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[blocks in formation]

TABLE specifying the money value of Clothing allowed to the Army of the United States.

Cavalry or L't. Artillery.

First year...



$55 13



$55 73




$58 23



$55 13

Second year.

32 17

81 77

82 62

82 07

82 06

31 22

30 82

81 96

81 77

$55 48 81 12

$53 03 80 72

Third year.

47 11

46 06

48 01

46 66

45 40

45 21

44 16

45 20

46 06

45 01

43 96

Fourth year

32 17

31 77

82 62

82 07

32 06

31 22

80 S2

31 96

81 77

81 12

80 72

Fifth year..

[blocks in formation]

The allowance to Volunteer troops is at the rate of $42 per annum.

Artillery or Infantry.



Artillery or Infantry.


Cavalry or L't Artillery.

Artillery or Infantry.

[blocks in formation]

General Orders, }

No. 365.

Washington, November 13, 1863.
The following named non-commissioned officers and privates, having been duly ex-
amined and declared unfit for further field service, but fit for duty in the Invalid Corps,
are hereby transferred from their respective Regiments and Companies to the Invalid
Corps, to take effect November 15, 1863, and from and after that date will be dropped
from their Regimental rolls. Commanding Officers of Companies to which these men
have heretofore belonged will at once furnish the Provost Marshal General, at Wash-
ington, a descriptive list, clothing account, and complete military history in each case:
Kellen, Thomas F., Private, Co. M, 1st Maine Cavalry.
Sylvester, Charles, Private, Co. F, 1st Maine Cavalry.
Brackett, Peter D., Private, Co. H, 2d Maine Vols.
Folsom, Nathan T., Private, Co. B, 3d Maine Vols.
Robinson, Charles, Private, Co. H, 3d Maine Vols.
Emerson, Josiah J., Corporal, Co. H, 4th Maine Vols.
Higgins, Simon, Private, Co. H, 4th Maine Vols.
Thayer, Howard, Private, Co. B, 4th Maine Vols.
Wood, Benjamin, Sergeant, Co. I, 4th Maine Vols.
Abbott, Philip, Private, Co. D, 5th Maine Vols.
Adams, Oliver B., Private, Co. B, 5th Maine Vols.
Gaddis, James, Private, Co. C, 5th Maine Vols.
Godfrey, James, Private, Co. D, 5th Maine Vols.
Lord, Frank, Private, Co. A, 5th Maine Vols.
Nail, David, Private, Co. II, 5th Maine Vols.
Rogers, Joseph F., Corporal, Co. F, 5th Maine Vols.
Carey, Michael, Private, Co. E, 6th Maine Vols.
Freeman, Joseph, Private, Co. B, 6th Maine Vols.
Lacy, Francis J., Private, Co. G, 6th Maine Vols.
Downey, Dennis, Private, Co. K, 7th Maine Vols.
Thurston, John W., Private, Co. K, 11th Maine Vols.
Galvin, John, Private, Co. I, 16th Maine Vols.
Livingston, Luther D., Private, Co. F, 16th Maine Vols.
Butler, Warren S., Private, Co. D, 17th Maine Vols.
Chase, Enoch S., Private, Co. K, 17th Maine Vols.
Cobb, Daniel, Private, Co. D, 17th Maine Vols.
Leighton, Andrew, Private, Co. E, 17th Maine Vols.
McKinney, Moses, Private, Co. E, 17th Maine Vols.
Packard, Thomas M., Private, Co. C, 17th Maine Vols.
Phinney, Lincoln, Corporal, Co. G, 17th Maine Vols.
Wright, Charles L., Private, Co. G, 17th Maine Vols.
Adams, Benjamin, Private, Co. H, 19th Maine Vols.
Downell, Edwin L., Private, Co. F, 19th Maine Vols.
Oliver, James M., Private, Co. C, 19th Maine Vols.
Ware, Jabez G., Private, Co. B, 19th Maine Vols.
Weaver, George M., Private, Co. A, 19th Maine Vols.
Bateman, John F., Private, Co. G, 20th Maine Vols.
Day, Isaac C., Private, Co. A, 20th Maine Vols.
Emery, Henry C., Private, Co. A, 20th Maine Vols.
Grant, Lorenzo, Private, Co. H, 20th Maine Vols.
Higgins, Levi, Private, Co. A, 20th Maine Vols.
Peabody, Jason D.. Private, Co. I, 20th Maine Vols.
Toomey, Thomas, Private, Co. E, 20th Maine Vols.
West, Stephen W., Private, Co. H, 20th Maine Vols.
Witham, Charles, Private, Co. I, 20th Maine Vols.
Willial, William, Private, Co. H, 28th Maine Vols.

County, George B., Private, Co. B, 2d New Hampshire Vols.
Bancroft, Samuel P., Corporal, Co. G, 6th New Hampshire Vols.
Roby, George, Private, Co. D, 11th New Hampshire Vols.
Colbath, Samuel, Private, Co. A, 12th New Hampshire Vols.
Fogg, Dexter B., Private, Co. G, 12th New Hampshire Vols.
Hoyt, D. P., Private, Co. K, 12th New Hampshire Vols.

Bean, Addison F., Private, Co. F, 13th New Hampshire Vols.
Moore, Martin F., Musician, Co. K, 13th New Hampshire Vols.
Hosby, Mayland, Private, Co. F, 4th Vermont Vols.
Sweet, Eden, Private, Co. E, 4th Vermont Vols.

O'Connell, Daniel, Private, Co. E, 1st Massachusetts Artillery.
McKeren, William, Private, 5th Massachusetts Battery.
Lasor, Sandford W., Private, Co. F, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry.
Slott, Joshua L., Private, Co. G, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry.
Chessman, John W., Private, Co. H, 1st Massachusetts Vols.
Gardner, Benjamin B., Private, Co. B, 2d Massachusetts Vols.
Glenn, Alexander B., Private, Co. G, 2d Massachusetts Vols.
Linfield, Jonathan, Private, Co. G, 2d Massachusetts Vols.
White, William L., 1st Sergeant, Co. K, 2d Massachusetts Vols.
Frenan, Hugh, Private, Co. E, 7th Massachusetts Vols.
Loughlin, Bernard, Private, Co. I, 7th Massachusetts Vols.
Roberts, Ebenezer, Private, Co. A, 7th Massachusetts Vols.
Turner, S. F., Private, Co. A, 7th Massachusetts Vols.
Baker, Owen, Private, Co. B, 9th Massachusetts Vols.
Dunn, John, Private, Co. D, 9th Massachusetts Vols.
Gates, Emory B., Private, Co. F, 10th Massachusetts Vols.
Hastings, Benjamin, Private, Co. H, 10th Massachusetts Vols.
Peabody, George W., Sergeant, Co. I, 11th Massachusetts Vols.
Bryant, Luther S., Corporal, Co. I, 12th Massachusetts Vols.
Morvill, William F., Private, Co. C, 12th Massachusetts Vols.
Bradbury, F. A., Private, Co. C, 13th Massachusetts Vols.
Moore, James E., Private, Co. D, 13th Massachusetts Vols.
Smith, George H., Private, Co. C, 13th Massachusetts Vols.
Whidden, Philon C., Private, Co. B, 13th Massachusetts Vols.
Bliss, Oliver, Private, Co. F, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Ford, Henry, Private, Co. K, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Greene, Lucius H., Private, Co. I, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Parkis, Ira H., Private, Co. H, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Scolley, Thomas, Private, Co. B, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Southwick, Ill., Private, Co. E, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Towner, Owen, Private, Co. E, 15th Massachusetts Vols.
Flohr, Andrew L., Private, Co. K, 16th Massachusetts Vols..
McMahan, John, Private, Co. A, 16th Massachusetts Vols.
Perkins, John R., Private, Co. I, 16th Massachusetts Vols.
Perry, John, Sergeant, Co. H, 16th Massachusetts Vols.
Reed, Lewis A., Private, Co. H, 16th Massachusetts Vols.
Goff, Patrick, Private, Co. B, 18th Massachusetts Vols.
Kelleher, Timothy, Private, Co. B, 18th Massachusetts Vols.
Smith, Earl T., Private, Co. C, 18th Massachusetts Vols.
Tripp, Ebenezer R., Private, Co. F, 18th Massachusetts Vols.
Walley, William, Private, Co. E, 18th Massachusetts Vols.
Anderson, John W., Private, Co. H, 19th Massachusetts Vols.
Homan, John H., Corporal, Co. K, 19th Massachusetts Vols.
McCarty, Charles, Private, Co. D, 19th Massachusetts Vols.
Norwood, Augustus J., Private, Co. K, 19th Massachusetts Vols.
Bishop, Alfred L., Private, Co. A, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
Carey, Andrew, Private, Co. E, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
Dinhey, Timothy, Private, Co. E, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
Greene, Thomas W., Private, Co. A, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
McShane, Robert, Private, Co. E, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
Pratt, George C., Corporal, Co. I, 20th Massachusetts Vols.
Gilbert, Wallace H., Bugler, Co. F, 22d Massachusetts Vols.
Lashure, James K., Private Co. C, 22d Massachusetts Vols.
Moulton, Charles H., Private, Co. D, 22d Massachusetts Vols.
Rogers, Cyrus B., Private, Co. K, 22d Massachusetts Vols.
Barrett, John, Private, Co. C, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Curran, Dennis, Private, Co. D, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Dolan, Michael, Private, Co. H, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
VOL. II.-39


Grady, Andrew, Sergeant, Co. D, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Kelly, James, Private, Co. G, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Lane, Morris, Private, Co. K, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Maher, John, Private, Co. B, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
McGrath, David, Corporal, Co. C, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Royena, William, Private, Co. C, 28th Massachusetts Vols.
Donohue, Daniel, Private, Co. G, 30th Massachusetts Vols.
Harrington, William H., Corporal, Co. G. 32d Massachusetts Vols.
Knowles, Charles E., Musician, Co. F, 32d Massachusetts Vols.
Lewis, Henry A., Private, Co. I, 32d Massachusetts Vols.
Arf bidson, Gustavus A., Private, Co. I, 33d Massachusetts Vols.
McDermott, James, Private, Co. H, 33d Massachusetts Vols.
O'Brien, John, Private, Co. A, 33d Massachusetts Vols.
Prentis, Edwin C., Private, Co. D, 33d Massachusetts Vols.
Tarbox, Sumner R., Drummer, Co. A, 33d Massachusetts Vols.
Webber, Alexander, Corporal, Co. D, 35th Massachusetts Vols.
Wheeler, Charles M., Private, Co. D, 35th Massachusetts Vols.
Lincoln, George W., Private, Co. G, 36th Massachusetts Vols.
Reider, Hiram, Private, Co. E, 36th Massachusetts Vols.
Nye, Albert H., Private, Co. H, 38th Massachusetts Vols.
Critcherson, Joseph, Corporal, Co. I, 39th Massachusetts Vols.
McCarty, John, Private, Co. E, 39th Massachusetts Vols.
Webber, Timothy, Private, Co. K, 40th 'Massachusetts Vols.
West, James H., Private. Co. E, 40th Massachusetts Vols.
Wright, Henry O., Private, Co. B, 40th Massachusetts Vols.
Felt, Daniel W., Private, Co. B, 1st Rhode Island Artillery.
Taylor, Daniel C., Private, Co. B, 1st Rhode Island Lt. Artillery.
Clark, Francis, Private, Co. M, 1st Rhode Island Cavalry.
Curley, Martin, Private, Co. A, 1st Rhode Island Cavalry.
Hope, George H., Private, Co. E, 1st Rhode Island Cavalry.
Sweet, Charles G., Corporal, Co. A, 1st Rhode Island Cavalry.
Farrell, John, Private, Co. C, 2d Rhode Island Vols.
Greene, Peter, Private, Co. A, 2d Rhode Island Vols.
Hull, Samuel F., Sergeant, Co. D, 2d Rhode Island Vols.
McLod, Murdoch, Private, Co. E, 2d Rhode Island Vols.
Donley, James, Private, Co. A, 4th Rhode Island Vols.
Spencer, George I., Private, Co. G, 4th Rhode Island Vols.
Green, Edward H., Private, Co. E, 7th Rhode Island Vols.
Bagley, William A., Private, Co. F, 1st Connecticut Artillery.
Loveridge, Royal, Private, Co. E, 1st Connecticut Artillery.
Holley, Curtiss, Private, Co. H, 5th Connecticut Vols.
Hope, Francis, Private, Co. C, 5th Connecticut Vols.
Moffatt, Adolphus, Private, Co. F, 8th Connecticut Vols.
Ferguson, John, Private, Co. H, 11th Connecticut Vols.
Clark, Alpheus D., Private, Co. B, 14th Connecticut Vols.
Hirsh, Joseph, Private, Co. D, 14th Connecticut Vols.
McDonald, John, Private, Co. E, 14th Connecticut Vols.
Bunnell, George S., Private, Co. B, 15th Connecticut Vols.
Sandley, John, Private, Co. H, 15th Connecticut Vols.
Bosworth, James, Sergeant, Co. D, 17th Connecticut Vols.
Castle, Charles H., Private, Co. F, 17th Connecticut Vols.
Jackson, William H., Private, Co. B, 17th Connecticut Vols.
Wallace, William, Private, Co. K, 17th Connecticut Vols.
Hill, Henry E., Sergeant, Co. G, 10th Connecticut Vols.
Blain, Uriah P., Private, Co. B, 1st New York Artillery.
Kappel, John, Private, Co. I, 1st New York Artillery.
Keller, Charles, 1st Sergeant, Co. K, 1st New York Artillery.
Shell, Adam, Private, Co. F, 1st New York Artillery.
Blum, George, Private, Co. B, 6th New York Artillery.
Ernst, Edward, Private, 10th New York Battery.
Frederick, John, Private, 13th New York Battery.
Propst, Henry, Private, 32d New York Battery.

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