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TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c. between FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz. :—with
Baden and Netherlands. Convention. Consuls in

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Dutch Colonies.


Carlsruhe, 27th July, 1857. 518

Baden, &c. and Sicilies. Declaration. Customs

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Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267

Belgium and Denmark. Convention. Sound Dues.
Copenhagen, 14th March, 1857. 612
Belgium and Greece Additional Convention.
Commerce. Navigation.

Athens, 5th June, 1856. 607

Belgium and Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Declarations.

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Belgium and Persia. Treaty. Friendship. Com-
merce........ Brussels, 31st July, 1857. 622
Belgium and Sardinia. Treaty. Commerce. Navi-
gation ...Turin, 10th December, 1857. 642
Additional Articles. Salt Duties.

Turin, 19th February, 1858. 650
Belgium and Sicilies. Treaty. Commerce. Navi-
gation...Naples, 23rd March, 1857. 613
Belgium and Uruguay. Treaty. Friendship. Com.
merce. Navigation.

Monte Video, 16th September, 1853. 626

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Rio de Janerio, 21st February, 1857. 634
Denmark and France. Convention. Sound Dues.
Copenhagen, 28th September, 1857. 817
Denmark and Netherlands. Convention. Consular.



The Hague, 6th June, 1856. 488
Convention. Sound Dues.

Copenhagen, 17th April, 1857. 1054
Denmark and Persia. Treaty. Friendship. Com-
merce ... Paris, 30th November, 1857. 1156
Denmark and Sardinia. Convention. Sound Dues.

Berlin, 25th November, 1857. 639
Dominica and Netherlands. Treaty. Friendship.
Commerce. Navigation.

Curaçao, 24th July, 1856. 498

Equator and New Granada. Treaty. Friendship.
Commerce. Navigation.

France and Hanover.

Bogotá, 9th July, 1856. 1270
Declaration. Shelter to

Ships under stress of Weather.

Hanover, 29th March, 1856. 1103
Paris, 10th April,

France and Honduras. Treaty. Friendship. Com-

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TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c. between FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz. :—with
France and Netherlands. Arrangement. Commerce.

Paris, 14th December, 1857. 992
France and New Granada. Treaty. Friendship.
Commerce, Navigation.

Additional Act.

Bogotá, 15th May, 1856. 774

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Bogotá, 27th January, 1857, 781

France and Russia. Treaty. Commerce. •Navi-


gation..St. Petersburg, June, 1857. 651


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St. Petersburgh, June, 1857. 639
Treaty. Friendship.

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Bangkok, 15th August, 1856. 993

France and Spain. Treaty. Limits.

Bayonne, 2nd December, 1856. 765

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Caracas, 24th October, 1856. 759

Hamburgh and Netherlands. Convention. Consuls

in Dutch Colonies.

The Hague, 16th

Hamburgh, Soth January, 1857. 511

Hanover and Netherlands. Convention.

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Nagasaki, 9th November, 1855. 1087
Treaty. Commerce.

Nagasaki, 30th January, 1856. 1091
Additional Articles. Commerce.
Nagasaki, 16th October, 1857. 1094

Japan and United States. Treaty. Intercourse of
American Citizens with Japan.

Simoda, 17th June, 1857. 349

Liberia and Maryland in Liberia. Treaty. Friend-
ship, Offensive and Defensive.

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Harper, 19th February, 1857. 582
Treaty. Friendship. Indemnity.

Harper, 26th February, 1857. 586

Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Netherlands.

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Schwerin, 17th November, 1856. 635

Turin, 1st January, 1857.

Treaty. Friendship.

Paris, 3rd July, 1857. 516

Netherlands and Portugal. Convention. Consular.

The Hague, 3rd June, 1856. 483

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TREATIES, CONVENTION, &c. between FOREIGN POWERS, contd, viz.:—with
Netherlands and Prussia. Convention. Consuls in

Dutch Colonies.

The Hague, 16th June, 1856.
Netherlands and Saxony. Convention. Consuls in

Dutch Colonies.



Berlin, 3rd June, 1856. 479

Netherlands and Sicilies. Convention. Commerce.


The Hague, 4th July,
Naples, 29th September,

1956. 497

Netherlands and Sweden and Norway. Declaration.

Coasting Trade.

Stockholm, 29th November, 1856. 510

Netherlands and Turkey. Convention. Consuls in
Dutch Colonies.

The Hague, 24th October, 1856. 506
New Granada and United States. Convention.


Washington, 10th September, 1857. 353
Persia and Sardinia. Treaty. Friendship. Com-
merce........ Paris, 26th April, 1857. 636
Persia and United States. Treaty. Friendship.

Constantinople, 13th December, 1856. 355
Peru and United States. Convention. Commerce.
Whale Fishery.

Lima, 4th July, 1857. 350

Prussia and Russia. Declaration. Rights of Con-
suls in matters of Succession.


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27th July,
8th August,

Rome and Wurtemburg. Concordat. Religion.

Rome, 8th April, 1857. 1283

Sardinia and Spain. Convention. Consular.

Paris, 3rd April, 1856. 841

Slave Trade.

.1856. 867

Correspondence with Great Britain.
TURKEY. Correspondence with Great Britain.
Firman and Hatti-Sherif. Privileges and Reforms in Turkey.

Slave Trade...1856, 1857. 867

February, 1856. 1363

Order in Council (British). Power and Jurisdiction over

British Subjects by Judge of Supreme
Consular Court at Constantinople.

London, 27th August, 1857. 572

Protocol of Conference with Austria, &c. Bessarabian Frontier.

Paris, 6th January, 1857. 92

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with

[1856-57. XLVII.]

Austria, &c.

Treaty. Bessarabian Frontier. Isle
of Serpents. Delta of the Danube.
Paris, 19th June, 1857.


Netherlands. Convention. Consuls in Dutch Colonies.

The Hague, 24th October, 1856. 506

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UNITED STATES. Correspondence with Great Britain. Arrest and Im-

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Transit Routes between Atlantic

and Pacific Oceans, through New Granada
and Nicaragua. Central America.

Washington, 15th May, 1856. 782

of Governor of South Carolina.

Columbia, 24th November, 1856. 980

of President. Opening of Congress.

Washington, 8th December, 1857. 319

Proclamation of President. Prohibiting the fitting out of

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Bogotá, 9th July, 1856. 790

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with

Great Britain. Treaty. Central America (not

ratified by Great Britain).

London, 17th October, 1856. 677
Ratification of Do. by President,

with Amendments.

Washington, 19th March, 1857. 687

Japan. Treaty. Intercourse of American
Citizens with Japan.

Simoda, 17th June, 1857. 349

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Washington, 10th September, 1857. 353
Persia. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce.

Constantinople, 13th December, 1856. 355
Peru. Convention. Commerce. Whale


Lima, 4th July, 1857. 350


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Upper Missouri, 17th October, 1855. 1124
Menomonees. Treaty. Cession.

Stockbridge, 11th February, 1856. 112

Pawnees. Treaty. Cession.

Table Creek, 24th September, 1857. 1131
Senecas (Tonawanda). Treaty. Cession.

Tonawanda, 5th November, 1857. 1136


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VENEZUELA. Convention with France. Duties and Privileges of Consuls.

Caracas, 24th October, 1856. 759

Decree (French). Promulgation of Consular Convention of

24th October, 1856.

St. Cloud, 12th August, 1857. 758

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