November 6. Presidential election day. The news of the Republican triumph was received throughout the Southern States with loud demonstrations of civil war and disunion. On the 8th a mass meeting of the citizens was held at Savannah to consider the result of the election, at which it was unanimously resolved, that the election of Lincoln and Hamlin ought not, and would not be submitted to, and suggested to the legislature to take steps to organize and arm the military forces of the State. A Southern Rights club hoisted a banner in one of the public squares, with this inscription, EQUALITY OF THE STATES, the painting of a rattlesnake, with the motto, DON'T TREAD ON ME; and though but forty-eight hours since the reception of the news of Lincoln's election, the feeling of the people was clearly manifested by the cheers that greeted the appearance of the banner; minute-men were organizing, and old men and young were mounting the secession badge, a blue cockade. In Macon, Ga., and Mobile, Ala., the excitement was intense, and corps of minute-men were organizing. A correspondent writing from Columbia, S. C., and Charleston, under date Nov. 9, says, "There is no need of speeches to inflame the people; they are, to a man, for secession ;" and gives an account of the furore of excitement created by the resignation of the officers of the United States Court in that city. It was estimated that at least five thousand people called to pay their respects to ex-Judge Magrath. He addressed them in glowing words as to the great responsibilities and demands of the crisis, and they manifested the most profound emotions by continually-recurring applause. Till nearly midnight the streets presented the most animated appearance. The crowd illuminated their passage by rockets and other fireworks, and the air resounded with their deafening cries. November 10. Senator Chesnut, of South Carolina, resigned his seat in the United States Senate. A bill was introduced in the South Carolina legislature to call out and equip ten thousand volunteers, and ordered an election of delegates to a convention to take action on the question of secession, the election to be held Dec. 6, the convention to assemble Dec. 17. The legislature appointed the 21st instant as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. In the evening a great crowd, numbering about two thousand persons, assembled in front of the Congaree House, Columbia, S. C., and were addressed by Judge Magrath, Messrs. Connor, Colcock, and Cunningham. Mr. Magrath said South Carolina had a right to secede. The people, the legislature and Heaven will say she has the right; and if the government at Washington should say she has not the right, then let the government prove it by taking the right away. Mr. Colcock said that, although this was a large meeting, he wished to see one more in it, and that was Abraham Lincoln. He would take him by the hand and bring him to the platform, and tell him to look upon that great crowd, and then ask him if he ever expected to wave his presidential sceptre over the heads of that people. "Honest Abe," he knew, with downcast eyes, would answer, "Never." Immense excitement throughout the South. Large meetings held in New Orleans, Augusta, Montgomery and Vicksburg, to favor disunion. Great numbers of resignations of postmasters, custom-house officers, etc., received at the departments at Washington. "Minutemen" organizations making throughout the cotton States. November 11. Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, resigned his seat in the United States Senate. In Charleston, on the 12th, at night, a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Institute Hall. The galleries were filled with ladies, and every part of the building was crowded to suffocation. Judge Magrath presided. When the speaker declared, "This Union is dissolved," the enthusiasm of the people was beyond bounds; they rose to their feet, threw up their hats, and cheered till hoarse; outside, "Minute-men" from Columbia were parading, houses were illuminated, fireworks set off; the people joining in every imaginable demonstration of joy on this occasion, and cheer after cheer rent the air. Governor Brown, of Georgia, made a strong resistance speech at Milledgeville, declaring the right of secession, and said if the federal troops attempted coercion, for every Georgian who fell in the conflict the heads of two federal soldiers should atone for the outrage on State sovereignty. A correspondent, writing from Richmond, Va., says, "The secession movement is going forward with a rush. All the conciliatory letters that 'Old Abe' could write for a month would be of no avail in staying the progress of this movement. The South would not regard as sincere one word he might say in conflict with his matured and long-standing convictions. The crisis is come, and secession is inevitable." November 13. South Carolina legislature adjourned, sine die. November 14. Immense torch-light procession in Columbia, in honor of the action of the South Carolina legislature. Florida, by her Governor, telegraphed to the Governor of South Carolina that she would stand by the gallant Palmetto flag. November 15. Senator Toombs made a powerful secession speech at Milledgeville, Georgia. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, called an extra session of the legislature, to assemble Jan. 7, to take into consideration the condition of public affairs. November 17. Grand gathering of citizens of Charleston, S. C., to inaugurate the revolution. A mammoth pole was erected near the Charleston Hotel, and the hoisting of the State flag on it was duly celebrated. The pole was made of Carolina pine, one hundred feet high, and surmounted by the cap of liberty. Cables were stretched across the streets to prevent the passage of vehicles. A dense crowd was collected on Meeting Street, extending over two squares. The neighboring housetops, windows and balconies were thronged with ladies waving their handkerchiefs. The flag was hoisted amid tremendous cheering and the wildest excitement; the Washington Artillery paraded, and fired one hundred guns as the flag went up; bells were rung, and the band played the Marsellaise Hymn. After the Marsellaise the band played the "Miserere," from "Il Trovatore," as a funeral dirge for the Union. At the same time the Charleston Hotel, the Mills House, and other large hotels, flung out the Palmetto flag, and the people vowed that the stars and stripes should never again wave in Charleston. When the cheering, attendant upon hoisting the flag, subsided, prayer was offered by the Rev. C. P. Gadsden, invoking God as their refuge and strength, asking protection for the liberties with which their fathers were blessed, their commerce and their firesides, and praying to be inspired with courage, with a spirit of self-sacrifice, and a love of law and order. That God would consecrate with especial favor the banner of liberty which that day had been hung in the heavens, and graciously keep the city over which it floated, and finally make them that happy people whose God is the Lord. After the prayer, speeches were made, the speakers all addressing the crowd as citizens of the "Southern Republic." During the speaking, processions poured in from different sections of the city, with music and cannon, each saluting the Palmetto flag. From the windows of dwellings were suspended banners with such mottoes as 66 Now or never;' 29 "No step backward;" "The argument is ended;" "Stand to your arms;" "South Carolina goes it alone, - her trumps, Magrath, Colcock, and Conner, with these she claims a march." Secession badges worn by men, women, and children. M. L. Bonham, member of Congress from South Carolina, resigned his seat in that body. The prayer for the President of the United States was omitted in the Episcopal churches in Charleston. Nov. 18. Georgia legislature appropriated one million dollars to arm and equip the State. Ordered an election of delegates to a State convention, to be held January 2, the convention to assemble January 9. Nov. 19. Governor Moore, of Louisiana, ordered the legislature of that State to convene Dec. 10. We learn from Richmond, Va., through reliable sources, that there was at this time (Nov. 19), fully armed and equipped, in Virginia, a force of one hundred thousand of the elite of the young men of the State, with a reserve force of one hundred thousand more; that they had purchased from the United States government, since October 1st, five thousand smooth-bore percussion muskets, which had arrived there, and that eight thousand stand of arms of different classes, purchased at the North, had been forwarded within the previous week. Virginia entered into a contract for three thousand shells, to suit heavy artillery, besides five hundred barrels of Dupont powder, which had been purchased and stored at Lexington and Richmond. Two thousand new |