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Administration: Wisconsin State Board,

Alabama: reform school, 60, 61; juvenile
court law, 60, 62.

American Bar Association, 276.

American Prison Association, work of, 20,

Amigh, Mrs. Ophelia, outdoor work for
girls, 254.

Andover students and the Reformatory, 171
Arkansas reform school, 61.
Armed guards, 270.

Association of Governing Boards, proceed-
ings, 120; officers for 1909, 309.

Baily, Joshua L., convict labor, 232; prison
buildings, 287.

Baldwin, Abraham, death of, 304.
Barrows, S. J., telegram to General Brinker-

hoff, 117; jails and tuberculosis, 179;
statistics of crime, 227; criminal law, 229.
"Bankruptcy Court," 262.

Batt, Rev. W. J., Andover students, 171.
Bingham, Jas., criminal law, 218.

Blitch, Dr. S. H., tuberculous prisoners, 197.
Booth, Mrs. Maud B., Auburn prison, New
York, 251; "The Discharged Prisoner,'
287; work of, 303.

Bowron, C. W., parole of tuberculous pris-
oners, 197, 199.

Bragg, Dr. Shirley, death of, 304.

Brainerd, F. G., "The Man with the Bundle,"

Bullock, M. A., prisoners' aid, 115.
Brinkerhoff, General R., telegram to, 117.
Brockway, Z. R., and the indeterminate
sentence, 21, 146.

Bucket system, 182.

Butler, Amos W., resolution, 298.

Butler, Dr. F. W. P., "Tuberculosis in
State Prison," 204.

Byers, Dr. A. G., 168.

Canada: work for ex-prisoners, 90, 92;
Women offenders in, 245.
Capital punishment, 12, 213.

Carrington, Dr. C. V. "Sterilization of
Habitual Criminals," 174.

Central Howard Association, Chicago, 92,

"Chaplain, The, from the Warden's View-
point," R. W. McClaughry, 165.
Chaplains' Association, proceedings, 154;
officers for 1909, 308.
"Charities and The Commons," 134, 298.
Child labor, 63, 153.

Children: in county jails, 42; in southern
prisons, 56; habits of, 110; See also
Juvenile Courts, Reform School.
Church, The, and prison reform, 157, 158,

Civil service, 21.

Clark, A. J., criminal law, 232.

Clark, R. P., "Report of Committee on
Criminal law reform," 211.

Clay, Gen. Cecil, death of, 304.
Coates, H. F., Ohio laws, 103; Association
of Governing Boards, 120.

Colorado Prison Association, 92.
Committees: Organization, 117, 210; Reso-
lutions, 118, 298; Auditing, 153; Parole
of Life Men, 210; Time and Place, 210;
Prisoners' earnings, 242.

Conference sermon, 26.

Convict labor: on roads, 68; in Penn., 102;
in Ills., 103; remarks by Judge Estelle,
105; Georgia lease system, 22, 219; em-
ployment of women prisoners, 243; in
Texas, 281.

Cooke, Dr. Theodore, "The position a
physician should occupy in the trial
sentencing and care of a prisoner," 183.
Courts, criminal, and increase of crime, 41.
Crime: main sources of, 13, 67, 73; a social
product, 39; factors in, 41; Committee
on Statistics of, 227.

Criminal Law Reform, Report of Committee
R. P. Clark, 211; uniform state laws, 272.
Criminals, public interest in, awakened, 20.
Cuban election, 117.

Davis, Dr. Katharine Bement, 257.
DeCourcy, C. A., criminal law, 217.
Degenerates, 183.

DeLacy, Wm. H., medical examination,
193; criminal law, 231.

Delegates and visitors, 310.

Discharged prisoners: State should provide
employment, 14; Report of Committee,
88; "The Duty of Society to, (Rt. Rev.
Samuel Fallows), 93; "The Man with the
Bundle," (F. G. Brainerd), 106; address
by Mrs. Booth, 287.

"Discipline, Prison," J. A. Leonard, 259.
Dye, Miss Charlotte, Indiana Girls' School,

[blocks in formation]

Foy, Rev. F. A., discharged prisoners, 88;
criminal law, 231.

Fredenhagen, E. A., Society for the Friend-
less, 115.

Garvin, Albert, punishment cells, 268.
Georgia:, convict lease system, 22, 219, 233;
reform school, 59; juvenile court law, 59.
Gillaudeu, Mrs. Wm. L., Women's Prison
Association of New York, 255.

"Good time," 75, 138.

Gootee, C. H., remarks, 302.

Gray, E. McQueen, prisoners' aid, 116.
Griffith, D. J., tuberculous prisoners, 202.
Grotophorst, Herman, "The Wisconsin
State Board of Control," 120.

Habitual Criminals, life imprisonment of,
217. See also Sterilization.
Haddox, C. E., death of, 65; 304.
Hart, Dr. H. H., the chaplain's work, 168.
Haskell, W. H.: President's address, War-
dens' Association, 65.

Health of prisoners, 12.

Hellstrom, F. O., criminal law, 230.
Henderson, C. R., response to address of
welcome, 16; International Prison Con-
gress, 118; county jails, 134; "European
Criticism of Indeterminate Sentence and
Reformatory Methods," 135.

Heredity, 66, 173.

Hickox, Chaplain, 167, 169.

Hook, C. A., tuberculous prisoners, 203.
Hutzler, Chas., remarks, 38.

Identification Bureau, 95.

Illinois: Chicago juvenile court, 45; State
Reformatory and Penitentiaries, 94, 97,
152; convict labor law, 103; law re pris-
oner's earnings, 104; Chicago House of
Correction, 196.

Indeterminate sentence: adopted by Asso-
ciation, 21; results in Ills., 95, 98, 104,
148; for U. S. prisoners, 103; advantages
of, 181; diversity of methods, 235.
Indiana: penal code, 17; method of inter-
esting the churches, 159; Woman's
Prison, 252; Girls' School, 253.
Industrial training needed, 18, 133, 238.
Insane: Wisconsin county asylums, 126;
prisoners, 183; N. Y. laws, 213.
International Prison Congress, 118.

Jackson, Rev. W. S., negroes and tubercu-
losis, 204,

Jails, county: no change in system, 21;
encourage crime, 42; in Virginia, 69, 72,
178; in Wisconsin, 125; report of com-
mittee on investigation of, 134; officers
of, 156; cause of tuberculosis, 178, 198;
jail physician's duties, 187.
Johnson, W. T., letter, 302.

Jones, Thomas, study of crime, 201.
Juvenile courts needed in Richmond, 14;
Chicago methods, 46; in the South, 55;
in Washington, D. C., 193.

Kansas, prisoners' aid, 112, 115.
Kellogg, Rev. H. W., "Reformatory Work
from the Standpoint of an Active Minis-
ter," 158.

Kentucky laws concerning children, 55, 61.
Kiplinger, Rev. O. L., chaplain's duties, 171.

Leeds, Mrs. Deborah C., religious work in
prisons, 169; need of women's reforma-
tories, 251.

Leonard, J. A., indeterminate sentence and
parole, 150; "Prison Discipline," 259.
Lyon, F. Emory, results of the parole law,
97; prisoners' earnings, 99, 104.

"Man, The, with the Bundle," F. G. Brain-
erd, 106.

Marcuse, M. E., remarks, 9.

Martin, Jos. W., death of, 304.

Maryland: State Penitentiary, 188; Balti-
more jail, 203.

Massachusetts: aid for ex-prisoners, 92; Re-
formatory prison for women, 244, 252.
Mayer, J. M., criminal law, 217.
McClaughry, R. W., and Bertillon system,

21; prisoners' earnings, 101, 242; Dept.
of Justice, 103; Wm. Tallack resolution,
119; punishments, 241; remarks, 300.
McDaniel, G. W., Conference sermon, 26.
McKelway, A. J., "The Need of Reforma-

tories and the Juvenile Court System in
the South," 55; "Abolition of the Con-
vict Lease System of Georgia," 219.
Medical examination: of school children, 46,
186; of criminals, 184; in Chicago House
of Correction, 196.

Meyer, Dr. Alfred, tuberculosis, 181.
Milligan, J. L., President's Address, 19.
Mississippi, no laws re delinquent children,

[blocks in formation]

National Children's Bureau, 153, 210.
Nebraska Prison Society, 115.
Negroes: and compulsory education in the
South, 61, 131; in Georgia prisons, 63;
tuberculosis among, 177, 198, 201.
Newell, A. C.: "Georgia's Convict Lease
System," 22.

New Mexico Society for Friendless, 92, 116.
Newspapers, prison, 87.

New York: first indeterminate sentence
law, 21; State Industrial School, 44; in-
sanity laws, 213; Women's Prison, Au-
burn, 251; State Farm for Women, 252;
Women's Prison Association, 255; State
Reformatory for Women, 256.
Nicholson, Jos., and Bertillon system, 21.
Nicholson, Timothy, Chaplains' meeting,
170; published proceedings, 232; Indiana
Woman's Prison, 252; remarks, 301.
North Carolina reform school, 57, 61.

Officers: improvement in standard, 21; 156.
Ohio: prisoners' earnings, 102; suspended
sentence law, 103; State reformatory
methods, 260.

Organization: Congress of 1908, 5; of 1909,

Osborne, Geo. O., prisoners' earnings, 100.
O'Sullivan, Mrs. Emma, "Women offenders
in Canada," 245.

Page, Rosewell, parole, 270.
Pardoning power, 14.

Parole systems, 78, 122, 129, 236, 271; pa-
role of tuberculous prisoners, 197, 199; of
life men, 210.

Patton, T. B., increase of sentence, 128;
punishments, 242; Report of Committee
on Preventive and Reformatory Work,

Pennsylvania: convict labor law, 102; in-
crease of sentence, 127; tuberculous pris-
oners, 200; State Reformatory paroles,
236; State Reformatory punishments,
Pettigrove, F. G., Mass. Reformatory
Prison for Women, 252; Report of Com-
mittee on Resolutions, 298.

"Physician, The, The Position he should oc-
cupy in the trial, sentencing and care of
the prisoner," (Dr. Theodore Cooke, Jr.),

Physicians' Association, proceedings, 173;
officers for 1909, 309.

Policemen as probation officers, 53.
Politics in institutions curbed, 22.
Prevention and probation, general session,

Preventive and Reformatory work, Report
of Committee, T. B. Patton, 234.
Prison Sunday, 160.

Prisons: effect on inmates, 42; management
of, 128; transfers from Reformatory, 126;
discipline, 259.

Probation: Prevention and, Committee re-
port, Homer Folks, 39; probation system
of Chicago juvenile court, 45.
Proceedings for sale, 8.

Pugmire, Jos. S., Report of Committee on
Discharged Prisoners, 89.

Punishments in Pennsylvania Industrial
Reformatory, 242; in Ohio Reformatory,


Ransom, Dr. J. B., tuberculosis among con-
victs, 180.

Reading Gaol, 22, 43.

Recidivists, 95, 98.

Reed, James R., death of, 304.

Reformatory work, Report of Committee,

234; from the standpoint of an active
minister, 158.


Reformatories: should be extended,
European criticisms, 135.
Reform schools: prison methods in, 43;
N. Y. State Industrial School, 44; in the
South, 55; Indiana, 253; Illinois, 254.
Resolutions, 298.

Richardson, D. C., address of welcome, 9.
Richberg, J. C., "Uniform State Laws," 272.
Road-making by convicts, 68.

Robinson, G. S., criminal law, 217.

Salvation Army: in Canadian prisons, 90,
92; in U. S., 92, 93.
Senools, prison, 76.

Sehon, G. L., history of prisoners, 271; re-
marks, 300.

Sentence: increase of, in Pennsylvania, 127;

short, militates against success, 249. See
also Indeterminate Sentence.

Sharp, Dr. H. C., President's address,
Physicians' Association, 173.

Sick prisoners, 183.

Sloan, Dr. J. W., "Tuberculosis and the
Colored Convict," 177.

Social evil, 110.

Society for the Friendless, 115, 116.
South Carolina: tuberculosis in State Prison
202, 204; reform school, 57.

Starr, D. J., prisoners' earnings, 101;
prisoners' aid, 115; chaplains' duties, 170;
remarks, 303.

Statistics of Crime, Report of Committee,

Sterilization of habitual offenders, 68, 174.
Stonewall Jackson Industrial School, 57.
Storrs, L. C., death of, 304.
Sulzberger, D., increase of sentence, 127;
punishment methods, 240.
Suspended sentence in Ohio, 103.

Sutton, J. L., President's address, Chap-
lains' Association, 154; remarks, 300.
Swanson, Claude A., address of welcome, 11.

Tallack. W., death of, 119.
Tennessee reform school, 60.

Texas: Society for Friendless, 92; penal
system, 279.

Thurston, H. W., "What should a Proba-
tion Officer do for the Child?" 46.
Trachoma camp in Texas, 283.
Tribou, D. H., remarks, 240, 299.
Trusties, 260, 270.

Tuberculous prisoners: in Va., 72, 178;
hospitals for, 190; in South Carolina, 204;
in Texas, 283.

Underwood, R. H., "The Penal System of
Texas," 279.

"Uniform State Laws," J. C. Richberg, 272.
United States Penitentiary: Atlanta visit-
ing rules, 80; need of indeterminate sen-
tence, 103, 216.

Vagrancy and crime, 13.

Virginia: prisoners' aid society, 14; juvenile
protectory society, 56; road-making by
convicts, 68; State Farm, 72; parole sys-
tem, 129; proportion of negro felons, 131;
sterilization of habitual criminals, 174.
Visitors, prison, 80, 258.

Volunteers Prison League, 290.

Wadhams, A. V., New York State Farm for
Women, 252; remarks, 303.

Warden, The, and the chaplain, 165.
Wardens' Association: proceedings, 65; offi-
cers for 1909, 308.

Washington (D. C.) juvenile court, 193.
West Virginia reform schools, 56.
Whitman, J. L., medical examinations, 196.
Wines, E. C., 146.

Wisconsin State Board of Control, H.
Grotophorst, 120.

Withers, R. W., "Road-making by Con-
victs in Virginia," 68.


Wolfer, Henry, prisoners' earnings, 99;
medical examination, 195; parole
tuberculous prisoners, 200.

Women offenders: outdoor employment,
243; in Canada, 245;_Auburn Prison, 251;
New York State Farm, 252; Indiana
Woman's Prison, 252; Massachusetts
Prison for Women, 252; New York
Women's Prison Association, 255; in
Texas, 284.

Whyte, Lt. Col. J. C., death of, 304.

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