The Senate have also passed bills of this house of the following titles, viz: H. R. 487. An act for the relief of William B. Snowhook and others; and H. R. 591. An act to indemnify the President and other persons for suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and acts done in pursuance thereof; the former without and the latter with amendments; in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this house. The Speaker having stated the question to be on agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Hickman to the amendment of Mr. StevensMr. Cox moved that he be excused from voting thereon. Pending which, Mr. Vallandigham proposed to move that he be excused from voting on the motion of Mr. Cox. The Speaker decided the said motion to be out of order. From this decision of the chair Mr. Cox appealed. Pending which, Mr. William Allen moved, at 2 o'clock and 48 minutes p. m., that the House adjourn. And the question being put, It was decided in the negative, Nays... 40 91 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are So the House refused to adjourn. Mr. Thaddeus Stevens John L. N. Stratton The question then recurring on the appeal of Mr. Cox, And the question being put, Yeas. It was decided in the affirmative, {Xes .... .... 121 3 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are Mr. Cyrus Aldrich William Allen Stephen Baker Schuyler Colfax Frederick A. Conkling Samuel S. Cox James A. Cravens Mr. Thomas M. Edwards Thomas D. Eliot Alfred Ely Reuben E. Fenton Samuel C. Fessenden Mr. Horace Maynard James K. Moorhead George H. Pendleton Nehemiah Perry Timothy G. Phelps Frederick A. Pike So the appeal was laid on the table. The question then recurred on the motion of Mr. Cox to be excused from voting. Pending which, Another message from the Senate, by Mr. Forney, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of this house of the following title, viz: H. R. 616. An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending the 30th of June, 1864; with amendments; in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this house. Mr. William Allen moved that when the House adjourns it adjourn until Friday next. Pending which, Mr. Vallandigham moved to amend the said motion by striking out the word "Friday," and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Saturday.” And the question being put, Yeas. It was decided in the negative, {Nes ... 16 86 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are— The question then recurred on the motion of Mr. William Allen. And being put, Yeas It was decided in the negative, {Nas.... 18 81 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are Mr. Cyrus Aldrich John B. Alley William G. Brown James Buffinton Jacob P. Chamberlain Frederick A. Conkling Alfred Ely Reuben E. Fenton Samuel C. Fessenden Mr. James C. Robinson John D. Stiles Clement L. Vallandigham Mr. Thomas A. D. Fessenden Mr. Theodore M Pomeroy Richard Franchot Augustus Frank Daniel W. Gooch Bradley F. Granger John A. Gurley Richard A. Harrison John Hickman John Hutchins William D. Kelley Francis W. Kellogg William Kellogg John W. Killinger Jesse Lazear William E. Lehman Dwight Loomis Owen Lovejoy James B. McKean Robert McKnight Edward McPherson William Mitchell Anson P. Morrill John T. Nixon Warren P. Noble Abraham B. Olin John Patton Timothy G. Phelps John F. Potter So the motion to adjourn over was disagreed to. Mr. Mallory submitted the following resolution, viz: Resolved, (the Senate concurring,) That when this house adjourns it adjourn to meet on the 3d of March next. Pending which, Mr. Vallandigham moved to amend the same by striking out "third," and inserting in lieu thereof "fifth." Pending which, Mr. Mallory moved the previous question; which was seconded. Pending the question on ordering the main question, Mr. Holman moved that there be a call of the House. The Speaker decided that the motion was out of order, the previous question having been seconded, and it not appearing upon an actual count that no quorum was present. From this decision of the Chair Mr. Holman appealed. Pending which, Mr. Cox moved that the appeal be laid on the table. Yeas. .... There appeared, {Nays.. 83 4 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are— Mr. Cyrus Aldrich Reuben E. Fenton Samuel C. Fessenden Thomas A. D. Fessenden Bradley F. Granger Mr. John A. Gurley Richard A. Harrison Those who voted in the negative are Mr. Sydenham E. Ancona No quorum voted. Mr. Edward H. Rollins John P. C. Shanks |