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" I trouble not myself about the manner of future existence. I content myself with believing, even to positive conviction, that the power that gave me existence is able to continue it, in any form and manner he pleases, either with or without this body... "
The Paine Festival: Celebration of the 119th Anniversary of the Birth-day of ... - Page 2
by Cincinnati (Ohio). Committee of Arrangements for the Paine Festival - 1856 - 35 pages
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The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and ..., Volume 19

1794 - 544 pages
...conviction, that the power that gave me exiftence is able to continue it, in any form and manner he pleafes, either with or without this body ; and it appears more probable to me that I (hall continue to exift hereafter, than that I ihould have had exißence, as I now have, before that...
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The Monthly review. New and improved ser, Volume 14

1794 - 614 pages
...conviction, that the power that gave me exigence is able to continue it, in any form and manner he pleafes, either with or without this body ; and it appears more probable to me that I (hall continue to exift hereafter, than that I ihould have had exillence, as I now have, before that...
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Antijacobin Review, True Churchman's Magazine: And Protestant ..., Volume 7

1801 - 586 pages
...conviction, that the power that gave me exiftence is able to continue it in any form and manner he pleafes either with or without this body; and it appears more probable to me that I (hall continue to exift hereafter than that I fhould have had exiftence as I now have before that exiftence...
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The Freethinking Christians' Magazine: Intended for the Promotion ..., Volume 2

Liberalism (Religion) - 1812 - 586 pages
...positive conviction, that the power that gave me existence is able to continue it in any manner and form he pleases ; either with or without this body: and it appears more probable to me that 1 shall continue to exist hereafter than that I should have had existence, as 1 now have, before that...
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Dissertation on the first principles of government

Thomas Paine - Political science - 1819 - 758 pages any form and manner be pleases, either with or without this body ; and it appears more prohable to me that I shall continue to exist hereafter, than...existence, as I now have, before that existence began. It is certain that, in one point, all the nations of the earth and all religions agree; all believe...
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The Report of the Proceedings of the Court of King's Bench: In the Guildhall ...

Richard Carlile - Censorship - 1822 - 250 pages
...positive conviction, that the power that gave me existence is able to continne it, in any form and manner he pleases, either with or without this body; and it appears more probable to me that I shall continne to exist hereafter, than that I should have had existence, as I now have, before that existence...
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The Theological Works of Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine - Chistianity and politics - 1822 - 254 pages
...pleases, either with or without this hody; and it appears more prohahle to me that I shall continne to exist hereafter, than that I should have had existence, as I now have, hefore that existence hegan. It is certain that, rn one point, all nations of the earth and all religions...
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The Theological Works of Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine - Rationalism - 1824 - 420 pages
...gave me existence is able to continue it, in any form and , manner he pleases, either with orwithout this body ; and it appears more probable to me that I shall continue to exist hereafler, than that I should have had existence, as I now have, before that existence began. It is...
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A Refutation of Every Argument Brought Against the Truth of Christianity ...

William Grisenthwaite - Church history - 1825 - 314 pages
...believing, even to positive conviction, that the power that gave me existence, is able to continue it &c. and it appears more probable to me, that I shall continue to exist hereafter &c." This ''ability," and ".probability," which are other expressions for uncertainty, are the miserable...
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The Age of Reason: In Two Parts

Thomas Paine - Christianity - 1827 - 186 pages
...positive conviction, that the power that gave me ex,stence is able to continue it, in any form and manner he pleases, either with or without this body;...existence, as I now have, before that existence began. It is certain that, in one point, all nations of the earth and all religions agree ; all believe in...
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