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they do not pervert it, and make study altogether hateful.

But we must conclude. Some of our readers will be startled, perhaps, at what we have said in this article against the study of English grammar,—a book of such established reputation, and so universally used in all our systems of early education. It was this circumstance alone, indeed, which created any doubt or hesitation in our minds on the subject. How a study, so miserably suited to the purpose, could so long hold its ground undisputed, was the puzzle to us. Probably it is owing to the great cause we have before dwelt upon at length. But, early association and prejudice aside, let it be brought to the test of reason and inquiry, and we are willing to abide the result. If we are wrong, we wish to be corrected, and if we are right, an alteration ought to take place immediately. All we can say is, that every step we have taken in the inquiry has brought additional conviction with it, and we give our opinion now with the most perfect confidence in its truth.



ceedingly dull and uninteresting. There is perfect mental discipline. Perhaps it never no kind of ambition or excitement about it. may be reached, but we ought to aim at it, The child goes to this toil of encumbering and it is the criterion by which all our elehis mind with materials, which are after mentary books are to be tried. There are, all only in the way, reluctantly; and with indeed, some studies now used, that might labour feels no enterprise or enthusiasm for be peculiarly suited to this important pursuccess. But in the higher exertions of in-pose. We have already mentioned that of tellect, there is the greatest ardour and de- the learned languages. Its great excellight. Teach him to find out himself some-lence is, that it can be accommodated to thing new, something remarkable, in the every capacity. It may be brought within subject he is examining, and you will deep-the reach of the feeblest powers, and give ly interest him in it immediately. Discov- them play and exercise. It may be made ery and invention, and the reasoning that to call for the strongest and most elevated, lead to, and accompany them, give to the and require profound learning and research. mind most peculiar satisfaction. Who does Some of the classics are so simplified, that realize the rapture of Archimedes which the child who reads English can compredrove him from his bath naked, to express hend them fully, while there are those the triumph of his genius? Every body of which the efforts of the greatest scholar good talents must have felt a touch of the are hardly able to master. The situation same thing. In proportion to the powers of the writer, the object of his composiand efforts put forth in the execution of tion,-the manners and customs of his some useful discovery, is the emotion of de- country, and of his times, the history of light which will arise from its success, and the age in which he lived, his style, and in consequence of this, the greatest im-character, and opinions,-lastly, and chiefprovements have been made, and the hap-ly, the effort of mind required to change piest consequences have flowed into society. the idiom, and select, and put on the EngWhat checks these powers and efforts prin- lish dress, must call forth ingenuity, dilicipally, is the exclusive exercise of memory.gence, taste, reflection, indeed, every intelIf we had no other objection to the early lectual faculty in its place; and the study study of English grammar, than this we admits of infinite gradations, and may be have last stated, it would of course, be de-accommodated exactly to the rank, and cisive with us. We here take our leave of state of advancement of the pupil. This is WHOEVER has wasted a moment in specit, however, with the earnest hope that be- observing the order of nature. The same ulating upon the discomfort and ennui fore long its place will be changed at least, excellence is fonnd too, in Colburn's sys- which sadden many hours of every one's if it be not, under its present form, exclud-tem of arithmetic. Figures are first taught life, is probably aware, that external and ed from the system altogether. as they are connected with things, and visible circumstances exert comparatively Our readers may, perhaps, expect of us, then abstractly; examples are immediate- little influence upon the happiness of men. that we should be a little more particular, ly proposed, questions put, sums given,- Few, or none, pass through life without ena little more definite, in pointing out the very small and simple at first, then grad-joying much; and existence would, on the means necessary to supply the deficiencies ually increasing, and becoming larger and whole, be a blessing, though it ceased when we complain of. But this is not the place larger, by slow degrees, till they embrace the breath stopped, and the limbs stiffened. for it. We have already passed our limits, the profoundest problems, and the deepest It is one of those things which all say, and and it is time this article should close. We mysteries of numbers. In the mean time, none feel, that we live, not to enjoy, but to will, however, refer to a single principle, not a single rule is given. The pupil never create a capacity of happiness. To this which ought to be made the ruling one in hears of addition, subtraction, multiplica- end, the assistance of suffering is needed by every system of education. It is the order tion, &c., and he needs not know that such all, and is given to all, I sometimes think, of nature in the developement of the mind. things are in existence. The mind takes in nearly equal degrees, though in very The exercise of all our faculties, if properly its own course to the solution, and it will different forms. To some it comes like the trained, and judiciously conducted, is de- be sure to find out the shortest and best thunder-clouds of Summer;-they do their lightful. Heaven has not given us these high path to it, if it be conducted slowly and by work, they pour forth their fire and storm, instruments for our improvement merely, proper gradations. Every body must see and then pass on, and roll up to the mounfor cold uninteresting duty; they are sources the advantages of this system at once. The tain's top, and rest there silent and beauof enjoyment, and they constitute, in- faculties are trained for action, as they are tiful, and leave the air pure, and the sun deed, all the felicity we have here, and, called for. The mind is not burthened bright, and the earth glad. These are the perhaps, hereafter. Each brings in its with cumbersome general rules, definitions, happy ones among men; but there are tribute of pleasure, and the greatest, as we laws, &c., which it cannot understand. It others whom affliction enwraps like the ophave already said, comes from the most is saved, too, the toil of a formal demon-pressive mists of Autumn; nourishing, peruseful of them. This, we think the key to stration, because it will see its course deall the secrets of successful instruction. It monstratively before it pursues it. It is is identifying utility with happiness. While prepared, too, for every arithmetical questhe young learner is preparing himself for tion that can possibly arise in life. There I was much struck, a few evenings since, the claims that society has upon him, he is is no previous inquiry what rule it belongs with Goldsmith's account-meagre as it is feeling also the highest elevation of which to. The mind instantly makes a rule, or of Sir Philip Mordaunt. I was desirous humanity is capable. The preceptor ought solves it without one. It is here, and in to know more of him, and sought for farto make this the constant guide of his course. this manner, the powers of thought and re- ther particulars of his life with "strenuous Let him observe the natural growth of the flection,-the elements and principles of idleness." His name occurs several times mental powers, and the order in which reasoning, may be first satisfactorily brought in the lighter works of the last age; still, they tend to come forth, and not exercise forth and educated. This last book, is indeed I found it impossible to learn much respectone to the exclusion of all the rest. Books a perfect example of the principle we being him beyond the little which Goldsmith and lessons are to be applied with this ob-fore mentioned. Unless other elementary states. But I completed this broken outject in view exclusively, and the mind will soon feel conscious of its advancement. This we propose as the ultimate limit of

treatises retain something of it, they are
wholly forced and unnatural, and they will
certainly retard education very much, if

haps, what may hereafter bear beautiful flowers, and drop rich fruits, but now shrouding the loveliness of nature.

line with imaginary facts, and filled it out as I thought best. I amused myself with constructing a tale, some of the incidents

was withering, and his hopes were dying, a
change took place in his situation and his
feelings, which gave him an earnest of much
felicity, and the promise of far more. He
loved, and was beloved, and for a while life
ceased to be to him a toil and a burthen.
The earliest hours of affection are al-

of which occurred in reality;-others have
existed, as far as I know, only in my own
fancy. He seemed to me singular and in-
teresting, not because the elements of his
character were uncommon, but as he gave
the strongest proof, and the best illustra-
tion of feelings, which few escape entirely,
and still fewer suffer from so severely. Iways happy. Most people have loved at
mean the melancholy and discontent, aris- some time or other; and most of those
ing, not from suffering, not from any posi- who have, can remember the colouring of
tive evil, but from a want of interest in the hope and joy, which the first dawning of
things about us, and a consequent indiffer- this passion threw upon every object on
ence to life and its incidents. Upon the which its beautiful light fell;-there are
whole, such sensations cause little misery few who cannot also remember how evan-
in the world, for they are not apt to be felt escent this glow and beauty was. To our
often, or long. The vicissitudes and needs of hero, it opened a scene of happiness fair-
life, generally provide most men with ob- er than it discloses to the hopes of many,
jects enough to employ their faculties, and even in this season when hope reigns and
something or other is continually occurring revels without control. His opinions upon
to amuse us till we die.
love and marriege were peculiar, and they
whom experience has taught to judge aright
of these things, will no doubt think I should
have said-romantic. Many of his notions
were slightly tinged with mysticism; if I
might use such a figure, I would say, the
fervor and activity of his imagination threw
around the truths he contemplated a bril-
liant halo, which sometimes showed them
more distinctly, and at others, veiled them
with excess of light. It was a fault of his
character, that he could not see things as
other men do; he carried his thoughts so far,
and extended his views so widely, that the
sphere of his intellectual vision bacame too
broad; no wonder then, that distance threw
its enchanting, deceitful hue, over many
parts of it, He saw the earthly use and
purpose of love as distinctly as any one, but
he could not rest there; he could not rest
in the belief, that the most glorious attri-
bute of the Almighty came from his throne
to earth, only to dignify the weakness and
bless the misery of man. O no; its work
may begin "amid the smoke and stir of
this dim spot," but it seemed to him a folly
and a sin to think that it can end here.

They arise as often, perhaps, as from any source-from the consciousness of powers unemployed; of energies which cannot act, and will not slumber; of feelings, which need but some object about which they may cling and fasten, and they will shelter it from the sun and the storm, and hang round it rich clusters, but without it, wither and die.

The sorrow and trouble thus arising, is necessarily short-lived; for, when our affections are not called forth, it is astonishing how soon we lose the need, if not the power of affection; and when they have found a home, where they may rest, and expand, and dwell forever, the foul fiend, Melancholy, spreads his wings, and flies far from it.

But to return to Sir Philip Mordaunt. In early life he appeared like other boys of ardent and irritable tempers, but even then gave many indications of what he would be, and suffer. His intellect was vigorous, but marked rather by extent and strength of grasp, than by versatility and readiness; and his imagination, though luxuriantly fertile, was better adapted to darken with deeper gloom the shadows of life, than to delight and revel in the sunny spots which gladden its barrenness.

He held that marriage ought to be the chief instrument of the Deity in promoting that object for which alone man is; in assimilating him to his maker,-in advancing While he was yet young, the death of his progress in that career which begins his father placed him at the head of his upon earth, and leads far away from it, and family, and in possession of its title and es-ends-with eternity. All his affections had tates; to this early misfortune, much of the subsequent misery of his life must be attributed. He could no longer feel the love and the desire, of fame and fortune, which forces many into occupation and happiness; and he lost, at once, almost all object of action or of hope. With all that wealth could give him, he enjoyed enough of the deference and respect that is paid to rank, to assure him that it was hardly worth while to strive for more. He became restless, dispirited, and melancholy. He looked upon the world, but his moral perceptions were so false and distorted, that he saw nothing there which seemed worth the winning; he turned his look upon himself, and upon all that was his,-and tried in vain to forget that he had found it all nothing.

At this period in his life, when his heart

entwined themselves around her who lov-
ed him with the unsuspecting confidence of
woman's love. For the first time since his
boyhood, he was willing that his days should
be many, for he thought not one would pass
without giving to the mind of his beloved
new powers and resources, and awakening
in him the consciousness that the passions
whose violence had wrought him much harm,
were stilled and subdued in the intensity of
his affection. He felt, or fancied, that all
the evil of his heart was gradually melting
away, beneath the sweet influences which
emanate from the moral loveliness of

Such were his hopes, and they might
have been verified; but she, to whom he
looked for all the happiness he expected in
this or any other world,-died. Ere he
had made her his, she died the painful, lin-

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gering death of consumption;-that cruel disease, which selects for its prey the loveliest and fairest, and paints the cheek of a brighter hue, and spreads upon the brow a purer snow, and kindles in the eye a softer splendour, as if it would adorn with, the flowers of sacrifice, the victim it offers to Death.

There are things in this world which it is the fashion to laugh at, and the suffering which arises from wounded affection is one of them. And there are good reasons why, generally, it should be laughed at; it is very difficult for him who is much used to life, and has observed and analyzed the various motives and feelings which go to make up what is called love;-who has learned how true the quaint saying of the old Frenchman is, "Take self-love from love, and nothing remains,"--and who has seen how easily affection, apparently sincere and ardent, yields to time and absence, and how surely it dies, when the hope which fed it is taken away;-it is difficult for such an one to regared the warmest attachments as more enduring than the hues of sunset, or the sparkle of the morning dew. But there are peculiarities of constitution in this, as in every other respect,-and there are individuals who do not love easily nor often; whose affections root too deeply into the heart to be plucked up and cast away, without leaving a fearful wound. There may not be many of this sort of either sex, but at any rate, such was Sir Philip Mordaunt.

It had been the principal employment of his affianced bride, during the long period while

And menaced oft, and oft withheld the blow,"
"at her couch Death took his patient stand,

to reconcile her lover to her early death,
and to living without her; and she drew
from him a promise, that he would not
abandon himself to wretchedness, without
an effort to be happy. Her influence
lasted longer than her life; he strove hard
to shake off the load of misery which op-
pressed him;-but sorrow had taken strong
hold upon his heart, and would not loosen
her grasp. He could not force himself to
be interested in the common amusements
and occupations of life; he could not form
the tastes and habits which fill the hours
of many with happiness, or-which is just
as well-forgetfulness; he had no longer a
tie which could bind him to earth, and he
felt too strongly, that happiness, which, like
the rainbow, seems to rest upon the earth,
like that, exists only in the heavens ;—and
he determined to seek it there.

His religious opinions were firm, and more than commonly operative upon his conduct; but they were fatally false, for they admitted the possible innocence of the self-murderer. He felt, or imagined, that life no longer answered its purpose with him; neither his feelings nor his faculties were exercised, and he thought his moral sense grew duller, and his mind narrower, and weaker, and darker, every day.

He valued the moment which we pass on


earth, justly, for he thought it worthless in | About the flowers; the cheerful rivulet surg

itself;--infinitely important when regarded as the entrance to eternity. He well knew, too, the office and the purpose of misery; and if he had been able to see that it was a minister of good to him, he might have lived and suffered on. There is a pride which is almost joy, in the stern endurance of pain, when we remember that it is the triumph of all that is noble in our nature; and there is a hope which is bliss, in the patient submission to suffering, when we feel that the strength of Omnipotence is upholding the weakness of humanity. But it was not thus with him; his own strength failed him, and he sought no aid. There seemed to be a palsy upon his soul; despair crushed all its energies with her iron hand, and held down the hopes and aspirations which might have consoled and sustained him. Perhaps he suffered under a species of delirium; certainly his mind wandered from the truth, for it seemed to him almost a duty to quit life ere he sank lower in the scale of moral and intellectual being.

It was with such views and feelings that he dared to shake off the burthen which oppressed him sorely;-to withdraw himself from the duties of life;-to commit that only crime which cannot be repented.

This event did not take place until many years after the death of her whom he had loved; aud until she was forgotten by all but him who could sooner have forgotten his own existence. In the days of their happiness they had exchanged miniatures; his was buried with her in compliance with a request she had made when her mind was

weakened with disease; and hers was worn suspended at his neck until his friends took it from his corpse. Upon the edging around it he had written the lines which Shenstone engraved upon an urn erected at the Leasowes to the memory of a friend;

Heu! quanto minus est cum reliquis versari, quam

tui meminisse.

It is difficult to retain the force and pathos of these beautiful lines in a translation; at least, I find it so; they mean, however, something like this:

Alas! how much inferior is the living conversation
of others to the bare remembrance of thee.
S. X.



The day had been a day of wind and storm;--
The wind was laid, the storm was overpast,-
And stooping from the zenith, bright and warm,
Shone the great sun on the wide earth at last.
I stood upon the upland slope and cast
My eye upon a broad and beauteous scene,

Where the vast plain lay girt by mountains vast,
And hills o'er hills lifted their heads of green,
With pleasant vales scooped out and villages be-


The rain-drops glistened on the trees around,

Whose shadows on the tall grass were not stirred, Save when a shower of diamonds, to the ground, Was shaken by the flight of startled bird;

For birds were warbling round, and bees were beard

To the

And gossiped, as he hastened ocean-ward;
And chirping from the ground the grasshopper up-
oak the squirrel, chiding, clung,


And from beneath the leaves that kept them dry
Flew many a glittering insect here and there,
And darted up and down the butterfly,

That seemed a living blossom of the air.
The flocks came scattering from the thicket where
The violent rain had pent them, in the way

Strolled groups of damsels frolicksome and fair,
The farmer swung the scythe or turned the hay,
And 'twixt the heavy swaths his children were at

It was a scene of peace--and, like a spell,
Did that serene and golden sunlight fall
Upon the motionless wood that clothed the fell,
And precipice npspringing like a wall,
And glassy river and white waterfall,
And happy living things that trod the bright
And beauteous scene; while, far beyond them

On many a lovely valley, out of sight,
Was poured from the blue heavens the same soft
golden light.

I looked, and thought the quiet of the scene
An emblem of the peace that yet shall be,
When, o'er earth's continents and isles between,
The noise of war shall cease from sea to sea,
And married nations dwell in harmony.

When millions, crouching in the dust to one,

No more shall beg their lives on bended knee,
Nor the black stake be dressed, nor in the sun
The o'erlaboured captive toil, and wish his life
were done.

Too long at clash of arms amid her bowers

And pools of blood, the earth has stood aghast,
The fair earth, that should only blush with flowers
And ruddy fruits; but not for aye can last
The storm, and sweet the sunshine when 'tis past;

Lo, the clouds roll away-they break--they fly,

And, like the glorious light of summer, cast
O'er the wide landscape from the embracing sky,
On all the peaceful world the smile of heaven shall




The welcome which this nation is now giv

ing to La Fayette, brought to my recollection some
lines written a few years since, by a veteran who
had fought for the same cause, and was willing
thus to vent his sorrow, and his anger, at the indif-
ference then felt-at least, manifested--towards the
claims of his brother officers upon the gratitude
of their country. The lines amused me when I
first read them, and though they have little poetical
pretensions, they may amuse some of your readers.
I can assure you that they are genuine.

In former times-no matter when-
Four-footed beasts resembled men,
Partook of human shapes and cares.
And managed mighty state affairs.
'Twas then a horrid war arose
Between a Lion and his foes.
This Lion was a Lion stout,

Who put the fiercest herds to rout,
Kept the quadruped nations under,

D. B.

And slew like death and roared like thunder,
Establishing his royal will

By right divine to govern ill;
Demolished equity and law,
And measured justice by his paw.
Aroused at last, the Beasts convene,
In full assembly, on the green.
For common sense and common fear
United them both far and near.

Why should we lavish precious time,
To number all their names in rhyme,

Or swell our verse to bring in pat
The Rabbit, Monkey, Mouse, or Cat?
Suffice it, all the beasts were there,
And voted Reynard in the chair.
And then each quadrupedal yeoman
Spoke like a veteran Greek or Roman,
Determining to bid defiance
And die, or kill despotic Lions,
And one and all united roar
We'll never serve this tyrant more;
Then holding up the hoof or paw,-
They make it a perpetual law.
Scarce had the Chairman signed the same,
Ere down upon them Leo came,
And like a whirlwind swept along,
And rent the boldest of the throng.
The nimble Hare, the subtle Fox,
The Kid, the Heifer, and the Ox,
The Monkey, Mouse, and Mole, and Pig,
And many a cloven-footed whig,
At once forsook the promised strife,
Took to their heels and fled for life.
But in this crisis of their fate,
When terror shook them, small and great,
The Mastiffs rose, a gen'rous band,
Resolved to make one gallant stand;
Repel this rampant Lion's might,
And check his force, or die in fight.
At once they beard him face to face,
And carnage covers all the place.
Their reeking lives the soil be-stain,
They fall by thousands on the plain,
Nor yet from well fought field withdraw,
Till they have torn away his paw.*
And now the fugitives collect,

And yield the victors high respect;
To recompense their martial pranks,
Behold a gen'rous vote-of thanks;
With promise, if they'll fight again,
Of nourishment from common den;
And, if they'll break the Lion's head,
To them, and to their offspring, bread;
And further, should their lives be lost,
A funeral at the public cost;
Nay-and, besides what's due each beast,
Full five days' extra food at least.
This solemn contract sealed and signed,
And executed to their mind,
The assembled brutes erect their jaws,
And yield the Mastiffs fresh applause ;
Hail them defenders of their freedom,
And swear to love and bless and feed 'em ;
Fawn on them with the fondest greeting,
And then-adjourn their present meeting;
While each retires to tranquil life,
To rear his young and kiss his wife.
Meanwhile the Mastiffs, in the front
Of bloody battle, bear the brunt.
And now the enemy attacking,
They get perhaps a thorough whacking;
Anon by stratagem, or chance,
They claw his ears and make him dance.
Full seven long days, as many nights,
Are crimsoned thus with horrid fights,
When Jove, or destiny, or fate,
Impelled each dog on Leo's pate;
Full on him the whole cohort runs,
He roars, they bite like sons of guns,
And lacerate his monstrous jaw,
And tear away his other paw.+
This caused the rage of war to cease,
And gave the affrighted forests peace;
But who can now their joy display,
On such a happy holyday.

Again quadruped crowds convene,
And prance throughout the sylvan scene,
Exult around in raptures rude,
And festive sounds of gratitude.
With pealing shouts the woodlands ring,
Each Mastiff's glory how they sing!
This nobly fought, that glorious died,
And t'other thrashed the Lion's hide;
What shaggy trophies shall they raise,
Perpetuating patriot praise.

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And now, released from martial strife,
The Mastiffs seek a peaceful life.
Worn out with battles, toils, and cares,
In scar-seamed coats and silver hairs,
They humbly ask their promised food,
The price of safety bought with blood;
But envy, avarice, reared their crest,
And brutal nature stood confest.

The Fox begins, I'd rather shoot ye
Than pay you for a public duty.
No honest brute would dare to mention
That vile commute, the five-days' pension;
In this new commonwealth of reason,
Its very name amounts to treason.
"Tis true, in war we found you stout,
Then who so fit to fight it out?

All animals of sense and science
Make beasts like you contend with Lions;
Hence to promote it, we, the wise,
Agreed to coin politic lies,

For which all nations justify us,
Turk, Christian, Jew, profane and pious.
Besides, the contract has a flaw,
Some quadrupeds ne'er signed the law,
And silence does not give consent
In beastly courts of parliament.
Be sure, we kept this matter quiet,
Till you'd suppressed the bloody riot;
Yet, ergo, since all never signed,
The five-days' bargain cannot bind.'
'Bravissimo,' exclaims the Mole,
Just creeping from his dirty hole;
A contract, except each consents,
Is null and void to all intents.
This promise is defunct no less,
We made it under war's distress,
And all such covenants should cease,
The moment we have gotten peace.
Hence, for my life I cannot see,
Why dogs are favoured more than we.'
'Nor I,' replies the bearded Goat.

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'I hate a Mastiff,' grunts the Shote.
The Monkey grins, What! give my nut
To cram a ragged Mastiff's gut.'
The little squirrel cocks his tail,
And hopes their whole demand will fail.'
E'en Grasshoppers erect their backs,
And shrugging, hate the impost tax;'
And last a Flea, in patriot pet,
Had rather bleed than pay the debt.
Thus were the war-worn Mastiffs treated,
Cajoled, and vilified, and cheated.

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A Literary Society has been founded at Calcutta, by native Indians of distinction, the object of which is truly praiseworthy. It is intended to enter into discussions on all subjects connected with the progress of civilization and literature. Works of learning and general utility are to be published in English; and little manuals of morals and science, tending to impugn certain inveterate customs, and to lay down rules of reformation conducive to the well-being of individuals in Bengal. To promote these ends, mechanical and mathematical instruments, together with a chemical apparatus, are to be procured. A house is to be erected for the purpose of holding their assemblies, and containing their different collections. A college will be annexed for instruction in the arts and sciences.


ny; it is called from the neighbouring chalet, Montarguis. Two countrymen of the village of Sionzier, near the road to this ice-cave, had the curiosity and perseverance to make three visits to this place during the last autumn and winter, and have drawn up a short notice, which has been read to the Geneva Society. It is as follows:

"The 22d October we ascended to the ice-cave of Montarguis with some little trouble, because of the first snow, and we found very little ice, in columns; it had begun to melt.

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The 26th November we reascended to the before mentioned ice-cave. There we found very little ice at the bottom of the cave, out of which came a sort of warmth.

"The 25th December we reascended to the above mentioned cave with much difficulty and trouble, and were almost carried away by an avalanche. This circumstance discouraged us, but, recovering from our fear, we ascended. There we found a moderate warmth in the cave and no ice; instead of which, where there is ice in summer, there was actually water: therefore, in winter it is warm in this cavern, and in summer it is cold. The roof appears cavernous; it appears as if there were chimneys."

The fact, therefore, seems well ascertained, and the concluding part of this account comes in support of the explanation Near the top of a mountain, under the given by Professor Pictet, that the phenomefirst cliff of rocks, about a mile and a half non depends on descending currents of air, from the road leading to Niagara (on the cooled by evaporation, whilst traversing conCanadian shore), is situated a large cave, siderable strata of stones constantly moist. within which, about a rod from its mouth, is This effect can only take place in summer, spring which flows the whole year. About for in winter the current of air would be the end of March, the water issuing from ascending, from the superior warmth of the the rock freezes, forming large pieces of interior, to the exterior. The descending ice. During the heat of summer, the ice current of air was noticed during the last continues to form. In the fall of the year, summer by M. Gampert, who visited this about the end of September, as the weath-cave, and penetrated to its extremity; er gets cooler, the ice disappears; and there there he discovered a crevice or aperture, is no ice formed, during the cold winter by which water descended and flowed over months, until the ensuing spring. The the ice, and also a very rapid current of water is quite pure, issuing out of the rock. very cold air. Caves like that which is here noticed have been observed in the neighbourhood of the Alps. The above account is given on the authority of a Canadian newspaper. The Bibliothèque Universelle gives the following account, which renders the truth of the above statement highly probable.


The printing apparatus invented by Mr Church of the Britannia Works, Birmingham, forms perhaps the most extraordinary combination of machinery that has for a long time been submitted to the public. It consists of three pieces of mechanism. In a memoir on some natural ice-caves, The first of these has for its object the read before the Helvetic Society, by Pro- casting of metallic types with extraordinary fessor Pictet, in 1822, the author had ad- expedition, and the arrangement of them vanced the singular fact, attested by the for the compositor. By turning a handle, neighbouring inhabitants, that the ice forms a plunger is made to displace a certain more in summer than in winter, and con- portion of fluid metal, which rushes, with ceived that this effect might be due to two considerable force, through small apertures concomitant causes; descending currents into the moulds and matrices by which the of air, and the cold produced by evapora- types are cast. The farther progress of tion. It was desirable that this fact should the machine discharges the types from the be confirmed by observation made in the moulds and causes them to descend into winter; a season, however, when the fall square tubes, having the shape of the types, of snow prevented ascents to any great and down which they slide. It then brings height. One of these natural ice-caves, the body of each type into the position revisited by Professor Pictet, is situated near quired for placing it in the composing mathe crest of the Mont Vergy, in Faucig-chine; and when the types have descended


in the guides, they are pushed back by the machine into ranges, each type preserving its erect position. The machine then returns into its former state, and the same The construction operation is renewed.

of the mouldbar is the most striking portion of the machine.

[blocks in formation]

the Atlas.


Extracts from Reviews, &c.


The second machine selects and com- CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & CO. have bines the types into words and sentences. published a new and much improved ediThe several sorts of types are arranged tion of this work. The Geography is printin narrow boxes or slips, each individual ed in a handsome style, and a new map slip containing a great number of types of the same letter, which is called a file of the Eastern and Middle States is added to letters. The cases containing the files are placed in the upper part of the composing machine; and by means of keys, like those of a piano-forte, the compositor can release from any file the type which he wants. The type thus liberated is led by collecting arms into a curved channel, which answers the purpose of a composing-stick. From this channel they may be taken in words or sentences, and formed by the hand into pages, by means of a box placed at the side of the machine.

The third machine, for taking off impressions from the types, evinces much ingenuity; but cannot be understood without several drawings. After the types have been used, and the requisite number of impressions obtained, they are re-melted and recast as before, so that every sheet is printed with new types.

It is pretty obvious, we should think, that however well this machine may be made to operate in theory, or in a few experiments, it will be found to fail in the attempt to adopt it for the performance of actual printing ingeneral. We are too much accustomed to the failure of projects which promise a vast deal better than this, to have our faith much disturbed by accounts of wonderworking machines that are to save so unreasonable a share of time and labour.


"Mr Worcester's Geography appears to us a most excellent manual. It is concise, well arranged, free from redundancies and repetitions, and contains exactly what it should, a brief outline of the natural and political characteristics of each country. The tabular views are of great value."

North American Review.

"We consider the work, in its present
state, as the best compend of Geography
for the use of schools, which has appeared
in our country."

Monthly Literary Journal.
"From a careful examination of thy Ge-
ography, and a comparison of the work
with other productions of like character, I
am led to the opinion that it is the most
valuable system of elementary geography
published in our country."

Roberts Vaux, Esq.

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"Of all the elementary treatises on the The following is a statement of the tem-subject which have been published, I have peratures of a number of animals compar-seen none with which I am, on the whole, ed with the temperature of the atmosphere, so well pleased, and which I can so cheeras observed by Capt. Lyon, during Capt. fully recommend to the public." Parry's second voyage. President Tyler.

An arctic fox

Temp. of Animals. Temp. of Air.

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"These volumes are extremely entertaining, and may be recommended to the perusal of those even, who conceive themselves to be past the necessity of elementary instruction."-Christian Examiner.

"The Sketches' &c. form a most valuable companion to the Elements of Geography,' admirably calculated to interest the attention, and impart useful knowledge to our youth."-Roberts Vaux, Esq.

“The work is, in my opinion, ably executed, and well fitted to be both popular and useful."-Rev. Dr S. Miller.


Extracts from Reviews, &c.
"The authorities which Mr Worcester
specifies, are certainly those most worthy
of reliance. We have ourselves used his
Gazetteer for some time past, and we con-
tinue to regard it as by far the most accu-
rate, copious, and generally serviceable
work of the kind, which we have ever seen.
The second edition comprises nearly two
thousand pages, printed in the neatest man-
ner, on handsome paper."

National Gazette.

"In its present form, it [the Universal Gazetteer] is, we believe, the most comprehensive geographical dictionary that can be called a manual, and we think it

would be difficult to name a work in two

volumes, in which more information is contained. We are disposed to regard it as freer from defects than any other work of the kind before the public.

"The typographical execution is unusually neat and sightly, and the whole work forms a repository of geographical and statistical information, greater, we apprehend, than is elsewhere condensed into the same compass."-North American Review.

Comprising a description of the Grand Features of Nature; the principal Mountains, Rivers, Cataracts, and other interesting Objects and Natural Curiosities; also of the Chief Cities and Remarkable Edifices and Ruins; together with a view of the Manners and Customs of different Nations; illustrated by One Hundred Engrav-paring for publication, in the press, or re

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