conditions for their propagation are not more fully developed than in this country,) from the presence of too great a quantity of moisture in the air, a circumstance that cannot exist in this country south of the county of San Francisco. We have the most ample proofs of the capabilities of our soils in the interior, in the production of the foreign fruits. In addition to the above, the olive and the almond flourish and produce plentifully, and though the latter is not indigenous, the luxuriance with which it grows and its plentiful production of fruit, must be received only as another evidence of the fact above stated. The value of these fruits as regards their quality, suffers no deterioration from having been naturalized to our climate, but in the case of the latter named fruit, it is found to be materially benefitted by the change, for as it loses none of its flavor it becomes the more valuable from its increase of size, being nearly double that of the ordinary fruit of the market. Respecting the main body of lands on the valley and shores of the bay, but very little of which is not adapted to agricultural purposes, it may be said to cover an area little short of six hundred square miles, nearly all of which is adapted to the cultivation of the cereals and root crops. The higher table of the valley produces excellent corn, and the season though dry permits this crop to mature well. I observed several corn fields on the high terrace of the valley last season, flourishing well at altitudes of three hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten feet, and in localities where it would hardly be supposed from its external appearance, that moisture sufficient to rear a blade of grass could be found. The cause of this productiveness in these localities, is in a great measure attributable to the existence of a small quantity of sulphate of lime in these apparently dry soils, derived from a limestone formation in these mountains, and which extends south beyond the Almaden district. The detritus of this rock is found mingled with fragments of other rocks containing ferruginous pyrites in a decomposing state, hence the key to its appearance in this locality, and in the case before it serves the purpose of an absorbent of moisture, thus materially facilitating the growth of crops in these sections. ARTICLE VI. The Universal Prime Mover. We publish the following description of a new power at the request of the discoverer. We express no opinion respecting its merits, but are informed that scientific and practical individuals who have examined the model think favorably of the invention. It is obvious that if the views and calculations of the projector should be realized, he will occupy a place in the front rank of modern inventors. We are informed that it will cost about five hundred dollars to make a working machine. Not possessing means to construct a complete model, Mr. Graham desires to find some enterprising individual who will advance the amount necessary and take an interest in the discovery. Will not some of our intelligent and public spirited citizens call on Mr. G. and examine into the merits of his discovery? This much at least, is due to one who has devoted his time and talents in search of a cheaper and more convenient motive power than any hitherto brought into use. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, No. 78 Chesnut street, St. Louis, Mo., July 4th, 1854. SIR:-I hope you will give the following description of a machine which has been modelled in this city, a place in your Journal. I have called it "THE UNIVERSAL PRIME MOVER." G, is a Piston Rod, having two heads A, Aʻ, moving air-tight in a Cylinder F, F. In the center D, is a conical aperture for admitting the external atmospheric pressure to the piston heads A, A'. There are holes at E, E with air-tight valves, through which any air that gets in, between the piston heads and these holes, is expelled by every stroke. The action of the cylinder is produced by moving the pistons until the heads come into the position of the dotted lines a, a'; and then letting them shoot backwards to the end marked F. The motion thus produced is continuous and accumulative. In proof: Previous to motion the air is in equilibrium throughout the cylinder. On moving the pistons into the position a, a', the air in the portion from A, to E, is expelled, the small quantity in F, is compressed, that in F expands from F' to a', and becomes greatly rarified, while the valve E' is tightened down by the external atmospheric pressure. On letting the pistons go, the piston a, propelled by the compressed air in F, and the piston a', by the atmospheric pressure through D, shoot into F', where the air is again compressed, and the action renewed. The degree of compression in F, F, can be accurately regulated by the length of the crank of the Flywheel, to which it is attached; and the latter by its momentum aids the before mentioned causes in giving the pistons a reverse motion at the end of each stroke. We see, therefore, a continuous reaction. The power being constant, viz: the atmospheric pressure through D, and the vacuum being constant; as the pistons alternately expel any air, that may leak nto the cylinder, through the valves E, E'. It is also accumulative; as the whole momentum of each stroke is added to the constant pressure through D, by the recoil of the compressed air in F, F'-and this addition far exceeds the friction of the pistons, which is not more than 30 lbs. The theoretical power of this cylinder is very great. Ex. gr.: Suppose the internal length to be 3' 0", the diam. 3", and the distance between the center of the valve holes and the ends of the cylinder 28", we have the following results. 21 1281 The column of air in F', is 2ğ" long. The distance between F and a', into which it will expand, is 1' 4", allowing 11" for the thickness of the piston heads, and supposing it to stop within in. of the hole D. Hence 16406, is the ratio of its expansion, and 14-7+16406 =2.41 lbs. per square inch is the reduced pressure of the rarified air in the portion a', F; so 14·7-2-41-12.29 lbs. is the working pressure per square inch of the external atmosphere. Deducting the area of the rod, the area of each piston acted upon by the atmosphere is 6.46 square inches, and 12.29+6.46—79.39 lbs. is the total pressure. From the model I have here, I estimate the friction of the pistons and rod at 30 lbs. This leaves 49.39 lbs. for the effective pressure. The velocity of air rushing into a vacuum has been estimated at 1296 feet in a second. Hence, 1296-(1296+16406)=1083.38 feet per second, will be the velocity due to the vacuum above stated; and 49.39+1083.38=53,508.13 lbs. is the momentum of the first stroke, after deducting friction and allowing for the deficiency of the vacuum. If, however, the crank is of such a length as to compress the air in F, F, to a length of in., we have a force of 2.71 atmospheres added to the pressure, or 39.83 lbs. per square inch, on the ends of the pistons next F, F. Hence, as the area of the head next F' is 7·06 inches, we have (12.29+6.46)+(39.88+7.06)=360-58 lbs. for the pressure of the second stroke, and (deducting friction) 330-58+1083 38-328,143.76 lbs. is the momentum of the second stroke. It is evident, that this engine will accumulate momentum to any limit that iron can bear, unless the vacuum is cut off, before the pistons reach the holes E, E.' The handles B, B' being raised stop the engine, by preventing the formation of the vacuum. There are various ways of working these valves, so as to procure any degree of vacuum lower than 12:29 lbs. per square inch, and consequently of varying the velocity and power at will. This machine originates an idea never put forward before--that of a continuously increasing "Perpetual motion"-showing that there is no limit to velocity or power but the consistency of matter. It allows of the direct action of what philosophers have called Gravity-without any artificial medium. "I made this machine for driving an Aeronout" (which I hope will be shortly taken up by those interested in the advancement of mankind) as it does not require coal, or water, and altogether weighs only about 120 lbs. It is applicable for any kind of locomotion; will drive buggies or omnibusses, ploughs or any other agricultural instruments, Any one willing to test the machine by steam, (as the present model is not sufficiently perfect to work air tight,) can do so at Mr. Gill fort's foundry, opposite the Gas Works, and if willing to patent it. Mr. Graham will be glad to treat with him. Hoping you will give this communication a place in your Publication, I am, sir, very respectfully, &c. ALEX J. GRAHAM. ARTICLE VII. (From the U. S. Mining Journal.) ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF ROCKS, AND THE RE-COM- The large quantity of gold found in the detritus of Australia, California and other acknowledged gold regions, has called forth much speculation from many scientific minds as to the origin of so much alluvial gold, when the sources from which it appeared to emanate (viz., the quartz veins,) have so generally failed to produce it on being entered into or worked below the surface, thereby causing so much disappointment to gold mining speculations, the promoters thinking they had only to rip open the goose to ensure to themselves a plentiful harvest of golden eggs. The delusions and failures of gold quartz companies are such acknowledged facts, that it will be unnecessary for me to enter upon that part of the subject here. The origin or development of gold may be thus classified,-viz.: 1. When precipitation takes place simultaneously with the intrusion and upheaval of the paleozoic formation. 2. An after-precipitation, through the electric and atmospheric decomposition of the various rocks and metalliferous formations. But a small portion of the gold we use owes its origin to the first circumstances; and gold having a surface determination, it will always precipitate itself there, and therefore would long ago have been an extinct metal in inhabited countries, were it not for the fact of the after precipitation and development which is always going on wherever the matrix containing it is thrown under circumstances sufficiently kind to render the decomposition of the matrix favourable to the re-composition of the gold it may contain. By far the greater portion of the gold we obtain at the various diggings and mines, ows its relation and development to this after-precipitation. The vast granite ranges in Australia and other places, the flanks of which are so constantly undergoing decomposition, and keeping up the supply of detritus and sand in the rivers and creeks which flow from them, are not found to contain any gold at the head of the said creek, or in the granite detritus, until it has been washed into hollows, and beds of creeks and rivers, in company with an accumulation of organic matter; then, when sufficient moisture, the batterypower is active enough to precipitate the gold in nodules of various sizes, just in the same way that flint forms in chalk, or iron in bogs. An atmospheric decomposition of granite, containing a very small quantity of any other metal, is not sufficient to develope the gold it contains; but in the case of many of the various metallic ores, when in their combination exists sufficient of the opposing metal to create a self-acting battery, they will, after being exposed to a succession of winters' rain and summers' heat, be decomposed, and the gold and other metals it contains will be found to have re-composed themselves in other chemical states. But in many cases of rapid decomposition the waste of such a tender electric metal as gold will be very great, and more especially when decomposed by heat. Nature's workings are beautiful, but in many instances very slow. If we would work gold on a large scale, we must seek it in other forms than its precipitated or metallic state; or the alternative will be to vigilantly search for the comparatively small quantity precipitated, and having worked that, wait patiently for some centuries whilst Nature accumulates more. I have watched the decomposition of rocks in many countries, have studied this subject the greater part of my lifetime, and have long since fallen into all the blunders and errors that so singularly characterise the gold-seeker's career, and which seem to so engross the public mind at present. Whilst on my geological researches in Australia, in 1846, I discov ered a boulder of granite, partially embedded in rich black soil, at the side of a river; it seemed as though it had been undisturbed for many years, it was in a state of decomposition. On the under side it was mostly decomposed, and tinged with the oxide of iron; I could pick that part to pieces with my fingers; there were visible nodules of gold in all that portion that yielded to my fingers; there was no gold visible in the upper portion. This was a problem set me by Nature, which I toiled for many weeks and months to solve; many were the experiments and methods I fruitlessly tried. I could decompose the upper portion of that block of granite, but the gold was wanting. After some time I travelled back to the spot from which I had obtained it, carefully watched the chemical and electric conditions under which it had there been acted upon. I returned, tried fresh experiments, and succeeded in decomposing a piece of the upper portion of the granite block; the only difference was, that the grains of gold obtained were smaller than those formed by the natural process. Ever since that time I have been able to perform the same experiment successfully upon rocks and ores, providing they contained any. Now, as the great and Almighty Providence has so generously seen fit to invest in man the power to assist and force so many of Na ture's productions, may it not likewise be within his scope to forestall Nature's decomposition of the vast masses she so slowly attacks, and by artificial means to perform that in a week or month which otherwise would take years or centuries? As to the exact geological period at which the paleozoic rocks became severally charged with gold, and under what electric law and then existing condition of pularity it was dispelled and distributed, is beyond the limits of this brief paper to discuss; sufficient for my present subject that it has been found locally distributed in the older form |