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liked to flirt with me.

The company generally felt it, and used to call me
little gentleman Jack. The girl felt it too; and in
spite of her predilection for my powerful rival, she
This only aggravated my
troubles, by increasing my passion, and awakening
the jealousy of her particoloured lover.
Alas! think what I suffered, at being obliged to
keep up an ineffectual chase after my Columbine
through whole pantomimes; to see her carried off
in the vigorous arms of the happy Harlequin; and
to be obliged, instead of snatching her from him, to
tumble sprawling with Pantaloon and the clown;
and bear the infernal and degrading thwacks of my
rival's weapon of lath; which, may heaven con-
found him! (excuse my passion) the villain laid
on with a malicious good will; nay, I could abso-
lutely hear him chuckle and laugh beneath his ac-
cursed mask. I beg pardon for growing a little
warm in my narration. I wish to be cool, but these
recollections will sometimes agitate me. I have
heard and read of many desperate and deplorable
situations of lovers; but none I think in which true
love was ever exposed to so severe and peculiar a

This could not last long. Flesh and blood, at least such flesh and blood as mine, could not bear it. I had repeated heart-burnings and quarrels with my rival, in which he treated me with the mortifying forbearance of a man towards a child. Had he quarrelled outright with me, I could have stomached it; at least I should have known what part to take; but to be humoured and treated as a child in the presence of my mistress, when I felt all the bantam spirit of a little man swelling within me-gods, it was insufferable!

queens, gods, and goddesses, all joined pell-mell in
the fray. Never, since the conflict under the walls
of Troy, had there been such a chance medley
warfare of combatants, human and divine. The
audience applauded, the ladies shrieked, and fled
from the theatre, and a scene of discord ensued
that baffles all description.

Nothing but the interference of the peace officers restored some degree of order. The havoc, however, that had been made among dresses and decorations put an end to all farther acting for that day. The battle over, the next thing was to inquire why was begun; a common question among politicians, after a bloody and unprofitable war; and one not always easy to be answered. It was soon traced to me, and iny unaccountable transport of passion, which they could only attribute to my having run a muck. The manager was judge and jury, and plaintiff into the bargain, and in such cases justice is always speedily administered. He came out of the fight as sublime a wreck as the Santissima Trinidada. His gallant plumes, which once towered aloft, were drooping about his ears. His robe of state hung in ribbands from his back, and but ill concealed the ravages he had suffered He had received kicks and cuffs from in the rear. all sides, during the tumult; for every one took He was a discreet man, the opportunity of slyly gratifying some lurking grudge on his fat carcass. and did not choose to declare war with all his company; so he swore all those kicks and cuffs had been given by me, and I let him enjoy the opinion. Some wounds he bore, however, which were the incontestible traces of a woman's warfare His sleek rosy check was scored by trickling furrows, At length we were exhibiting one day at West which were ascribed to the nails of my intrepid The ire of the monarch End fair, which was at that time a very fashionable and devoted Columbine. resort, and often beleaguered by gay equipages was not to be appeased. He had suffered in his from town. Among the spectators that filled the person, and he had suffered in his purse; his digfront row of our little canvas theatre one after-nity too had been insulted, and that went for somenoon, when I had to figure in a pantomime, was a party of young ladies from a boarding-school, with their governess. Guess my confusion, when, in the midst of my antics, I beheld among the number my quondam flame; her whom I had berhymed at school; her for whose charms I had smarted so severely; the cruel Sacharissa! What was worse, I fancied she recollected me; and was repeating the story of my humiliating flagellation, for I saw her whispering her companions and her governess. I lost all consciousness of the part I was acting, and I felt shrunk to nothing, of the place where I was. and could have crept into a rat-hole-unluckily, Before I could renone was open to receive me. cover from my confusion, I was tumbled over by Pantaloon and the clown; and I felt the sword of Harlequin making vigorous assaults, in a manner most degrading to my dignity.

Heaven and earth! was I again to suffer martyrdom in this ignominious manner, in the knowledge, and even before the very eyes of this most beautiful, but most disdainful of fair ones? All my long-smothered wrath broke out at once; the dormant feelings of the gentleman arose within me; stung to the quick by intolerable mortification. Í sprang on my feet in an instant; leaped upon Harlequin like a young tiger; tore off his mask; buffetted him in the face, and soon shed more blood on the stage than had been spilt upon it during a whole tragic campaign of battles and murders.

thing; for dignity is always more irascible the
more petty the potentate. He wreaked his wrath
upon the beginners of the affray, and Columbine
and myself were discharged, at once, from the com-

Figure me, then, to yourself, a stripling of little
more than sixteen; a gentleman by birth; a vaga-
bond by trade; turned adrift upon the world; mak-
ing the best of my way through the crowd of West
End fair; my mountebank dress fluttering in rags
about me; the weeping Columbine hanging upon
my arm, in splendid, but tattered finery; the tears
coursing one by one down her face; carrying off
the red paint in torrents, and literally "preying
upon her damask cheek."

The Blank Book of a Small Colleger.

that this anonymous writer is not an old man, reviving recollections of far-away days, but a frolick some youth, anticipating the winter evenings, when, in the winter of life, he shall be telling pleasant tales to his grand-children.


There are fifteen stories, or sketches, or essays; for it is a little difficult to class some of them aright. They are all written in a lively and striking style, and display various and considerable talent. little affectation, and a few errors in point of taste must be pardoned; but we hardly know a work of this size, which, upon the whole, affords more entertainment. As it is said to be by a colleger,—or collegian— one would expect most of the incidents to be located at one of the Universities, and connected, in some way or other, with its colleges. This is true of only four or five of them; these are among the best things in the volume; but we think we can find other passages to extract which will be more generally amusing to our readers.


I have been from my youth that melancholy the period that, as a boy, I hid the Bible belonging thing to other people-a professed joker. From to a Baptist Meeting, which stood in our playground,--to the inexpressible consternation of the congregation and the no small confusion of the preacher,-up to my last freak which I am now going to relate, I have literally treated "life as a jest."-I was on a visit to a friend in the country, a Major Holdsworth, when, to amuse me-I'm an elderly gentleman and have an utter abomination to cards--a whist party was made up, to which were asked the Miss Pennicks;-a trio of the most inI have ever encountered in my earthly pilgrimage. tolerant, immaculate, vinegar-faced virgins, whom It was on my return from coursing, while this treat was in agitation, that I spied an odd-looking, threecornered note lying unsealed on a work table. With unaccountable curiosity I opened it. It ran thus.



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tion of their own hand, I added the word LERS"-refolded the note, and replaced it on the table. Well, this is the most singular thing that ever happened to me,' said the Major as I entered the dining room. Read this incomprehensible New York, 1824. 18mo. pp. 138. note. The Miss Pennicks can't drink tea with my 'And a very sufficient reason,' said I, for not enIF we mistake not, this amusing little work wife because, "they are very indifferent Spellers" was published a year or two since; we think we recollect seeing extracts from it, tering into society. Well,' cried Mrs Holds in English papers, about that time. It is, worth, I always thought there was something odd thing strange would happen to them.' however, but just now republished in this about those Miss Pennicks. I've expected somewomen who foresee events long before they occur, country, and, therefore, has all the charms, worth was one of those long-headed, highly gifted and all the claims of novelty, so far as our reading public are concerned. It purports and pride themselves on being surprised at nothto come from a Sexagenarian, who, in his ing. Her reputation for foresight was so thoroughlooked up to her as an oracle. When Napoleon old age, loves to dwell upon the recollec-ly established, that her less fortunate neighbours nothing in his hands. I was game to be sure, for I tions of earlier days; and he tells his stories went to St Helena, 'SHE had always suspected that would be the end of it;' and the Princess Elizabeth's marriage she had foreseen for years.'

As soon as Harlequin recovered from his surprise he returned my assault with interest. I was

was a gentleman; but he had the clownish advantages of bone and muscle. I felt as if I could have fought even unto the death; and I was likely to do so; for he was, according to the vulgar phrase, "putting my head into Chancery," when the gentle Columbine flew to my assistance. God bless the women; they are always on the side of the weak and the oppressed.

The battle now became general; the dramatis personæ ranged on either side. The manager in

terfered in vain. In vain were his spangled black bonnet and towering white feathers seen whisking about, and nodding, and bobbing, in the thickest of the fight. Warriors, ladies, priests, satyrs, kings,

so pleasantly, we cannot but hope he will
The author may call himself
tell more.
sixty or a hundred years old; but we doubt
whether the snows of many years have
whitened his locks; there is much more
relish for fun,-for mere boyish fun,-than
an elderly gentleman would be likely to
feel; the sense of the ridiculous is too
keen, too true, too joyous, to belong to that
age when the eccentricity or affectation of
others is more apt to bring weariness than
enjoyment. We venture, therefore, to guess

Mrs Holds

By three o'clock, in the following afternoon, indefatigable Mrs Holdsworth had not mentioned→ there were few houses in Hoddesdon, in which the as a profound secret-that the Major' had receivSUCH A NOTE from the Miss Pennicks! What was it?' cried half a dozen gossips with the most infecting earnestness. You must really excuse my giving the contents. I never expose my sex. detail what that note contained.'-'How very dreadYou know I'm not squeamish ; but I really cannot ful! was repeated in various tones round the room.~'Horrid!' resumed Mrs Holdsworth, with

a most diplomatic expression of countenance-Not | skill and effort, more frequently, and more | weeks after this event, she played off a prank world. Poor things! Ah, poor things!' was re- life of men, than of women; and this may and the Marrs. She was walking in Kensington that I would injure the Miss Pennicks for the naturally, belong to the business, the daily which was attended with all but fatal consequences. It was the period of the murder of the Williamsons echoed around. Who would have suspected it?' Oh cried Mrs Holdsworth, briskly, for she felt be one reason why literary foppery, dis- Gardens, and, having taken shelter from a shower, this was an inroad on her reputation-'I'm not the gusting as it is always and every where, is in a shed, she amused herself, by inscribing, in least surprised! I've long foreseen it! Miss Abi- never so much so as when it disfigures the large letters, on the wall, I'm the unfortunate man gail's misfortune has been known to me for months! manners-and the mind too of a female. who murdered Mr Marr's family' The horror this Not that I would injure her-poor thing!-Nor 1, Let our ladies assure themselves, that Miss sentence excited, in several parties which succespoor thing! Nor I cried each member of this precious coterie, as she separated to disseminate Charity Pennick, although a very "indif- sively came to the shed, Miss Ruth declared to be this scandalous morceau, in her own peculiar beat, ferent speller," was, nevertheless, far more among them, came a lady and gentleman, the forwith all her energies. attractive and respectable than mer of whom, from her situation, was ill qualified to contend with fright. She read the scrawl, and fainted. Her husband's fondest hopes were blighted; and she herself nearly lost her life.


the richest treat in nature.

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But, unfortunately,

have done very well, had she not, unfortunately, But, notwithstanding all this, Mrs Renben would become a radical. To this political twist she conAn immense dog, between a wolf and a setter, was trived that every thing about her should contribute. christened Reform;'--and I well remember my amazement, when she said to me one morning, 'I'll Reform! Reform!'-and she whistled like a coxlieve you never saw him? Quite an idol of mine. show you my darling-my pet-Reform. I beswain--when in rushed an immense mastiff, carrying all before him. Quite the thing for a lady's pet, to be sure, thought I. What will a woman make an idol of next?

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Things grew worse and worse. Fine Day' and 'Good Morning! gave place to a bow or smile, en passant-their tea-parties were declined their visits unreturned-and Patience Pennick declared herself weary of life,'-when Abigail, the eldest sister, goaded to desperation by a fresh slight, conjured a quondam crony to explain the mystery. She was then given to understand, with about Athens and Sparta, the Capitol and the Par- large hand, and beginning, Pen, ink, and paper

Then she had an album stored with autographs by no means of the choicest description. I noticed one from Hunt, in Ilchester Gaol, written in a fine

Well-the story did not lose in the telling. People drew their own conclusions--not, of course, the It was my good or ill fortune-the reader may most favourable to the Miss Pennicks-and the con- word it as he pleases-to make the acquaintance, sequence was, that these maiden ladies, who had while in Hampshire, of Mrs Reuben Pottle. She lived all their days in the most unspotted innocence, found themselves, on a sudden, avoided, was a singular lady. I fear I shall hardly do her pointed at, and rejected by society. Their neigh-standing. A little, thin, diminutive woman-with justice; but I will attempt her portrait notwithbours drew up when they passed-their former flaxen hair, dressed à la Corinne-blue eyes, that gossips, who would once chat with them by the never rested an instant on the same object—a small hour, contented themselves with a Good Morning round straw hat, in imitation of Rubens wife, and Fine Day! and, as Miss Charity Pennick observed, the days of Sodom and Gomorrah were come silk gown :--such was Mrs Pottle, both in appeara broad, red morocco girdle, confining a yellow again. ance and dress, on the morning of our introduction. Her mind was as eccentric as her person. Always en magnifique-calling England the Island, and her husband an Emmet. She was the terror of the men and the Vampire of the women. Having an utter abomination of learned ladies, more particularly of one who was forever talking thenon, the reader may imagine my indescribable horror, on finding myself in for a tête-à-tête with this formidable woman. My sense of my situation deprived me, for some moments, of utterance, till, the reply. After the hysterics produced by this unexpected looked at me in silence. The first day of Spring.' finale; and that of my acquaintance with Mrs Reubegan-What a lovely morning!'-Mrs Reuben But every thing in life, like a quadrille, has its communication had subsided, the three injured Not a word. Her little restless blue eyes twink- ben was approaching spinsters had immediate recourse to their profes- led on as before. This is really April weather.'At each of the morning sional adviser. They resolved, with his concur- Mute as death.-Out of patience with her continu-gaged on an Italian author; and, invariably, at a calls I had unwillingly made her, I found her enrence, instantly to prosecute Mrs Holdsworth for ing to play the dumb belle, I bowed and took my page plentifully besprinkled with pencilled notes defamation of character. When "the dread note leave. I was afterwards told, that on that subject, in the margin. My curiosity was piqned, and I of preparation" sounded, and Mrs Holdsworth was I might have soliloquized forever; for Mrs Reuben, inquired "the name of the favourite? Ariosto." informed, that her appearance in open court would be requisite, she expressed her amazement at the by no chance, ever noticed the weather. Foul or fair, we could neither alter it nor mend it. Why world's wilful misconstruction; and admitted, then discuss it? It was a subject fit only to be dwelt on by those who were unequal to talk on any oth

conspire against me;' and she pointed out, with
she said Alderman
unction, an illegible scrawl of Thistlewood's, which
had most obligingly

much circumlocution, that She, and her sisters, were suspected of courting an improper intimacy, with Major Holdsworth!'-'On whose authority? screamed Charity. On that of his own wife,' was recollecting that the silence must be broken, procured from him on the very morning of his ex

for the first time in her life that this she had never
anticipated:--while Major Holdsworth's broad un-
meaning face assumed a state of utter bewilder-
ment, when he was told, he certainly had received
criminal overtures from Miss Abigail Pennick!
To obtain a clear insight into matters, it was de-
termined that an interview should take place be-
tween the belligerent parties, attended by their le-
gal advisers, at which the note should be forthcom-
ing. All but the last word Miss Abigail admitted
she had written-but that word she stoutly dis-
claimed. Well, Madam,' said the Major's brazen-
faced Solicitor,that point is immaterial. The
chief object is attained-for your spotless virgin
character is placed beyond suspicion. As a law-
yer, I say, take the case into court. As a friend,
let it stay where it is. For whatever might be the
opinion of the jury on legal matters, you would
certainly stand convicted as a most 'indifferent

Our next extract may have pleased us
a little more than it othewise would, be-
cause it has sometimes been our melan-
choly lot to be pestered with the folly
which it satirizes. The minds of the fair-
er part of creation should be well taught,
should receive the highest possible degree
of culture, not that they may, but that they
may not become those hideous things com-
monly known by the name of "blue stock
." Literary attainments are often the
tools of a man's trade, and may generally
help him to use his tools-whatever they
are-to more advantage; and intellectual

er.' So said Mrs Pottle.

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Her husband, Reuben Pottle-or, as he was

named, from the peculiar cast of his visage, Rue Pottle, was a slight, tall, conscious-looking man, who appeared completely cowed-a dog, to whom any urchin might say, 'Where's your tail?' Twice, and twice only, did I ever hear his voice in his own house. The first time that I was amazed by its sound, was at one of Mrs Reuben's musical parties. My love, Sir Thomas Pickering has arrived at his seat; and I request,' said she, in the tone of a seraph, that the first thing you do in the morning may be to call on him. My love, you take very good care,' sighed Reuben, that the first thing I do in the morning is to go to bed.' And as the poor hen-pecked creature finished the sentence, he seemed amazed at his own temerity, and hastily scudded across the room. The other instance occurred with the gentlemen after dinner; when, on furious ultra liberal declaiming against the doc trine of passive obedience, Reuben whimpered, in the tone of a school-boy behind the back of his master, Ah! that's just the way with my little fool!'




And the numerous pencil marks are proofs of

your diligence?'-Oh dear, no! those are the imbefore I began.'--I laughed immoderately, and she proper passages. I had them all marked out for me -never spoke to me again.

[blocks in formation]

THE first chapter of this book, extending to the 45th page, is an account of the destruction of Jerusalem. It is introduced here to show that the prophecies which foretold this event, the dispersion of the Jews, and many other judgments which that nation was to suffer, were literally

fulfilled. This fact is afterwards made the Of her hostility to the doctrine of non-resist- basis of an important argument. The secance, Mrs Reuben gave an instance in early life. ond chapter commences with a concise acShe lost her mother at sixteen; and her father, respectable farmer, finding himself unequal to con- count of the expulsion of the ten tribes of trol her vagaries, brought home a second wife to Israel from the promised land; and proassist him in the task. To celebrate this event, a ceeds to prove that the Jews, and also these large party was invited; and after supper-reader, ten tribes, will be restored to their inher'twas in middle life--the song, the laugh, and the itance. The arguments for their restorawith all my heart,' she said. Then rising, and fill- tion vary so little from those commonly eming a bumper, she gave, with the voice of a sten-ployed on this subject, that it cannot be tor, Confusion to all mothers-in-law. -A very few necessary to state them at length. Mr

toast went round. Miss Ruth was called on for hers.

Smith talks in a confident manner, as though he was fairly stating the whole that the Scriptures contain in relation to his subject, found it all in exact agreement with his opinion, and knew of no plausible arguments in opposition. He, however, deserves the credit of stating his testimonies clearly, and managing them with considerable skill. We can give but a few specimens of his mode of reasoning; and we shall select those arguments which he, in common with others, regards as most important.

The principal of these is derived from the fact, that the prophecies relating to the dispersion of the Jews were literally fulfilled. The inference is, that those prophecies which foretell their restoration, will also be literally fulfilled.

This is very plausible reasoning, but not quite so conclusive as it at first appears. The prophecies relating to the advent of the Lord were totally misunderstood by the Jewish Church which received them, and which came to its end at the time of his advent. They were understood to speak of the restoration of Israel; but the dispersion of the two remaining tribes followed. The existing Christian Church believes that when the millennium arrives,-the second advent of the Lord, the children of Israel | will be restored to their promised land. We may hence, in the same way, infer that the present Church is also mistaken; and that probably at this period, that people will suffer some additional judgment, and, perhaps, cease to retain their distinct national character. We do not state this as good and convincing logic; but as an argument somewhat after Mr Smith's style, and quite as conclusive as that above quoted.

it has ceased to be Israel in the prophetic | are a part of a covenant, or compact, be-
sense of the term.
tween the Lord and man; and the duties
These remarks apply generally to the which constitute the part of the covenant
passages in the Old Testament which re- belonging to man, must be performed, or the
late to this subject. The New Testament corresponding promises cannot be fulfilled.
was given at the end of the Jewish dispen- It is fair to say, that all was given or offered
sation; and if, in this, we find prophecies to the Hebrews, which was ever promised;
referring directly to that nation, those but as they broke the covenant, all of them
which denounce judgments, and those which partially, and some totally, failed of the
promise blessings, will stand on equal promised inheritance.
ground. Now, in the New Testament, the
desolation of Jerusalem and the dispersion
of the Jews are distinctly foretold, but, if
we mistake not, there is no passage which
distinctly implies the return of that nation
to their promised land. The eleventh chap-
ter of the Epistle to the Romans, to which
Mr Smith refers, teaches, as we suppose,
that if they do not still continue in unbe-
lief, they will, after a considerable period,
be grafted into the Christian Church; but
this is quite an ther thing from being re-es-
tablished in Palestine, and assuming the
precedency among all the nations who com-
pose the Christian Church. It now becomes
highly questionable whether, in the sense
of the terms Judah and Israel, commonly
used in the prophecies of the Old Testa-
ment, that nation did not cease to exist
when their city was destroyed; and wheth-
er, with respect to the fulfilment of those
prophecies which relate to the establish-
ment of a future Church, any are to be
reckoned Jews except those who are so in
the heart,—and these, it is said, may be
from any nation under heaven. There is
not wanting evidence that the Jews are
about abandoning their distinctive charac-
ter; and we regard the late change which
the Polish Jews have made, in adopting the
day of the Christian Sabbath instead of
Saturday, as having a direct tendency to
this event.

This is a mere outline of an objection, which we think deserved Mr Smith's attention. That the true mode of interpreting the prophecies is certainly little understood at the present day, this gentleman will hardly deny; he tried his hand at it some years ago; and his system received a quietus in the death of Buonaparte, which might have taught him to moderate the intensity of his confidence in such opinions. But he still maintains boldly, that these prophecies respecting the restoration of the Jews, aud the millennium, must be fulfilled about this time. We must be permitted to say, that to our ears the trumpet gives an uncertain sound; and before we make any preparation for battle, we must see a more competent chief to lead us on.

No one needs to be informed that the terms Judah, Israel, Ephraim, Canaan, Jerusalem, and others used in the prophecies which relate to this subject, are nearly synonymous with the Church. They are used in both Testaments, as well when the prophecies relate to the Christian Church as when they relate to the seed of Abraham. In describing those qualities which constitute the Church with man, or, in other words, which constitute men members of the Church, sometimes one of the above terms is used, and sometimes another, the different names probably referring to qualities somewhat different. Agreeably to this figurative language employed in describing the Church, and used, indeed, by Christians of every persuasion at this day, every real Christian is said to be of the seed of Abraham. Those prophecies which We have devoted more attention to this had a primary reference to the consumma- argument than we intended, and shall have tion and devastation of the Jewish dispen- room to notice but one more. It is derivsation existing at the time they were re-ed from the fact, that the Hebrews have vealed, were necessarily fulfilled in relation to those who were literally denominated Israel and Judah; but those which, speaking of Israel and Judah, relate, in fact, to the establishment, the condition, and progress of another Church, cannot be expected to have their fulfilment with any peculiar reference to that nation, because

never really possessed the whole of the
promised land. Solomon acquired a sort of
supremacy over it, but it was never fully
occupied by this nation. The inference is,
that it is still to be possessed by them. An
obvious, but not the only answer to this is,
that the divine promises are to be under
stood as in some degree conditional. They

Having proved that the ten tribes of Israel, who were carried away captive by the kings of Assyria about two thousand five hundred and fifty years ago, are to return to Palestine, Mr Smith proceeds in his third chapter to inquire where, and who these ten tribes are. The result is, that they are the American Indians. Many of our readers will recollect that this opinion was advanced by Mr Adair, an English trader among the North American Indians, about fifty years ago. It was defended by him, and afterwards by Dr Boudinot, with considerable ingenuity. There are so many remarkble coincidences between the religious and civil institutions and languages of the Indians and those of the Hebrews, as to form a very interesting subject of inquiry. We must notice a few of these, and advise those of our readers who happen to have a taste for such things, to examine the whole. It is, however, first to be remarked, that after the ten tribes were captured, they were settled by Salmanezer in Media; and that in 2 Esdras, xiii. chapter, there is an account of their leaving Media and journeying for a year and a half, until they came to a country where never man dwelt. This account is supposed to imply that they directed their course northeasterly, towards Bhering's Strait. Some of the Indians, also, have a tradition that their forefathers came from a far country-performing a long journey, and crossing a great river towards the north-west of America. They say also, that God once chose their nation to be a peculiar people; that he gave them a book; that some of their forefathers could foretell future events. They count time like the Hebrews; keep a variety of similar feasts, in one of which a bone of an animal must not be broken; and they never eat the hollow of the thigh of any animal. In their temples, such as they are,-is their holy of holies, into which it is death for a common person to enter. They have an imitation of the ark of the covenant, where are deposited their most sacred things; and common people may not look into it. Their males must all appear at the temple at three noted feasts in a year. They give a pretty correct account of the flood, and of the confusion of languages; and say with regard to the longevity of the ancients, that "they lived till their feet were worn out with walking, and their throats with eating." They have places answering to the cities of refuge in Israel, in which no blood is ever shed by an avenger.

Various degrees of credit are due to the authorities on which Mr S. relies to support these assertions; but perhaps some

sort of authority may be found for all of them. But these are not half the traditions and customs which Mr Smith adduces in support of his opinion, and many of the others are almost equally remarkable.

Another important argument is the supposed similarity of their language to the Hebrew. In the names appropriated to the Deity there is a very striking resemblance; and also in a great number of other words and phrases. In several examples the agreement is exact; and some gentlemen of considerable learning, have expressed an opinion that the radicals of all the Indian languages were Hebrew.

We can state no more of the interesting facts contained in this chapter, but must suggest a few objections to the opinion that the Indians are descendants from the ten tribes of Israel.

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lects and the Hebrew have a still greater agreement than has been shown; but we may still inqure, whether they were not all derived from some other language.

people, nor that they originated with them.
Other nations probably had many that were
similar, as, perhaps, every nation has re-
garded with reverence moral rules and
principles similar to those given on Mount The fourth chapter of Mr Smith's book
Sinai. Neither does it appear that the contains an exposition of the eighteenth
Jewish Scriptures were the first that God chapter of Isaiah. He formerly supposed
gave to men; on the contrary, there is that the people here addressed was the
strong proof that parts of the first books British nation; but thinking, perhaps from
were compiled from earlier Scriptures; and national pride, that so important a part of
the ancestors of the Indians might have the world as the United States have be-
had a "Book," without being Hebrews.*
come, must surely have been noticed by the
It is very important to remark, that the seers into futurity, he has become satis-
traditions, customs, and similarities in lan-fied that we are verily the people referred
guage, which have been mentioned, do not to by the prophet, who have so much to do
all belong to any one tribe of Indians, but by way of assisting the Israelites,—that is,
they are selected from the great variety of the Indians,-to return to Palestine. We
tribes of North and South America. Per- have not much respect for this fourth chap-
haps every tribe has some custom, or insti- ter; others may read it, and judge of it
tution, or expression, in common with the differently.
Hebrews; and some of the tribes have
several. This is not so remarkable as it
at first appears. Compare the Indians with
the Malays, or any other nation on the
earth, and you will find many, perhaps as
many, points of agreement.

The two tribes who are denominated Jews, have not intermarried with other nations, and hence have retained their original characteristics to the present day. Their complexion and features are so similar in all countries, that traveliers readily distinguish them wherever they are found. The argument derived from the similarTheir moral and intellectual peculiarities ity between the languages, does not seem are not less striking, and no one needs to to us of greater weight. Many of the lan-be informed what a "Jewish disposition" is.guages of the East were, in many expresThese mental characteristics agree most perfectly with those of the Hebrew nation, from the earliest periods of its history. We can hardly avoid the inference, that the Jews are now quite similar to what the Hebrew nation was generally, in characteristics both of mind and body.

The American Indians, having had no intercourse with other nations, have had every advantage for retaining the characteristics of their ancestors. We find among them a remarkable similarity of features, of complexion, and of general disposition. Climate and local circumstances produce slight varieties; but whoever has seen one American Indian, will distinguish every one that he afterwards sees. Even their languages are said to have a great affinity; as great, perhaps, as there is between the Saxon and the English.

Now, the features of Jews and Indians have almost nothing in common; their complexions are widely different, and their leading mental characteristics have as little agreement.

These facts appear to us to furnish a stronger argument against their belonging to the Hebrew nation, than any we have seen in favour of it. Now it is far easier to account for the Indians having many things in common with the Hebrews, without supposing them to be of the same nation, than it is to explain how such differences as we have mentioned, exist between two branches of the same family,

neither of which has intermarried with other nations.

We should infer from all the facts that are stated, that the Indians were of Asiatic origin, and most probably they were from the western part of Asia. We have no evidence that the customs and institutions of the Hebrews, which were sanctioned by divine authority, were all peculiar to that

sions, similar to the Hebrew. It does not
appear that the Hebrew names for the De-
ity were peculiar to that language, or that
they primarily belonged to it. We have
not had evidence yet, to satisfy us, that
more of the radicals of the Indian lan-
guages than of the English, are Hebrew;
and we see no reason why there may not
be as many. Besides, one of our best au-
thorities, Molina, says, "As far as we have
been able to discover, the radical Chilian
words have no analogy with those of any
other known idiom." The Chilian, or
Araucanian, is, doubtless, by far the most
perfect Indian language. In a few respects
it agrees with the Hebrew, and also in some
respects with several other languages.
There are many words in the vocabularies
of that language, which were made before
they could have derived the words from the
Spaniards, which agree exactly with the
Greek, and also many agreeing with the
Latin. See History of Chili, Vol. 2, p. 287.
On the whole, we do not find evidence that
any one of the Indian languages affords more
examples of coincidence with the Hebrew,
than the Chilian-the principal language
of South America-affords of coincidence
with the Greek or Latin. We will not assert
that no such evidence exists, for we have
not thought it necessary to examine all the
works which might have thrown some light
upon this subject. We shall not be sur-
prised, if it be proved that the Indian dia-
* We suppose it to be conceded by all Biblical

critics, as an ascertained fact, that Eichhorn has ad-
duced the most satisfactory proof in support of his
hypothesis respecting the origin of the Hebrew
Scriptures; viz. that Moses copied, or compiled, or
borrowed, the earlier chapters of Genesis, from
previous Scriptures, written or traditional.
many of our readers must be aware, he marks the
division between these extracts with great dis-


The Appendix contains the testimonies of many travellers respecting the character and customs of various Indian tribes. It adds little to the value, and but fourteen pages to the length of the book.

The Inheritance. By the author of Marriage. In two volumes. 12mo. Philadelphia,


THIS book shows that good may sometimes be done by flattery. In the conclusion to "The Tales of my Landlord," "Marriage" and its author are spoken of in much higher terms than we (and we have read "Marriage" twice over), think any of its readers would echo. But the author, it seems, incited by such praise, has written "The Inheritance," which is not only very well worth reading from the amusement which it will afford, but must, we think, prove instructive to all who are capable of understanding the lessons which it powerfully inculcates. This work does not, like "Discipline," purport to be decidedly a religious tale; nor does it, like that admirable production, bear its moral impressed on every page; it takes a wider view of life and manners, and the author sketches many scenes, some humourous, and some grave, from which may be learned lessons like those which Miss Edgeworth aims to teach,-lessons of manners and morals, and of plain, practical common sense, in the conduct of our own affairs, and in our intercourse with mankind. Through all these descriptions a strong under-current of religious feeling is perceptible, and the impression which is produced even by the liveliest of them, is, that though good sense may teach us to avoid, in society, the errors and follies which are satirized, yet it is only by the influence of religion on the life, that a character can be formed to render a man habitually at ease with himself, and useful and agreeable to

all around him.

The story of this novel is a very simple and trite one. Mr St Clair, of a noble Scottish family, a younger son of the Earl of Rossville, married a woman of a somewhat lower rank in life, and was, with his wife, obliged to live in France on a small pension allowed him from his family. He


had no child for many years, and, in the
meantime, all his brothers died without
issue, save the eldest, who was also child-
less. Just as he is making preparations to
return to Scotland, his wife, presents him
with a daughter, and his own ill health
compels him still to remain in France. At
length, after languishing many years he
dies, and his widow and daughter, accepting
an invitation from the Earl, arrive at his
castle in Scotland. In the course of the
year the Earl also dies suddenly, and Miss
St Clair succeeds to the title and estates.
After living awhile the reputed Countess of
Rossville, a relative of her nurse, who by
treachery is possessed of the secret, ac-
quaints her that she is not the daughter of
Mr St Clair, but a supposititious child; the
reputed Countess immediately proclaims
the discovery, and renounces her title and
the estates. Luckily, however, a rich old
uncle receives her into his protection, and
the novel closes, as all novels should do,
happily. This is, indeed, a very brief ab-
stract of the story, for we have omitted to
state that the heroine-as all heroines
must-falls in love; but unlike most other
heroines, is deserted by her lover, when he
discovers his mistake as to her quality; and
the discovery of his meanness, coupled with
the loss of her supposed rank and property,
subdue her mind, and finally dispose her
to love the man whom in the days of her
prosperity she had slighted. She marries,
and her first lover having fallen in a duel,
her husband succeeds as the next heir of
the house of Rossville;-thus, she is again
a Countess, but thoroughly reformed by her

number, a little ;-and, though last, not family is exquisite satire, and we shall ex-
least, there is Edward Lindsay, the hero of tract nearly the whole of it.
the tale, an elegant, quiet, sober-minded,
sensible Christian. There are several oth-
er characters, among the rest Lewiston,
through whose agency the heroine is de-
prived of her ill-used rank and wealth, but
they are more slightly sketched, and we
should unnecessarily encumber our col-
umns by naming them. Of all the char-
acters, those of Miss Pratt and Edward
Lindsay, are, perhaps, the best sustained;
though, as we before hinted, Miss Pratt is
occasionally beginning to be wearisome.

The story is well told, so well indeed,
that though practised novel readers will
soon perceive what the catastrophe must
be, yet they will not tire of leisurely reading
it, chapter by chapter, to the end. The
style has no affectation, no pomposity, no
over-wrought elegance, but is perfectly
clear, and we are not induced to read a
single sentence over again, either to find
out the meaning, or to admire the beauty
Our readers will natu-
of its structure.
rally expect some extracts; but we are
puzzled what to choose. Where all is so
good, it is difficult to make a selection.

We have seen many attempts to ridicule
the fashion of giving high sounding names
to children; but we recollect no one bet-
ter than the following.

But the outraged mother turned towards Mr Ramsay.-'I am come, uncle, to make a request in the name of my little Miss, who we must really think of having christened some of these days. As the Major is an Episcopalian, we will, of course, have it done according to that service; and we hope you will kindly officiate as god-father upon

the occasion.'

At this proposal uncle Adam looked "black as night, fierce as ten furies;" and he seemed on the point of uttering some awful anathema, when, suddenly checking himself, he said, in one of his alarmingly mild tones, I've nae great objections provided I'm to ha'e the bairn called after me.' Mrs Waddell was confounded. On the one hand, that was all but declaring the child his heir; on the other, Adam Waddell was rather an uncouth appellation for a young lady. But then a moveable tail might be tacked to Adam;-she might be Adam to him, and Adamine, or Adamella, or Adamintha, to the rest of the world; and Mrs Major inwardly chuckled at the proposal, though she resolved at the same time, to enhance the value of the

concession. She therefore said


There are many subordinate characters, and all of them well sustained. There is the Earl himself, self-conceited, tyrannical, pompous, and dull; his nephew Mr Delmour, whom, by the way, he intends for the husband of his heiress-the very counterpart of the Earl. There is Col. Delmour, brother of the Mr of that name, the polite, fashionable, witty, and selfish lover of the heiress. Mr Adam Ramsay, a queer, testy, rich, old bachelor, who is a miser, despising riches, the uncle who adopts Miss St Clair in her misfortunes. Mr Black, a Why, to tell you the truth, uncle, I had fixed in gentleman farmer, and nothing else, and his wife, who is a wife fit for such a man. my own mind to have our little miss called after Major Waddell and Mrs Major Waddell, a the Major, although he declares she must be namvery loving and foolish pair. Mr Augustus ed after me; but I think Andromache is such Andrew Mackaye's a very gude name for her, Larkins, a cockney, and his lady, a would-beautiful name, and so off the commonbe blue stocking. Mrs Fairbairn, a mother to be sure,' said uncle Adam, gravely. and nothing but a mother,—and of course a bad one, and her husband, Mr Fairbairn, who was simply Mr Fairbairn, the noun masculine of Mrs Fairbairn, and the father There is Mrs St Clair, of her children." an over-polite, insinuating, contriving, heartless, selfish, wicked woman. There are Miss Black and her sister, quiet humble souls, whose only hope is in the world to come, while, in sickness and distress, they cheerfully perform all their duties in this. There is Miss Pratt, the very antipodes of the Earl, a visiting, gossiping, fast-talking lady, who annoys the Earl superlatively, and every one else, ourselves among the

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The first appearance of the Holm was highly prepossessing. It was a large, handsome-looking house, situated in a well-wooded park, by the side stillness reigned all around, which impressed the of a broad placid river, and an air of seclusion and mind with images of peace and repose. The interior of the house was no less promising-there was a spacious hall and a handsome stair-case, with all appliances to boot-but as they approached the drawing-room, all the luxurious indolence of thought quickly dispelled by the discordant sounds which inspired by the tranquillity of the scenery, was issued from thence, and, when the door was thrown open, the footman in vain attempted to announce the visiters. In the middle of the room all the chairs were collected to form a coach and horses looking urchin sat in front, cracking a long whip for the Masters and Misses Fairbairn.-One unruly with all his might-another acted as guard behind, and blew a shrill trumpet with all his strengthwhile a third, in a night-cap and flannel lappet, who had somewhat the air of having quarrelled with the bairn, a soft, fair, genteel-looking woman, with a rest of the party, paraded up and down, in solitary majesty, beating a drum. On a sofa sat Mrs Faircrying child of about three years old at her side, tearing paper into shreds, seemingly for the delight of littering the carpet, which was already strewed &c. As she arose to receive her visiters it began with headless dolls, tailless horses, wheelless carts,

to scream.

'I'm not going away, Charlotte, love-don't be frightened,' said the fond mother, with a look of ineffable pleasure.

You no get up-you shan't get up,' screamed tain her. Charlotte, seizing her mother's gown fiercely to de


"My darling, you'll surely let me go to speak to know;-but, during this colloquy, uncle and uncle-good uncle, who brings you pretty things the ladies had made their way to the enthralled mother, and the bustle of a meeting and introduction was got over. Chairs were obtained by the footman with some difficulty, and placed as close to the mistress of the house as possible, aware, that otherwise, it would not be easy to carry on even question and answer amid the tumult that reign


You find us rather noisy, I am afraid,' said Mrs Fairbairn with a smile, and in a manner which evidently meant the reverse; but this is Saturday, and the children are all in such spirits, and they won't stay away from me-Henry, my dear, don't crack your whip quite so loud-there's a good boy

-that's a new whip his papa brought him from London; and he's so proud of it!-William, my now?-If I were you I would give it a rest.-Aldarling, don't you think your drum must be tired exander, your trumpet makes rather too much noise--one of these ladies has got a headache-wait till you go out-there's my good boy, and then you'll blow it at the cows and the sheep, you know, and frighten them-Oh! how you'll frighten them with it."

'No, I'll not blow it at the cows;-I'll blow it at the horses, because then they'll think it's the mailcoach-And he was running off, when Henry pronounc-jumped down from the coach-box.


Good gracious, uncle! such a way of 'No, but you shan't frighten them with your ing Andromache! However, I shall give up thoughts of that, since you are so anxious to have trumpet, for I shall frighten them with my whip. -and a struggle ensued. our missy named after you Weel,' said uncle Adam, with a savage smile-Mamma, aren't horses best frightened with a whip? 'that's a' settled, for you'll no object to a bit trifling addition to the name, for it's rather short and pookit-isna't?'

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Why, to tell the truth, I think it is, and an addition would certainly be an improvement-Adam

intha, for instance.'

'I like a name that has some meaning in't, and

the name that ye're to ca' your bairn after me maun
be Adamant; for I can tell baith you and her, that
Adamant you'll find me to the last generation o'

The account of Mrs Fairbairn and her

'Well, don't fight, my dears, and you shall both frighten them, cried their mamma.


No, I'm determined he shan't frighten them; shall do it,' cried both together, as they rushed out of the room, and the drummer was preparing to


'William, my darling, don't you go after these naughty boys; you know they're always very bad to you. You know they wouldn't let you into their coach with your drum.--Here William began to

- Well, never mind, you shall have a coach
of your own-a much finer coach than theirs; I

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