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shall have

wouldn't go into their ugly dirty coach; and you Here something of a consolatory nature was whispered, William was comforted, and even prevailed upon to relinquish his drum for his mamma's ivory work-box, the contents of which were soon scattered on the floor.

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These boys are gone without their hats,' cried Mrs Fairbairn, in a tone of distress. Eliza, my dear, pull the bell for Sally to get the boys' hats Sally being despatched with the hats, something like a calm ensued, in the absence of the whip and the trumpet; but, as it will be of short duration, it is necessary to take advantage of it in improving the introduction into an acquaintance with the Fairbairn family.

Mrs Fairbairn was one of those ladies, who, from the time she became a mother, ceased to be any thing else. All the duties, pleasures, charities, and decencies of life, were henceforth concentrated in that one grand characteristic; every object in life was henceforth viewed through that single medium. Her own mother was no longer her

thereupon Andrew Waddell, in a night-cap, riding | little toes,' &c. &c. &c., were as usual whispered on a stick, drew near. Being the Major's name- over it. sake, Miss Bell, m the ardour of her attachment, thought proper to coax Andrew Waddell on her knee, and even to open her watch for his entertainment.

Ah! I see who spoils Andrew Waddell,' cried the delighted mother.

The Major chuckled--Miss Bell disclaimed, and for the time Andrew Waddell became the hero of the piece; the blains of the measles were carefully pointed out, and all his sufferings and sayings duly recapitulated. At length Miss Charlotte, indignant at finding herself eclipsed, began to scream and cry with all her strength.

It's her teeth, darling little thing,' said her moth

er, caressing her.

I'm sure it's her teeth, sweet little dear,' said Miss Bell.

It undoubtedly must be her teeth, poor little girl,' said the Major.

If you will feel her gum,' said Mrs Fairbairn, mother; she was the grandma vma of her dear in-putting her own finger into the child's mouth, you

fants, her brothers and sisters were mere uncles and aunts, and even her husband ceased to be thought of as her husband, from the time he became a father. He was no longer the being who had claims on her time, her thoughts, her talents, her affections; he was simply Mr Fairbairn, the noun masculine of Mrs Fairbairn, and the father of her children. Happily for Mr Fairbairn, he was not a person of very nice feelings, or refined taste; and although, at first, he did feel a little unpleasant when he saw how much his children were preferred to himself, yet, in time, he became accustomed to it, then came to look upon Mrs Fairbein as the most exemplary o mothers, and finally resolved himself into the father of a very fine family, of which Mrs Fairbairn was the mother. ***

Alas! if there be "not a gem so precious as the hura soul," how often do these gems seem as pearls cast before swine; for how seldom is it that

will feel how hot it is.'

This was addressed in a sort of general way to the company, none of whom seemed eager to avail themselves of the privilege, till the Major stepped forward, and havng with his fore-finger made the circuit of Miss Charlotte's mouth, gave it as his decided opinion, that there was a tooth actually cutting the skin. Miss Bell followed the same course, and confirmed the interesting fact-adding, that it appeared to her to be an uncommon large tooth.'

At that moment Mr Fairbairn entered, bearing in his arms another of the family, a fat, sour, new. waked-looking creature, sucking its finger. Scarcely was the introduction over-There's a pair of legs!' exclaimed he, holding out a pair of thick purple stumps with red worsted shoes at the end of them. I don't suppose Miss St Clair ever saw legs like these in France; these are porridge and milk legs,

are they not, Bobby?

But Bobby continued to chew the cud of his own thumb in solemn silence.

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Will you speak to me, Bobby?" said Miss Bell, bent upon being amiable and agreeable-but still Bobby was mute.

We think this little fellow rather long of speaking,' said Mr Fairbairn; we allege that his legs have ran away with his tongue.'

'How old is he?' asked the Major.

parent's greatest care is for the immortal happiness of that being whose precarious, and at best transient, existence engrosses their every thought and desire! But, perhaps, Mrs Fairbairn, like many a foolish ignorant mother, did her best, and had she been satisfied with spoiling her children herself, for her own private amusement, and not drawn in her visiters and acquaintances to share in it, the evil might have passed uncensured. But Mrs Fairbairn, instead of shutting herself up in her nursery, chose to bring her nursery down to her drawing room, and instead of modestly deny-swered ing her friends an entrance into her purgatory, she had a foolish pride in showing herself in the midst her angels. In short, as the best things, when corrupted, always become the worst, so the purest and tenderest of human affections, when thus debased by selfishness and egotism, turn to the most tiresome and ridiculous of human weaknesses,-a truth but too well exemplified by Mrs Fairbairn.

'I have been much to blame,' said she, addressing Miss Bell, in a soft, whining, sick-child sort of voice, for not having been at Bellevue long ago; but dear littl narlotte has been so plagued with her teeth, I could not think of leaving her-for she is so fond of me, she will go to nobody else-she screams when her maid offers to take her-and she won't even go to her papa.'

'Is that possible?' said the Major. 'I assure you it's very true--she's a very naughty girl sometimes,' bestowing a long and rapturous kiss on the child. Who was it that beat poor papa for taking her from mamma last night?-Well, don't cry--no, no, it wasn't my Charlotte--She knows every word that's said to her, and did from the time she was only a year old.'

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That is wonderful!' said Miss Bell; but how is my little favourite Andrew?'

He is not very stout yet, poor little fellow, and we must be very careful of him.' Then turning to Miss St Clair, Our little Andrew has had the measles, and you know the dregs of the measles are a serious thing-much worse than the measles themselves. Andrew-Andrew Waddell, my love, come here and speak to the ladies.' And

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He is only nineteen months and ten days,' anhis mother, so he has not lost much time; but I would rather see a child fat and thriving, than have it very forward.'

No comparison!' was here uttered in a breath by the Major and Miss Bell.

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We cordially recommend this work to our readers, assuring them of our belief, that they must be dull indeed, who will not rise from its perusal wiser, perhaps better, without running the least risk of being made sadder.

The Manuscript of Diedrich Knickerbocker jun. New York. 1824.

to point, in his title-page, at the object of It is the height of impolicy for an author his imitation. It takes from his credit if he excels his prototype, draws upon him the damnation of faint praise if he equals, and holds a candle to his shame if he falls below it. It obliges every reader, whether critical or not, to institute a process proverbially odious, and effectually prevents one from being pleased, "he knows not why and cares not wherefore." Why any one should desire thus to predispose his readers against him, is not easy to imagine, but the writer of the work before us has been pleased so to do, and must therefore abide the consequence. The work, as our readers are already aware. is one of that numerous class that always follows the ascent of fine writers;-who, like rockets, draw after them a long train, partly sparks and partly smoke. We shall be civil enough, and just enough, to class the Manuscript of Diedrich Knickerbocker jun. among the sparks. The pamphlet contains two stories, the first being intended to inform us, after the manner of the Utopians, in what way he became possessed of the latter. The author, sitting upon one of the benches of the Battery, and making sundry reflections upon the beauties of nature thereabout, which he takes this opportunity to communicate to the public, is accosted by a gentleman, who is thus described.

His person was lively, and about the middle size, and as if descended from the good-humoured race of the Hollanders, his shoulders were broad and heavy; and what his frame wanted in height was There's a great difference in children in their compensated by its bordering on the corpulent. time of speaking,' said the mamma. Alexander His dress, consisting of a blue frock coat, which didn't speak till he was two and a quarter; and reached to his knees, with the pantaloons of a trayHenry, again, had a great many little words before eller buttoned up their sides, exhibited beneath he was seventeen months; and Eliza and Charlotte them a pair of dusty boots; while a broad-brimmed both said mamma as plain as I do at a year-but beaver shaded the thick raven locks of a highly exgirls always speak sooner than boys-as for Wil-pressive forehead. His small twinkling eyes sparkliam Pitt and Andrew addell, the twins, they both led with intelligence and humour; and to a cheek suffered so much from their teething, that they were dimpled by the broad playful furrows of about longer of speaking than they would otherwise have thirty-five years, were added a mouth and chin that been--indeed, I never saw an infant suffer so much bespoke inward benevolence and contentment. as Andrew Waddell did--he had greatly the heels of William Pitt at one time, till the measles pulled him down.'

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A conversation of course very fit to be printed took place between these worthies, and terminated with the gift of the abovementioned manuscript to the author, by the good-natured stranger, whom our readers need no ghost to tell them was Diedrich contained more stories than the one which Knickerbocker jun. It in all probability is here given to the public. Whether we shall ever hear any more of them, depends upon circumstances, which every one may imagine for himself. Leaving that matter however to its natural course, we shall proceed to make the most of that which is already in our power. It is entitled "Rat

It is the grand object of Mr Russell, to arrange every part of Grammar in analytical order, and to make so full an explanation of every new term, and every new principle which he introduces, that the scholar shall be able to understand the meaning and use of it, when he first learns it.

Schiller as an effect of a wind not absolute-
ly ill, but war, in the shape of a new doctor.
A new sign soon blazed in his van, and a
new mortar beat the alarm of opposition.
Our limits will not permit us to detail the
events of the contest. Suffice it that though
the brisk attacks of the invader obtained
some advantages over the outworks of his Every one knows, that, according to the
predecessor, the main intrenchments of the common mode of teaching both Latin and
place were found too strong to be carried. English Grammar, it is expected of the
In this state of affairs, Francis Winter- young learner to commit to memory a con-
bottom,-we love to be particular,-trusted siderable portion of every chapter in the
his cause to a stratagem, which we shall book, at least once, and in most cases, sev-
give the reader with all brevity. He de-eral times, before he begins to understand
coyed his rival,-who, besides being a teller, its true meaning and application. If this
was something of a believer in ghost sto- painful and discouraging drudgery can be
ries,—on a stormy night, to a place on the avoided, and the whole time of the scholar
banks of the Hackensack, haunted by the can be employed in advancing, instead of
"Indian of the Mountain," and then and merely preparing to advance, it is obvious
there appeared to him in the guise of that that a very important object will be attain-
visionary being, chased his mare into the riv- ed. The attention of a large proportion of
er, and demanded as the price of his rescue the intellectual part of our community is
his immediate retreat from the scene of his now directed to the attainment of this ad-
toils and triumphs. The man of simples vantage in the mode of teaching every art
had not looked death in the face long and science. All the improvements in our
enough to bid him defiance-besides, he system of education have a primary refer-
was unarmed, for the waters of the Passaic ence to this object,-to remove from the
had closed over his saddlebags. What learner the necessity of taking any thing
could he do? He yielded to fate, the In- upon authority, and to enable him to un-
dian of the Mountain, and Dr Winterbot-derstand definitely all that he is required
tom, relinquished the field, and was known to believe. This belongs to the spirit of
no more to the precincts of Rattlesnake the age; and history describes no period,
Hill. The triumphant gig effaced the foot- to which this remark could apply with equal
steps of the mare, and the mortar of Vander truth. It is in vain now to urge any other
Schiller was hushed forever.
mode of instruction; and those show most
wisdom who do most to promote it.

tlesnake Hill," which, as it appears, is a
"high and shaggy coil of mountain" in
New Jersey-in the neighbourhood of
which lived Dr Vander Schiller, the physi-
cian of the village-which in those days,
of Peter Stuyvesant to wit, was very beau-
tiful, very dull, and very healthy. The
Doctor was advanced in years, and, as most
writers are pleased to represent elderly
country gentlemen of the faculty, a very
ridiculous object; as was also his horse;
said horse, or rather mare-for so it is set
forth, according to the form made and pro-
vided-being lean and long-bodied. Why
queer and quizzical old fellows should al-
ways ride animals of this description we
know not; but the evidence of the fact is
overwhelming, at least as far as numbers
are concerned. Moreover, the Doctor
usually killed his patients-although, as we
learn in the sequel, he never prescribed
any thing but vinegar, cold or hot as the
case might be, brimstone, peppermint, and
certain well known and innocent matters
from the vegetable kingdom, which come
under the general designation of simples-
in other words, the Doctor was, bating the
brimstone, a Galenist. This is another dif-
ficulty with us, namely, why foolish old phy-
sicians will be so absurd as to kill their
patients with such simple articles, when
they might effect their villanous purposes
with equal ease and dignity by means of
poisons of a far more efficient and satis-
factory character. Though the catalogue
of medicines, which are "digged from the
bowels of the harmless earth," was unfortu-
nately not quite so extensive in Dr Vander
Schiller's days, as it is in our own, he
might doubtless have found enough to have
depopulated New Jersey in less time than
he could slay a single generation in his
own village with essences of wormwood,
hoarhound, and such like distilments. But
therein probably lies the explanation of
this operose mode of destruction. The
profit of the nefarious work is doubtless
commensurate with the time of action.
One would suppose it would have been still
more lucrative as well as politic to have
stopped short of murder, and allowed their | NOTHING can be more grateful to a review-
patients to live, a life of disease indeed, but fer than to be occasionally relieved from the
still a life;-but " quem Deus vult perdere,
prius dementat"-the doctors of tale-tel-
lers from time immemorial have killed their
patients, and doubtless will continue so to do
at the risk of present loss and everlast-
ing ridicule. Dr Vander Schiller at least
did so.
Other popular qualities he had
adapted to his situation. He smoked a
good pipe and told a good story; something We must tell our readers at once what
of the longest to be sure, but then time has put us into so comfortable a mood. It is
was not a very marketable article in the this: Mr Russell has composed a Latin
village of Second River. In one particu- Grammar in such a manner as to make it
lar the Doctor differed toto cœlo from most intelligible to those who study it! With
of his country brethren, inasmuch as he the most profound seriousness we mark this
had neither wife nor children. But fate had as a wonder. Before we saw his book we
decreed that he should have his crosses, were quite familiar with the principles, by
though in another form. On a summer's which he was guided in composing it; but
afternoon a new gig swept into the village we feared it would be long before we should
like a new besom of destruction-and shook find an author of sufficient assiduity and
from its seat, not pestilence indeed, which skill, to apply them to the study of the
might have been considered by Vander Latin language.

We find no fault with the style of this production-the story is of course made to hang descriptions upon, and many of these are well executed; but occasionally, while reading it through-for we are too conscientious reviewers to skip, we mentally exclaimed with Sly, "Tis an excellent piece of work; would it were done."

Mr Russell remarks in his very valuable Preface, p. 4, that "It would perhaps be better to defer the study of the languages, till the scholar's progress could be facili tated by maturer years, and a maturer mind." We regret that he did not express this opinion more absolutely. Even his own Grammar cannot be understood by the infants, who are every day commencing the Adam's Latin Grammar Abridged; and study of this language. It may be com Arranged in a Course of Practical Les-prehensible to children of from twelve to sons, Adapted to the Capacity of Young fourteen years of age; and a few may unLearners. By William Russell. Newderstand it at the age of ten. We shall be Haven. 1824. 12mo. pp. 283. told that many boys learn to read Latin pretty well before that period. This is true; but they waste much time in learning it, which might be very profitably devoted to other important subjects. Our princi ple is this;-that the studies of a scholar should always be limited to what he can understand. He will then lose no time, but be constantly advancing in true knowl edge. His studies will thus be made interesting to him, and a true love of learning will be constantly cultivated.

necessity of expressing disapprobation and
censure, and allowed fair scope for his
disposition to applaud a competent and
faithful author. We are so much obliged
to Mr Russell for furnishing us a repast of
this kind, that, before reviewing his book,
we are much disposed to greet him as a

It cannot be necessary to give a minute description of this work, unless it were for those, who, as teachers, might require more practical information respecting its forms and arrangement. But we could not make a notice which would be satisfactory to them, without infringing upon the rights of other readers.

The author will permit us to advise him, to prepare for a second edition by a very careful revision of the present. Many things may be rendered plainer. For ex

ample; two syllables coming together, and both marked with the accent, as "Habé-réris," p. 116. In many forms of the verb, the accent is omitted where it is important. Those who follow the direction, p. 9, for reading their lessons to their instructer before committing them, may suffer no inconvenience from these omissions; but those who have not the advantage of an instruct er, will need more directions than the book


deal of learning, and an admirable talent | can find in it some new, undiscovered propat imparting it, and yet be very poorly fit-erty, which shall help carry on the great ted for a schoolmaster after all. One with-course of human improvement. These conout any of these noble qualities, who could stitute the only true worth of learning, simply awaken curiosity and ambition, the materials it furnishes for invention, and would be infinitely more certain of success. the play it gives to the highest powers of This is indeed the great art of early in- our nature. struction. The immediate accumulation of knowledge ought to form no part of the first object of him who superintends it. Let the child feel an interest in the work himself; let him be led into the field, and inspired with ardour for the pursuit, and it is of little consequence whether he gets learning or not; the chase is always worth more than the game. He is sure of vigour We make these slight criticisms merely and firmness and resolution, and a keen, to put the author upon his guard. It may growing appetite for action; and these are also be proper to suggest, that there is no the powers which are capable of commandvery good reason for calling this an Abridging all the resources within the reach of ment of Adam's Grammar. The work is the human intellect. not complete in its department, and may Why then should not the profession callbe called an Introduction; but it is too sin-ed schoolmasters give some little time to a gular and independent in its character, to be called an abridgment of any thing.

The "Signs, or English characteristic words," for the several tenses, are not always given intelligibly. See Perfect tense, p. 132. The frequent use of " &c." is hardly consistent with the plan of this work.

Letters to the Hon. William Prescott, LL. D. on the Free Schools of New England, with Remarks upon the Principles of Instruction. By James G. Carter. Boston. 1824. 12mo. pp. 123.

Early acquisition, we have said, is not the object of education. It is, in fact, we think, rather to be shunned. It is not merely useless and nugatory to the young inquirer, but may prove injurious to him, because it is at first exceedingly imperfect and mingled with errors, and these early associations and impressions are indelible,— to say nothing of the fact, that it makes its possessor a pedant, ostentatious of another's wealth, conceited, and secure. Yet this mistake prevails every where, and seems to be gaining ground every day. "It is this which has made the study of Latin and Greek unpopular among us, probably it procured a repeal of the law which held direct preparation for the interesting busi-out some little encouragement to the study ness they have undertaken? It is a branch of those, by making a knowledge of them totally separate and distinct from every one of the indispensable qualifications for other. It employs a very numerous class the keeper of a free school. Considered of men; neither of the learned professions as an acquirement, they are wholly unimprobably is so large. The demand for portant; they are no return for the time them is constant and invariable. Their and labour bestowed upon them. But consituation must introduce them into the high-sidered as a discipline for the mind, the est ranks of society and among the most only important thing in intellectual educaenlightened and influential men. Lastly tion, they are invaluable. The study of and principally, their business is one of the them, if properly pursued, is exactly and deepest interest and of the utmost impor- perfectly suited to this purpose. It calls tance to us. The pliant, flexible disposi- forth more of the high faculties of our nations of youth, the opening germs of mind, ture, more powers of deep reflection and the formation and stamp of the character, thought, more useful efforts of memory, moral and intellectual, all indeed that we more talent at research, inquiry, and inveshold most dear and valuable through life, tigation; and what is better still, it calls are originally put into their hands for their them forth in more proper order, at the direction; and yet they have scarcely right season, when they are ripe and ready thought for a moment,-it had never occur- for action, than any other study which red to them in the form of an inquiry,- comes into the elements of education. If what they have to do, much less how the our limits will permit us, we shall offer great work is to be accomplished. The some further remarks in support of this consequence is, that the true object is position in the course of this article. overlooked or mistaken altogether, particularly in the free schools of our country. The pupil goes to his lessons, the preceptor tells him, for intelligence, to get learning, to store his memory with thoughts and information. But nothing can be more fallacious than this. The immediate acquisition of knowledge forms no part of the original purpose. Education is to It is no answer to these remarks to say, prepare him for the duties of life,-for acthat the knowledge a student may acquire tivity and exertion,-for new situations and and the discipline he must undergo in the new demands, where his books can furnish course of a liberal education, are sufficient him with no guide nor direction. The for the purpose. The possession of wis- grateful, unforced discipline of mind ought dom is a different thing from the faculty of to be indeed its single aim. His native communicating it; and a man may know powers are to be developed and invigoratvery well how to learn himself, without be-ed, and sharpened for action. Even if the ing able to teach the art to others. Besides, the communication of knowledge is a very small part of even intellectual education. The pupil is not to be limited to the capital stock of his preceptor. It is the love and the power of acquiring,-it is warmth, and enterprise, and energy in the pursuit, that he principally wants. So that a man may have a fine genius, and a great

SCHOOLMASTERS are almost the only class of men in the community who are not regularly educated with some view to their profession. Apprenticeship for the meanest of the mechanic arts, the counter for the tradesman, the desk and the files of the counting-room for the young merchant,— time and labour and previous preparation for all, are considered indispensable. But with the business of school-keeping, the most important of any single branch, it is otherwise. Those, who are liberally educated, and they alone are qualified for it, always aim higher; they never think of it as their employment, till driven by necessity, unless they fly to it as a temporary refuge from idleness, and then they promise themselves to give it up and make their escape as soon as they possibly can. So universal is this, indeed, that an exception would seem to us very extraordinary. We never heard of a young man, who went to college for the purpose of qualifying himself to be a schoolmaster.

scholar's life is to be a life of letters, and
he must gather together in the course of it
mighty masses of erudition, still this is not
the first object to be sought for. The pos-
session of learning is an indifferent thing
alone. It wants the active, well-trained
mind, that can turn it to some new ac-
count; that can put the stamp of originali-
ty upon it and mark it for its own; that

But it is high time to turn to the little volume, which has given rise to these reflections. It is evidently written by one who thinks for himself, who has examined thoroughly the common systems of education; and it exhibits great good sense and ability, and is filled with sound, judicious, practical remarks throughout. We are obliged to pass over the first three or four Letters, nearly half the volume, though they contain a very interesting theme for our pages; a sketch of the history of the establishment of our free schools; the principles on which they were originally founded; and the changes and modifications that have from time to time been made in them by our legislature. These institutions are justly called the pride and glory of New England. With all their defects, they have elevated our character as a people. To our form of government indeed they seem indispensable, and if properly conducted, they must contribute more to the energy and durability of our political institutions, to the wisdom and efficacy of our laws, to our whole national advancement


which are to encounter them.

and prosperity, than their warmest admir- has done a great deal; new and better but with little or no reference to the young minds, ers have imagined. They form the engine that government makes use of to enlighten and invigorate itself,-for this is identified with the people, and the greater part of those who compose it, receive their earliest education, their most efficacious education, the education which does the most to form their characters, and make them weak or energetic, intelligent or dull, in the free schools of their native towns. It is then of the very highest consequence, that they should be well conducted. Our author's principal object is to point out some great defects in this particular.

methods are introduced, and improvements Very great evils, we think, arise from continually going on, though they are still too much encumbered with the old system these defects. The soil in which the seed is of discipline, for they cannot shake off at to be sown, the infant faculties which are once all the fetters of early prejudice. But to give it culture and expansion, are not there is a radical defect in the qualifications consulted at all. A great weight of knowl-` required of the master of a free school, edge is put into the feeblest hands, and which must always check improvement, they are forced to bear it; no wonder that No young it becomes oppressive and hateful to them. and keep things as they are. man of talents, unless very much driven, It is as if a child were led to scale a mounwill think of them even as a temporary em- tain, when it had just learned to walk. ployment, much less as a permanent one. There should be exercise, and gradual, paThose qualifications ought to be raised and tient preparation for the work. The racer enlarged by law; some previous prepara- cannot fit himself for the course in a day. Two principal causes have operated from the tion ought to be made indispensable; an Nerve and vigor and energy, and every first establishment of the free schools, to impair examination in some of the treatises on the great intellectual faculty, and indeed every aud pervert their influence. 1st. Incompetent in- subject instituted; higher powers, and thing great, must come to muturity and structers; 2d. Bad school books. It is not a little more attainments should be required of gain strength slowly, and will never be surprising, that a public so deeply impressed with them, and greater compensation establish- taught to shoot up to their full growth at the importance of the system of schools, and so re-ed; and then we might look for something once. Yet all this is very apt to be oversolved to carry into full operation, by liberal ap-like improvements in their systems of in- looked in our common systems of education. propriations, should stop short of their purpose, struction. greatest How our legislature could dis- The power of abstracting and generaliz and stop precisely at that point, where the attention and vigilance were essential, to give effi- pense with any of those requisites, which ing, the last faculty which the infant cacy to the whole. I do not mean that much good even our forefathers thought essential to an mind puts forth, is here considered as the has not been realized; on the contrary, as has instructer, we are, with our author, wholly first, and in the very outset, the pupil is been repeatedly remarked, the success of the free school system is just cause of congratulation; but at a loss to imagine. They are now how called on by his books to reach forth the phiI mean, that their influence has not been the great-ever at their lowest state of depression. a grasp as comprehensive as est nor the best, which the same means, under better Perhaps this circumstance may draw the losopher who drew them up. The study public attention to the subject, and we of particulars or individuals, the only natuhope the reform will then be thorough and ral method for beginners, is scarcely thought of in any department of early education. complete. This is what our author calls the inductive method.

management, might produce.

The above remarks and principles are applied to the study of the learned languages, of geography, and of arithmetic, as these subjects are generally taught in The first, he says, ought our free schools. never to be commenced with the grammar. following extract contains a full view of Some interesting story, with a literal transthe objections against them, and forms the lation to it, and other facilities, of which basis of all his remarks on the subject.

I. The employment of incompetent and inexperienced instructers has probably arisen more from the peculiar situation of the country, than from negligence or indifference on the subject. So many The elementary books, which are put opportunities are open for industrious enterprise, into the hands of pupils, our author thinks that it has always been difficult to induce men to very poorly adapted to the purpose of earbecome permanent teachers. This evil, although a ly education. The great defect in them is, serious one, is one, which cannot at present be removed; but its bad effects may be more qualified, that they are too abstract, too general, reby raising the character and acquirements of in-mote from the capacities which are called on structers to a higher standard. The whole business to comprehend them, and not at all suited of instruction, with very few exceptions, has hith- to develope or to give them strength. The erto been performed by those, who have felt little interest in the subject, beyond the immediate pecuniary compensation stipulated for their services. And even that has been too inconsiderable, to render a want of success in the employment a subject of much regret. This remark applies to almost all instructers, from the primary schools up to the higher schools; and it has no very remote bearing even upon some of the instructers in our colleges.


The principles of the inductive philosophy should be as rigorously followed in education, as in any other department of human knowledge. The school books, and we may add the text books of the colleges, are certainly not written upon the inductive method. And these are our instructers, or the We have stated the incompetency or in- models, on which our instructers form us. books to be sure have been written over and over efficiency of the instructers to arise princi- again, in order to keep pace with, and incorporate pally from another cause,-the total want the improvements and discoveries in the different of direct, immediate preparation for the sciences, of which they treat. This is well, and as employment. Most of them blindly and it should be. But the essential principle, on which slavishly adopt the systems of their prede- they are written, is the same through all changes. This is wrong, and what should be corrected. Imcessors. There are very few, who have provements in arrangement, and in the manner of read the treatises on the subject of educa-expressing the principles of the sciences, have, no tion, who know any thing of the sentiments of Locke, of Milton, of Watts, of More, of Hamilton, of Carpenter, nor even of the fascinating Rousseau, nor the ready, offhand, practical Edgeworth. They have not in fact studied nor attended to the subject at all. We have often thought this most remarkable, and if there be any truth in the maxims of political economists, that the supply will come close on the demand, and that competition will always produce excellence among the rival candidates, we have a right to expect it among the instructers of our youth. With our academies, and our private plans of education, indeed, this principle is now prevailing, and

doubt, been frequently made. Indeed, the books
have probably been carried to as great perfection,
as they can be carried, without some more essen-
tial change in the principles, on which they have
been written. They are very well executed, upon
a very bad plan. The reason to be assigned for
such slow progress in the improvements of school
books, in particular, is a mistaken notion of the
purpose of a school book; and the fact, that there
have seldom been brought to the task of elementa-
ry instruction, talents capable of comprehending,
at once, the principles of science, in their relation
and dependence upon each other; and still less
capable of analyzing the powers of the young
mind, to which the science is to be adapted. The
books for elementary instruction, have been written
of the science, of which it treats, in a manner the
or compiled, with a view to set forth the principles
most philosophical to those who make the books,

there are innumerable, to make it intelli-
gible and easy to the pupil, would be a
much better way. Let the grammar come
in afterwards, not as a direct study, but in-
cidentally, and then it will be understood
and its importance felt.
Our school geog-
raphies he thinks on too large and compre-
hensive a plan. The child's mind can-
not embrace them; they ought to be
brought more within his reach, and as far
as possible accommodated at first to his
own actual observation. There is a still
greater fault, he says, in the old-fashioned
method of studying arithmetic, because it
makes a mere mechanical business for the
pupil, without exercising his ingenuity or
his understanding. The general rules
are only an incumbrance on his memo-
ry. Colburn's system is the right one,
and calculated to produce at last an entire
revolution in the course of early arithmet-
ical study. We agree fully with this. The
new system is getting rapidly into our
academies and private schools, and we
think it cannot be long before it will be
adopted every where.

But we have a much more serious objection than either of these, to the common We mean the manner in which English course of study pursued in our free schools. grammar is almost universally taught. This


is put into the hands of children as soon as mar is most toilsome. The child thumbs it,
they can learn to read, and many valuable and cries over it, more than over any of his
hours of the most interesting period of their books, and if he conquers it at last, it is
lives for education, are bestowed upon it. merely by dint of a tenacious and a reten
Yet, how little suited is this to their pur- tive memory. This is, indeed, the only
pose! Pass over the first division, orthogra- faculty that is called upon throughout.
phy, which teaches abstractly what letters Meantime, an aversion is growing up
and syllables are, and their various proper- against school books of all sorts. A hateful
ties, and that, combined, they form words, association is formed in his mind between
&c., and take that part which it is consider these and toil, and sometimes this is not
ed of the utmost importance should be studi- broken till it is too late to prevent the un-
ed thoroughly; and what have we here? All happy consequences that follow from it.
the words of the English language are in the But the early study of English grammar
first place scientifically classed and arrang- is necessary, they say, to teach us to
ed;-generic names are given to them; speak and write correctly. If this be true,
the powers that common use has assigned to we submit, and withdraw our objections
each of them, are then pointed out,—the dif- without a murmur. Let us examine it.
erent forms they are capable of assuming,― What then may a child learn from even
the thoughts, or views, which produce these the most successful study of this most indis-
forms,-in a word, the origin and qualities pensable subject? Will it teach him to
of words considered independently, or with speak intelligibly, when he would otherwise
their smallest possible relation to others, be silent or misunderstood? By no means.
are all philosophically explained. This is He must learn by practice the art of mak-
commonly called etymology. The name ing his desires and feelings known, long be-
itself is an enigma; then comes syn- fore he can peruse a grammar. Will it
tax, another enigma, and what does this give him a greater variety of expression?
teach? "The agreement or construction will it regulate and improve his style? These
of words in a sentence," their mutual qualities can only be acquired by the cul-
connexion and dependence,-the influence ture of the taste and imagination, the last
that one may have over another, or their thing to be expected from the study of
concord or government, as it is called. In grammar. Will it have any effect in cor-
fact, it is a view of the abstract principles recting the mind itself? Surely not. The
by which words are connected together, in art of thinking justly or properly, can never
order to convey intelligence accurately. arise from the most perfect art of gram-
And what is the object of all this study, matically expressing ourselves. Thought
and where does it terminate? In the art of may be very noble and true, and yet break
parsing forsooth; which is the art of apply- all the grammarian's laws; it may be very
ing these hard names, and definitions, and false and mean, and yet cannot but satisfy
abstract principles, to language as it is him perfectly. What then has the pupil
commonly used in writing and discourse. learned? The use of language, it is said,
What profitable intelligence does the the established and approved use of it. But
young learner think he is gaining in the he can only get this successfully from polish-
mean time? Examples to be sure, are ed authors, or polite conversation. Lan-
thrown in to assist him as he goes along, guage became perfect long before grammar
and these, the individuals, the particular was thought of; and it could never be essen-
instances,―he does understand and remem- tial, therefore, as a preliminary art. Usage
ber easily. But nothing can be further is, indeed, its sole basis and support. It can
from his mind than the general principle never control this;-it is its servant, and
itself. Yet this science of language is put must watch its changes, and accommodate
into his hands in his infancy. He goes itself to them entirely. The most we can
from his spelling-book to the dull, labori- conceive of its doing, is to point out to the
ous, and to him most uninteresting work. student a few errors, or, what is the same
He is called on thus early to give names to thing, a few variations from approved prac-
the relation between thoughts and words, tice; the misuse of the objective for the
between the operations of mind, and the nominative, the plural for the singular, and
expressions in which they appear. Nay, of some adjectives and participles with ir-
more. If he would understand parsing com- regular terminations, are all that we can
pletely and fully as it may be understood, enumerate or imagine. How much better,
he must go much further than this. He how much more easily, how much more ef-
must learn to give names to the relation fectually might these be acquired in another
and connexion between thought and thought way! Even if he is most successful in thus
-between the meaning of one word as it correcting himself, and still is continually
exists in his mind, and that of another. among those who retain these variations
There are, indeed, many young pupils who or errors, he will return to them also, not-
learn to do this mechanically, and by rote. withstanding his grammar; and it is best,
Some know how to do it ably, and with perhaps, that he should. The whole is,
skill, and yet perceive not how subtle a bu- indeed, a matter of use and custom. The
siness it really is, nor what powers they are art of parsing, the high consummation of
putting forth in its accomplishment. We of all, pupils must learn in practice long
believe we can show that their time and before they think of it as an art, and we
talents are wholly misspent. It is some doubt whether a whole life devoted to the
confirmation of the remarks we have al- study of grainmar will make a man an ac-
ready made, that the early study of gram-curate speaker or writer, unless he is in the

company of accurate speakers or writers; and it is this, and not his art, which instructs him in it.

The author of the Letters before us, onght to have turned his attention to this, which we think unquestionably the greatest error in the education of all our schools. There are some apologies for the study of Latin and Greek beginning with the grammar; the various forms and oblique cases of the noun, the adjective, and the pronoun,the innumerable shapes that a single word, the verb, is capable of assuming; besides, it comes comparatively late in life, when the faculties are more mature and better able to comprehend it. The erroneous and large form of geography too, will at length make room for itself in the mind. The same may be said of old-fashioned arithmetic. Dull as the student may be, he is gradually drilled into the knowledge of figures, and their powers and principles, and then he will think and reason for himself. But nothing of this can be said for the early study of English grammar. It is merely teaching us new generic names,-rules for an art which we know how to use perfectly without them. If objections lie against the study of that of the learned languages, whose principles are unknown to us, how much more strong must they be, where these are familiar, and in every moment's use with us, and where the definitions and the laws are all the time practically applied, though we have never put them into the imposing form in which grammar presents them. Our readers must not misunderstand us. We would not exclude this abused study from education entirely. But let it have a proper place. Let it be taken from the hands of children, and raised to the rank it deserves, and it will derive an interest and a power, from which its common employment has degraded it. There is no book on the scholar's shelves more philosophical than the large grammar of Murray. The abridgment, which goes into our smallest schools, is the essence and cream of this, and if possible, still more abstract and philosophical. Because the child has not time to commit the whole to memory, he is taught the hardest part.

Still, it may be asked, does not this study afford a most apt and peculiar discipline to the mind? And this is the proper question to be put on all the books for early education. What faculties, then, does the present mode of studying English grammar call forth? We have answered it already; memory alone. The work of classifying and arranging is already done to the pupil's hand. Invention, taste, fancy, imagination, reasoning,-all the finer and nobler faculties of his nature are permitted to slumber. Memory only is put in active exercise. Yet this faculty is of little value but as it furnishes materials for the others. A great and astonishing one may be very injurious to its possessor; it may supersede the necessity of effort, and the exercise of his better powers, judgment and reason, and make him a vain and assuming pedant. Besides, the early exclusive exercise of memory is ex

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