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Lincoln, President of the United States, a statesman of liberal and enlarged views, great ability, and unswerving integrity and if the wishes of the people of Wisconsin are complied with by the National Union Convention that assembles to nominate candidates for the Presidency Abraham Lincoln will again be nominated."

This is ignoring party with a vengeance. It shows that the supporters of Mr. LINCOLN are pledged against any peace whatever-and of course against any Union. This is the logic of

their conduct.

[From the New York Round Table. (Rep.)
"Not only the overthrow of the rebellion as
a military power, but the complete subjugation
of the Sonthern people, until they are so ut-
terly crushed and humbled as to be willing to
accept life on any terms, is the essential con-
dition of the President's scheme. It may
therefore prolong the war; and after the war
is substantially ended, it may defer the day of
reunion and each. It cannot be doubted that
the President contemplates all this, and that
in his mind, the removal of slavery being con-
sidered the most essential condition of the most
desirable and permanent peace, he felt justi-
fied in incurring great evils for the sake of a
greater ultimate good.

"In plain English, we are informed, that in order to abolish slavery, the war is to be prolonged, and the day of the restoration of the Union deferred."


Here are the several calls of the President for forces, not including naval:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The sums paid by states, cities, towns and individuals are not included in this record, and must reach many hundred millions more.


We have in a former portion of this work, shown that the early Federals, who were for a semi-monarchial government, advocated a national debt, as the foundation of a national privileged aristocracy. A Washington correspondent of the Milwaukee Sentinel, January, 1864, thus shadows forth the predilections of the present monarchial party:

"Great wars make nations rich as a people, although the government may be poor and in debt. A large national debt is a bond of strength, especially if the evidences of that debt drawing interest, are held by the masses of the people. Such has been the result with England. From the day that she began to spend hundreds of millions among her people in carrying on her continental wars, did she begin to develope her resources aud increase in wealth and power. So it will be with the United States."

And, to carry out the figure to its legitimate proportions, they writer should have added, 75,000 that with his aristocratical millennium comes 64,748 also the millions of paupers.






..2,039,748 The last call is supposed to include one of the previous calls.

The known cost of all this it is impossible fully to state, but the following figures show the loans and liabilities authorized by various acts of Congress, as given by the New York presses:

Loan of 1842..

[blocks in formation]

All that is very fine-" dignity and nobility"-but Sambo wants somothing practical, and the Administration proposes to give it to $242,621 9,415,250 him. 8,908,341 3,461,000 20,000,000

Loan of 1847..

Loan of 1848......

Texas indemnity loan of 1850..

Loan of 1858.......

Loan of 1860...

Loan of 1861

7,622,000 18,415,000

[blocks in formation]

512,900 1,016,000

Another loan of 1861...


We quote an illustrative incident:

"The colored people of Philadelphia are before the War Department for contracts for Quartermaster's supplies. David Browser and Jacob C. White had an interview with Secretary Stanton on Friday, and offered to engage to deliver in thirty, sixty and ninety days shirts, drawers, haversacks and blouses, to the extent of 300,000 of either.

They received assurances that the colored people should be placed hereafter upon the same footing with whites, in the matter of contracts."

""Contracts' that is the word in which lies the real patent of nobility-then it is 'dignity!' "When the Haytian monarchy was formed, the black chiefs took the tittles of Duke of Lemonade, Count Marmalade and the Marquis of Molasses We see looming in the distance our new nobility-Sir Sambo Shoddy, Count Cuffee Codfish and the Marquis of Mulemeat."


The New York News, in its money article, gives some statistics to show the effect of high prices upon the quantity of certain articles consumed. The following table shows the prices of coffee and the quantity taken for consumption in the last three years:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

HELDQUARTERS 17TH ARMY CORPS, PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE. Vicksburg, Miss., Dec. 27th, 1863. The following named persons, Miss Kate Barnett, Miss Ella Barnett, Miss Laura Latham, Miss Ella Martin and Mrs. Moore, having acted disrespectfully toward the Presiident and Government of the United States, and having insulted the officers, soldiers and loyal citizens of the United States who had assembled at the Episcopal Church in Vicksburg, on Christmas day, for Divine service, by abruptly leaving said church at that point in the service where the officiating minister prays for the welfare of the President of the United States and all others in authority, are hereby banished, and will leave the Federal lines with in forty-eight hours, under penalty of imprisonment. Hereafter all persons, male or female, by word, deed or implication, do insult or show disrespect to the President,

Government or flag of the United States, or to any officers or soldiers of the United States, upon matters of a national character, shall be fined, banished or imprisoned, according to the grossness of the offense. By order of Major General McPherson. JAMES WILSON,

Lt. Col. and Pro. Mar, 17th A. C.

W. T. CLARK, A. A. G.

If these female persons did really intend to show disrespect to Mr. show disrespect to Mr. LINCOLN, that is one thing, but if it was really a "military necessity" that caused them to leave, why, that is another thing. The question is, how did the gallant Provost Marshal know the true cause of the necessity?

[blocks in formation]

New York..

Rhode Island..


Here, then, right in the loyal states, are one million six hundred and eighty-five thousand votes that "sympathise with the rebellion,” according to Abolition say-so. Multiply this by 7, and you have 11,795,000 persons here at the North who are in "open sympathy with the rebels." Add this vast number to the 10,000,000 in the rebel states, and it gives 21,795,000 "traitors," which, subtracted from the 30,000,000 of the entire white population of the whole Union, and it leaves only 8,205,000 "loyal" people to

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contend against over twenty-one millions of "secesh."

This argument is not ours. It is only the presentation of the Abolition "argument," and the bare statement shows the malicious absurdity of the Abolition asservation.

Let the Administration once throw out the "copperhead" element, and it will find itself in a wofully decimated dilemma.


The Grant Co. Herald, received last evening, February 10, 1864, actually confirms all our correspondent has said, in nearly two columas of chuckling doggerel. We clip the following from that sheet, which shows that while no pretence is set up that any provocation was given by the Democrats of Boscobel, except their having voted the Democratic ticket, the editor indulges in a "flow of soul," at the "fun for the boys," but death to Democrats:


day certain amusing scenes were acted at Boscobel, scenes that served well for sport, as in the fable of the boys and frogs, but which may be regretted at a soberer moment; fruits spring therefrom which make bitter the future joys for blossoms these are that promise no good fruit. And if of peace, well may we be cheered by the wise few at least for casting a frost that shall chill and hinder another crop.

Boys of the army, the future masters of our country, see to it that in Boscobel all such work as that the other

day shall now be held as finished, not to be resumed at any future time.

And, in another column, the editor says:

Hon. J. Allen Barber came home from Madison on fur

lough the last of the closing week. He thinks the legislature will be a profitable one, and the work excellent, when the committees report. Mr. Barber was very much struck with the manner the laws and justice were being administered at Boscobel, while s topping there on Friday and Saturday, an account of which we have written out.

The following from our correspondent at Boscobel, gives evidence of another of those disgraceful scenes, of which the murder of poor Bellinger last fall was but a prelude. It is the direct fruits of those bloodthirsty sentiments uttered by bloodthirsty Wilson, in Maine-by bloodthirsty Stanton, to the New York meeting-by bloodthirsty Jim Lane, in his bloodthirsty speech in Washington, and of, the bloodthirsty letters and resolutions which were manufactured "to order" in the army, and sent North to garnish the bloodthirsty columns of the bloodthirsty radical press. If such teachings, and the inevitable results of such teachings, which have disgraced our land, do not deluge the North in blood, we are mistaken. It is re-enacting the bloody scenes that ushered in the French Reign of, Mr. Hon. J. Allen Barber must have been Those who have set these diabolisms in motion, aid and abet them, need not be surprised to see and feel their counterparts, when forbearance ceases to be a virtue. It is not in human nature for human beings to stand everything. But to the letter:

TOWN OF HICKORY GROVE, Grant Co., Feb. 11, 1864. Editor of the Patriot, Madison, Wis.

DEAR SIR:-On last Saturday, the 6th of February, one of the most disgraceful things occurred in the village of Boscobel, Grant county, that any civilized community ought to be ashamed of. Some returned soldiers, home on furlough, headed by the citizens, even a Justice of the Peace, went around town and brought up peaceable zens, made them take the oath of allegiance, and if they

would not do it, they got a pounding. For what did they make them take the oath? For voting last fall the Democratic ticket, or having in their house the Chicago Times. The night before they broke in windows and doors,pounded men and abused women when they could not find their husbands, and even abused dumb beasts belonging to what they call "Copperheads," by beating them with clubs.

A pretty pass things have come to that a man's life nor his property are, safe under the law that rules our land, and a man cannot vote as he chooses under the present Administration. If the Union party (as they call themselves) is the majority or they cant speak, or even read a paper the Administration allows to be printed and circulated, such works being countenanced by the citizens of Boscobel. The loyal men of the town and country around feeling indignant at such works will not hereafter patronize them with their trade no more than they are compelled to by actual necessity.

The writer of this was an eye witness to a good deal of the proceedings, which can be testified to by a good many, if necessary. S. C.

Now, if this does not do great injustice to Hon. J. Allen Barber," it makes him out as delighted (“very much struck") with the "justice" administered by the "boys"-that

delighted to see Democrats knocked down with clubs, for no crime but having voted the Democratic ticket. And then, suppose them to have committed the greatest of crimes, what right had these soldiers, led on by bloodthirsty Abolitionists, to take matters into their own hands? Does the "Hon. J. Allen Barber," who is now aspiring to a seat on the Bench, where he may administer the laws, delight in this? Impossible! We cannot believe it, but if it be true, with what grace (if he should be elected) can he sit on the bench and try the

murdereous individuals for their crimes?

We hesitate not to utter our belief that unless the President of the United States shall cause stringent orders to be issued against such bloody raids on peaceable citizens, that we shall see bloody times in the North. For it cannot be expected that people will calmly submit to be murdered (as in the case of Bellinger), and knocked down and beaten with clubs (as in Boscobel)—rode on rails (as in Green county, by the mobocrats there), and not rise up in self defense. If it be the purpose of the Powers that be to murder and ex

terminate Democrats, let them act honorable about it, at least. Let them give fair warning, so that Democrats may prepare to "sell out" as dearly as possible. If the threats that have been uttered by officials, from members of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet down to the lowest grade of political Roughs, are to be carried out, let the country be prepared for it at once-let the worst comenow. For us, in the language of the noble Patrick Henry, we say, "give us liberty or give us death." The liberty to think and vote as we please, is as sacred as life itself.

These evidences of an approaching Reign of Terror, furnish the most gloomy aspect of all our troubles-and if the Administration does not desire to force a terrible bloody conflict here at the North, it should take immediate steps to check these certain causes. It can do it, and if it will not, then the country may as well make up its mind for the worst, and every Democrat prepare to avail himself of the first law of nature.

We trust that Gov. Lewis will use his power to prevent these certain provocations to disorder and anarchy.


In speaking of the abolitionists, Mr. Clay said in the Senate:

To the agency of their power of persuasion, they now propose to substitute the power of the BALLOT BOX; and he must be blind to what is passing before us, who does not perceive that the inevitable tendency of their proceedings is, if these should be found insufficient, to invoke, finally, the more potent powers of the bayonet.

This prophecy has been fulfilled to the letter.


Beauties of Republican Retrenchment... Fremont's Frauds ...Marshal Laman Mr. Lincoln's Right Bower...Honest Old Abe and Simon help their Friends... Mrs. Grimsley, the President's Sister-in-law, figures in Fraud Investigations ...Letters from Old Abe'and Cameron to Major McKinstry ...Congress Censures...that's all...The Holt and Owen Investigation...The Splendor of Fremont's operations... Frauds! Frauds!! Frauds!!! on every hand...General Remarks...Holy Ministers and Stolen Pictures... Swindling the Soldiers... Hundreds of Millions Swindled... We are all Mortgaged...Our National Debt... The Means to pay it... General Remarks...The Currency Question...Stand from Under...General Remarks on Republican Thieves and Plunderers.

[blocks in formation]

"Corruption is a tree, whose branches are
Of an immeasurable length-they spread
Ev'ry where; and the dew that drops from Heaven
Hath infected some stools and chairs of State."

"Hence, wretched nation! all thy woes arise,
Avow'd corruption-licens'd perjuries--
Eternal taxes-treaties for a day-
Despots that rule and people that obey."

[Lord Lyttleton--Revised.
"And though bare merit might in Rome appear
The strongest plea for merit--not so here;
The 'loyal' form their judgments in another way—
And they will best succeed, who best can pay;
Those who'd gain a place 'mong 'loyal' tribes,
Must add to their petitions the force of bribes."
"Our supple tribes repress their patriot throats,
And ask no questions but the price of votes."
[Dr. Johnson,
"Common thieves must hang, but he that puts
Into his overgorged and bloated purse,
The nation's wealth: wrung by pinching war,
Is a shoddy hero, and escapes.

[Cowper's Task--Revised.
"Tis pleasant, purchasing the 'loyal' creatures,
And all are to be sold, if you consider
Their passions, and are dext'rous-some by features
Are bought up, others by cotton, or rather shoddy-
Some by a place-all both soul and body---
The most by ready cash-each has his price
From kicks to greenbacks, according to his vice."

* * * "Is there not some chosen curse,
Some hidden thunders in the stores of Heaven,
Red with uncommon wrath, to blast the man,
Who owes his greatness to his country's ruin!"

"Honor among thieves," to use a phrase of the prevailing nomenclature, is "played out." It used to be considered dishonorable to comFRAUDS, PLUNDERING, SHODDY AND TAXES. mit a robbery at a funeral, but now, while atPoetical applications...General Remarks on...Scions of the tending the nation's funeral, the pall bearers old Puritanical stock...New York Custom House Frauds-chaplains-grave diggers ...Testimony and Facts...Conclusions of committee... Van Wyck's speech on the Development of Astounding Frauds...Collector Barney and his subs...John P. Hale on corruptions of the Departments...Cattle contracts... Cummings' Agency... Charter of the Cataline...General Mania for stealing...Horse contracts...Contract Brokerage...Treasury Department Frauds...Fire Arms Frauds ...George D. Morgan's Operations... Army Transportation...Mr. Dawes on Frauds...A Refreshing Expose...A New York Paper on Van Wyck's Report...The "Record of Infamy" by the Ohio State Journal... Members of Congress take a hand in...Simmons, of Rhode Island, takes $50,000...Jack Hale takes a "fee"...The Horse Swindle...Frauds in the Navy Yard...The Book Swindle...The Grimes Committee... Frauds, Rascality, and Perjury...The Vessel Charter Frauds...The Committee's Conclusions... The Mileage Steal... Stupendous Frauds in New York... Swindling at Cairo...A Defaulter Caught...General Wilcox on Contractors...Mr. Dawes on Larcenies...Millions upon Millions Wasted...

- mourners-all. have plied the art of theft and robbery on their disabled victim. From plebian to patrician, from beggar to nabob-from the non-commissioned civilian to the generals, (to say nothing of other officers,) Representatives, Senators and Cabinet Ministers. Shoddy takes the lead, while contractors' pockets drip with the fat of honest toil. "Loyalty" is cheap, and is guaged by the rise and fall of Greenbacks! Patriotism is founded on contracts, and the devotee of civil liberty chalks his entire creed on the margin of his commission. The con-

fidence man has turned his attention to providing the government with horses, when some accomplice watches the moment they are "condemned," to place them in some neighboring stall to undergo the process of "doping," to be again sold for army use, at a round price, and so on to the end of that chapter. Officers who have met with the misfortune of not

| tion. All goes on swimmingly. Those who mak their money (?) easy and don't enlist, but in sist that everybody is disloyal but themselves, are but scions of that old Puritanical stock who in 1732:

"Resolved, That the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

"Resolved, That the Lord hath given the inheritance thereof to the saints. "Resolved, That we are the saints!”


The evidences of vast and flagrant frauds that we have been collecting for two years and a half, and that now lie before us, are so voluminous that it is appaling, and we hardly know where to begin, or what selections to make. The difficulty is not what we shall insert, but to determine what to exclude. We confess our inability to do justice to the subject, without extending this chapter beyond the reasonable limits of this work, and we therefore shall content ourself, in many cases, with a citation of the facts, omitting the evi

having their merits appreciated, take the stump to win their spurs, and spout radical nonsense as a quid pro quo for having their commissions renewed, or write "anti-Copperhead" letters to win promotion. Grave Senators sell their votes, and call it legal feesCabinet Ministers heap upon the bending backs of their cousins, nephews, partizans and "friends," the two per cent.'s of contracts by the hundred millions, with the "margin" in the bargain. Even one of the household of His Excellency, the President, holds a letter of credence from that high functionary for traffic with army contractors and agents. Ministers of the holy gospel have replenished their thin libraries from the well stocked reposito-dence, which, in most cases, is conclusive ries of Secessia. Grooms, suttlers ana army and damning. hangers-on-all, have fattened among the plunder of the general riot. The wardrobes of Yankee land have been replenished from the georgious mansions of Dixie Northern tables have groaned under the weight of silver plate and expensive wares from Southern cupboards. The shoddy contractor-a mendicant of the past, now riots at the table of luxury, reposes on beds of ease, and rolls on wheels of splendor, while the needle woman, whose spouse is a knapsack carrier, and who is burdened with a large family of little ones -is turned off with eighteen pence a day, plus threats and curses at the least complaint -collectors and surveyors receive in fees, fines and perquisites a cool hundred thousand dollars per annum, while those who make the garments they wear are pinched with want, and grim starvation knocks at every door. Civil officers and contractors are rolling in wealth, while the poor soldier receives a pittance two small to divide with the sutler and keep the wolf away from the door of his distant family.

In short, "loyalty" pays. Whoever votes the radical ticket and "runs with the Administration machine" is on the high road to fortune. He sees greenbacks in every bush, and "profits" echo from every "loyal" exclama

It would seem that a banditti of robbers, formidable in numbers, and insatiate in greed, had combined to precipitate war, as thieves conspire to fire cities, with especial view to plunder; nor has the system of robbery been confined to the common thieves, and dabblers in petty contracts, but the evil permeates all classes of the ins, from Mule Agents, Shoddy Contractors, up to members of Congress,

and even Cabinet ministers-each has vied with the other in the race for the spoils, with a zeal and persistency worthy a better cause.


The Abolition Congress of 1862 oppointed a committee to investigate the frauds of the Custom House. The majority of the committee, Messrs. E. B. WASHBURNE, R. E. FENTON, WM. S. HOLMAN, H. L. DAWES, and W. G. STEELE, made a report on the subject, which was so tame, and intended to excuse the guilty in so many ways that Mr. VAN WYCK (Rep.) submitted a minority report, setting forth the facts, which the Republicans endeavored to suppress. We take the following, however, from the majority report, which is bad enough in all conscience. Here are the final conclusions of the majority of the committee.

"Finally, in regard to the general course of

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