Permit not to be used for other purpose the said town council shall first receive a bond from such applicant running to the said town, in such sum not less than one thousand dollars as said town council may fix, with such surety or sureties as are satisfactory to said town council, said bond to contain a condition that the obligation of the same shall be in full force and effect unless such applicant shall upon final completion of work, leave said public highways in as good condition as before the commencement of said work, and that said town shall be held free and harmless from all loss or damage arising by reason of any fault or neglect on the part of such applicant in the performance of said work. Such special permit, if issued by said town council, shall designate the purpose of the excavating or digging permitted, and shall designate the particular portion of said public highways to be excavated or dug into, and also the time limit within which such excavation or digging shall be completed. The town clerk shall retain on record a duplicate of such special permit. SEC. 3. No person, firm or corporation, who has received the special permit aforesaid, shall be authordesignated, etc. ized to excavate or dig into the public highways of than therein Excavating to be done only in conformity with estab lished rules and regulations. Revocation of permit. said town at any other time or place or for any other purpose than the time, place and purpose designated in such special permit. SEC. 4. No person, firm or corporation, who has received the spe ial permit aforesaid, shall do any work, excavating or digging thereunder, except in conformity with such orders, rules or regulations, general or special established by the surveyor of highways of said town, as shall have been brought to the attention of such person, firm or corporation by notice in writing from said surveyor of highways. SEC. 5. The town clerk may at any time, at the written request of the surveyor of highways, revoke any special permit aforesaid, and thereupon such person, firm or corporation holding such special permit shall cease to excavate or dig into the public highways of said town. SEC. 6. Any person, firm or corporation who shall Penalty. excavate or dig into any portion of the public highways of said town of East Providence, in violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars for each offence. of public SEC. 7. The provisions of this act shall not apply to state board to excavating or digging conducted by the state board roads. of public roads, in the construction, improvement or maintenance of state roads. SEC. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 506. [2391] 66 AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS I AND 2 OF It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of chapter 1131 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1914, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. Each member of the police department of the town of East Providence whose duty requires him to devote all his time to the work of such department, shall be allowed two days out of each successive calendar month for such service without Head of police department may temporarily suspend privilege in case of emergency. loss of pay to be used and enjoyed by him as he may see fit, such days off to be assigned by the chief or other officer or board at the head of the police department. A member so excused shall be exempt from duty and from attendance at the police station or other place, but otherwise shall be subject to all laws, rules and regulations relating to members of the department to which he belongs.' SEC. 2. Section 2 of chapter 1131 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1914, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2. The chief or other officer or board at the head of the police department of the town shall have authority, in case of any public emergency, or of any unusual demand for the services of the police in the town to prevent any member of the department from taking the days off herein provided for at the time when he is entitled thereto, or at any time assigned thereof: Provided, that such days off shall be granted to him as soon thereafter as is practicable. In no case shall the number of such days be less than twenty-four in each calendar year, and they shall be in addition to any annual vacation now or hereafter allowed to members of said department, and such annual vacation shall not be diminished on account of the days off herein provided for. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 507. [2392] AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF TAXES IN H 712 A. THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. The assessors of taxes in the town of East Providence shall, on completing their assessment, date, sign and certify the same and deliver to, and deposit the same in the office of, the town clerk, and shall also deliver an attested copy of the same to the town treasurer; and the town treasurer shall forthwith issue and affix to said copy a warrant under his hand, and which need not be under seal, directed to the collector of taxes of the town, commanding him to proceed and collect the several sums of money therein expressed of the persons and estates liable therefor by the time directed by the town and to pay over the same to him or to his successor in office: Provided, however, that whenever the town of East Providence shall elect its town treasurer as collector of taxes, the assessors of taxes upon completing their assessment shall date, sign and certify the same, and deliver the same to the town clerk together with an attested copy thereof, and such town clerk on receipt of said attested copy shall forthwith issue and affix to said copy a warrant under his hand directed to said town treasurer as collector of taxes of said town, commanding him to proceed and collect said tax of the persons and estates liable therefor. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed in so far as they may affect the assessment of taxes in the town of East Providence. Approved S 85. May 28, 1923. Notice of new sidewalk to be made or improved, how given. Surveyor of1 highways may be ordered to perform the work. CHAPTER 508. [2393] AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2 OF CHAPTER 486 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY 66 SESSION, A. D. 1909, ENTITLED AN ACT IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2 of chapter 486 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1909, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2. When the said town council shall have determined what manner, and of what materials, and within what time any new sidewalk shall be made, or in what manner and within what time any old sidewalk shall be altered and improved, it shall cause written or printed notice thereof to be personally given to the owner of the adjoining land, if residing in the town of East Providence, particularly describing the materials, width, height, and manner in which the sidewalk shall be built or the alteration be made; but if the owner shall not reside in said town, then the notice shall be given to the tenant in possession; but if no tenant shall be in possession, then the same shall be advertised, in some newspaper published in the county of Providence, at least once a week for three successive weeks, and a copy of said notice shall also be sent by mail to the owner's place of residence, if known; at the expiration of the time so limited, if the work shall not have been performed or proceeded in accordance to the directions in said notice contained, said town council shall, in its discretion, order the surveyor of highways for the time being, in whose highway district said sidewalk is situated, to proceed, at the expense of the town, and execute the directions so by said town council given to the owner, a copy of which order shall be by it |