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Howbeit I know, if ancient prophecies | Of no more subtle master under Have err'd not, that I march to meet my doom.


Thou hast not made my life so sweet to me,

Than is the maiden passion for a maid,

Not only to keep down the base in

That I the King should greatly care to live;


But teach high thought, and amiable

For thou hast spoilt the purpose of my life.


Bear with me for the last time while
I show,

And courtliness, and the desire of
And love of truth, and all that makes

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Creeps, no precaution used, among the crowd, Makes wicked lightnings of her eyes, and saps

But how to take last leave of all I loved?

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Whom he knows false, abide and rule the house:

And all is past, the sin is sinn'd, and I Lo! I forgive thee, as Eternal God Forgives: do thou for thine own soul the rest.

The pang - which while I weigh'd thy heart with one Too wholly true to dream untruth in thee, Made my tears burn-is also past in part.

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O golden hair, with which I used to play Not knowing! O imperial-moulded form, And beauty such as never woman. wore, Until it came a kingdom's curse with thee I cannot touch thy lips, they are not mine, But Lancelot's: nay, they never were the King's.

I cannot take thy hand; that too is flesh, And in the flesh thou hast sinn'd; and mine own flesh,

Here looking down on thine polluted, cries

'I loathe thee:' yet not less, O Guine


For I was ever virgin save for thee, My love thro' flesh hath wrought into my life

So far, that my doom is, I love thee still.



Let no man dream but that I love thee | Rose the pale Queen, and in her anPerchance, and so thou purify thy soul,

And so thou lean on our fair father Christ,

Hereafter in that world where all are pure

We two may meet before high God, and thou Wilt spring to me, and claim me thine, and know

I am thine husband-not a smaller soul,

guish found

The casement: "peradventure," so she thought,

"If I might see his face, and not be seen."

And lo, he sat on horseback at the door! And near him the sad nuns with each a light

Stood, and he gave them charge about the Queen,

To guard and foster her for evermore. And while he spake to these his helm was lower'd,

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Then, listening till those armed Gone thro' my sin to slay and to be steps were gone,


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