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No quorum voted.

Mr. Aaron A. Sargent
Charles B. Sedgwick
William P. Sheffield
Samuel Shellabarger
Socrates N. Sherman
Thaddeus Stevens
John L. N. Stratton
Carey A. Trimble
Rowland E. Trowbridge
Charles H. Van Wyck
John P. Verree
John W. Wallace
Albert S. White
James F. Wilson
Samuel T. Worcester.

Mr. Edward McPherson

Mr. James K. Moorhead

The Speaker having counted the members, and no quorum being yet present,

On motion of Mr. Roscoe Conkling,

Ordered, That there be a call of the House.

The roll having been called, the following named members failed to answer to their names, viz:

Messrs. John B. Alley, Elijah Babbitt, Jacob B. Blair, Samuel S. Blair, George H. Browne, William G. Brown, Alfred A. Burnham, Charles B. Calvert, Samuel L. Casey, Ambrose W. Clark, Martin F. Conway, Erastus Corning, John Covode, John W. Crisfield, John. J. Crittenden, Henry L. Dawes, Charles Delano, Isaac C. Delaplaine, R. Holland Duell, Thomas M. Edwards, James E. English, George P. Fisher, Philip B. Fouke, John A. Gurley, James T. Hale, John Hickman, Valentine B. Horton, Francis W. Kellogg, John W. Killinger, John Law, Jesse Lazear, Cornelius L. L. Leary, William E. Lehman, Walter D. McIndoe, Robert McKnight, Gilman Marston, Henry May, John W. Menzies, John W. Noell, Robert H. Nugen, Abraham B. Olin, John Patton, John S. Phelps, Alexander H. Rice, William A. Richardson, James S. Rollins, Elbridge G. Spaulding, John B. Steele, William G. Steele, Benjamin F. Thomas, Francis Thomas, Charles R. Train, William Vandever, Robert B. Van Valkenburgh, Chauncey Vibbard, Amasa Walker, William Wall, E. P. Walton, Elijah Ward, William A. Wheeler, Benjamin Wood, George C. Woodruff, Hendrick B. Wright.

The absentees were then called and the doors closed.

An excuse was offered and received for the non-attendance of Mr. Clark.

Pending the discussion of the question of excusing Mr. Olin by Mr. Roscoe Conkling,

Mr. Bingham made the point of order that the remarks of Mr. Conkling were out of order.

The Speaker (Mr. Colfax in the chair) sustained the said point of order.

From this decision of the Chair Mr. Conkling appealed.
Pending which,

Mr. Holman moved that the appeal be laid on the table.
And the question being put,

It was decided in the affirmative, {Nays....



The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are

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Mr. Lovejoy moved that the clerk of the Sergeant-at-arms be appointed a special messenger to arrest and bring to the bar of the House such of its members as are now absent without leave.

Pending which,

Mr. Lovejoy moved the previous question.

Pending which,

Mr. Perry moved, at 2 o'clock and 40 minutes a. m., that the

House adjourn.

And the question being put,

It was decided in the negative,{




The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are

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So the House again refused to adjourn.

Mr. George H. Pendleton
Nehemiah Perry

James C. Robinson
Joseph Segar
George K. Shiel
Edward H. Smith
John D. Stiles

Daniel W. Voorhees
Edwin H. Webster
Chilton A. White
Charles A. Wickliffe
George H. Yeaman.

Mr. Albert G. Porter
John F. Potter
John H. Rice

Edward H. Rollins
Aaron A. Sargent
John P. C. Shanks
William P. Sheffield
Samuel Shellabarger
Socrates N. Sherman
A. Scott Sloan
Thaddeus Stevens
John L. N. Stratton
Carey A. Trimble
Rowland E. Trowbridge
Charles H. Van Wyck
John P. Verree
John W. Wallace
Albert S. White
James F. Wilson

William Windom.

The question then recurring on the demand for the previous question, it was seconded and the main question ordered, and under the operation thereof the motion of Mr. Lovejoy was agreed to.

Mr. Mallory moved that all further proceedings in the call be dispensed with; which motion was disagreed to.

The clerk of the Sergeant-at-arms appeared at the bar, having in custody Mr. Olin.

On motion of Mr. Stevens,

Ordered, That Mr. Olin be discharged from custody.

Mr. Dunn moved that all further proceedings in the call be dispensed with.

And the question being put,


It was decided in the affirmative, {Nays...

The yeas



and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present,

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So the motion to dispense with all further proceedings in the call was dispensed with.

The doors were then opened.

The Speaker having counted the members, and no quorum being present,

Mr. Lovejoy moved that there be a call of the House; which motion was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Olin,

Ordered, That he be excused from further attendance upon the present sitting of the House.

Mr. Cravens moved, at 3 o'clock and 40 minutes a. m., that the House adjourn; which motion was disagreed to.

The roll of members was then called, when it appeared that the following named members were absent, viz:

Messrs. John B. Alley, James M. Ashley, Elijah Babbitt, Jacob B. Blair, Samuel S. Blair, George H. Browne, William G. Brown, Alfred A. Burnham, Charles B. Calvert, Samuel L. Casey, Ambrose W. Clark, Erastus Corning, John Covode, John W. Crisfield, John J. Crittenden, Henry L. Dawes, Charles Delano, Isaac C. Delaplaine, R. Holland Duell, Thomas M. Edwards, James E. English, Reuben E. Fenton, George P. Fisher, Philip B. Fouke, John A. Gurley, James T.

Hale, John Hickman, Valentine B. Horton, Francis W. Kellogg, John W. Killinger, John Law, Jesse Lazear, Cornelius L. L. Leary, William E. Lehman, Walter D. McIndoe, James B. McKean, Robert McKnight, Gilman Marston, Henry May, John W. Menzies, John T. Nixon, John W. Noell, Robert H. Nugen, Abraham B. Olin. John Patton, John S. Phelps, Alexander H. Rice, William A. Richardson, Albert G. Riddle, James S. Rollins, Elbridge G. Spaulding, John B. Steele, William G. Steele, Benjamin F. Thomas, Francis Thomas, Charles R. Train, William Vandever, Robert B. Van Valkenburgh, Chauncey Vibbard, Amasa Walker, William Wall, E. P. Walton, Elijah Ward, Ellihu B. Washburne, William A. Wheeler, Benjamin Wood, George C. Woodruff. Hendrick B. Wright.

The absentees having been called, the doors were closed.

Mr. Blake moved that further proceedings in the call be dispensed with; which motion was disagreed to.

Excuses were offered and received for the non-attendance of Messrs. Fouke, May, and Nixon.

Mr. Blake moved that all further proceedings in the call be dispensed with; which motion was disagreed to.

Mr. Blake moved, at 4 o'clock and 10 minutes a. m., that the House adjourn; which motion was disagreed to.

On motion of Mr. Diven, under the operation of the previous question,

Ordered, That the clerk of the Sergeant-at-arms be directed to arrest and bring to the bar of the House such of its members as are now absent without leave.

Mr. Holman moved, at 4 o'clock and 30 minutes a. m., that the House adjourn; which motion was disagreed to.

The clerk of the Sergeant-at-arms appeared at the bar of the House, having in custody Mr. William G. Brown.

Mr. Holman moved that Mr. Brown be discharged from custody. Mr. Maynard moved to amend the said motion by adding "upon the payment of fees;" which motion was agreed to.

The motion of Mr. Holman, as amended, was then agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Stevens, by unanimous consent, the vote by which the main question on the pending bill was ordered was reconsidered, and all the motions submitted since the main question was ordered and yet undisposed of were withdrawn.

And then.

On motion of Mr. Stevens, at 5 o'clock and 30 minutes a. m., (Thursday,) the House adjourned.


The following petitions, memorials, and other papers, were laid upon the Clerk's table, under the rule:

By Mr. Francis Thomas: The petition of citizens of Washington county, Maryland, asking indemnity for certain losses from rebel in


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