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1 set marine railway for docking boats capable of hauling out any steamer afloat.

Of other buildings there are 7 hotels, the St. Francis built this last fall equal to any in the West, 2 livery stables, 7 churches, Old Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalean, Cumberland Presbyterian, Christian and Catholic; 2 colleges, one male and one female, 3 primary schools, 2 banks, one the Commercial Bank of Ky. with two branches, Mother Bank at this place, also a branch of the Bank of Louisville. 6 newspapers, one daily, one semi-weekly, four weekly, and one monthly, are published in Paducah. Population of Paducah, which in 1850 by census report was only 2,428, is now estimated at 4,000.

From this business sketch, from these indications of the enterprising spirit manifested in and around this place, from the wellknown agricultural, mineral and commercial advantages it enjoys, Paducah must be considered a point of rising and great, if not commanding importance; and one with which St. Louis should be connected intimately by packet boats, and as speedily as possible by a direct railroad.

The argument in behalf of this railroad connection is strengthened by the consideration of its rapid extension to New Orleans, to Mobile, to Savannah and to Charleston. By the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad, and by the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, the connections with New Orleans and with Mobile will be established. From Savannah and from Charleston to Nashville continuous lines were opened and put in operation this year, therefore it is necessary to obtain only a connection with Nashville, in order to realize a complete one with the south-eastern Atlantic coast of the Union.

We have treated of this route from St. Louis via Paducah to Mayfield, Ky. We will now sketch the remainder of the same to Nashville.

From Mayfield, Ky., to Paris, Tenn., the distance is 36 miles. Here a connection may possibly be established with the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, and if not at Paris, more surely at Reynoldsburg, on the bank of the Tennessee river, 24 miles further. From Reynoldsburg to Nashville the distance is 60 miles. This last link in the chain of railroad connection between St. Louis and Nashville is insured for its completion, as will be seen by reference to the law and the facts on this point published in the

Western Journal and Civilian, vol. 9, page 238, and vol. 10, page 365. By allowing 15 miles for deviations along the route from Mayfield to Nashville, 120 miles, and adding the distance from Paducah to Mayfield, 25 miles, we find the distance from Paducah to Nashville along this route 160 miles, and the distance from Pa ducah to St. Louis being 140 miles, St. Louis and Nashville are thus brought to within 300 miles, and at the speed of 30 miles an hour, to within 10 hours of each other.

Hoping to treat more fully hereafter of the profits to be derived by means of this railroad connection in stock, in trade, in political, and above all, in moral force, we will conclude the present article with a quotation from a letter written last winter in Charleston, S. C., by a Missourian of close observation and libera) mind, who had been traveling along the Tennessee river and the Chattanooga Railroad. He says:

"The trade of all that country from Paducah to Tuscumbia is now possessed by Louisville, and amounts to several millions annually. We ought to have it, and I am satisfied that if St. Louis would make the right sort of effort, she might, in a few years obtain it. They want groceries, iron in all shapes, manufactures of wood, but still more flour and bacon, the very articles we can furnish cheaper than Louisville; and they will pay for them in cotton."


We are informed that the engineer, who had charge of the survey of this route, made his report to the Board of Directors, at a meeting at Helena on the 29th ult. The report is highly favorable to the practicability of the route. The Board located the road by Clarendon, and contracts for grading have already or will be let out in a short time. Ground will be broken at Helena on the 4th of July, where the people of the State are invited to attend and participate in the ceremonies.


From the French of Madame De Stael.


In every

Those who cultivate taste are prouder of it, than those who cultivate genius. Taste is in literature, as the bon ton in society; it is considered as a proof of fortune, of birth, or at least of the customs which pertain to both; while genius may spring forth from the brain of an artisan who never had any relations with fine company. In every land where vanity may be found, taste will be stationed in the first rank, because it separates classes, and is a sign of rallying among all the individuals of the first. land where the power of ridicule is employed, taste will be accounted as one of the first advantages, for it serves above all things in aiding one to distinguish that which it is necessary to avoid. The feeling of propriety is a part of taste, and it is an excellent weapon to ward off the blows aimed by self-conceited persons; in fine, the time may come when an entire nation will place itself in the aristocracy of good taste, by relation with others, and by culture become the only fine company of Europe; and this probable position may be realized by France, where the spirit of society rules so supremely, that it has some excuse for this pretension.

But taste, in its application to Fine Arts, is peculiarly different from taste in its application to social proprieties: while it forces men to bestow upon us a consideration transient as our life, that which one does not, is at least as necessary as that which he does; for the great world is so easily hostile, that it is necessary to make extraordinary concessions to gain the advantage of being free from annoyance: but taste in poesie belongs to nature, and ought to be creator like it; the principles o this taste are therefore altogether different from those which depend upon the relations of society.

The confusion of these two styles is the cause of such opposing judgments in literature; the French judge the Fine Arts as proprieties, and the Germans the proprie:ies as the Fine Arts: in the relations with society it is necessary to defend one's self, in the relations with poesie it is necessary to abandon one's self. If one considers every thing as a man of the world, he will not feel nature; if one considers every thing as an artist. he will want the tact which society alone can give. If it is necessary to transfer

to the arts only the imitation of fine company, the French alone are truly capable of the work; but more latitude in the composition is necessary to arouse the imagination and the soul powerfully. I know that one can, justly, raise the objection. that our three great tragic writers, while complying with established rules, have raised themselves to the most sublime elevation. Some men of genius, reaping in a field altogether new, have known how to render themselves illustrious, in spite of the difficulties which they were obliged to overcome, but the cessation of the progress of art, since their days,-is it not a proof that there are too many obstacles in the course which they pursued?

"Good taste in literature is, in some respects, like order under despotism, it is important to enquire at what price it may be obtained."* In politics, 8158 M. Neçker, it is necessary to allow every liberty, that is reconcilable with order. I will reverse the maxim, in saying: it is necessary, in literature, to allow every taste which is reconcilable with genius: for if it is repose, which is important in the social state; in literature, on the contrary, it is the interest, the movement, the emotion, which is important, to which taste, in itself considered, is often an enemy.

One might propose a treaty of peace between the styles of judgment, on artists and men of the world, among the Germans and the French. The French should abstain from the condemnation of even a fault of propriety, if the fault were redeemed by a strong thought or a true sentiment. The Germans should prohibit every thing that offends natural taste, every thing that describes those images which the senses repel: any philosophical theory, how ingenious soever it may be, cannot be sustained against the repugnance of the senses, so a poetic work, founded on propri eties, should not be made to hinder involuntary emotions. The most spiritual of the German writers have admirably maintained that, to comprehend the conduct of the daughters of King Lear toward their father, it was necessary to disclose the barbarity of the age in which they lived, and to suffer the Duke of Corneille, excited by Regan, to crush out the eye of Glocester with his heel, on the stage; our imagination always will revolt against this spectacle, and demand that we should gain sublime beauties by other means. But the French direct all their literary criticisms against the prediction of the witches of Macbeth, the appearance of the Suppressed by the censure.

ghost of Banquo, &c., yet one may be none the less shaken, from even the bottom of the soul, by the terrible effects which they wish to proscribe.

One cannot teach good taste in the arts, like the bon ton in society; for the bon ton serves to conceal that of which we are in want, while above all things a creative spirit is necessary in the arts: good taste cannot hold the place of talent in literature, for the better proof of taste, where one has not talent, will be to write nothing. If one dare say it, perhaps it may be found, that in France now, the racers on this track have too much rein, and very little spirit, and that in Germany much literary independence produces results not even so brilliant.

[blocks in formation]

"Sweet are the uses of adversity,"

As dying grapes, when crushed, are turned to wine,
So suffering patience sets the spirit free,

From earth, with transports of a bliss divine.


Eye has not seen, ear heard, nor heart conceived,
And very few have, as they should, believed,
The harmony that reigns in Heaven above,
Where all is one continual flow of love.
There is perfection of etherial bliss,
Here imperfection in a world like this;
Yet imperfection is not total here below:
Else there would be no feeling but of woe.
No Right and wrong are seen on every side,
And if one could distinguish and divide,
The right from wrong, and would the right pursue,
That one would dwell in bliss; as Heaven is true.
One may find goodness in all things and hours,
As bees find honey in all kinds of flowers.

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