ADDITIONAL ARTICLES to the Detailed Regulations arranged between Great Britain and France, for the execution of the Postal Convention of 24th September, 1856.*-Signed at London, April 5, and at Paris, April 8, 1861.† (Translation.) THE Postmaster-General of the United Kingom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the one part, and the Director-General of the French Post Office, on the other part: With reference to Articles XXXI and XXXVI of the Postal Convention concluded between France and Great Britain the 24th September, 1856; With reference also to the detailed regulations arranged between the French Post Office and the Post Office of Great Britain, for the execution of the said Convention, signed at Paris the 27th October, 1856, and at London the 12th November, 1856;‡ Have agreed as follows: ART. I. There shall be a direct exchange of closed mails by means of British packets and by way of the Isthmus of Suez, between the office of Marseilles and the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles, on the one part, and the office of Port Louis (Mauritius), on the other part, as well for ordinary letters, registered letters, and printed papers of all kinds exchanged by the said route between the inhabitants of France and Algeria and the inhabitants of Mauritius, as for articles of a like nature exchanged between the inhabitants of the foreign countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France, and the inhabitants of Mauritius, II. The persons who wish to send ordinary letters either from France and Algeria to Mauritius, or from Mauritius to France and Algeria, shall have the option of leaving the entire postage of those letters to be paid by the persons to whom they are addressed, or of paying in advance the postage to the place of destination. The Post Office of France shall pay to the British Post Office as well for paid letters forwarded from France and Algeria addressed to Mauritius, as for unpaid letters forwarded from Mauritius addressed to France and Algeria, the sum of 1 franc 62% centimes per 30 grammes of letters, net weight. On its side, the British Post Office shall pay to the Post Office of France for paid letters forwarded from Mauritius addressed to France and Algeria, the same rate as for paid letters from the British Colonies in America; and for unpaid letters forwarded from France and Algeria addressed to Mauritius, the same rate as for unpaid letters addressed to the British colonies of America. * Vol. XLVI. Page 195. † Signed also in the French language. ‡ Page 1123. III. The ordinary letters coming from or addressed to the foreign countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France which shall be comprised in the closed mails referred to in Article I preceding, shall be subject to the same conditions with respect to prepayment as the letters exchanged between those same foreign countries and the island of Malta by way of France. The Post Office of France shall pay to the Post Office of Great Britain for such of the said letters as shall be fully prepaid by the inbabitants of the foreign countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France, the same rate as for letters coming from or addressed to France. As to the rate to be paid by the British Post Office to the Post Office of France, as well for paid letters forwarded from Mauritius addressed to the foreign countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France, as for unpaid letters or letters charged with a French transit rate forwarded from the said countries, addressed to Mauritius, it shall be the same as for letters exchanged between those same foreign countries and the island of Malta by way of France. IV. The office of Marseilles and the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles may deliver to the office of Port Louis registered letters addressed to Mauritius. On their side the Office of Port Louis may deliver to the office of Marseilles and to the travelling office from Marseilles to Lyons registered letters addressed as well to France and Algeria as to the foreign countries to which the inhabitants of Mauritius shall have the right of forwarding, by way of France, ordinary letters paid to destination. V. The forms of letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt of which the office of Marseilles and the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles shall make use in their communications with the offices of Aden, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Point de Galle, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Port Louis, shall be according to the pattern annexed to the present Articles. The forms of letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt of which the offices of Aden, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Point de Galle, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Port Louis shall make use in their communications with the office of Marseilles and with the travelling office from Marseilles to Lyons, shall agree with the pattern above referred to. VI. The provisions of the Articles XXIX, XXX, XXXII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLI, XLV, XLVI, XLVII, XLVIII, and XLIX of the detailed regulations arranged between the Post Office of France and the British Post Office for the execution of the Convention of the 24th September, 1856, signed at Paris the 27th October, 1856, and at London the 12th November, 1856, are applicable to the correspondence coming from or addressed to Mauritius. VII. The present Articles shall be considered as additional to the detailed regulations referred to in the preceding Article, and shall be carried into effect on the 1st day of July, 1861. Done in duplicate and signed at London the 5th day of April, 1861, and at Paris the 8th of the same month. (L.S.) STANLEY OF ALDERLEY. (L.S.) STOURM. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES to the Detailed Regulations arranged between Great Britian and France, for the execution of the Postal Convention of 24th September, 1856.*-Signed at London, November 25, and at Paris† November 27, 1861. (Translation.) THE Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the one part, and the Counsellor of State, Director General of the French Post Office, on the other part, With reference to the Postal Convention concluded between France and Great Britain the 24th September, 1856; With reference also to the Convention, additional to the said Convention, signed at London the 2nd July, 1861; ‡ With reference further to the Declaration relative to letters forwarded from Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, and Bradford for France, and the countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France by means of mails arriving in London in the afternoon between half-past five and half-past seven o'clock, signed on the one part by his Excellency the Minister Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and on the other part by his Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and exchanged at Paris the 14th November, 1861. And with reference to the Detailed Regulations arranged between the Post Office of France and the Post Office of Great Britain for the execution of the Convention of the 24th September, 1856, signed at Paris the 27th October, 1856, and at London the 12th November, 1856; § have agreed as follows: ART. I. The patterns of merchandize which shall be sent in virtue of the Additional Convention of the 2nd July, 1861, whether from France and Algeria to the United Kingdom of Great Britain * Vol. XLVI. Page 195. Vol. LI. Page 49. + Signed also in the French language. § Page 1123. and Ireland and to the Island of Malta, or from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and from the Island of Malta to France and Algeria, must not bear any other writing than the address of the person for whom they are intended, a manufacturer's or trade mark, numbers, and prices. Every packet of patterns which shall contain any other manuscript marks shall be considered and treated as a letter. II. The two Post Offices mutually admit that the stipulations of Articles I and II of the Convention above-mentioned, which authorize the transmission at a reduced rate, of papers in manuscript under bands, are applicable to proof-sheets bearing typographical corrections, to manuscripts attached to such proofs and having reference to them, to parts or sheets of music in manuscript, and in general to all documents on paper, vellum, cardboard, or parchment, whether printed, engraved, lithographed, or photographed, which bear writing, but which do not contain any letter or note of the nature of a letter, or which could serve as such. III. Newspapers, gazettes, periodical works, pamphlets, sheets of music, catalogues, prospectuses, announcements, and notices of various kinds, whether printed, engraved, or lithographed, which shall be sent from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Grand Duchy of Baden, the Kingdom of Wurtemberg, the Principalities of Hohenzollern, the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the Austrian Empire, by way of France, must be prepaid to destination. Printed papers of every kind, which the British Post Office shall deliver to the French Post Office for transmission through the Austrian Post Office to the Ionian Islands, Moldavia, Wallachia, Alexandretta, Beyrout, Constantinople, the Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Jaffa, Lattakia, Mersine, Mytylene, Rhodes, Salonica, Samsoun, Scutari in Asia, Sinope, Smyrna, Sulina, Trebizond, Tripoli in Syria, Tultcha, Varna, Volo, Ineboli, Jerusalem, Adrianople, Antivari, Burghas, Kaiffa, Candia, Canea, Cavalla, Chio, Durazzo, Janina, Larnaca, Philippopoli, Preveza, Retimo, Rutshuk, Serez, Sophia, Tenedos, and Valona, shall in like manner be prepaid to destination. IV. The British Post Office shall pay to the French Post Office for the newspapers and other printed papers mentioned in the preceding Article, as follows, viz.: 1. For those for the Grand Duchy of Baden, for the Kingdom of Wurtemberg, the Principalities of Hohenzollern, the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the Austrian Empire, the sum of 1 franc 5 centimes per pound British, net weight. 2. For those for the Ionian Islands, Moldavia, Wallachia, and the towns of the Ottoman Empire enumerated in the said Article, the sum of 1 franc 60 centimes per pound British, net weight. V. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the office at Paris, from the office at Calais, and from the travelling offices from Paris to Calais for the offices at London and Dover and for the travelling offices from Dover to London, from the office at Boulogne for the office at London, and for the travelling offices from Dover to London, from the office at Dieppe for the office at London, from the office at Dunkirk for the office at London, and from the office at Havre for the offices at London and Southampton, shall be according to the patterns M (No. 1) and M (No. 2) annexed to the present Articles. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the office at Boulogne for the offices at Dover and Folkestone, from the offices at Cherbourg, Granville, and St. Malo, for the offices at Guernsey and Jersey, and from the office at Marseilles for the office at Dover, shall be according to the pattern N. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles, and from the office at Marseilles for the office at Malta, shall be according to the pattern O. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles, from the office at Marseilles and from the French office established at Alexandria for the British office at Alexandria, shall be according to the pattern P. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the French offices established at Alexandria, Constantinople, the Dardanelles, and Smyrna, for the office at Malta, shall be according to the pattern Q. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the Post Office agents on board the packets in the Mediterranean for the office at Malta, shall be according to the pattern R. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt from the office at Marseilles and from the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles for the offices at Aden, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Point de Galle, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Port Louis shall be according to the pattern S. The forms of letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt which the British offices of exchange shall use in their communications with the French offices of exchange shall agree with the patterns above described. VI. It is agreed that the stipulations of the Additional Convention of the 2nd July, 1861, and of the present Regulations shall be carried into effect on the 1st January, 1862. VII. The present Articles shall be considered as additional to the Detailed Regulations arranged between the French Post Office and the British Post Office for the execution of the Convention of the 24th September, 1856, signed at Paris the 27th October, 1856, and at London the 12th November, 1856. |