Laboratory Number. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS-SPRING SEASON, 1908-CONTINUED. 6663 Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga, 6600 Va. 6765 ----do High Grade Swift's Special Maxton H. G. Acid Phosphate. Va.-Car. Chemical Co., Richmond, Click's 16 Per Cent Acid Pittsboro Durham Fertilizer Co.'s Best Monroe Phosphate. R 12.63 3.26 15.89 12.71 Acid Phosphate. Brand claiming. 2.00 2.00 6605 Lee, A. S., & Sons Co., Richmond, Lee's Prepared Agricultural Red Springs- R 2.68 2.68 12.00 6573 Acme Manufacturing Co., Wil Genuine German Kainit. Warsaw S 12.06 12.06 N, D, R, S, B, P, Y and W refer to the mechanical condition of fertilizers, as follows: N-fine; D-good; R-fair; S-coarse; B-very coarse, P-damp; Y-lumpy; W-wet. Laboratory Number. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS-SPRING SEASON, 1908-CONTINUED. 6342 Caraleigh Phosphate and Fertili Nitrate of Soda. RAW OR UNMIXED FERTILIZER MATERIALS. Washington B 15.65 19.00 15.65 19.00 $56.34 56.34 1Total Phosphoric Acid found, 20.90, valued at 32 cents per pound. 2Total Phosphoric Acid found, 20.43, valued at 32 cents per pound. 3Total Phosphoric Acid found, 9.00, valued at 32 cents per pound. 4Total Phosphoric Acid found, 15.66, valued at 32 cents per pound. Total Phosphoric Acid found, 15.68, valued at 31⁄2 cents per pound. N, D, R, S, B, P, Y and W refer to the mechanical condition of fertilizers, as follows: N-fine; D-good; R-fair; S-coarse; B-very coarse; P-damp; Y-lumpy; W-wet. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS-SPRING SEASON, 1908-CONTINUED. 6430 Baugh & Sons Co., Norfolk, Va. Baugh's Animal Bone and Pot Kinston R 7.30 1.67 8.97 .43 1.58 1.65 2.00 2.00 $ 15.82 18.13 6416 Meadows, E. H. & J. A., Co., New Bern, Meadows' Cotton Guano--- Pocomoke Guano Co., Norfolk, Va.. Va.-Car. Chemical Co., Richmond, Va. Home Fert. Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Kinston Pamlico Superphosphate. Hertford Greenville. Plant Food New Bern. Kinston 6.25 2.22 8.47 .51 1.52 2.03 2.46 2.12 17.87 7.38 .65 8.03 1.23 .43 1.66 2.02 2.00 15.90 1.65 2.00 1.81 2.20 2.38 2.47 3.00 2.00 2.07 2.70 3.28 2.61 1.88 2.73 2.03 15.97 3.32 2.25 20.00 Armour Fert. Works, Wilmington, N. C.- Armour Cotton Special Fertilizer Lumberton Caraleigh Phos. and Fert. Works, Raleigh, N. C. Columbia Guano Co., Norfolk, Va. Baugh's Grand Rapid H. G. Horne's Best Olympia Cotton Guano Elizabeth City. 4.40 3.42 7.82 .42 8.00 6.60 1.59 8.19 1.04 0.82 1.00 14.00 8.00 6.65 1.37 8.02 2.08 2.52 6.70 1.45 8.15 1.30 1.14 2.44 2.96 3.25 20.42 Laboratory Number. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS-SPRING SEASON, 1908-CONTINUED. Brand claiming 9.00 6388 American Agricultural Chemical Co., N. Y. Gold Dust Guano. Brand claiming 6376 Imperial Co., Norfolk, Va. Martin County Special Crop Edenton Edenton S 7.00 1.76 8.76 99 .82 sed 1.86 1.17 4.12 5.00 7.00 4.61 5.60 7.04 1.85 2.25 1.00 2.08 2.52 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.00 1.81 2.20 2.26 2.75 2.00 9.12 .34 2.16 2.50 3.04 30.96 33.27 16.41 17.63 16.75 2.09 2.40 20.59 Brand claiming 9.00 Roberson, J. H. & Co., Robersonville, N. C. Roberson's Cotton Grower Brands claiming American Fertilizing Co., Norfolk, Va.- Pamlico Chemical Co., Washington, N. C.- Bragaw Fertilizer Co., Washington, N. C. Baugh & Sons Co., Norfolk, Va. Brand claiming. 6382 Baugh & Sons Co., Norfolk, Va. 2.75 3.34 2.00 9.35 1.07 1.22 2.29 2.78 2.70 7.00 4.12 5.00 5.00 6.77 3.72 1.29 5.01 6.08 5.27 5.20 1.99 7.19 2.75 6.13 .91 7.04 2.47 1.53 4.28 5.20 5.25 1.65 4.12 5.00 5.16 7.00 5.10 1.99 5.55 1.42 4.12 5.00 7.00 2.72 4.56 5.54 7.52 4.12 5.00 8.00 4.17 5.06 8.28 3.30 4.00 8.00 3.30 4.00 9.19 4.12 5.00 5.00 2.50 4.32 5.24 5.26 30.07 |