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the crisis, a calm, self-possessed, unflinching courage, adequate to any emergency, a kind and conciliatory temper, and the most earnest, sincere and unswerving devo

COMMUNICATIONS for this Departinent should be ad- tion to the Union and the Constitution." dressed to HENRY CLARK, Pawtucket, R. 1.

For the Schoolmaster.

The Criticisms of the Press upon the President's Inaugural.

"The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere."

"The people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security which is most favorable to calm thought and


"We regret to say, that in our opinion, the message injures the Union cause everywhere in the border States, and strengthens secession in all quarters."

"It bears marks of indecision, and yet of strong coercion proclivities, with serious doubts whether the government will be able to gratify them."

"The firmness with which he avows his determination to obey the simple letter of his duty, must command the respect of the whole country, while it carries conviction of his earnestness of purpose, and of his courage to enforce it "

"Plainly the central idea of secession is the essence of the nearest general conclusion anarchy."-THE INAUGURAL.

One interested in the study of English must have been amused by the varying opinions of the press on the interpretation of the President's Inaugural. Whatever might have been the motives for each editor's expression of his opinion, they should be admitted to be honest. With this admission in mind, and eschewing any intention of appealing to the partizan feelings of any reader of this page, we collect a few passages that have been wafted to our table from the sanctums of some of the leading journalists. It is not necessary to mention the titles of papers quoted.

Three editors doubt the meaning of the writer of the address:

And so the verdicts swing back and forth. As the opinions quoted above proceed from men undoubtedly acquainted with the power of language, - all the conclusion we could reach-after reading them, is, that impressions by means of the clearest intellectual phere of a man's political belief. vision may vary essentially according to the atmos

For the Schoolmaster.
A Concealed Fault.

A sentence in Southey's account of Henry Kirke White, illustrates a grammatical error not always noticed. It is in the use of an improper predicate in connection with "there," an expletive. Mr. Southey speaking of the early education of Henry, says:

"It was considered a great thing for him to be at so "The President, Mr. Lincoln, though brief, is wordy, good a school, yet there was some circumstances which and though verbose, yet not clear."

"It is so clearly intended to admit of a double, or even of any possible interpretation, that many will content | themselves with waiting for the progress of events, in the meanwhile seeking in it for no meaning at all."

"We cannot determine from the address whether the new administration will pursue the policy of coercion or of conciliation; and must wait its development in its


Others expressly affirm its clearness :

rendered it less advantageous to him than it might have been."

The error will be recognized if a certain part of the sentence be reduced to a simpler form, as: Some circumstances was there which rendered it less advantageous to him than it might have been. Circumstances was.

This fault is so covered by means of the peculiar construction of the sentence, that the best extempore speakers are betrayed into it. Perhaps it is "It was wise to speak frankly and make himself un- not so often committed by writers as by speakers. derstood."

"We recognize the clearness of idea, and the forcible diction which we have learned to anticipate when he speaks with freedom to do himself justice."

It consists in always giving to the verb the singular number, when the sentence or clause in which it occurs is introduced by the word there. "There' is not properly a noun but an adverb, so that the

"It is the language of a good man in earnest upon a verb depends for its number on its subject, another momentous subject - plain, lucid, compact, capable of word. but one meaning, and presenting that with resistless force. Everybody can understand it."

The following sentences constructed for the purpose are added for illustration. They are all prob

Of the varying opinions, some of the more ap-ably correct on this point: parent are the following:

There were many people at the ball. There was a "It is marked throughout by consummate ability, a great number of guests at the wedding. There was wise and prudent sagacity in the judgment of affairs, a plenty of roses in bloom. There were roses blooming in

profound appreciation of the difficulties and dangers of the window.

Prof. Tischendorf's Sinai Bible.

[From a notice in the New Englander of a descriptive pamphlet published by Professor Tischendorf, entitled, Notitia Editionis Codicis Bibliorum Siniatici.]

fulness, that these seeming accidents were all really ordered of the Divine Providence and goodness, so that after hope had almost died away, the treasure was at length so wonderfully discovered.

"Of the manuscript itself the author gives a description, and adds, at the same time, some pages "Many of our readers will remember the inter- of the text. In the Old Testament, it contains a est which was excited, some eighteen months since, portion of the Chronicles, the poetical books from by the announcement, that a very ancient manu- Job to the Song of Solomon inclusive, Isaiah, with script of the Old and New Testaments had been a portion of Jeremiah, the Minor Prophets, with discovered in the East by Prof. Tischendorf. We the exception of Hosea, Amos and Micah; and of have, in the pamphlet before us, recently received the Apocryphal books, Tobit, Judith, a portion of from Leipsic, a detailed account of this manuscript, the Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ecclesiand of the way in which it was found, together asticus. We have not given the order of succeswith an encouraging assurance that it will soon be sion here, but, in the New Testament, we have, published. One can scarcely read the author's first, the four Gospels; secondly, the Epistles of simple story, without partaking in his own joyful Paul, that to the Hebrews being placed between feelings, and uniting in his expression of gratitude the second to the Thessalonians and the first to to God for this gift to the church. He had been Timothy; thirdly, the Acts of the Apostles; fourthenabled by the favor of the Emperor Alexander of ly, the Catholic Epistles; fifthly, the Apocalypse; Russia to make a third journey to the Orient, in and finally the Epistle of Barnabas with fragments the beginning of the year 1859, and was making a of the Shepherd. short visit to the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, where, some fifteen years before, he "The arguments for the antiquity of the manuhad discovered certain fragments of a most ancient script are presented briefly, and the conclusion decodex of the Septuagint version. On the fourth rived from them is, that beyond all reasonable of February, 1859, the very day on which he had doubt, it was written as early as the fourth centumade arrangements for an early departure for ry. Thereupon follows a list of the readings of Egypt, he happened to be walking with the stew- this codex in a large number of passages, in the ard of the monastery. The conversation turned different books of the New Testament. The auquite naturally upon the great subject of the author promises to have the complete work published thor's labors and investigations. The mind of his about the middle of the year 1862- that being the companion being awakened to interest by the con- thousandth anniversary of the foundation of the versation, he informed the author, on their return Russian Empire- and we are sure that it will evefrom their walk together, that, in his own apart- rywhere be received with a grateful appreciation of ment, he himself had a copy of the Septuagint, the generous favor of the Emperor, without which and, as they entered the room, he presented it to the discovery would never have been made, and of him, as it was, rolled up in a cloth. Tischendorf that liberality through which he now offers it freely unrolled the cloth, and found, to his astonishment to the universities of every land.

and delight, not only a very large portion of the "The remaining portions of the pamphlet, which Old Testament, but also the whole New Testa- are mentioned in the title, we pass over without ment, without even the smallest part wanting, to- especial notice. The great interest and value gether with the Epistle of Barnabas and a fragment which the work has, is, of course, its promise of of the Shepard of Hermas- and that too the very the future, and we wait as patiently as we can, till codex which, so early as 1855, he had declared to that promise is fulfilled. Meanwhile we would be the oldest of all the Greek manuscripts on urge all, who may find the opportunity, to examparchment, which still survive. So overjoyed was ine what Tischendorf has here given us. That he, that, unable to sleep, he spent the night in opportunity will of course be found rather in our transcribing the Epistle of Barnabas, and then, on public libraries, than through a purchase of the on the following day, he obtained consent of the pamphlet by individual scholars." monks to have the manuscript forwarded to him at Cairo. After his arrival there, he further per- AUGUSTIN EUGENE SCRIBE, a distinguished suaded them to present it, through himself, as a French author, is dead. He had reached the age gift to the Emperor Alexander, and thus it was of seventy years. His last work was a comic opera, brought to St. Petersburg in November of the same La Circassienne, the music of which was written year. By the merest accident, as it seemed, had it by Auber, himself over eighty years old. been preserved from destruction, at the first, as a useless thing, and then again, by the merest acci

THE effect of the crisis on literature is to de

dent, did it become known to this critical scholar. crease the number of books published, and give by whose means it will now be made the property time for authors to prepare works for future dissemof the world. We have abundant reason for thank-ination.

Editors' Department.


THE PRIZE ESSAY.-We are glad to be able to give to our readers, entire, the excellent prize essay by our fellow laborer who has charge of the philological department of our journal. We think it a fair exponent of the rare ability of its author. We hope that all who read will be ready to concur

We offer to any person who will send us the in our opinion of its just merits. We have had the

names of EIGHT NEW SUBSCRIBERS, with the money enclosed, (one dollar for each subscriber) a copy of that magnificent standard work, Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, price $6.00. By a little exertion every teacher may own this indispensable help for the student.


It is with pain we are called upon to record the death of DAVID MARCH WARREN, Esq., who was becoming well known among educators as the author of a most excellent series of school geographies. He died in Baltimore, March 10th, 1861, at the early age of 41.

He left Philadelphia in February to pass a few days with a brother, hoping to regain his strength, already impaired, as his friends believed, by the perplexities arising from the embarrassed condition of the firm to which he belonged.

pleasure of perusing others which evince much talent of unusual excellence.

We can hardly refrain from calling attention to the other inducement which we offer, to any who will send us eight new subscribers with the money. The work which is here offered contains a notice and the proper pronunciation of nearly one hundred thousand places, with the most recent and authentic information respcting the countries, &c., in every portion of the globe. Also, a complete etymological vocabulary of geographical names, and many other valuable features to be found in no other gazetteer in the English language. It contains over 2000 pages, and is really one of the most desirable helps to the teacher, student, or business man, with which we are acquainted. We are pleased to find that some are taking advantage of our prize.

IN a late number of Lewis's Gymnastics there is an excellent extract upon the subject of sleep, which affords much information upon that much

It was in Baltimore, that he first learned the astounding fact that he was fast sinking under a fa-abused blessing. It is there stated that he who tal organic disease.

His death, so unexpected to himself and his friends, has deprived the cause of education of an earnest and faithful laborer. He had made geography a special study for many years. The results of his labor appeared first in the form of Warren's Physical Geography,- a work which received high encomiums from scholars and naturalists on both sides of the Atlantic. This work was followed by his Common School Geography—a book admirably adapted to the wants of our schools, as its extensive use abundantly proves. This was followed by his Primary. In this, by a simple and pleasing introduction, in which the beginner is supposed to travel over the surface of the earth, the elements of geography are unfolded. This introduction is then followed by an easy development of the first principles of the study.

No better illustration could be given of Mr. Warren's views of elementary instruction than are embodied in the introduction just alluded to.

reaches the bounds set to his life by the scriptures, (seventy years) will have spent more than twentythree years of this in the arms of morpheus. This granted, how important is sweet, refreshing sleep to a vigorous, healthy constitution. We recollect not long since of being in a little hamlet where was held the anniversary of the hundredth birth

day of one of its citizens, a man of ordinary station in life, who had lived to see his children's children arrive to manhood. Upon this festive occasion services were held in the village church, and the veteran of twenty-five quarternions walked, unassisted, one mile to the church and returned. A friend talking with him one day, inquired how he had managed to reach that age with such a physical constitution left to his command, he replied: "Regular eating and sleeping." We think it hardly likely that many will reach that age, even with the proper amount of sleep, yet we doubt not his great longevity must in a measure be placed to that account.

To the effectual success of their calling no perSocially, he was cordial, frank, and always ani- son needs regular sleep and a proper amount of it mated in conversation. He had the rare faculty of more than the school teacher. The school-room surrounding himself with a multitude of friends, wears a different aspect to the eyes which have and herein lay the secret of his success in the busi- had a full night's repose. Much of the nervous

ness to which he devoted himself. He leaves a ness, and haggard looks, and fretty outbursts come wife and infant child to mourn his loss. We un- from a want of sufficient amount of quiet sleep. derstand that he had in manuscript other contri- We have some ground of fear that the stress which butions to his favorite subject, which we hope ere is frequently laid upon the habit of early rising long may be given to the public. may have depreciated to no small degree the real

worth of repose. William M. Cornell, M. D., of from the pupil of the primary or intermediate. Philadelphia, to whom we have before alluded, Then, as the powers of intellect increase and the thinks that the most frequent and immediate ability of appreciating the sentiment of an author cause of insanity, and one of the most important gains strength, cultivate the habit of giving force to guard against, is the want of sleep." "Indeed," and meaning to the sense of the subject. Like the says he, "so rarely do we see a recent case of in-art of singing, the pupil must first learn the scale sanity that is not preceded by want of sleep, that of vocal sounds, as well as their offices, and then it is regarded as almost a sure precursor of mental he may study the soul of the production. derangement."

Teachers, do these ideas meet your approbation? In answer to the question, "When shall we if not, let us hear from you. Who will send us an sleep? our Maker has settled that point when he article upon this subject? Please give us a bit of made day and night." Indeed, we think this ques- your own experience in this direction. We know tion about as deep as one asked by an inventor of of many teachers who are capable of throwing floods highly illuminating substances, who had made of light upon this subject.

many attempts to find the "cheapest light," went into a chemical analysis, and pondered upon the comparative illuminating properties of water gas and the "light of other days." The conclusion was that there would be some haziness or foggy properties attending the latter. Franklin told the Parisians the American people learned "that it is cheaper burning day light than candle light."

Says the author of the same treatise: "We knew an individual who possessed at the age of eightythree, an unusual vigor, and presented the characteristic marks of a sound mind in a healthy body, though he once occupied a prominent professor's chair in one of our first theological seminaries, and, both from his position, and having reared a large family, must have been exposed to much company, yet his testimony upon this point was: 'I have always been a good sleeper. Whatever company may be at my house, when nine o'clock comes, I uniformly take my light, bid them good night, and retire."" For the remainder of this most interesting discussion we refer to the Educator, a monthly journal printed at Pittsburg, which, by the way, is very ably edited.

THERE is no department of school instruction which has suffered more neglect than the subject of reading. It has been remarked that in the schools of Providence, and no doubt throughout the whole State, we are more deficient in reading than any other department. This is in a measure true. It is a difficult matter to teach reading to meet the views of all classes of educated men. In no general degree is the taste of scholars alike in this important branch of instruction.

The River of Speech.

THERE flows a river through the earth,
From hills of heaven it hath its birth;
Through all the lands that speech hath gone,
For men to float their thoughts upon.

Some send rich fleets of myrrh and gold,
Ships argosied with gems untold;
And though the men upon the shore
Bind them upon their hearts, the store,
Like prophet's oil, grows more and more.

And some send flowers from fairy lands,
That float to little children's hands;
And some-alas! that this should be-
Send ships that sail to meet the sea,
Beneath the pirate's flag of black,
With wreck and rapine on their track.

And some send idle straws alone;
And some rich seeds, that may be sown
In quiet creeks; for they will rise
Dear flowers to aching hearts and eyes.

And some send holy words that shed
A strange light on the river's bed-
A light so steady, earnest, fair,
You almost think God's stars are there.

Long years ago, past ships and stars,
A fleet sailed through the Eastern bars,
And on the wave a heavenly spell,
A silent consecration fell;
The stream grew holy as it bore

Christ's spoken thoughts from shore to shore.

WE call the attention of teachers and school committees to the advertisement of Samuel S. &

We have received from the enterprising publishers that indispensable "Grammar of English Grammars," which we shall notice more fully next month.

One great impediment to the progress of this art William Wood, No. 389 Broadway, New York. is the want of a suitable voice. This should be first of all cultivated. No person can read to the edification of any number of persons without a voice to produce the required intonations and inflections. This must be cultivated in the earliest years of the pupil's course. If you attempt to WE have a bow and a bunch of thanks to that train the voice of an adult you will in a great de- cordial friend of THE SCHOOLMASTER, who sent us gree fail on account of the natural embarrassment seven new subscribers in one missive. Were it of age. No advanced pupil can yield to the power not for his proverbial modesty we would publicly of imitation which is requisite to the subduing and expose him. "If he does it again we shall be training of the vocal organs. First get a voice obliged to treat it seriously," as the teacher says.


COMMUNICATIONS for this Department, if relating to

the higher branches, should be addressed to J. M. Ross,

Lonsdale; otherwise to N. W. DEMUNN, Providence.

For the Schoolmaster.

From the Mathematical Monthly.

A Logical Outline of Arlthmetic.

ONE great error in our systems of elementary instruction is the lack of logical method. With the desire of lending a word toward the correction of this error, we present the following logical outline of arithmetic.

All numerical ideas begin with the unit. It is We give below a few special rules and illustra- the origin, the basis of arithmetic. The unit can tions for the squaring of numbers. In doing so, we be increased and divided, hence arise numbers and do not claim originality for them; but simply de- fractions. Every number is a synthesis, every fracsire to bring the subject of involution before those tion the result of an analysis. When by synthesis teachers who may not have access to such authors we have obtained a number, by analysis we may as have taken up the subject in a special manner. pass to a small number; hence numbers can be inThe following are brief rules for squaring num-creased and diminished, and these are the only bers less than 100; and we limit the numbers to less than 100, because, by the rules, we can obtain the square mentally.

Rule First. Square the left-hand figure, under which, one place to the right, place twice the product of the two figures; and under this last product write the square of the right-hand figure, one place still further to the right, and add the numbers thus written.

[blocks in formation]



62 64

operations to which they may be subjected. All other processes are merely modifications of, or based upon, these fundamental ones.

To determine when and how to increase, and when and how to diminish, we employ a process of reasoning called comparison. This reasoning process also gives rise to several particular arithmetical processes. Arithmetic of whole numbersand the same obtains with fractions-is therefore reduced to the two general processes of synthesis and analysis, these to be controlled by the logic of comparison. Let us briefly glance at each.

A general synthesis is addition. Multiplication is a special case of addition, in which the numbers to be added are equal, the sum in this case being

distinguished by the term product. Composite numbers, formed by the synthesis of factors; multiples formed by the synthesis of particular factors, and involution, requiring a product of equal factors, are all included under multiplication.

A general analysis is called subtraction. Division is a special analysis, in which equal numbers are successively subtracted, with the additional object of ascertaining how many times such subtractions may be performed. Factoring is a special case of division, in which many or all of the

In the above manner square 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, divisors of a member are required; evolution a 58, 59.

[blocks in formation]

special case of factoring, in which one of several equal factors is required; and common divisor, a case of factoring in which some common factor of several numbers is required.

In comparing numbers we observe we may pass from one to another of different species under the same genus, and thus we have reduction. By comparison we obtain ratio, arithmetical and geometrical, from the first of which, by a further com

In the same manner square 125, 75, 95, 455, 725, parison, arises arithmetical progression; and from 1255, &c.

the second we obtain, in a similar manner, proportion and geometrical progression.

ALGEBRAICAL QUESTION.-There are four numThus we derive a complete outline of the science bers in geometrical progression, the second of of numbers. The rest of arithmetic consists of which is less than the fourth by 24; and the sum the solution of problems, either real or theoretic, of the extremes, is to the sum of the means, as 7 and may be included under the head of applicato 3. What are the numbers? tions of numbers. Arithmetic is therefore pure

A. F. K.

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