1840 39 Effects the Entire Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt....
Attempts to Settle the Anti-rent Difficulties..
Advocates Reforms in the Election Laws...
His Course in the M'Leod Case.....
Enlargement of Erie Canal-Construction of Lateral Canals.
Positions of the two Parties on Improvements. . . ....
Gov. Seward Opposes the Suspension of the Public Works....
Advocates the Erie, Central, Northern, and Hudson Railroads..
Refuses to Pardon Benjamin Rathbun and John C. Colt....
Grants a Conditional Pardon to James Watson Webb.
Vetoes a Bill in relation to Madame D'Hauteville..
Suppresses a Veto of the New York Registry Law.
Urges the Repeal of all Acts favorable to Slavery.
Recommends a Jury Trial for Fugitive Slaves...
Recommends the Extension of the Right of Suffrage.
Controversy with the Executive of Virginia relating to Fugitives...
41 Signifies his intention to retire from Office, Reasons therefor....
Mr. Clay Proposed for the Presidency-Mr. Seward's Views......
1843 42 John Quincy Adams Visits Auburn-Mr. Seward's Address..
Resumes the Practice of his Profession......
His Disinterestedness, Zeal, and Sacrifices as a Lawyer..
1846 44 Libel Suit, Cooper vs. Greeley-Fugitive Slave Case.
Trial of Wyatt and Freeman, Great Excitement.
His Experience as Counsel-Patent Cases-Detroit Case.
His Course towards Mr. Clay in the Election of 1844.
Advocates a Convention to form a New Constitution..
Gen. Taylor's Election, Mr. Seward's Views and Course.
Elected Senator-State of Parties-Freedom.....
His Relation with President Taylor......
1850 49 Speeches in the Senate-California-The Higher Law.
Compromise, District of Columbia, New Mexico...
Public Lands-Kossuth, O'Brien, Meagher..
Vindication of John Quincy Adams-Gen. Cass..
Pacific Railroad-John M. Clayton-A. H. Buell.
1853 52 Duties on Railroad Iron-Texas Creditors. ...