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fodder, sixty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty, (66,720.) Lieutenant Harbort's report shows the following subsistence stores taken from the country: one hundred and fifty head of beef cattle, four hundred and seventy-five sheep, eight thousand pounds of fresh pork, two thousand pounds of bacon, ten thousand pounds of poultry, six thousand six hundred bushels of sweet potatoes, five thousand pounds of honey, thirty-three barrels of sorghum syrup, three thousand pounds of corn-meal, two thousand three hundred pounds of flour.

volunteers at Atlanta, Georgia, on the twentythird day of September, 1864, vice Major Levin T. Miller, resigned.

The regiment was with the brigade in the defences of the city, doing picket and fatigue duty, which was daily occupation until October sixteenth, 1864, when, with the brigade commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Bloodgood, (the expedition commanded by Colonel Robinson,) the regiment went on a foraging expedition, making a march of sixteen miles, camping at Flat Shoals, South-River.

October 17th, 1864.-Moved east five miles; loaded wagons with corn, potatoes, beef, and pork; returned and camped on same ground. October 18th, moved out south seven miles;

To the constant energy and systematic industry of Lieutenants Wing and Harbort, the brigade is under especial obligations, which I take pleasure in here acknowledging. Lieutenant Harbort so managed his department, that when the sup-loaded forty wagons with the above-named artiplies of the other brigades of the division were exhausted, he still had on hand two days' rations of hard bread, having in the mean time satisfactorily supplied the troops with daily issues of sweet potatoes.

I have to express my gratification with the faithful, efficient, and gentlemanly manner in which I have been assisted by my staff-officers. For more particular remarks in regard to the execution of the duties of the different staff departments, I desire to refer to the letter of advice by the brigade inspector, a copy of which is herewith transmitted.

cles; sent one hundred men out under command of Captain Maze, who flanked and routed a squad of the enemy's cavalry; returned to same camp.

October 19th, returned to Atlanta; resumed picket and fatigue until the twenty-sixth October, 1864; went on a foraging expedition with the brigade, commanded by Major Brant, Eightyfifth Indiana; the expedition commanded by General Geary, marching twenty-four miles.

October 27th. Detailed from brigade with other regiments, to guard and load one hundred wagons, which was done with the best of corn fodder, etc.; returned to same camp.

October 28th, marched seven miles past Stone Mountain.

In closing this report, I desire to say, that while my position has been somewhat embarrassing by being separated from my regiment and placed in command where I was comparaOctober 29th, returned to Atlanta, a distance tively a stranger, I am exceedingly well pleased of fifteen miles; resumed picket-duty until Nowith the brigade, and do not hesitate to pro-vember fifteenth, 1864; moved out four miles on nounce it one of which any brigade commander McDonald road; went into camp and put out may well be proud.

The Twenty-second Wisconsin, Nineteenth Michigan, and the Eighty-fifth Indiana must be reckoned among the best troops in the service, for their well-known bravery in face of the enemy. Of the Thirty-third Indiana veteran volunteers, it will always be entitled to honorable mention; for its laxity in discipline, the present officers are by no means wholly responsible; the evil is of long standing, and therefore difficult to eradicate. The men are generally possessed of noble impulses, with pride and ambition to secure a good reputation in all that pertains to the true soldier; but to accomplish this, they stand in great need of the proper direction and control from competent officers. Whether LieutenantColonel Burton will inaugurate and prosecute this work to a successful issue, remains to be


Respectfully your obedient servant,

Colonel Commanding Brigade.


December 26, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to report that I took command of the Thirty-third Indiana veteran


November 6th. Pickets were attacked by rebel cavalry; the enemy was repulsed by a loss on our part of one man, (Hiram Like, private, company B, Thirty-third Indiana, killed;) returned to camp at Atlanta and resumed our former duties until November fifteenth, 1864; this date, under command of Colonel Dustin, commanding Second brigade, Third division, Twentieth army corps, we struck tents early and prepared for the march, which began at nine o'clock A.M.; we moved out on the Decatur road; the march was very slow, as the movement of the train was not yet regulated; halted at half-past three o'clock P.M. on the right of the road for dinner; at about five o'clock moved out again, passing through Decatur about dusk; after the corps had passed through, many of the buildings were wrapped in flames.

November 16th. Our march continued all night; went into camp about eight miles east of Stone Mountain; forage was nearly all taken by the forage forces of previous expeditions; company A was detailed as foragers November sixteenth, 1864.

November 17th. There was but little system in the management of the immense wagon-train and troops, as we marched all day without stopping for dinner or supper.

November 18th, marched till half-past three o'clock P.M.; halted and bivouacked for the night, having passed through Social Circle at noon, halting one hour for dinner; here we found plenty of forage for both soldier and stock; after dinner moved out again; reached the railroad at Rutledge Station, where the duty of destroying the road was assigned to the Second brigade; the brigade destroyed about one mile of the road by making large rail fires; went into camp as above stated.

November 19th, the Thirty-third Indiana with Second brigade was detailed to destroy the railroad; the day was wet and disagreeable, still the brigade destroyed the road as far as Madison, a distance of four miles; passed Madison about two P.M., and camped for the night four miles from the town.

November 20th, the Second brigade was deployed out along the train, four men to each wagon; the road was rough and the movement of the train was very slow; the regiment did not halt till after dark; marched in a southerly direction.

November 21st, moved at five A.M., the brigade in advance of the division, and the Thirty-third in advance of brigade; passed through Eatonton about nine o'clock A.M. (Rained all day.)

November 22d, we lay in camp till late in the evening, when we took up our line of march for Milledgeville; the regiment was deployed along the wagon-train.

November 23d, entered Milledgeville, the capital, half-past three o'clock A.M.; lay in camp at this place all day.

November 28th, moved out before daylight, Thirty-third Indiana in advance of the brigade; companies F, D, H, C were advanced guards, under command of Major Niedrauer; as the advance approached the Ogeechee River, they were fired into by the enemy from the opposite side of the river, who succeeded in burning the river bridge; the brigade was immediately moved out on the left of the road in an open field, the Thirty-third Indiana in the advanced line; the brigade stacked arms and remained in line of battle until near dark, when they moved to the rear about one fourth of a mile, and went into camp in a single line of battle, Thirty-third Indiana on the right.

29th. The brigade lay in camp until about five P.M., when we moved out, the Thirty-third in rear of the brigade. We halted in line of battle on left of road, facing to the rear to guard against surprise. Company H was sent out as flankers on our right. We here waited until about ten P.M., when all the brigade except the Thirty-third crossed the river. The Thirty-third was left on the west side as guards for the pontoon-bridge. The pickets were soon posted and the regiment lay down to rest eleven P.M.

30th. We remained in camp until about six P.M., and were ordered to cross the river; after crossing, the bridge was taken up without interruption. We had to pass through a swamp about one halfmile in width. During the day we had to pass through several severe swamps. We passed through Louisville, Jefferson county, in the evening; later in the night a dense fog made the march very slow, and it was with much difficulty that we could keep together. Went into camp at one A.M.

December 1.-A foraging party was sent out from the Thirty-third, which were successful in getting subsistence for the whole brigade. Still we have swamps to pass on the road; went into camp about twelve M. at night.

2d. Moved out about day, the brigade in advance of corps, and the Thirty-third in advance of brigade. The roads were better than usual; went into camp about nine P.M.

November 24th, marched at six A.M.; this morning crossed the Oconee River, and halted until three o'clock P.M., when we again moved forward; the march was very much delayed by bad roads through swamps; the weather was very cold, and the fences were set on fire to make the halts more comfortable; marched till half-past three o'clock A.M., then went into camp. November 25th, at seven A.M., we again moved out, (left;) seven companies were deployed along the train of wagons, and two companies remained in rear of train as guards; the Thirty-third 3d. The brigade deployed along the wagonIndiana in rear of brigade; marched about five train, the Thirty-third Indiana in rear of the brimiles, and halted from twelve м. until four P.M., gade; halted a short time about one P.M., moved when we again moved to Buffalo Creek, a dis-on till two A.M., then bivouacked for the night. tance of about one mile, and went into camp for the night; the citizens had burned the bridge, and the army was delayed on that account.

November 26th. The bridge was finished twenty-fifth night; the brigade crossed the bridge; the Thirty-third on left centre of the brigade; after crossing the creek, halted till after dinner; moved on again, reaching Sandersville about dark.

November 27th. This morning moved from Sandersville in solid column about three miles, and halted on the right of the road till afternoon, when we again deployed along the train; reached Davisboro Station on the Macon and Savannah Railroad about eight P.M., and went into camp for the night.

4th. The brigade was deployed through the train. We were delayed about an hour waiting the completion of a bridge across the swamp. We crossed late in the evening and went into camp.

5th. During the fore part of the day, the regiment was deployed along the train, but in the afternoon marched in solid column.

6th. Moved out early, the brigade in advance of corps, and the Thirty-third in advance of the brigade. Received orders to carry four days' forage; we passed through large swamps where forage is very scarce. The enemy blockaded the road, which delayed our movements but little, as the obstructions were easily removed.

7th. Our march was more rapid to-day than

usual. Marched about fifteen miles, and went into camp at dark.


8th. We lay in camp until afternoon. regiment was again deployed. The Third division detailed to guard the whole corps train. Marched in single file. We passed through Springfield, county-seat of Effingham county. The road runs through very bad swamps, and it was with much difficulty that we got the train along. Went into camp about half-past ten P.M.

9th. Started on the march early. The road was almost impassable. The Eighty-fifth Indiana, the advanced regiment, was detailed to repair roads; the Thirty-third Indiana was pushed forward on double-quick, to a cross-road about one mile in advance, to guard against any surprise or attack by the enemy; we came up as the rear of the Seventeenth corps passed. Company F was stationed on the road leading in from the right about one hundred yards from the crossing, and companies G and B, under Major Niedrauer, were advanced across the main road leading to Savannah, about one hundred and fifty yards; we were soon relieved by the Nineteenth Michigan, of the Second brigade. We moved on the Savannah road about one mile, and halted for dinner. After dinner we moved about eight miles, and went into camp for the night, camping in line of battle. The road was blockaded to-day most of the way; the enemy planted artillery on commanding points. They kept up a heavy firing during the day.

10th. Moved out early, Thirty-third in advance. After the brigade was on the move, companies D and I were sent out as flankers on the right and left of the road. We halted on the right of the road at noon, and lay here till three P.M. Moved to the right on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad.

11th. Seventy-five men, under command of Captain J. T. Fleming, were detailed as foragers. About four P.M., the regiment moved to an advanced position. The line of battle was finally established, the left of the Thirty-third resting on the First brigade, and the right resting on the Eighty-fifth Indiana.

12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th. We did not build any works in our front. Scarcely any picketfiring in our front.

16th. The brigade shifted to the left and went into camp in line of battle, the Thirty-third on the right, the right resting on the direct road leading to Savannah.

17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. During this time a straggling skirmish-firing was kept up in our front. The enemy kept up almost a constant fire with artillery, with but little effect.

21st. This morning about five, we received word that the enemy were gone from our front, and had evacuated Savannah; we were ordered to get ready to march immediately, and were soon on the march, the Thirty-third in the advance. The brigade halted at the first line of works in line of battle. About ten A.M. moved out again, and by noon went into camp one half-mile from

[blocks in formation]


HEADQUARTERS EIGHTY-FIFTH REGIMENT INDIANA INFANTRY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 23, 1864. Captain Kellam, Acting Assistant AdjutantGeneral, Second Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps:

I have the honor to report to you, pursuant to order, the proceedings of my regiment from the occupation of Atlanta, to the twenty-first day of December, 1864, so much of said time as the regiment was under my command, it having been under the command of Major J. E. Brant, of the Eighty-fifth regiment Indiana infantry, from the time required by report to that date.

I assumed command of the regiment November eleventh, 1864. It was then encamped within the lines at Atlanta, doing only picket and fatigue duty. The regiment remained there, preparing for a campaign, until November fifteenth, 1864, when, pursuant to order, it moved with the brigade upon the Decatur road, at nine o'clock A.M. The march was hindered by the wagontrains, and, without making many miles, were upon the march until eight o'clock A.M., November sixteenth, when stopped for breakfast, and were again upon the march with the brigade at ten o'clock A.M., and camped about eight P.M. that night.

17th. The regiment marched with the brigade at five A.M., the march impeded by the movements of the train, and moved on slowly, with long delays, until three A.M.,

18th, when encamped, under orders to move at six A.M. At that hour the regiment moved with the brigade through Social Circle, nearly into Rutledge, when it stopped and destroyed a portion of the railroad, which it did, also, after passing Rutledge, then going into camp about five miles west of Madison.

19th. Moved with the brigade at five A.M. about two miles, when the brigade stopped and destroyed railroad, very expeditiously and effectively, so far as my regiment was concerned, to within a short distance of Madison, and then moved out upon the Milledgeville road four miles, and encamped, at half-past four P.M.

20th. Marched with the brigade at six A.M., guarding wagon-train, and camped about two miles north of Eatonton, at dark.

21st. Marched at five A.M., and encamped at three P.M., ten miles from Milledgeville.

22d. Remained in camp until half-past four P.M., then moved with the brigade, guarding wagon-train. Delayed on the road until three A.M., 23d, when camped in Milledgeville. The regi ment moved from its camp there, November

24th, at six A.M., with the brigade, across the Oconee, where it remained until three P.M., and then moved on slowly, impeded by the trains ahead, until half-past four A.M., November

25th, when we stopped, and again marched at seven A.M. with the brigade, marching to Buffalo Creek, when we encamped at three P.M.

26th. Marched at eight A.M. with the brigade, and camped at Sandersville at three P.M. 27th. Marched fourteen miles with the brigade, and camped at dark.

28th. Marched with the brigade at six A.M., and camped in the afternoon at the Ogeechee River, where the brigade remained until eight P.M., November

29th, when the regiment crossed the Ogeechee one mile and encamped, remaining there, guarding the rear of wagon-trains, until, at eight P.M., it marched with the brigade through Louisville four miles, and encamped at one o'clock A. M., December first.

December 1.-Marched with the brigade from camp at three P.M., guarding rear of train, moving about eight miles, when encamped at midnight.

2d. Marched some fifteen miles with the brigade, and camped at dark.

3d. Moved with brigade about noon, guarding cavalry train, and went into camp at one A.M., December fourth.

4th. Marched with the brigade eight miles, guarding cavalry train.

5th. Marched about fifteen miles, with the regiment deployed upon the train, guarding it, and camped about dark.

6th. Marched with the brigade at six A.M., moving thirteen miles, and camped at half-past four P.M., eleven miles west of Springfield.

7th. Marched at eight A.M., and camped near Springfield, at four P.M.

8th. Moved with brigade, guarding trains about noon, and made five miles at ten P.M., when encamped.

9th. Marched in advance of brigade and division at half-past eight A.M., and employed my men all day in repairing roads for trains; moved until dark, when encamped about sixteen miles from Savannah.

10th. Marched with the brigade at seven A.M., to within about five miles of Savannah, when went into camp in second line before dark.

11th. Remained in camp until four P.M., when the regiment moved forward to the first line and encamped in line of battle. Remained in the same position until December

14th, when, by orders, I reported at eight A.M., with the Eighty-fifth regiment Indiana infantry, and the Nineteenth regiment Michigan infantry, at corps headquarters, for special duty. At nine A.M., took charge of twenty-four wagons, and pursuant to orders, went eight and one half miles, and beyond the lines loaded the wagons with staves and rails; reported back to the brigade at five P.M., having made a march of seventeen miles with two regiments in less than eight hours. Remained in original position until December

16th, when, at seven o'clock A.M., with other regiments of the brigade, moved to left of the Savannah road, and camped in line in some earthworks. The regiment remained in this position until December twenty-first, when it moved to its present camp, one mile north-west of Savannah.

The regiment left Atlanta with twenty-two officers and three hundred and thirteen men, and arrived at its present camp without any casualty and with the same number, in good health, excepting three recently sent to the hospital. The regiment destroyed three quarters of a mile of railroad during the campaign. The men endured the hardships of the campaign and its extra labors with cheerfulness, always punctual and well-behaved. I feel a compliment due them for their soldierly conduct, when day by day, with inducements to forage all about them, and the example of large numbers of stragglers, often within sight, obtaining forage, they did not straggle, always present at roll-call before the regiment was dismissed to camp. In only three instances were there exceptions, which were cases of men who, during the laborious night-marches, fell asleep by the road-side.

The regiment has been in no engagement, and as a regiment, only under artillery fire the few days we were before Savannah.

I am under obligations to my officers, field, line, and staff, for their uniform courtesy, and the satisfactory manner in which they have filled their places and performed their duties. Both officers and men have endured, all confident of success, never imagining a reverse possible. Respectfully submitted,

A. B. CRANE, Lieut. Col. Eighty-fifth Regiment Indiana Infantry, Commanding Regiment.


HEADQUARTERS Eighty-FifTH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 26, 1864. Captain A. G. Kellam, Acting Assistant Adju tant-General, Second Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps:

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment, during the occupation of Atlanta, from September third to November eleventh, 1864.

From the third of September to the fourth of October, the regiment was in position on the right of the Augusta Railroad, and near the line of rebel works that cover Atlanta on the southeast. During this time, the regiment changed position on this line no less than five times; but finally went into camp on that part of the line above described, near the city cemetery, where it remained during the occupation of Atlanta. From the fourth to the sixteenth of October, the regiment furnished from seventy to one hundred and ten men daily for work on the fortifications then being constructed. During this time, it also furnished daily fifty enlisted men for picket on the long line which the regiment had to cover, there being no other troops on this line from the right of the First division, Twentieth army corps,

to the left of the Thirty-third Indiana, a distance of at least one mile. While on this line, up to the sixteenth of October, the regiment was reequipped and fully prepared for another campaign.

On the sixteenth of October, the regiment with brigade was reported to Colonel Robinson, commanding a brigade of First division, Twentieth army corps, and under his command was engaged in a foraging expedition of four days, into the country south-east of Atlanta. On the sixteenth, the regiment marched in front of the brigade, and in centre of the train of seven hundred wagons, and covering that part of the train adjacent. The regiment with brigade went into camp near Flat Rock, at eight P.M., having marched eighteen miles.

On the seventeenth, regiment with brigade moved out some four miles in the direction of Covington, and was engaged during the day in guarding the train and filling wagons with forage. In the evening, returned and camped for the night in the position occupied the night previous. On the eighteenth, the regiment with brigade moved out southward across Flat Rock Creek, in the direction of Jamesboro, some five miles. Here the regiment was divided, detachments being sent in different directions to guard and load wagons. In the evening, returned to camp occupied the night previous.

On the nineteenth, the regiment, in the rear of brigade and in the centre of the wagon train, marched back to Atlanta, where it arrived at eight P.M., having accomplished its share of the work without loss. While on this expedition, the regiment marched fifty-four miles, loaded some sixty wagons with forage, principally corn, and obtained a temporary supply of fresh meats, sweet potatoes, etc.

From the nineteenth to the twenty-sixth of October, the regiment remained in camp, furnishing the usual details for picket and other


On the morning of the twenty-sixth of October, the regiment with brigade reported to General Geary, and under his command was engaged in a second foraging expedition in the direction of Stone Mountain, east of Atlanta. Lieutenant-Colonel Bloodgood, Twenty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, then in command of the brigade, being sick, the command of the brigade devolved upon me during the expedition, and that of the regiment upon Captain Sherman, of company A.

On the twenty-sixth, the regiment marched in front of the brigade, and guarding the centre of the train of eight hundred wagons. Two companies, B and G, marched in rear of one hundred and fifty wagons of the Second division of the train. The regiment camped for the night four miles east of Stone Mountain, having marched twenty miles.

On the twenty-seventh, most of the regiment remained in camp, guarding part of the train in park. During the day, detachments were sent out to load wagons, all returning to camp in the

evening, excepting a detachment of one hundred and ninety men, under command of Captain Anderson, who had been sent some five miles south-east of Stone Mountain.

On the twenty-eighth, the regiment remained in camp until four P.M., when with brigade it moved back toward the little town of Gibraltar, most of the regiment being deployed as pickets to the right of the road. After passing the town of Gibraltar about two miles, went into camp on the Atlanta road. Here the detachments under command of Captain Anderson, rejoined the regiment at midnight, having marched around to the south of Stone Mountain, and been successful in loading some fifty wagons with forage.

On the twenty-ninth, the regiment, in rear of brigade and in the centre of Second division of the train, marched back to Atlanta, where it arrived at five P.M., having, during the expedition, loaded about seventy wagons with forage, and obtained a temporary supply of fresh meats and sweet potatoes. In these four days, the regiment marched over fifty miles, and did its share of the work without the loss of a man.

From the twenty-ninth of October to the tenth of November, nothing of interest occurred worthy of noting.

On the morning of the tenth, at daylight, the enemy moved up two pieces of artillery within plain view and easy shelling distance of the camp, and opened on the regiment, throwing shot and shell for some fifteen minutes, some of which struck in camp, but fortunately injuring no one. In anticipation of an attack, I immediately deployed the regiment along the works, from the Augusta Railroad to the fort on the right; fortunately no attack was made.

On the eleventh of November, LieutenantColonel Crane returned to and assumed command of the regiment. During the period embraced in this report, the sanitary condition of the regiment was excellent, but one man having died of disease during the occupation of Atlanta. I cannot but contemplate with pleasure upon the cheerfulness in which all duties were performed by officers and men of the regiment. Where all are equally prompt and careful in the discharged of duty, I deem it unjust to make invidious distinctions.

Repectfully submitted.


Major Eighty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry.

NEAR SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 25, 1864.

Captain A. G. Kellam, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps:

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following report of this regiment, from the occupation of Atlanta to December twenty-first.

The day after its entry into Atlanta, September fourth, it was temporarily detached from the brigade and ordered to report to Colonel Beckwith, Chief Commissary, military division Mississippi. By him it was assigned to guard and fa

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