steel or either, drawn by one horse, with the persons therein, not exceeding two over twelve years of age, and the horse, For every additional person person in such last mentioned chaise, sulkey, carryall, pleasure carriage or wagon, For every horse and wagon not hung on or supported by springs of iron and steel or either, and drawn by one horse with one person therein, For every additional person in such last mentioned wagon, For every ox wagon or cart and team, without a load or with a load not exceeding a ton, and the person or persons with the same, not exceeding two, For every hundred weight over one ton in such ox wagon or cart, per hundred weight, 50 8 35 8 50 4 SEC. 13. The proprietors of the several ferries shall keep constantly posted up in their respective ferry houses in some public room or place, a printed abstract of the several laws regulating said ferries, and a schedule of the legal rates of ferriage, the condition in which the boats and wharves are to be kept, and generally the duties of said proprietors and of the ferryman, and of the penalties for a breach thereof. And every proprietor or occupier of a ferry who shall neglect to comply with the foregoing provisions, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for every such offence, to and for the use of the town within which his ferry is located: provided, that the space of five days after any complaint, shall be allowed to such proprietors or occupiers within which to comply with the laws, before he shall be again made liable for the same offence. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the town treasurers of the several towns in which ferries are established, to sue for and recover all penalties incurred by breaches of any of the laws. relating to ferries, except where provision is herein made. to the contrary; and if any such town treasurer shall refuse or neglect to prosecute therefor, upon information given to him in writing, by any person competent to prove the breach complained of, or who shall name to him competent witnesses to prove the same, such town treasurer shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of fifteen dollars, to be recovered by the person by whom the information was given to said town treasurer; and it shall further be the duty of said town treasurers to make report to the general assembly, when in session, of all complaints laid before them, and of their proceedings thereon. An Act in relation to Turnpike Roads and Toll Bridges, and Keepers of Toll Gates. SECTION 1. Gates on turnpikes and bridges may be opened if road or bridge be not in suitable repair. 2. Penalty on keeper for taking unlawful toll. SECTION 3. Corporation shall keep account of tolls. 4. Corporation prohibited from holding land, unless such as authorized by its charter-exception It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. If at any time any turnpike road or toll bridge shall not be in suitable and proper repair, any justice of the supreme court, or any justice of the court of common pleas in the same county with said road, upon complaint to him made for that purpose, is authorized and empowered to cause the gate or gates on said road or bridge to be opened; and to remain open until, in the opinion of the said justice, the said road or bridge shall be put in proper and suitable repair; and the cost of said complaint shall be paid by the company owning said road or bridge, if in the opinion of the said justice the same shall be well founded; otherwise by the complainant. SEC. 2. The keeper of every toll gate on any turnpike road or toll bridge, who shall hereafter demand and receive any greater toll for passing through the gate whereof he is keeper than is by law allowed, shall forfeit and pay for the first offence a sum not less than two dollars, nor more than five dollars; and for each and every subsequent offence the sum of twenty dollars; to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace in the town where said gate is, to and for the use of the complainant: provided, however, the action shall in all cases be commenced within three months from the time of the commission of the offence. SEC. 3. Each turnpike road and toll bridge corporation shall keep an accurate account of the toll actually received at its gate or gates, and have such account at all times in readiness for the examination of the general assembly. SEC. 4. No turnpike corporation or bridge corporation shall be capable in law to take or hold any land in this state in fee, or for life or lives, or for term of years, or by any other title or tenure, for any other use than such as is expressly provided in the charter of such corporation; and all deeds and instruments of whatever description, made to any such corporation, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall be null and void: provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to affect any title already acquired by any such corporation, in conformity to power expressly contained in its charter. SECTION An Act in relation to Rail Roads. 1. Bell to be placed on engine and rung at crossings. 2. Painted sign-board to be placed at crossings. 3. Penalty on company for neglecting provisions of this act. 4. Account of toll, &c., to be kept-subject to examination. SECTION 5. Prohibited holding real estate other 6. Board of commissioners. 8. May send for persons, &c.; examine 9. Report to the general assembly semiannually. 10. Compensation. It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. Every rail road company incorporated under the authority of this state shall cause a bell of at least thirtytwo pounds in weight to be placed on each locomotive engine passing upon their road; and the said bell shall be rung at the distance of at least eighty rods from the place where said rail road crosses any turnpike, highway or public way upon the same level with the rail road, and shall be kept ringing until the engine has crossed such turnpike or road. SEC. 2. Every such rail road company shall cause boards to be placed, well supported by posts or otherwise, and constantly maintained, across each turnpike, highway or public way, where it is crossed by the rail road upon the same level therewith; the said posts and boards to be of such height as shall be easily seen by travellers, without obstructing the travel; and on each side of said boards the following inscription shall be painted in capital letters, of at least the size of nine inches each," Rail Road Crossing-Look out for the Engine while the Bell rings." SEC. 3. If any rail road company shall unreasonably neglect or refuse to comply with the requisitions contained in this act, they shall forfeit for every such neglect or refusal a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars; to be recovered in an action of debt before any court proper to try the same; one half thereof to and for the use of the state, and the other half to and for the use of the person who shall sue for the same. And the said rail road company shall also be liable for all damages sustained by any person by reason of such neglect or refusal on the part of the company. SEC. 4. Every rail road corporation shall keep an account of the toll, freight and passage money actually received at their depots and offices of receipt, and keep the same at all times in readiness for the examination of the general assembly, or any committee or board of commissioners that may be appointed by said assembly. SEC. 5. No rail road corporation shall be capable in law to take or hold any land in this state, in fee or for life or lives, for term of years, or by any other title or tenure, for any other use than such as is expressly provided in the charter of such corporation; and all deeds or instruments of whatever description, made to any such corporation, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, so far as the same shall be contrary hereto, shall be null and void: provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to affect any title already acquired by any such corporation, in conformity to power expressly contained in its charter. SEC. 6. There shall hereafter be annually appointed by the general assembly at its May session, in the same manner as other state officers are appointed, a board of rail road commissioners; to consist of a number not less than three, who shall be commissioned and engaged as other state officers are. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of said board of commissioners whenever a majority of them shall deem it expedient, personally to examine into the transactions and proceedings of any rail road corporation that now is, or hereafter may be, authorized and established in this state, in order to secure to all the inhabitants the same and equal privileges of transportation of persons and property at all times, that may be granted, either directly or indirectly by any such corporation, to the inhabitants of any other state; and rateably in proportion to the distance any such persons or property may be so transported; and to inquire into any contract, understanding or agreement, by which any rail road company shall attempt to transfer or give to any steam boat company or to any steam boat any preference over any other steam boat company or boat, either as to freight or passage, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act; and into all the other acts and doings of any such company whereby the rights and privileges of this state or any of its citizens may be affected. SEC. 8. It shall be competent for the said board of commissioners, or a majority of them, in the discharge of their duty under this act, whenever they shall deem it proper, to send for persons and papers, and to examine witnesses under oath, which oaths the said commissioners are hereby authorized to administer, and to issue all necessary and proper process for the purpose aforesaid. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of said commissioners as often as twice every year, and oftener if they deem it necessary, to report to the general assembly the state, condition and proceedings of the several rail road companies, so far as the public interest may require the same. SEC. 10. The said commissioners shall be allowed as a compensation for their services from time to time, upon the presentation of their accounts to the general assembly, such sum as the general assembly may think proper to allow. An Act ascertaining what shall constitute a Legal Settlement. SECTION 1. Settlement how gained. First. Husband and wife; where set tled. Second. Legitimate children. Third. Illegitimate children. SECTION Fourth. Apprentices. Fifth. How gained by real estate. 2. Settlement continues until a new one It is enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: SECTION 1. A legal settlement in any town shall be hereafter gained, so as to oblige such town to relieve and support the person gaining the same, in case he becomes poor and stands in need of relief, by any of the ways and means following, and not otherwise: First. A married woman shall always follow and have the settlement of her husband, if he hath any settlement in this state, or in any of the United States; but if he hath no settlement within this state, or in any other of the United States, the wife shall have and retain her settlement at the time of her marriage, and the husband in such case shall follow and have the settlement of his wife. Second. Legitimate children shall follow and have the settlement of their father, until they arrive to the age of twenty-one years, if the father shall before that time have any settlement in this state, or in any other of the United States, and shall retain such settlement until they gain a settlement |