To gratify this interest, it might be well to add an appendix, giving a short account of the principal authorities, especially of those which are not common in our booksellers' shops. There are some serious objections to books of travels, which might be obviated; and they would then constitute a very suitable and highly interesting part of our literature. These

The author has not stated in what manner the Sketches should be used in schools. We will suggest a method, which seems to us a good one. After the study of an elementary work on geography, it may be reviewed; and during the review, the Sketches may be studied in connexion with it. Short lessons of the geography should be given, that the scholars may have suitable time to attend to the descriptions of the most. interesting objects; and in no case should their progress in the geography exceed that in the Sketches. The recitations should consist of answers to such questions as may be propounded by the instructer, and should never be made verbatim. The work is adapted only to the higher classes in our schools, but we hardly know any work which will be more interesting to them.

The engravings are sufficiently well executed, and they add much to the value of the work. The typography is neat, and has very few errors.

For the Oracles of God, four Orations. For Judgment to Come, an Argument, in nine parts. By the Rev. Edward Irving, M. A. Minister of the Caledonian Church, Hatton-Garden. New York, 1823. 8vo.

Ir is difficult to say what constitutes genius, or to provide a criterion which shall determine its existence and its measure. Perhaps there is no better test, than the power of influencing others, especially if the mind to be subjected to examination, is wholly devoted to the work of acting upon other minds. If we judge him thus, Mr Irving is surely a very great man; and it would be difficult to deny him, on any grounds, the credit of possessing an extraordinary intellectual and moral character.

Every one, who reads the newspapers, knows that the Caledonian Chapel, in which he preaches, is crowded with the highest rank and fashion and talent of London. He gathers, Sunday after Sunday, an audience who could not be gathered unless he spoke to them with a power victorious over habit, and pride of rank, and love of ease, and contempt for religion;—an audience, who, as they could not be drawn into his presence by any common enticement, so neither could they be deluded by oratorical quackery into a belief that glittering nothingness was eloquence. Still so many papers and literary journals ridiculed him, we thought he must be somewhat ridicu lous; and as it was confidently said, that he had destroyed his power and popularity by

of the Word is a duty distinct from all therefore, to have a chance of hearing, I have re-
other duties; that the principles it de-frained from systematic forms of speech, and en-
clares are excellently well adapted to cer- deavoured to speak of each subject in terms prop-
tain parts of the business of life, but of dif- seemed most likely to move it-in short, to argue
er to it, and to address each feeling in language that
ficult application or doubtful expediency in like a man, not a theologian; like a Christian, not
others; and that, on the whole, it promul- a churchman."
gates a law, which should generally be held
In giving his book the strange title it
in good esteem, but may be safely disre- bears, Mr Irving was probably influenced
garded when it arrays itself against the es- somewhat by the wish to depart from the
tablished fashions of society, or demands the common path, and thus arrest the attention
abandonment of some cherished indulgence, by eccentricity, and somewhat by the rea-
or insists upon the dethronement of a favour-sons assigned in the preface, from which
ite and customary sin.
we have already quoted.

printing his sermons, and thus taking from
them the support of his oratory, we did ex-
pect to find in this volume much more to be
surprised at, than to be pleased with. In
this we mistook the matter altogether.
The style of this work is very peculiar,
and occasionally very bad; it savours of af-
fectation, which indeed stares upon us
from the title page, but its prevailing
characteristics are derived from the exces-
sive use of the Scotch idiom, and from his
passionate love for the earlier English writ-
ers, who have evidently influenced his
whole manner of thought and expression. He supposes the nature and offices of re-
Much as we reverence the name of Tay-ligion to be utterly mistaken; that it is handling religious truth-the Oration, and the Ar-
"I have set the example of two new methods of
lor, we are almost disposed to say, that Mr banished from daily domestic duties and gument; the one intended to be after the manner
Irving is not only nearer to him than any constantly recurring exigencies, from the of the ancient Oration, the best vehicle for address-
living English writer, but so near, that it is occupations of business, the relations and ing the minds of men which the world hath seen,
more just to call him a kindred spirit, than intercourse of society, in all which it should far beyond the sermon, of which the very name
an imitator. He occasionally writes in bad dwell as their sovereign and their life, other after the manner of the ancient Apologies,
hath learned to inspire drowsiness and tedium; the
taste, and uses words and figures carelessly, from seasons of health and activity, when with this difference, that it is pleaded not before
and attempts, somewhat too often and too the mind is clear to perceive and the frame any judicial bar, but before the tribunal of human
obviously, a high strain of imaginative elo- strong to execute its commandments, and thought and feeling. The former are but speci-
quence. On the other hand, his language the homage that is paid, is a free-will offer- mens; the latter, though most imperfect, is intend-
is generally perspicuous and forcible, his ing,-to moments marked out for reluct-ed to be complete. The Orations are placed first
in the volume, because the Oracles of God, which
ornaments and illustrations are used for the ant and melancholy worship, to casual they exalt, are the foundation of the Argument,
sake of the argument, which is never turn- fragments of time when leisure can be which brings to reason and common feeling one of
ed aside to make room for them; and spared for cold devotion, to hours given by the revelations which they contain.
though often exceedingly severe, he finds way of bribe that the rest of life may go sion, and I deprecate it not; for it is the free agi-
"For criticism I have given most plentiful occa-
fault with nothing that is good.
free, and to the visitations of suffering and tation of questions that brings the truth to light.
disease, when the heart is shuddering with It has also been my lot to have a good deal of it
fear, and the shadows of coming death darken where I could not meet it, and if I get a good deal
the intellect, and the whole soul is enslaved more I shall not grumble; for a book is the property
by dread and agony. If, indeed, every mo- of the public, to do with it what they like. The
ment of this fleeting and unreal existence author's care of it is finished when he hath given
create the destiny of abiding, yea, eternal have besought the guidance of the Almighty and
it birth. The people are responsible for the rest.
realities, and religion, or the want of it, his blessing very often, and have nothing to be-
determine whether this destiny shall be of seech of men, but that they would look to them-
joy or wretchedness;-surely each instant selves, and have mercy upon their own souls.”
which passes by while we stop upon this
threshold of being, should bear witness that
religion existed in the whole conduct of the
man, as life in the healthy frame;-all full
and perfect in every part.

The most prominent and unpleasant fault in this work, is the frequent huddling together of subjects which are as far apart as heaven and earth. For instance, in one part of his "Argument," he goes, with scarcely the transition of a paragraph, from a magnificent and sublime picture of the Last Judgment, to a criticism of modern poetry. This certainly arises, in great part, from bad taste, but it probably originates in a degree from Mr Irving's declared intention of endeavouring to extend the uses of religion, by connecting with it literature and every thing else which men love or busy themselves about. His principle is a good one, and it may be that we find fault with some instances of its operation, only because we cannot free ourselves from the influence of those thoughts or sentiments which separate religion from that which should make one with it, and, as it were, exile her from her proper home. But with all its faults, it must be acknowledged, that this book abounds with specimens of splendid diction, and that every paragraph gives proof of strong, bold, and original sagacity. Mr Irving believes that the Bible is not -"an Orphic song indeed, Full of strange words, to a strange music chanted,"

but really true,—and true in a sense in which nothing else is true; that it is among books as the Saviour was among men, and that we shall actually do a wise thing and behave with a provident regard to coming events, in striving to learn what this book says, and to govern our relations to each other, our judgments upon all the matters of life, and our conduct in all its concerns, by the directions herein contained. He seems to think it quite time that the world should be delivered from the rooted and universal error,—universal in its operation, if not in its acknowledgment,-that the study

Mr Irving seems to propose not only the amendment of his lay audience, but the stirring up of his clerical brethren. He says, in his preface,


Until the servants and ministers of the living
God do pass the limits of pulpit theology and pul-
pit exhortation, and take weapons in their hand,
gathered out of every region in which the life of
man or his faculties are interested, they shall never
have religion triumph and domineer in a country
and her eternity of freely-bestowed wellbeing."
as beseemeth her high original, her native majesty,

In the dedication of the second part of
this volume, he says,

"For it seems to me that upon religion we are growing wiser than our fathers, who were content with a train of human authorities, and that this age requireth religious truth to be justified, like other truth, by showing its benefits to the mind itself, and to society at large. *** For their ear is shut, and I hope the ear of all men is for ever shut, to the authority of names; and it is vain now to quote the opinions of saints or reformers, or councils or assemblies, in support of any truth. They even hold cheap our venerable theological language, though it can boast of great antiquity, and they insist upon its being translated into common phrases, that they may understand its meaning. And the misery is, they will not listen unless we gratify them in this reasonable request, but allow us to have our disputations to ourselves while we cover them with that venerable disguise. In order,


The subjects of the Orations are, First, The preparation for consulting the oracles of God.

Second, The manner of consulting them. Third and Fourth,-The obedience due to them.

The purpose of the Argument is, to show plainly the certainty and the reasonableness of man's accountability, and its exact conformity not only with the whole course and character of human pursuits, relations, and institutions, but also with the absolute and universal necessity of created beings;and further, to claim for the whole subject of God's reckoning with man its rightful dignity; to rescue it from idle, aimless speculation and the vain phantasies of imagination, from the blasphemy of those who scorn it, and the unmingled horrors which the thoughts of many gather around it, and make it stand forth, a certain and solemn circumstance, which must occur to every individual, and which every one would do well to make adequate provision for.

He discusses the subjects, which fairly come before him, with great power and boldness;-telling many plain truths and attacking many influential and favourite opinions. We cannot make extracts enough to give an adequate idea of his course of argument, but will quote some passages, which may suffice to show the character of his thoughts and expressions. They are from the second Oration.

"The more ignorant sort of men, who entertain by erecting the platform of our being upon the new religion by a kind of hereditary reverence, as they condition of probation, different from that of all do any other custom, take up the Word of God at known existences. Was it ever heard that the sun stated seasons, and afflict their spirits with the task stopped in his path, but it was God that commandof perusing it, and, to judge from a vacant face, ed? Was it ever heard that the sea forgot her and an unawakened tone, and a facility of endur- instability, and stood apart in walled steadfastness, ing interruption, it is often as truly inflicted upon but it was God that commanded? Or that fire forthe soul as ever penance was upon the flesh of a got to consume, but at the voice of God? Even so miserable monk. Or, upon another occasion, when man should seek his Maker's word, as he loveth his one beholds mirth and jocularity at once go dumb wellbeing, or, like the unfallen creatures of God, for an act of worship, and revive again with fresh as he loveth his very being-and labour in his obeglee when the act is over, one cannot help believ-dience, without knowing or wishing to know aught ing that it hath been task-work with many, if not beyond. with all. Holding of the same superstition is the practice of drawing to the Word in sickness, affliction, and approaching dissolution, as if a charm against the present evil, or an invocation of the future good." ***

"For studying his will, it is of no importance save to perform it in the face of all opposition from within and from without; therefore, of all seasons, sickness, and affliction-when we are disabled from action, and in part also from thought-is, it seems to me, the season least proper for the perusal of the Word. If it cannot overmaster us when we are clothed in all our strength, then it is a poor victory to overcome us when disease hath already prostrated our better faculties. Then chiefly to take concern about the name and the word of God, is a symptom of our weakness, not of our devotion.

"From this extreme of narrow and enforced attendance upon the word of God, there are many who run into the other extreme of constant consultation, and cannot pass an evening together in conversation or enjoyment of any kind, but call for the Bible and the exposition of its truths by an able hand. That it becomes a family night and morning to peruse the word-and that it becomes men to assemble themselves together to hear it expounded-is a truth; while at the same time it is no less a truth, that it is a monkish custom, and a most ignorant slavery, to undervalue all intellectual, moral, or refreshing converse, for the purpose of hearing some favourite of the priesthood set forth his knowledge or his experience, though it be upon a holy subject.

"Necessity, therefore, I say, strong and eternal necessity is that, which joins the link between the creature and the Creator, and makes man incumbent to the voice of God.


"That which I have sketched of the soul's necessities needeth something more than to rake the Scriptures for a few opinions, which, by what authority I know not, they have exalted with the proud name of the doctrines: as if all scripture were not profitable for doctrine. Masterful men, or the masterful current of opinion, hath ploughed with the word of God, and the fruit has been to inveigle the mind into the exclusive admiration of some few truths, which being planted in the belief, and sacrificed to in all religious expositions and discourses, have become popular idols, which frown heresy and excommunication upon all who dare stand for the unadulterated, uncurtailed testimony. Such shibboleths every age hath been trained to mouth; and it is as much as one's religious character is worth, to think that the doctrinal shibboleths of the present day may not include the whole contents and capacity of the written Word. But, truly, there are higher fears than the fear even of the religious world; and greater loss than the loss of religious fame. Therefore, craving indulgence of you to hear us to an end, and asking the credit of good intention upon what you have already heard, we summon your whole unconstrained man to the engagement of reading the Word;-not to authenticate a meagre outline of opinions elsewhere derived, but to prove and purify all the sentiments which bind the confederations of life; to prove and purify all the feelings which instigate the ac"Yet though thus we protest against the formali- tions of life; many to annihilate; many to imty and deadness of such a custom, we are not pre-plant; all to regulate and reform;-to bridle the pared to condemn it, if it proceed from a pure tongue till its words come forth in unison with the thirst after divine teaching. If in private we have word of God, and to people the whole soul with a still stronger relish for it than in the company of the population of new thoughts, which that Word our friends-if in silent study we love its lessons reveals of God and man-of the present and the no less than from the lips of our favourite pastor- future. These doctrines, truly, should be like the then let the custom have free course, and let the mighty rivers which fertilize our island, whose Word be studied whenever we have opportunity, waters, before escaping to the sea, have found and whenever we can go to it with a common con- their way to the roots of each several flower, and plant, and stately tree, and covered the face of the land with beauty and with fertility-spreading plenty for the enjoyment of man and beast. So ought these great doctrines of the grace of God in Christ, and the help of God in the Spirit, and fallen man's need of both-to carry health and vitality to the whole soul and surface of christian life. But it hath appeared to us, that, most unlike such wide-spreading streams of fertility, they are often, as it were, confined within rocky channels of intolerance and disputation, where they hold noisy "Duty, in truth, is the very lowest conception of brawl with every impediment, draining off the natof it-privilege is a higher-honour a higher, hap-ural juices of the soul; and, instead of fruits and piness and delight a higher still. But duty may be suspended by more pressing duty-privilege may be foregone, and honour forgot, and the sense of happiness grow dull; but this of listening to His voice who plants the sense of duty, bestows privilege, honour, and happiness, and our every other faculty, is before all these, and is equalled by nothing but the stubbornest necessity. We should hear His voice as the sun and stars do in their courses, as the restful element of earth doth in its settled habitation. His voice is our law, which it is sacrilege, worse than rebellion, worse than parental rebellion, to disobey. He keeps the bands of our being together. His voice is the charter of our existence, which being disobeyed, we should run to annihilation, as our great father would have done, had not God in mercy given us a second chance,


"Against these two methods of communing with the word of God, whereof the one springs from the religious timidity of the world, the other from the religious timidity of Christians; the one a penance, the other a weakness; we have little fear of carrying your judgments: but you will be alarmed when we carry our censure against the common spirit, of dealing with it as a duty. Not but that it is a duty to peruse the word of God, but that it is something infinitely higher.

graces, leaving all behind naked, barren, and un-
peopled! ***


The Scriptures are not read for the higher ends of teaching the soul practical wisdom, and overcoming the practical errors of all her faculties, of all her judgments, and of all her ways. Then the Word, which is diversified for men of all gifts, cometh to be prized chiefly as a treasure of intellectual truth, elements of religious dogmatism— often an armoury of religious warfare. Then our spirits become intolerant of all who find in the Bible any tenets differing from our own, as if they had made an invasion upon the integrity of our faith, and were plotting the downfall of religion itself. Then an accurate statement of opinion from the pulpit, from the lips of childhood, from the death-bed of age, becomes all in all; whereas it is

nothing if not conjoined with the utterances of a
christian spirit, and the evidences of a renewed
life. *** To look suspicious upon those who are
attracted to the sacred page by its gracious pictures
of the divine goodness, and love it with a simple
answer of affection to its affectionate sayings, or a
simple answer of hope to its abundant promises
to undervalue those who feed their souls with its
spiritual psalmody, or direct their life by its weigh-
ty proverbs, reckoning an authority and grace of
God to reside in every portion of it-to suspect
those who live on devotion, on acknowledgments of
Providence, and imitation of Christ, because they
cannot couch their simple faith and feeling in tech-
nical and theological phrase, but sink dumb when
the high points of faith are handled-all these—
the baneful effects of holding so much acquaintance
with formularies of doctrine, and so little with
the Word itself so much acquaintance with the
religious spirit of the age and country, and so little
with the spirit of God,--argue a narrow form of re-
ligion, and an uncharitableness of spirit, from
which we pray God to deliver all who pertain to
the household of faith!


"Why, in modern times, do we not take from the Word that sublimity of design and gigantic strength of purpose which made all things bend before the saints, whose praise is in the Word and the church of God? Why have the written secrets of the Eternal become less moving than the fictions of fancy, or the periodical works of the day; and their impressiveness died away into the imbecility of a tale that hath been often told? Not because man's spirit hath become more weak. Was there ever an age in which it was more patient of research, or restless after improvement? Not because the Spirit of God hath become backward in his help, or the Word divested of its truth--but because we treat it not as the all-accomplished wisdom of God-the righteous setting works of men along side of it, or masters over itthe world altogether apostatizing from it unto folly. We come to meditate it, like armed men to consult of peace-our whole mind occupied with insurrectionary interests; we suffer no captivity of its truth. Faith, which should brood with expanded wings over the whole heavenly legend, imbibing its entire spirit-what hath it become? a name to conjure up theories and hypotheses upon. Duty likewise hath fallen into a few formalities of abstaining from amusements, and keeping up severities-instead of denoting a soul, girt with all its powers for its Maker's will. Religion also, a set of opin ions and party distinctions separated from high endowments, and herding with cheap popular accomplishments--a mere serving-maid of every-day life; instead of being the mistress of all earthly, and the preceptress of all heavenly, sentiments-and the very queen of all high gifts and graces and perfections in every walk of life!"

Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, together with some few of later date. First American from the fifth London edition. Philadelphia, 1823. 3 vols. 8vo.

[Continued from the last number.] IT would, in England, seem almost an act of presumption to attempt, at this late period, to criticise a work so long known and so well established in its reputation as

Percy's Reliques.' This however is the first American edition, and many of our readers are probably in our own situation→→→ now presented, for the first time, with a book of which they have heard much. It is at length within their reach, and if the notice which we have taken of it, induce a few to examine it with minds free from prejudice, we shall think that we have con

ferred a favour upon the literature of our country.

It is not a work which will captivate on a first, or perhaps even a second reading; but it will win its way. It has no dazzling beauties to strike at the first sight; but its unadorned simplicity must sooner or later produce its effect.

It is beautifully and justly remarked by Addison, that "An ordinary song or ballad, that is the delight of the common people cannot fail to please all such readers as are not unqualified for the entertainment by their affectation or their ignorance; and the reason is plain, because the same paintings of nature which recommend it to the most ordinary reader, will appear beautiful to the most refined." Spectator, No. LXX. It is not only to the lovers of poetry, that we think this will be an interesting publication. Some of the ballads are very ancient. The first in the second volume is "A ballad made by one of the adherents to Simon de Monfort, Earl of Leicester, soon after the battle of Lewes, which was fought May 14th, 1264." The manuscript from which it was copied is supposed to be as ancient as the time of Richard II. Another ballad is called "The Turnament of Tottenham, or the wooing, winning, and wedding of Tibbe, the Reeve's daughter there," and is supposed to have been written at least as early as the time of Edward III. Judging from the sameness of the versification and general style, we should think it nearly coeval with the former. There is almost an unbroken series of ballads from these down to the time of Elizabeth, and we regret that they are not arranged in chronological order. There are likewise many Scottish ballads of different ages. Those, therefore, who delight in philological studies, and inquiries into the history of languages, will find the work interesting for the assistance it will afford them in tracing the progress of our native tongue. And here we will make one observation, which struck us forcibly even in our first hasty glances over the volumes; namely, that the more ancient writers, both English and Scottish, wrote in a language more resembling modern English in its idioms, than that used by Chaucer and some of his immediate followers. We may pursue this subject further in a subsequent number. At present we give one extract from the ballad on the battle of Lewes, to show that the melody of which our language is susceptible was known before the days of Pope or Waller. We use, as far as possible, the modern orthography.

"By God that is aboven us, he did much sin,
That let passen over sea, the Earl of Warynne;
He hath robbed England, the moors and the fens,
The gold and the silver, and y-boren hence,

For love of Windsore," &c.

"The Turnament of Tottenham" is a fine specimen of what the British critics call "genuine old English humour;"-the author must have been a fine wag-the Washington Irving of his day. Its length prevents us from inserting it entire, and no extract would do it justice.

Among the modern poets who have
caught their inspiration from old ballads
we forgot to mention Burns. It is well
known that the spark which kindled his
genius was a song, that has never been
printed- one of those which for ages have
been current in Scotland, in the memories
and on the lips of its highly poetical peo-
ple. Burns continued through life to love
these songs, and his last years and almost
his last hours were spent in remodelling
them, and suiting them to the ears of his
cotemporaries, whose taste had in a great
measure been reformed by his exertions.
On directing our attention more particu-
larly to the Scottish ballads in Percy's Col-
lection, we lighted upon the original of
" Ew-Bughts Marion," long a popular song
in Scotland; and found its first stanza the
source of some exquisite lines of Burns,
which have dwelt on our memory from the
first moment of our reading them; but
which have lost much of their effect upon
us by a comparison with the quiet simplic-
ity of their original. Our readers shall

"Will ye gae to Ew-Bughts, Marion,
And wear in the sheip with me?
The sun shines sweit, my Marion,
But nae half sae sweit as thee.

Will ye gae to the Indies, my Mary,
And leave old Scotia's shore?
Will ye gae to the Indies, my Mary,
Across the Atlantic's roar?

Oh sweet grow the vine and the olive,
And the apple on the pine,
But aw the charms of the Indies,
Can never equal thine."

There is in the same ballad something of
charmed us in the works of Burns.
that delightful humour, which has so often

"O Marion's a bonny lass,
And the blyth blinks in her ee:
And fain would I marry Marion,
Gin Marion would marry me."

"There's braw lads in Earnslaw, Marion,
Quba gape and glower wi' their ee
At kirk, when they see my Marion,
But nane of them lu'es lik me."


Where the midge dares not venture,
Lest herself fast she lay;
If love come, he will enter,
And soon find out his way.
You may esteem him
A child for his might;
Or you may deem him
A coward from his flight;
But if she, whom love doth honour,
Be concealed from the day,
Set a thousand guards upon her
Love will find out the way.

Some think to close him
By having him confined,-
Some do suppose him,
Poor thing, to be blind;

But if ne'er so close ye wall him,
Do the best that you may,
Blind love, if so you call him,
Will find out the way.

You may train the eagle
To stoop to your fist;
Or you may inveigle
The Phoenix of the East;
The lioness, ye may move her
To give o'er her prey;

But you'll ne'er stop a lover;
He will find out his way.

We are unwilling to extend this notice farther, and can only say in conclusion, that we consider "Percy's Reliques" to be an established classic in our language,—a work to be studied,-a book which ought to be in the hands of every candidate for poetical fame; and that, without being thoroughly imbued with its spirit, no Engligh poet can be considered as a master of his art.

The Three Perils of Woman; or Love, Leasing, and Jealousy. A series of Domestic Scottish Tales. By James Hogg, author of "The Three Perils of Man," Queen's Wake," &c. &c. In two volumes. 12mo. New York, 1823.

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MR HOGG, the poet, has become Mr Hogg, the novelist, and he is quite as good in this latter vocation as in the former. He has written much; and when one recollects the early habits and occupations of his life, it is surprising that he has written so much, so well. We have never thought his poetry of the very highest order, though there are passages in all his poems, which indicate a good deal of various poetical talent. The "Pilgrims of the Sun," which we think his best production, is an original and We have room but for one other extract, peculiar work. Something of grossness and we select the following song, for its taints the beauty of Mr Hogg's concepsingular wildness of imagery and melody of tions and language in every thing else versification. The very homeliness of some which he has written. But in this poem, of its conceits renders them more agreeable perhaps because the subject,-Death and to our taste, than the far-fetched pretti-the Life after it,-purified his mind, and nesses of Moore.

"Ime yong and stout, my Marion,
Nane dance like me on the greine;
gin ye forsak me, Marion,
Ise e'en draw up wi' Jeane."

"Over the mountains,
And over the waves,
Under the fountains,
And under the graves;
Under floods that are deepest,
Which Neptune obey;
Over rocks that are steepest,
Love will find out the way.
Where there is no place
For the glowworm to lie;
Where there is no space
For receipt of a fly;

relieved his imagination from its burthen of vulgarity, every thought and word is pure, chaste, and innocent, as an infant's dream.

These tales are in no way didactic, though the author would fain persuade us that they were intended to be so. He calls them the three "Perils of Woman," and puts at the beginning and end of them a sort of notice of what they should teach, by way of guide-board to their moral. The first portrays the miseries and dangers of "Love." But unluckily for the moral, all

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