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evidence to lead us to believe that the water now supplied by the companies is not generally good and wholesome." This report was made in 1869, and has been before the British public in an accessible form, in all its details, nearly seven years, and its conclusions have been generally accepted. The most recent opinion is contained in a voluntary communication made by Dr. Alfred S. Taylor, the distinguished writer on chemistry, toxicology, and medical jurisprudence, to the secretary of the West Middlesex Water Co., under date of Mar. 7, 1872. He says, "Having during the last twenty-one years made analyses of the water supplied to my house by the West Middlesex Co., and compared it with numerous waters derived from rivers, springs, and lakes in England and Scotland, I can confirm Dr. Whitmore's general conclusion that the water is good in quality and perfectly wholesome. This opinion is not based merely on chemical analysis, but on twenty-one years' experience derived from its use for all domestic purposes." The water of the Thames has been selected as the basis of discussion, not only because it had been more carefully studied than any other source of city supply, but because it may be considered an extreme case. Notwithstanding the fact that one-half the supply of London, a city of considerably more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, is obtained from it, while the river Lea furnishes nearly all the rest, London was said by Dr. Edwin Lankester, coroner of Middlesex, to be the healthiest city in the United Kingdom. Tours is supplied from the Cher; Lyons from the Rhone; Toulouse from the Garonne; Angers and Nantes from the Loire ; Paris from the Seine, the Canal d'Ourcq, and the Marne; Berlin from the Spree; Hamburg and Altona from the Elbe. The last-named city, which is a suburb of Hamburg, takes its supply from a point 8 miles below, when the water has received the drainage of 230,000 people. Most of the above-mentioned rivers are among the largest streams in France and Germany, and flow through extensive and densely-inhabited districts, yet we have no reason to believe that there is any permanent defilement of the waters.

That there is generally no fear on the part of engineers and those having charge of water-supply in American cities is fully shown by the fact that many of our largest cities take water from rivers. Jersey City and Trenton and Hoboken are supplied from the Passaic; Philadelphia from the Delaware and Schuylkill; Washington from the Potomac; Cincinnati and Louisville from the Ohio; and St. Louis, New Orleans, and many other cities from the Mississippi.

THE POLLUTION OF STREAMS BY THE REFUSE FROM FACTORIES.-It is often suggested that the waters of our rivers are liable to become polluted to a dangerous degree by refuse chemicals from paper-factories, woollen mills, printworks, and chemical works. While this may undoubtedly be true in some densely-populated portions of England, where the factories are numerous and the streams very small, it is not probable that for years to come this source of pollution need be feared in this country. Our rivers are too large and our factories too much scattered, and the importance of turning all waste products to account is made imperatively necessary by the sharp competition which prevails among manufacturers. This latter point is well illustrated by our gas companies, who now derive an important revenue from the sale of their coaltar and ammonia-water, offensive products which they formerly allowed to run to waste. The waste products of our most important industries are entirely harmless when diluted with large volumes of water. They consist chiefly of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, lime, potash, soda, iron and alumina salts, chloride of lime, exhausted dyewoods, and soapsuds used in scouring wool. The more powerful form, when mingled, harmless salts, carbonates, sulphates, and chlorides, which are normal constituents of all river waters. The action of many of these products, if appreciable at all, will be to purify the waters by oxidizing or precipitating the matters derived from sewage. Salts of iron and alumina are especially efficacious in purifying waters. Alum is often used in the West for clarifying the muddy waters of the streams, a pinch being added to a barrel of the water, which on standing a few hours becomes clear and limpid. The possibility of objectionable polluGrains of Impurities in 1 Imperial Gallon.


Organic carbon..

Organic nitrogen..

[ocr errors]

Smith, in his Manual for Medical Officers of Health, states that the contamination of streams by the refuse of factories prevails exceedingly in Yorkshire and Lancashire. The waters of the river Irwell, a small stream, present the differences in composition at their source and below Manchester shown in the preceding table.

The examination by the rivers pollution commission of fifteen samples of waters contaminated by the cotton and woollen mills in Yorkshire showed the following quantities in 1 imperial gallon which were thrown into the waters of the rivers:

Grains of Impurities thrown into each Imperial Gallon, Organic carbon.....

Organic nitrogen....

Nitrogen as nitrates and nitrites.

Total combined nitrogen.

Arsenic (computed as metal).
Mineral matters".
Total solids *.








332.3880 235.9000

"The commission gave a page in their report of 1871 to a fac-simile of a letter written with the water of the river Calder at Wakefield, which equals in depth of color that from a watered ink; and similar examples might have been made from the river water at Bradford."

A clearer idea can be obtained of the influence of factory refuse on river waters by comparing the quantities of chemicals used with the quantities naturally contained in the streams. The Croton water contains in 1 U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches the following normal impurities: Grains in 1 U. S. Gallon.

[blocks in formation]

This is equivalent to 3,364,286 pounds, or 1682 tons of 2000 pounds, of inorganic matter daily; of this two-thirds, or 1121 tons, are carbonate of lime, and 271 tons are suiphate of lime.

At the Arnold Printworks, at North Adams, Mass., on the S. branch of the Hoosac, the following quantities of the most common chemicals were used daily lime, 1 barrels; soda-ash, 200 pounds; sulphuric acid (H2SO4), 320 pounds. There were contained in the 43,200,000 gallons of water that flowed daily down the stream


Soda (NaO)....
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4).

Or, as combined

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Total nitrogen.



Total solids..

tion will depend in each case upon the ratio of the refuse matters to the quantity of water in the stream. Dr. Edward

The Valley Bleachery on the Woonasquatucket River at Providence, R. I., consumed daily, sulphuric acid, 17 pounds; soda-ash, 3000; bleaching-powder, 1500.

The following table gives the most complete exhibit of These numbers are incredible, and can hardly be accepted as presented without further explanation.-C, F. C.


the character and quantities of chemicals, etc., consumed in a large factory; it shows the average daily consumption of materials of all kinds at the Atlantic De Laine Works at Providence, R. I., for the ten months from Jan. 1, 1870, to Oct. 29, 1870. The quantity of wool washed amounted to 1926 pounds per day. The flow of the stream was 36,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours.

· 421

six hours in the lead pipes of a private residence yielded 0.11 grain metallic lead, a considerable portion of which was visible to the eye in the form of minute white spangles of the hydrated oxycarbonate (PbO,HO + PbO,CO2). (3) Water drawn from one of the hydrants of the School of Mines laboratory in the middle of the day, when the water was in constant motion, yielded traces of lead. This water

Daily Consumption of Chemicals at the Atlantic De Laine reaches the school through about 100 to 150 feet of lead



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

291.41 43.99 73.33




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Supposing all the materials used to have been allowed to run into this little stream, less than one-tenth the size of the Croton, the entire pollution would have amounted to less than 1th grain per gallon. As a matter of fact, a large portion of these substances were fixed upon the goods and sent to market, while one-half the entire quantity consisted of dyewoods, which are chiefly composed of insoluble cellulose (sawdust and chips). It is not probable that the refuse from this factory added .05 of a grain per gallon to the water of the stream.


pipe. These results indicate the source of many hitherto unaccountable cases of lead-poisoning, and are of a character to alarm the residents of New York, and to lead them to adopt precautionary measures for protection against this insidious cause of disease. Certainly, no pains should be spared to impress upon servants the importance of allowing the water to run for a few minutes before taking it for drinking or cooking purposes, especially early in the morning, after the water has stood all night in the pipes. The habit of filling the kettle from the boiler, or of using water from the boiler for any purpose except washing, is very dangerThe following case recently occurred in New York: An elderly gentleman was completely prostrated with paralysis or palsy. His physician at once suspected leadpoisoning from his symptoms, and instituted inquiries which developed the fact that the patient had been using wheaten grits for dyspepsia, and that the first duty of the cook in the morning had been to soak them preparatory to boiling them. She had therefore used daily the water which had stood all night in the pipes. The occurrence of a considerable portion of the lead in experiment No. 2 in suspension, instead of solution, is an additional argument for the use of filters, though it will of course be useless to employ them unless they are frequently reversed, that they may be cleansed.

Substitutes for Lead.-Various substitutes have been suggested for lead, as, for instance, wrought iron, which generally makes the water rusty; galvanized iron, which is said to be objectionable on account of the zine, which is readily taken up by the water, rendering it unwholesome, numerous cases of zinc-poisoning by these pipes having occurred in New England, where this pipe is much used; gutta-percha has been suggested, but it is not durable; brass is used to some extent, but is dangerous: Prof. Appleton of Brown University has found both copper and zine in water supplied through a brass pipe; glass, porcelain, etc., have also been tried. None of these substances possess the peculiar flexibility, softness, and other desirable qualities of lead, which makes it so easy to cut and bend, and join and fit pipes of this metal. The problem, therefore, is to provide a pipe which shall possess all the good qualities of lead, and be free from the one great objection

During the war it was feared that some attempt might be made to poison the Croton supply of New York. The following figures show how difficult the task would have been. To poison the 100,000,000 gallons supplied to the city in a single day with strychnine, supposing each pint of water to have received the smallest fatal dose of this alkaloid,th grain, would have required 7285 pounds, or 34 tons, of strychnine-a quantity not to be found in all the markets of the world. To procure such a quantity it-namely, the danger of lead-poisoning from its use. This would be necessary to order an extra supply of Nux vomica beans from the East Indies three or four years in advance to secure their collection by the natives. Supposing arsenic to have been selected, at the rate of 2 grains (the fatal dose) to the pint, 114 tons would have been required, with special means to secure its solution in the water.

METALLIC IMPREGNATIONS.-Water is frequently rendered impure by the metallic tubes used to conduct it. Organic matter, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides, etc., and in some cases even pure water, attack certain metals, causing them to dissolve. Copper.-Cases of sickness have occurred caused by water drawn through copper pumps, copper having been actually detected in the water.

Lead.-Lead is by far the most common material used in the construction of service-pipes for water, and this metal is the one which is the most easily dissolved by water, and at the same time most poisonous in minute quantities, being a cumulative poison. A celebrated case occurred in the royal family of France at Claremont, where one-third of the persons who drank of the water were affected. This water contained only th of a grain of lead in a gallon. As little as th of a grain of lead to the gallon has been known to produce palsy in persons who habitually drank it. It is a great pity that the peculiar advantages of lead as a material for the manufacture of water-pipes are more than counterbalanced by the danger of lead-poisoning. When the Croton water was first introduced into New York, it contained considerable lime derived from the mortar of the recently-constructed aqueduct. This prevented, to a considerable extent, the action of the water on the lead pipes, and it was stated at that time that no lead was taken up by the Croton water; but as the lime of the mortar beeame carbonated, the water ceased to dissolve it and began to act upon the lead pipes. Examinations have recently been made of Croton water which had been in contact with lead for different lengths of time, under usually-occurring eircumstances, of which the following are the results: (1) A gallon of Croton water from a lead-lined cistern, in which it had stood several weeks, was found to contain 0.06 grain of metallic lead. (2) A gallon of water which had remained

has been achieved by the invention of the lead-encased block-tin pipe or tin-lined lead pipe. This is essentially a pipe of pure tin surrounded by a lead pipe, to which it is firmly and perfectly united by an intervening alloy or solder composed of the two metals. The water comes in

FIG. 14.

FIG. 15.

[ocr errors]

contact with the pure tin surface only, and cannot therefore be contaminated with lead. That tin is harmless it is hardly necessary to argue, as vessels covered with this metal are extensively used for culinary purposes throughout the civilized world. It has been argued that commercial tin contains arsenic; but if we can consume daily, with impunity, food which has been boiled and stewed in tin pans, notwithstanding the arsenic contained in the tin coating, we need have little fear of poisoning from the trace of arsenic which may possibly be present in the tin lining of this sanitary pipe. The tin-lined pipe fully realizes all that is desired as a service pipe for aqueduct water. Tested side by side with ordinary lead pipe, waters which take up from th to ths of a grain of lead per gallon from the lead pipe are not perceptibly affected by remaining for considerable lengths of time in the tin-lined pipe. It was at first thought that the expense of the tin would interfere with the introduction of this pipe, but it is

Joint with the Pipe attached.

Section of Jointed Pipe.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][graphic][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

FIG. 19.

readily as though the tin were absent. In such case a few feet of block tin pipe should be used in the well to deliver the water to the tin-lined pipe. This pipe is not well adapted for hot water, as tin is very sensitive to heat. This is no objection, as the hot water from boilers should not be used for any purpose save washing. Some difficulty was at first experienced in making joints on this pipe; the plumbers were careless and heated the solder hotter than was necessary, and thereby melted the lining in the pipe. This difficulty has been obviated by the tinned brass joints which the foregoing figures illustrate. Fig. 16 is a joint ready for use, before the pipes are attached. It is composed of brass, heavily tinned within and without. The ends of the pipe are enlarged on the expander, Fig. 18, and after they have been carefully forced upon the conical ends of the joint, a union of the solder is effected by the application of the hot copper tongs shown in Fig. 17. Thus a simple, expeditious method has been devised for joining this pipe, which meets all the objections raised by the plumbers, except perhaps that they will have no excuse for charging for several pounds of solder for every joint. If one fears this joint is not sufficiently strong, it is very easy to

cover it with a "wiped joint," as Joint reinforced with shown in Fig. 19. Fig. 20 is a T-joint Solder. with the pipe attached:

FIG. 20.

Section of a T-joint with Pipe attached.

Fig. 22 is a joint for the attachment of a faucet: FIG. 22.


A Faucet Joint.

Every difficulty seems thus to have been met, so that we have reason to believe that the poisonous lead pipe will soon be generally replaced by this sanitary pipe, which possesses all its advantages without its dangers. VII. PURITY OF CITY WATERS.-Impurities contained in 1 Wine Gallon of 231 Cubic Inches, expressed in Grains.

[blocks in formation]

14.45 2.13 1626 64.35 4.38 6517

T-joint with Pipe attached.

Amsterdam.... River Vecht (V. Baumhauer and Van

Amsterdam.... Deep well at the Keisergracht.

VIII. LITERATURE.-General: Knapp, Ronalds, and Richardson, Chemical Technology (vol. iii., London, 1851); Annuaire des Eaux de la France (1851, 2 vols.; 1851-54, 1 vol.): Rossmässler, Das Wasser (Leipsic, 1860): Ludwig. Die natürlichen Wüsser (Erlangen, 1862); Bolley, Die chemische Technologie des Wassers (Braunschweig, 1862); Bischof, Lehrbuch der chemischen und physikalischen Geologie (2te Auf., Bonn, 1863-66; English trans. 1ste Auf., 1854-391; Handwörterbuch der Chemie (9ter Bd., Braunschweig, 1864; Lecoq, Les Eaux minérales (Paris, 1865); Lersch, HydroChemie (Berlin, 1864); Hydro-Physik (Berlin, 1865; Knapp, Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie (3te Auf.. Bd. i., Braunschweig, 1865); Hunt, The Chemistry of Nat. ural Waters (pamphlet from Am. J. Sci., 1865), also in his Chemical and Geological Essays (Boston, 1875); Watts's




Diet. of Chemistry (vol. v., London, 1868, and Supplements); Muspratt's Chemie (2te Auf., Bd. v., Braunschweig, 1870); C. F. Chandler, Lecture on Water (Am. Chemist, ii. 161, 201, 259, 281, 321); Tyndall, The Forms of Water (London, 1872); Lefort, Traité de Chimie hydrologique (2me ed., Paris, 1873); H. W. Dove, Die Kreislauf des Wassers auf die Oberfläche der Erde (Berlin, 1873); Tissandier, Wonders of Water (London). Special: Storer, Dictionary of Solubilities (Cambridge, 1864); R. Angus Smith, Air and Rain (London, 1872); Granville, The Spas of Germany (2d ed., London, 1838); The Spas of England (London, 1841); Blum, Natürliche und künstliche Mineralwässer (Braunschweig, 1853); Bell, The Mineral and Thermal Springs of the U. S. and Canada (Philadelphia, 1855); Durand-Fardel, Traité thérapeutique des Eaux min. (Paris, 1857); Gazette des Eaux (Paris; still published); Annuaire des Eaux minérales (Paris, lere année, 1859; still published); Durand-Fardel, Dictionnaire des Eaux min. (Paris, 1859); Althaus, The Spas of Europe (London, 1862); Lee, Principal Baths of Germany, France, and Switzerland (4th ed., London, 1863); Moorman, The Mineral Waters of the V. S. and Canada (Baltimore, 1867); Macpherson, Our Baths and Wells, the Mineral Waters of the British Islands, etc. (London, 1871); Walton, The Mineral Springs of the V. 8. and Canada (New York, 1875); Braun, On the Curatice Effects of Baths and Waters, a Handbook of the Spas of Europe (London, 1875); Hirschfeld and Pickler, Die Bäder, Quellen und Curorte Europa's (Stuttgart, 1875–76); Flickler, Die Brunnen und Bude-Diätetik (Stuttgart, 1876); H. and R. Schultze, Lehrbuch der Fabrikation von Mineralwässern (Berlin, 1870); Quarizius, Die künstliche Darstellung aller gangbaren moussirenden Getränke (3te Auf. von Dr. A. Graeger, Weimar, 1870); B. Hirsch, Künstliche Mineralwässer (in Muspratt's Chemie, 2te Auf. vi. Bd., Braunschweig, 1870); Elsner, Zusammenstellung der bisher angewandten Mittel die Enstehung des Kesselsteins zu verküten (Berlin, 1854); C. F. Chandler, Report on Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustations (New York, 1865); Dupasquier. Des Eaux de Source et des Eaux de Rivière (Paris, 1840): Terme, Des Eaux potables (Lyons, 1843); R. Angus Smith, Air and Water of Towns (Report of the British Ass. Ade. Sci., 1848, p. 16); Lévy, Traité d'Hygiène (4me éd., t. ii., Paris, 1862): Tardieux, Dictionnaire d'Hygiène publique (2me éd., t. ii., Paris, 1862); Gairdner, Public Health in Relation to Air and Water (Edinburgh, 1862); Condy, Air and Water (London, 1862); Chatin, Sur les Eaux potables (Paris, 1863); Grimaud, Des Eaux publiques (Paris, 1863); Manes, Des Eaux publiques (Bordeaux, 1866); Parkes, Manual of Practical Hygiene (2d ed., London, 1866): Mapother, Lectures on Public Health (2d ed., London, 1867); Mahony, The Presence of Organic Matter in Potable Water always Deleterious to Health, to which is added the Modern Analysis (Dublin, 1869); Trommsdorf, Die Statistik des Wassers und der Gewüsser (Erfurt, 1869); Pappenheim, Handbuch der Sanitäts Polizei (2te Auf., 2ter Bd., Berlin, 1870): Procter, The Hygiene of Air and Water (London, 1872); Smith, Mannal for Medical Officers of Health (London, 1873); Wilson, Handbook of Hygiene (London, 1873); Fischer, Das Trinkwasser (Hanover, 1873); Becquerel, Traité élémentaire d'Hygiène (5me ed., Paris, 1873); Fothergill, The Maintenance of Health (London, 1874): Vogt, Trinkwasser oder Bodengasse (Bâle, 1874); Hart, Manual of Public Health (London, 1874); Reichardt, Grundlagen zur Beurtheilung des Trinkwassers (Jena, 1875); Corfield, Water and Water-Supply (London, 1875); Hassall, Food and its Adulteration (London, 1876); Humber, Water-Supply of Cities and Towns (London, 1876); Report by the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with four Appendices (London, 1850); Repart of the Commissioners on the Chemical Quality of the Supply of Water to the Metropolis (London, 1851); Special Report on the Metropolis Water (No. 2) Bill (London, 1871); Report of Royal Commission on Water-Supply, with Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix (London, 1869); Wanklyn and Chapman, Water Analysis (2d ed., London, 1870); E. Reichardt, Die chemischen Untersuchungen der Brunnen und Quelleässer (Leipsic, 1871); Francis, Practical Examples in Quantitative Analysis (London, 1873); Kubel, Anleitung zur Untersuchung von Wasser (2te Auf., Braunschweig, 1874; French trans., Paris, 1876); Bunsen, Anleitung zur Analyse der Aschen- und Mineralwässer (Heidelberg, 1874); Fox, Water Analysis (London, 1875); Macdonald, A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water (London, 1875); Humber, A Comprehensive Treatise on the Water-Supply of Cities and Towns (London and Chicago, 1877); Fischer, Die Chemische Technologie des Wassers (Braunschweig, 1878-80); Fudor, Baden und Wasser (Braunschweig, 1882); Wolffhuegel, Wasserversergung (Leipzig, 1882); Nichols, Water-Supply (New York, 1883). C. F. CHANDLER.

Water, Arrangement of, on the Earth's Surface. See CATARACTS, EARTH, LAKE and RIVERS.


Wa'ter-Bed, a device invented by Neil Arnott, M. D., F. R. S., physician extraordinary to Queen Victoria, for the prevention of bed-sores upon the persons of bed-ridden patients. It is an ordinary bed, resting upon an under-bed of India-rubber cloth filled with water, and is in many cases extremely useful.

Wa'ter-Beetle, a name given to the representatives of two families of beetles which live in fresh waters-the Dytiscida and Gyrinidæ. These two families are very distinct from each other, and agree chiefly in that they have the body oval and depressed, the first ventral segments visible only at the sides, the legs of the second and third pairs flattened and fitted for swimming.

I. The Dytiscidæ have the prothorax, with the epimera and the episterna, distinct; the prosternum compressed, produced behind, and fitting into a cleft or emargination of the metasternum;" the abdomen provided with only six ventral segments; the eyes two in number; and the "antennæ inserted under the front, behind the base of the mandibles, glabrous, polished, usually filiform," and 11- (rarely 10-) jointed; the legs all moderate and normally proportioned, ciliated with long hairs, and the posterior usually compressed, elongated, and formed for swimming; "posterior coxæ very large, usually oblique, contiguous at the inner margin. The insects thus distinguished are carnivorous, and are related to the Carabidæ, from which they differ almost only in the form of the posterior coxæ and the natatorial legs. The species, from their habits, are known under the name of diving beetles. The larvæ are long and cylindrical, and have large and flattened heads "armed with scissor-like jaws, by which they seize other insects or snip off the tails of tadpoles, while they are even known to attack young fishes, sucking their blood." They moult several times before attaining the pupa condition. The body ends in a pair of long respiratory tubes, which they protrude into the air, though eight pairs of spiracles exist." They undergo their transformation on land, on which they creep preparatory to metamorphosis. II. The Gyrinidæ are beetles "of an oval form, somewhat attenuated at their end, usually of a brilliant bluishblack color above, with the punctures reflecting a golden tint:" the prothorax has the prosternum short and carinated, and the episterna and epimera are distinct; the abdomen has seven segments; the eyes are four, and the upper and lower are both rounded; the antennæ are inserted under the sides of the front, behind the base of the mandibles, and are short and thick, with the third joint auriculate, the following ones indistinct, and the last elongate; the coxæ are small and globular; the "anterior legs very long, and received in oblique grooves of the proand mesosternal segments; tibiæ slender, with one terminal spur;" the middle and posterior legs are short, broad, and much compressed, with the tibia spurless; and the middle legs have the first joint large and triangular. The beetles of this family associate in groups, and are more generally known by their peculiar habits. In the proper season and place they abound, and move rapidly in whirllike motion on the surface of the water, and, if disturbed, suddenly dive to the bottom. This habit of gyrating has obtained for them the name of "whirligigs." The larvæ have considerable resemblance to centipedes, having long respiratory filaments upon the sides of each segment which strikingly simulate feet. They undergo their transformation on land, as do the Dytiseidæ. (See Leconte's Classification of the Coleoptera of North America, etc.) THEODORE GILL.

Water-Boatmen. See APPENDIX. Wa'ter-Buck, the Kobus ellipsiprymnus, a large and handsome antelope of South Africa, always found near rivers. It is a good swimmer and is exceedingly timid. It emits an intolerable odor, and its flesh is uneatable. The height of the adult male is about 4 feet 6 inches, and his horns are rather more than 30 inches in length.

Wa'ter-Bug, the popular name of insects of the order Hemiptera. See ENTOMOLOGY, by PROF. S. TENNEY, A. M.

Wa'terbury, city and R. R. centre, New Haven co., Conn. (see map of Connecticut, ref. 6-D, for location of county), on Naugatuck R. R., about SS miles N. E. of New York. It is mostly built in a valley, through which flow Naugatuck and Mad rivers and several smaller streams, which furnish a large and well-developed water-power. A!though a marketing centre for a great part of the surrounding country, a large portion of its capital is invested in manufacturing. Large quantities of rolled and sheet brass, tubing, lamp-burners and trimmers, silver-plated ware, pins, brass kettles, percussion-caps, clocks, buttons, suspenders, machinery, and almost every variety of article manufactured from metals, are produced here, and furnished to the markets of the country. There are about 30 joint-stock corporations located here, with a united capital exceeding

$6,000,000. Waterbury has a fine city hall containing
court-rooms and offices for the town and city officials, a hall
for public amusements capable of seating 1400 people, a
free public library containing 18,000 volumes, with a fund
of $200,000-a bequest to the city by the late Silas Bron-
son of New York, whose name it bears-and a large number
of handsome private residences. The waterworks by which
the city is supplied are among the finest in New England.
It has an excellent fire department, a handsome park,
abounds in pleasant drives, and has a beautiful cemetery
(Riverside), located on the banks of the Naugatuck River
about 1 mile from the city. It is well supplied with in-
stitutions of learning, among which are the high school,
St. Margaret's (a diocesan school for young ladies), the
Academy of Notre Dame (convent school), and the Water-
bury English and Classical School for boys. P. in 1870,
10,826; in 1880, 17,806.
Waterbury, on R. R., Washington co., Vt. (see map
of Vermont, ref. 4-C, for location of county). P. of tp. in
1870, 2633; in 1880, 2297.

Wa'ter-Chestnut and Water Chinquapin, names for the SINGHARA NUT (which see) and for the seeds of other species of Trapa; also for the tubers of Scirpus tuberosus, a club-rush (Cyperaceae) of China, much cultivated in tanks; also for the great seeds of various species of NELUMBIUM (which see). The above plants grow in the water, and several of them furnish considerable foodsupplies in the countries where they are grown.

Water-Clock. See CLEPSY DRA. Water-Closet. See PLUMBING, by DAVID PATERSON, and SEWER, by GEN. Q. A. GILLMORE.

though perhaps it is too early to pronounce a decided
opinion on this point. The oldest paintings in oil, as we
learn on good authority, date back no further than the
time of John Van Eyck, who died in 1440. Not many are
as old, and these, we are assured, will not bear compari-
son in brilliancy with the paintings executed in missals on
parchment; therefore much earlier. Water-color paintings,
not tinted drawings-which are very different things-
have been known to retain their freshness and brilliancy
for the space of ninety years, giving then no indications
of weakness. The darkening of the paper on long expo-
sure to the air may be avoided by protecting the surface
with glass. This danger being averted, the colors in other
respects may be trusted to hold their own with even more
certainty than is the case with canvas painting. The au-
thority quoted above (Fielding) says: “It is not, in our
opinion, presuming too much to affirm that the water-
colors of the present day, in which water only is used as
a solvent, may, and most probably will, endure much
longer than works done in oil according to our present
mode, when the requisite care is given to them." The
liability of paper to be torn renders the water-color paint-
ing less durable than the work on canvas, but this disad-
vantage reflects no disparagement on the method of apply-
ing color. True gems of art receive the greater care from
being committed to fragile materials. The work that Vi-
bert, Meissonier, Fortuny, do on paper will acquire addi-
tional value from the circumstance that it must be tenderly
kept, and cannot be rolled up like canvas and thrown into
a lumber-room. And this care will be bestowed the more
readily as it is a peculiar property of the paper on which
water-color pictures are painted to retain and give back
light, as may be observed by the luminousness of water-
colors at dusk, when oiled canvas rapidly darkens.
this fine quality of painting is secured only by great study,
by repeated washings on and washings off, in order that
the tints may partake of the granular surface of the paper.
The process of water-color is in common use by sketchers,
whose finished works are in oil. But as the capacities of
it are understood, it is preferred by artists to oil-painting,
many feeling what Michael Angelo expressed in regard to
fresco-painting, that in comparison with it oil-painting was
work for women and children. Societies of artists in water-
color hold now a distinguished place among the schools of
painting. The Belgian association, under the patronage of
the king, is by some ranked first. In England there are two.
The Society of Painters in Water-Colors, which was insti-
tuted in 1804, has given over ninety exhibitions. Its pres-
ident is Sir John Gilbert, A. R. A.; among its honorary
members are Hon. William E. Gladstone and John Ruskin;
its membership includes names famous in oil-painting, and
in the list of its associate exhibitors is Holman Hunt.
The Institute of Painters in Water-Colors has given about
fifty exhibitions. Its membership comprises artists of
distinguished merit: in the number of its honorary mem-
bers we find Rosa Bonheur and John Millais, both of whom
have done work, though not eminent, in water-color; of
the thirteen lady members, one, Mrs. E. Murray, is well
known here by her Spanish subjects, and Miss Elizabeth
Thompson is famous as the painter of the Charge at
Balaclava and Quatre-Bras. The variety in the subjects
presented at the last exhibitions demonstrates the capacity
of the style. The French have paid less attention
water-color than the English, though individual artists
owe their fame to it-Vibert and Detaille, for example.
Artists of the Spanish school find it admirably adapted to
produce the gorgeous effects they aim at. In New York
the American Society of Painters in Water-Colors was
formed in 1867, and is already an established institution.
Each annual exhibition shows advance on its predecessor
in variety and quality of work. Artists of reputation are
devoting themselves exclusively to it. The price of fin-
ished water-color pictures is rising as the demand for them

Wa'ter-Color Painting. The substitution of water
for oil as a medium of applying color to surfaces is not a
modern discovery. In fresco-painting the principle was
adopted as a method of applying color to plastered walls— |
an art that was practised by eminent Italian artists of the
fifteenth century, and probably dates back to antiquity.
In modern water-color the ordinary white drawing-paper
is used, without chemical or other preparation. The pig
ments are the same as are employed in oil-painting, and
are prepared in the same manner, only they are more man-
ageable, and are capable, in some instances, of being made
more effective; indigo and gamboge, for instance, being
more brilliant and permanent under the water treatment.
In the early stages of this art the solid cakes, being mixed
with gum, hardened, and did not lend themselves to facile
manipulation. The admixture of honey and glycerine with
the colors, by keeping them soft, meets the requirement of
the artist better. The use of moist colors, and of "Chinese
white as an opaque body-color, marks the chief differ-
ence between the older and the newer schools. The light
is due to the whiteness of the paper, which, shining through
the transparent colors, produces a mild brilliancy of effect.
The artist in water-color needs in every respect the same
training as the artist in oil, the only difference between
them being that one uses water, the other oil, as a vehicle.
In fact, the artist in water-color requires greater swiftness
and certainty of touch, for the water dries immediately,
and mistakes in drawing cannot be corrected or covered
over, as on canvas: the lines and processes stand revealed.
The artist is unable to slight or slur his work. The ease
with which the painter in water-color throws off sketches
and produces startling effects with a few masses of light
an 1 shade, or a few bold gradations of tone, deludes many
into the belief that this is a light and trifling branch of
The method, in fact, is remarkably well suited to
sketching, owing to the lightness of the materials and the
rapidity with which the paper dries; the luminousness of
the paper likewise greatly assists the immediate, super-
ficial effect. But finished painting in water-color demands
skill of a very high order; great works come only from
masters, and no master has exhausted, or even severely
taxed, the resources of the method. The water-colorist
claims for his branch of the art that while it is, equally
with oils, adapted to all subjects-landscape, marine views,
composition pictures, historical themes, architectural ele-
vations, portrait-it offers peculiar advantage in depict- Wa'tercourse, in law, denotes any natural stream of
ing clouds and atmospheric effects. Another advantage he water which flows in a constant current and between de-
claims in the distinctness and separateness of the colors, fined banks. It is distinguished, on the one side, from a
which in oil-painting have a tendency to run together. mere torrent, whereby the accumulation of surface-water is
This advantage also is due to the rapid drying of the colors, carried off, perhaps always through the same channel or
which fixes each before another can be applied. Greater bed, but which soon becomes exhausted, and remains dry
care is needed on this account to prevent apparent rough- until the next supply from the rain or melting snow; and,
ness on the one hand and slovenliness on the other. From
on the other side, from a mere percolation of water through
the old process, which consisted merely in staining paper, the substance of the soil, without being collected into a
through the intermediate stage of excessive, opaque body-distinct current running between ascertained banks, al-
color, to the present point of the art, is a great stride. There though such process may perhaps be constant.
is no reason to doubt that in course of time, with proper courses are either navigable or not navigable.
study, water-color painting will be held equally in esteem mon law a navigable watercourse is one in which, and as
with oil. Its peraianency seems to be unquestionable, far as, the tide ebbs and flows; all others are legally un-





DLER, PH. D., M. D., LL.D.


At the com.

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