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Quant aux affaires intérieures, elles ne présentent pas, sous bien des rapports, un aspect moins satisfaisant.

Bien que les chantiers n'aient pas repris leur ancienne activité, le nombre des navires sur mer n'a pas diminué. La navigation se maintient à la mênie hauteur. Malgré l'influence défavorable des complications aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique sur les affaires commerciales en général, les importations, les exportations et le transit n'augmentent pas moins constamment.

Les projets de loi sur le service médical sont prêts et vous seront bientôt présentés.

A l'exception d'une seule substance alimentaire de première nécessité pour le peuple, la récolte offre d'assez bons résultats.

Les considérations sur la question importante du rachât des dîmes a donné lieu à l'élaboration d'un projet de loi, qui vous sera présenté incessamment.

Les arts et les sciences continuent à fleurir. L'exposition d'industrie nationale, qui vient d'avoir lieu dans la province de la Hollande Septentrionale, a fourni des preuves évidentes des progrès de l'industrie.

L'application de la loi sur l'instruction primaire donne des résultats favorables.

On prépare en ce moment le projet de loi qui doit régler l'enseignement moyen.

Il m'est agréable d'avoir à vous communiquer que les nombreux travaux préparatoires, pour l'établissement d'un réseau de chemins de fer, sont assez avancés, pour que l'exécution n'en subisse plus d'ajournement. La direction de la majeure partie des lignes est déjà arrêtée. On procédera bientôt à l'exécution de quelques travaux d'Art. Tout nous fait entrevoir, qu'à moins d'entraves inattendues, une partie considérable de ces travaux sera achevée dans le cours de l'année prochaine.

Les dernières ruptures de digues doivent entraîner des dépenses extraordinaires. Il vous sera fait des propositions, tant au sujet des frais de réparation qu'en ce qui concerne les subsides à allouer aux districts y intéressés.

Je veille avec sollicitude à l'exécution des prescriptions de la loi fondamentale relativement aux rapports entre l'Eglise et l'Etat. Il vous sera présenté un projet de loi sur la suppression du droit de collation de l'Etat dans l'Eglise réformée, ainsi qu'un projet de loi sur les pensions des ministres de culte.

On prépare des projets de loi pour la mise à exécution de la nouvelle organisation judiciaire et en premier lieu le nouveau Code d'Instruction criminelle et le projet de répartition judiciaire du Royaume. Toutefois, l'époque de la mise en vigueur de la nouvelle

organisation judiciaire, qui n'a été votée que le mois de Mai dernier par la Législature, devra être fixée ultérieurement.

La situation des finances de l'Etat continue à être favorable. Tandis qu'ailleurs les circonstances ont nécessité des emprunts, nous avons pu continuer l'amortissement de la dette.

Le produit des voies et moyens est satisfaisant.

Il vous sera présenté incessamment un projet de loi sur l'administration des domaines de la Couronne.

Vous aurez à délibérer aussi sur un nouveau projet de loi relatif des droits d'entrée et de sortie.

Une tâche importante vous attend. Soyons tous pénétrés d'une seule et même pensée: favoriser les véritables intérêts de notre patrie.

Puissent vos délibérations s'accomplir sous les bénédictions du Tout-Puissant!

Je déclare ouverte la session ordinaire des Etats-Généraux.

DETAILED REGULATIONS arranged between the Post Office of Great Britain and the Post Office of France, for the execution of the Postal Convention of 24th September, 1856.* Signed at Paris, October 27,

London, November 12,


THE Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on the one part,

And the Director-General of the French Post Office on the other part,

With reference to Articles XXXI and XXXVI of the Postal Convention concluded between Great Britain and France, the 24th September, 1856,

Have agreed as follows:

ART. I. The exchange of correspondence between the Post Office of France and the Post Office of Great Britain shall be effected as follows:


On the Channel.

1. By the travelling office from Paris to Calais.

2. By the office at Boulogne-sur-Mer.

3. By the office at Calais.

4. By the office at Cherbourg.

5. By the office at Dieppe.

6. By the office at Dunkirk.

* Vol. XLVI. Page 195.

+ Signed also in the French language.

7. By the office at Granville 8. By the office at Ĥâvre. 9. By the office at Morlaix. 10. By the office at St. Malo. 11. By the office at Marseilles.

On the Mediterranean.

1. By the travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles. 2 By the office at Marseilles.

3. By the French office established at Alexandria.

4. By the French office established at Constantinople.

5. By the French office established at the Dardanelles.

6. By the French office established at Smyrna.

7. By the Post Office agents on board the French mail packets touching at Malta.


On the Channel.

1. By the office at London.
2. By the office at Dover.
3. By the office at Folkestone.
4. By the office at Guernsey.
5. By the office at Jersey.

6. By the office at Southampton.

On the Mediterranean.

1. By the office at Malta.

2. By the British office established at Alexandria.

II. The relations between the French offices of exchange and the Post Office agents on board the French mail packets in the Mediterranean, on the one part, and the British offices of exchange on the other part, shall be established in the following manner, namely:

On the Channel.

1. The travelling office from Paris to Calais shall correspond with the offices of London and Dover by means of the two lines of mail packets established between Calais and Dover in accordance with Article I of the Convention of 24th September, 1856.

2. The office at Boulogne-sur-Mer shall correspond with the offices at London and Dover by means of the two lines of mail packets above mentioned. It shall further correspond with the office at London by means of the private steamers plying between Boulogne-sur-Mer and London; with the office at Dover by means of the private steamers plying between Boulogne-sur-Mer and

Dover; and with the office at Folkestone by means of the private steamers plying between Boulogne-sur-Mer and Folkestone.

3. The office at Calais shall correspond with the offices at London and Dover by means of the mail packets established between Calais and Dover, in accordance with Article I of the Convention of 24th September, 1856. It shall further correspond with the office at London by means of the private steamers plying between Calais and London, and with the office at Dover by means of the private steamers plying between Calais and Dover.

4. The office at Cherbourg shall correspond with the offices at Guernsey and Jersey by means of the private ships plying between Cherbourg and the islands of Guernsey and Jersey.

5. The office at Dieppe shall correspond with the office at London by means of the private steamers plying between Dieppe and Newhaven.

6. The office at Dunkirk shall correspond with the office at London by means of the private steamers plying between Dunkirk and London.

7. The office at Granville shall correspond with the offices at Guernsey and Jersey by means of the private ships plying between Granville and the islands of Guernsey and Jersey.

8. The office at Hâvre shall correspond with the office at London by means of the private steamers plying between Hâvre and London; and with the office at Southampton by means of the private steamers plying between Hâvre and Southampton.

9. The office at Morlaix shall correspond with the office at Southampton by means of the private steamers plying between Morlaix and Southampton.

10. The office at St. Malo shall correspond with the offices at Guernsey and Jersey by means of the private ships plying between St. Malo and the islands of Guernsey and Jersey.

11. The office at Marseilles shall despatch mails to the office at Dover by means of the services employed for the conveyance between Marseilles and Dover of the mails from India to Great Britain, but without reciprocity on the part of the Dover office.

On the Mediterranean.

1. The travelling office from Lyons to Marseilles shall correspond with the office at Malta by means both of the French mail packets and of the British mail packets plying between Marseilles and Malta; and with the British Office at Alexandria by means of the British mail packets plying between Marseilles and Alexandria.

2. The office at Marseilles shall correspond with the office at Malta by means both of the French mail packets and of the

British mail packets plying between Marseilles and Malta, and with the British office at Alexandria by means of the British mail packets plying between Marseilles and Alexandria.

3. The French office established at Alexandria shall correspond with the British office established in the same city; it shall correspond also with the office at Malta by means of the French mail packets plying in the Mediterranean.

4. The French office established at Constantinople shall correspond with the office at Malta by means of the French mail packets. 5. The French office established at the Dardanelles shall correspond with the office at Malta by means of the French mail packets. 6. The French office established at Smyrna shall correspond with the office at Malta by means of the French mail packets.

7. The Post Office agents on board the French mail packets touching at Malta shall correspond with the office at Malta.

III. The mails from the travelling office from Paris to Calais for the office at London shall comprise the correspondence of every kind originating either in France (Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bourbourg, Calais, Dèsvres, Gravelines, Guines-en-Calaisis, Marquise, Samer, and St. Pierre les Calais excepted,) or in the countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France addressed to the countries enumerated in Table A, annexed to the present regulations.

Reciprocally, the mails from the office at London for the travelling office from Calais to Paris shall comprise the correspondence of every kind originating in the countries enumerated in Table A, above mentioned, addressed either to France (Boulognesur-Mer, Bourbourg, Calais, Dèsvres, Gravelines, Guines-enCalaisis, Marquise, Samer, and St. Pierre les Calais excepted,) or to the countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France.

IV. The mails from the travelling office from Paris to Calais for the office at Dover shall comprise the correspondence of every kind originating either in France (Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bourbourg, Calais, Dèsvres, Gravelines, Guines-en-Calaisis, Marquise, Samer, and St. Pierre les Calais excepted,) or in the countries the correspondence of which is transmitted through France addressed to the towns in England enumerated in Table B, annexed to the present regulations.

Reciprocally, the mails from the office at Dover for the travelling office from Calais to Paris shall comprise the correspondence of every kind originating in the towns in England enumerated in Table B, annexed to the present regulations, addressed either to France (Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bourbourg, Calais, Dèsvres, Gravelines, Guines-en-Calaisis, Marquise, Samer, and St. Pierre les Calais ex

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