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3. Beasts. The Egyptians, Ta ευχρησα ξωῶν

Θεός ἐδόξασαν, Laert.

So Plutarch, Lucian, Strabo, Ælian.

So also the Syrians, Thessalians, Samjans.

Εξεθείασεν ὁ Τάαυτος, Sanchoniathon.

4. Sun, Moon, and Stars: As the Indians, Phrygians, Athenians, Zabeans, Persians, Romans, Grecians, Old Saracens, Jer. vii. 18.

5. Images, Exod. xx. 4. They are referred by Eutychius to Ebers, by Epiphanius to Abraham and Terab's Time.

4. The true God was pleased to reveal himself to Abrabam, Gen. xii. 1.

5. Of all the Gods that are worshipped, we are to chuse this Jehovah to be our God.

III. Why should we have Jehovah for our God?

1. He is the Living, I Theff. i. 9.

2. True, Jer. x. 10.

3. Only God, Deut. iv. 34. Ifa. xlv. 5.


IV. What kind of Worship should we perform

to this God?

1. Inward, Joh. iv. 24.

1. In our Understandings, 1 Cor. xiv. 15.

2. Wills. Prov. iii. 1.

3. Affections.

2. Outward.

1. In our Bodies, Rom. xii. 1. Pfal. xcv. 6.
2. Lives.



3. Actions, 1 Cor. x. 31.


1. Bless the Lord for revealing himself to you.

2. Beware of Idols, 1 Joh. v. 21.

1. Idol Honours.

2. Idol Pleasures, Phil. iii. 19.

3. Idol Riches, Col. iii. 5. Eph. v. 5.

4. Idol


4. Idol Relations, Matt. x. 37.

5. Idol Self, Luk. xiv. 26.

3. Take the Lord for your God.

1. Consider, He will be your God, Heb. viii. 10. I. He is all.

1. An All-merciful God to pardon, Exod. xxxiv. 6. Jer. xxxi. 34. Mich. vii. 18. Pfal. xxxii. 1. 2. An All-wise God to direct, 1 Tim. i. 17.

Ifa. xlv. 13.

3. An All-powerful God, Matt. xix. 26.

And so,

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1. Can protect them from,


2. Give them Victory over, their Enemies,

1. Spiritual.

1. Šin.

2. Satan.

3. The World, 1 Joh. v. 4.

2. Temporal.

4. An Omnipresent God, Pfal. cxxxix. 7.

So that he can every where,

1. Help, Ifa. xli. 10, 13, 14. Pfal. xlvi. 1.

2. Comfort us, Ifa. 51. 12. 2 Cor. i.

5. An All-faithful God to his Promises.

IÍ. He hath all, Pfal. xxiv. 1.


1. Grace to make us holy, Ezek. xxxvi. 25,26.

2. Comforts to make us chearful, Job xvi. 2. 3. Glory to make us happy.

III. He doth all.

1. By his ordinary Providence, Rom. viii. 28. 2. Or by his extraordinary Power; as in Fo

Sepb, the Three Children, Daniel, Peter.

2. Confider the Happiness of those that have the Lord to be their God. Pfal. cxliv. 15. 1. It is he alone that made you. 2. That preserves you, Acts xvii. 28.

3. That can satisfie your Souls, Ifa. lv. 2.



Let us examine, Whether the Lord be our


I. Do we fear him as God?

1. Only, Pfal. lxxvi. 11. למורא Matt. X. 28.

2. Constantly.

II. Do we love him as God?

1. Wholly, Deut. vi. 5. Matt. xxii. 37.

2. Only, Pfal. lxxiii. 25.

3. Continually.

III. Do we trust in him as God?

1. With all our Hearts, Prov. iii. 5. Pfal.

Ixil. 5, 6, 7.

2. At all Times, Pfal. lxii. 8.

IV. Do we esteem and honour him as God?

1. As the only true God, John xvii. 3, 15. Pfal. cxxxv. 5.

2. As the high and mighty God, 1 Tim.i. 17.

V. Do we ferve and worship him as God?

1. Reverently, Heb. xii. 28.

2. Sincerely, I Chron. xxviii. 9. John iv. 22.

3. Obedientially, I Sam. xii. 14.

4. Chearfully, I Chron. xxviii. 9.

5. Only, Matt. iv. 1o.

6. Continually, Luke i. 74, 75.




LEVIT. XI. 44.

And ye shall be holy, for I am holy.

THE out th

HEY that have the Lord Jehovah for their

People, וְהִתְקַדִּשְׁתֶּם

sanctified and an holy

I. What is it to be sanctified ?

1. To be sanctified, in Scripture Sense, implies

to be separated and set apart from common Use.

Exod. xl. 10.

• So should we,

1. From Sin, Ifa. i. 16. 1 Thes. v. 22.

2. The World, Fac. i. 27.

2. To be dedicated to the Service of God,

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2. Body.

3. Constantly.

3. To be prepared for great Works, Ifa. xiii. 3.

קרשו עליה מלחמה .4 .Fer. vi

1. For the conquering our Spiritual Ene

mies, Sin, Satan, the World.

2. The worshipping of God.

3. The glorifying his great Name.

4. To sanctify, is to use all Things that belong to God with Reverence, Ifa. viii, 13. Deut. xxviii. 58:


1. His 1. His Name, Ifa. xxix. 23. κ) σέβε ὄρκον.

2. His Word.

3. His Ordinances.

5. To be sanctified, is to have the Principles of Holiness implanted in the Soul.

They that worship Jehovah, should be an holy People.

II. What is it to be holy ?

1. Internal Holiness is the Conformity of the
Will of Man to the Will of God.
1. What is the Will of Man ?

A Faculty of the Rational Soul, whereby
it chuses or refuses what the Understan-
ding judges good or evil.

2: What is the Will of God, viz. his natural Will?

An essential Property in God, whereby he approves or disapproves of all Things, as they are agreeable or contrary to his Nature.

3. What is it for the Will of Man to be conformable to the Will and Nature of God? 1 Pet. i. 15.

That we place our Wills,

1. Upon the same Objects.

2. In the same Manner as he doth.

1. He wills himself as his chief End and

Good, Prov. xvi. 4.

2. He wills Mercy, Hof. vi. 6. Matt.ix. 13. Exod. xxxiv. 6.

3. Justice:

4. The Salvation and Happiness of Man, 1. Tim. ii. 4: Ezek. xxxiii. 11.

III. What

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