An Act requiring the Clerks of the Courts to Account, and for other purposes. It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. All fines, penalties and forfeitures, except such as shall be received by justices of the peace and clerks of the courts of common pleas, and all costs due or payable into the general treasury, shall be paid to the clerk of the supreme court for the county in which the same shall be imposed, assessed or taxed, and be by him accounted for and paid into the general treasury. All sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and jailers shall pay to the clerk of the supreme court for their respective counties, all fines and costs by them received, due and payable into the general treasury; and the said clerks of the supreme court shall prosecute all delinquents under this act according to law. SEC. 2. All costs paid out of the general treasury, or by defendants or others in criminal prosecutions, which shall remain unclaimed by the persons to whom the same shall be due for the space of six months after the same shall be received, shall be paid by the officer or person holding the same to the clerk of the supreme court for the county, who shall account for and pay the same as aforesaid into the general treasury. SEC. 3. All orders drawn on the general treasury for bills of costs shall be accompanied with copies of the said bills of cost; and all orders drawn on the general treasury for incidental and extraordinary expenses or services in criminal prosecutions, shall contain a statement of the particulars of said expenses or services, and a description of the prosecutions or causes in which the same were paid or rendered. SEC. 4. Each of the clerks of the supreme court and court of common pleas shall, within twenty days after the rising of the court of which he is clerk, at every term thereof, render a true and particular account to the general treasurer of all fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed or declared forfeit at that term of said court; and copies of all bills of costs taxed in criminal prosecutions, or any other cases in which the state or the general treasurer may be a party; and of all allowances for extraordinary and incidental services or expenses; and also of all money by him received in pursuance of the act entitled "an act in relation to jurors ;" and shall, if a clerk of the supreme court, also make like return of all money by him received and payable into the general treasury; which account shall be accompanied by a certificate from some one of the justices of said court verifying the same, and specifying therein the number of cases tried before or opened to the jury, and the amount of fines imposed by said courts for non-attendance of jurors; and all such monies shall be paid into the general treasury at the time of rendering said account. SEC. 5. The general treasurer shall furnish the clerks of said courts from time to time with such forms of accounts and returns as he shall think proper and convenient; and the said clerks shall make return to the general treasurer according to law, agreeably to such forms by him prescribed. gen SEC. 6. If any officer or other person shall neglect or refuse to pay to any clerk of the supreme court, any costs payable to him at the time when the same ought to be paid; or if any of said clerks shall neglect or refuse to pay into the eral treasury, any costs payable thereunto at the time when the same ought to be paid, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay treble the value or amount of the costs so withheld or not paid; to be recovered by action of debt, to be commenced by the general treasurer for the use of the state. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the general treasurer to report semi-annually to the general assembly, on the operation and execution of this act; and to cause prosecutions to be commenced for all neglects of the duties hereby imposed, and for all breaches thereof. An Act in relation to the Providence and Pawtucket Turnpike Road, now belonging to the State. It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. At the annual general election in every year, an agent shall be chosen to superintend the Providence and Pawtucket Turnpike Road and all the business thereof. Such agent shall employ and pay such sub-agents as may be necessary, and shall keep said road and buildings belonging to it in repair, and pay over the income thereof to the general treasurer, quarterly. SEC. 2. Said agent shall be allowed as compensation for his services the sum of fifty dollars; he shall continue in office until his successor is qualified to act. SEC. 3. The agent shall have power to commute the tolls chargeable on said road, with persons regularly travelling over the road, on such terms as he may deem best. SEC. 4. The agent of the state for superintending said road shall prosecute for all violations of the regulations of said road, and for all sums due to said road for tolls or commutation of tolls. SEC. 5. If any person shall hereafter pull down or in any way injure the gates or buildings erected upon or belonging to said road, or the appurtenances thereof, or shall in any manner obstruct the free passage of persons travelling over or using said road, or otherwise injure said road, such person shall be fined not exceeding six hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding six months; and shall also be liable to pay to such agent to and for the use of the state, double the amount of the damage actually done, to be recovered in an action therefor. An Act to provide for the safe keeping of the money received from the United States, by virtue of an act of Congress entitled "An Act to regulate the deposites of the public money,” approved June 23, 1836. SECTION 1. Commissioners of the funds deposited by the United States. 2. Commissioners may loan to banks upon bond. 3. May withdraw the loan if deemed in secure. 4. Deposite shall remain until otherwise ordered by the general assembly. SECTION 5. To be repaid when demanded by the 6. If relinquished by bank or withdrawn, It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. The governor, secretary of state and general treasurer for the time being, are hereby constituted commis sioners of the funds received by this state from the United States, by virtue of an act of Congress approved June 23, 1836, with full power to regulate the custody and safe keeping thereof according to the provisions of this act, and of such other acts as the general assembly may from time to time pass on the subject. SEC. 2. Said commissioners may deposite in such of the banks as have complied and shall comply with the laws relating to banks, and shall assent to the provisions of this act, their rateable proportion of said sum, according to the capital actually paid in; each bank obligating itself in writing to pay interest on the amount deposited with it, to the general treasurer, on the second Monday in April in every year, at the rate of five per cent. per annum, and to pay over said amount deposited, or any part thereof, to the order of the commissioners. SEC. 3. Said commissioners, whenever they shall deem the deposite in any bank to be insecure, may require sufficient security of such bank, and in default of giving the same when required, or of paying the interest on the same, shall demand and receive payment of the sum deposited. In case of the refusal of any bank to make payment of said deposites when demanded, the said commissioners may issue a warrant of distress, directed to the sheriff or either of his deputies in the county in which such bank is located, commanding him to distrain the goods, chattels and effects of every kind belonging to such bank, and the same to sell and dispose of to an amount equal to that due from said bank, and the cost of such proceedings; and to pay the proceeds over to said commissioners. SEC. 4. The deposites made by said commissioners agreeably to this act, in any bank, shall remain therein until the general assembly shall order some other disposition thereof; unless they shall be voluntarily relinquished by such bank or shall be called for by the secretary of the treasury of the United States, or shall be drawn out by reason of insecurity, or for non-payment of interest, or unless such bank shall be adjudged by the supreme court guilty of violating the law concerning banks. SEC. 5. Whenever the money deposited with this state. shall be demanded by the secretary of the treasury of the United States, notice thereof as soon as may be, shall be given by the said commissioners to the banks holding any part thereof, and they shall be required to make payment rateably if the whole amount shall not be demanded by said secretary. SEC. 6. Whenever any bank shall voluntarily relinquish the deposite placed with it in pursuance of this act, and whenever any such deposite shall be withdrawn for any reason other than for payment to the United States, said commissioners may loan any portion of said fund to any town in this state; but in that case the treasurer of said town shall give bond to said commissioners with condition to pay interest on the second Monday in April on the amount received, at the rate of five per cent. per annum; to pay the whole or such part of the sum loaned as may be required by the commissioners for the purpose of repayment to the United States, when the same shall be demanded; to pay the whole or such part thereof as shall be required by the general assembly, and when so required; and to apply the money so received for the purposes of education exclusively. SEC. 7. The sum so loaned to any town shall not exceed the proportion of the whole amount deposited with the state to which such town would be entitled according to the ratio of the white population of such town, under the age of fifteen years, and the colored population under ten years, and five-fourteenths of the colored population between the ages of ten and twenty-four years, to the whole population of the state, according to the census of the United States next preceding such loan. SEC. 8. Whenever any monies returned or withdrawn as aforesaid shall not be applied for, in whole or in part as aforesaid, within five days of the time of return or withdrawal, the commissioners are hereby authorized, in their discretion, to place the same or the balance thereof in deposite with some other bank or banks, subject to the conditions and limitations mentioned in this act; or to invest the same in the capital stock of some bank or banks within this state. An Act to regulate the Inspection of Beef and Pork. |