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14th of May, twenty-two days from the time I took leave of Natchez. I know not that it is possible for the human heart to beat with higher emotions, than did mine in once more meeting the dear brethren and sisters of the mission. This joy was rendered more intense by the presence of Mr. Evarts. It seemed as if the ends of our country had come together. But I will not attempt a description of it. It can only be felt. It far more than repays one for the most fatiguing journeys; and such is the reward of Christian missionaries. Mr. Evarts has informed you of the manner in which our time was occupied at Brainerd, and I need not recapitulate. I must, however, say, in justice to the feelings of the missionaries and to my own, that no event has occurred since the commencement of the enterprise more important to its best interests, than the presence and counsels of Mr. Evarts. His services to the Board, not only in the Indian country, but generally on his tour, have been of the most valuable kind, more so than could have been those of any other agent whatever, who was not invested with the respect and authority of an active member of the Board.

"In taking a review of the gracious dealings of Providence in respect to your first effort among the aborigines, I would first lift up my heart in gratitude to God, and next congratulate the Board on the prospect they now have of constituting, by their efforts, a new era in the work of Indian reformation. Go on, sir, the Lord is with you of a truth, and to you and to your coadjutors has he granted the high honor of being 'fellow-workers.'

The incident to which we now refer, we think proper to record for several reasons. It was one in which Mr. Cornelius was deeply engaged. It was also the means of exciting in behalf of his object great additional interest, especially among the more cultivated portions of society,

and of considerably increasing the funds for the Indian missions. The excellent author of the production in question is deserving of honorable mention, for the philanthropic purposes to which she has uniformly devoted her pen, and especially for the warm sympathy which she has, for many years, manifested in the condition of the Indian tribes.

"I cannot forbear to mention," says Mr. Cornelius to Dr. Worcester, 66 that while I was in New Orleans, I received from Miss H., of Hartford, a most interesting communication in answer to a letter which I addressed to her when I was at Washington, and in which I begged the privilege of enlisting her poetic talents in favor of the poor aborigines. I heard nothing from her, till one day, in the course of the winter, I opened a letter containing a fine poem of sixty manuscript pages, in blank verse. regard it as one of the richest donations which I have yet received from any person for the poor Indians. In due time, I intend to publish it in elegant style, with an appendix.

An extract from one of Dr. Worcester's letters is here inserted.


'It is not necessary that I should reply to your various interesting communications in detail, especially as it is hoped that by favor of Providence, you will meet Mr. Evarts at Brainerd, shortly after the receipt of this letter, and from him receive full communications. We approve of your proceedings. We have availed ourselves of the information which you have communicated. We have noted and considered your suggestions, and we feel that we have reason to bless the Fountain of wisdom and grace, that we were directed to the appointment of this agency, and that you have been sustained in the arduous execution of it, in a manner so highly creditable and

beneficial to the glorious cause. We devoutly rejoice in the rich recompense which you must have in your own mind. The blessing bestowed on your labors at Brainerd, is an abundant compensation for all the fatigues and privations, and hardships of your mission. But, my brother, our gracious Master has in reserve for his faithful servants a reward' which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard.' 'There remaineth a rest.'

"We are certainly in earnest in the design of making such an effort for the instruction and improvement of our poor Indians, as the world has never seen. We have much cause indeed to deplore the languor of our love towards them, and our sluggishness in the great work for their good; and we have had great occasion to lament that we had not some efficient hands more disencumbered than ours have hitherto been for this work. Yet we humbly hope that God has been graciously pleased to accept our desires, and endeavors, and that by his help we shall be enabled to proceed with increasing energy and effect."

In conformity with previous arrangements, Mr. Cornelius, on his return, took charge of four Indian youth, whom he wished to place in the Foreign Mission school at Cornwall, Connecticut. They accordingly accompanied him on horseback, reached the school in safety, and after spending some time in study, returned to their tribe, and became useful in various relations. One of them was, for several years, the intelligent editor of the Cherokee Phoenix.

In the latter part of May, Mr. Cornelius proceeded on his journey, taking the same route which he had travelled the preceding year, through Tennessee, Western Virginia, &c.


Sabbath, June 4.-I spent in part at Dr. C.'s, and in

part with Mr. D.'s congregation, one mile north of Greenville, Tennessee. The Lord's supper was celebrated, and I communed with the church. In the afternoon, preached on the worth of the soul, and made an appointment for the next day, to preach a missionary sermon in the same place at 11 o'clock, and receive a collection for the benefit of the Indians. Returned to Dr. C.'s, Monday, preached, and took a collection. Monday evening, at 4 o'clock, preached in Greenville college to the students, and a considerable audience from the neighborhood. Text, 'One thing thou lackest.' A most solemn and affecting season to us all. I do not remember that I was ever more assisted in my life to preach plainly the word of God. And I have reason to think it was blessed to some of the

young men. While I was preaching, Dr. C. came in, and after sermon, prevailed on me to preach the next day. Accordingly I made my arrangements to spend one day more, and be at Abingdon, Virginia, the following Sabbath.

"Tuesday, June 9.-Preached to a large audience in Greenville, on total depravity, and rode the same evening, about two miles, to Mr. J. B.'s, a son of Rev. J. B. of Mississippi, and former missionary among the Chick


"While in Greenville, I formed a most agreeable acquaintance with Dr. C., who is at present principal of Greenville college. He has been in Tennessee a number of years, perhaps twelve or fifteen, and has done much to promote the interests of literature. The present number of pupils is fifty, and the college is in a more flourishing "state than ever before.

"Thursday, I pursued my journey seven miles, and arrived in Jonesborough. Very soon judge E. and several other gentlemen invited me to preach a sermon at the funeral of a young man who had suddenly dropped down

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dead the day before. I consented, and when I had finished, made an appointment for the same evening to preach a missionary sermon, which was fulfilled.

"On Monday, June 29, I took leave, probably forever, of my kind friends at Staunton, and directed my course towards Washington city, passing by the seats of presidents Jefferson and Madison.

"The heat of the day was intense; after riding fifteen miles, we came to the Blue ridge, which constitutes the great physical line of demarkation between the country bordering on the Atlantic ocean, and the western regions. We ascended the mountains at the Rockfish gap, and spent two or three hours at the public house on the top of it."*

* At the close of this journal it is proper to advert to the present state of the Indian missions. Cherokees.-Eight stations, 5 churches, 140 native members, whole number who have been received, 272. All the members but two or three abstain from the use and traffic in ardent spirits. The number of pupils in the schools is about 150. About 14,000 copies of books have been printed in the Cherokee language, among which is the gospel of Matthew. The political events, which have destroyed the influence of their own government, have had a very pernicious effect on the morals and habits of the people. The question of making a treaty with the United States, and removing west of the Mississippi, is still agitated. Arkansas Cherokees.—The population of this portion of the Cherokees is estimated at 4,000. Three stations, one church, 102 members, of whom 63 were received during the last year, as the fruits of a very interesting revival of religion. The number of pupils in 5 schools is 134. A female society has more than 300 volumes in their library. A national temperance society was formed in 1830. Chickasaws.-Great anxiety and despondency prevail among the Indians of this tribe, in consequence of treaties formed with the United States, the intrusion of white settlers, and the introduction of ardent spirits. Two stations have been abandoned. Choctaws.-Only two stations have been occupied in the old Choctaw country during the past year. No schools have been taught. About 40 members of the church still linger round their former homes. The removal of the tribe was about completed in the autumn and winter of 1832-3. Mr. Byington has nearly finished a

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