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BOSTON, August 25, 1875. "DEAR SIR,-Your letter, in reply to mine, has just been received.

"I beg to be understood. In recording in your book what John Brown is said to have uttered concerning the Northern abolitionists, I did not suppose that you endorsed his sentiments, but published them rather to show how intensely concentrated was his mind upon his own method of operations. Still, their absurdity and injustice are none the less obvious, and quite derogatory to his moral discernment; and as, out of regard to his memory, it would have been a friendly act not to have printed them, so it will be none the less friendly and judicious on your part to suppress them in the new edition of your work, as you intend doing. He will be better appreciated by the omission.

"The truth is, John Brown was exactly fitted for the enterprise he undertook to achieve. He believed in the method of Joshua rather than that of Jesus-in the sword of Gideon rather than the sword of the Spirit-in powder and ball rather than any moral instrumentalities; and he acted accordingly, being as willing to be led to the stake or the gallows as any martyr or patriot of other days; acting all the while under the deepest religious convictions. While in prison, awaiting his execution, he evidently had his spiritual vision somewhat purged; for, writing to a Quaker lady in Rhode Island, he said: 'You know that Christ

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once armed Peter [a mistake, for the occasion referred to inculcates a very different lesson]; so also I think in my case He put a sword into my hand, and there continued it as long as He saw best, and then kindly took it from me [a marked paradox]; I mean when I first went to Kansas. I wish you could know with what cheerfulness I am now wielding "the sword of the Spirit" on the right hand and on the left. I bless God that it proves "mighty to the pulling down of strongholds." Yes, his power over men's hearts, on both sides of the Atlantic, emanated from his prison through the spirit he displayed and the grand words he wrote in his numerous letters. Had he been killed outright, with a musket in his hand, at Harper's Ferry, the world would have regarded him as simply or little better than insane. At the time, I said in the Liberator: By the logic of Concord, Lexington, and Bunker Hill, and by the principles enunciated by this nation in its Declaration of Independence, Captain Brown was a hero, to be justified in all that he aimed to achieve, however lacking in sound discretion.' I always endeavored to deal tenderly and generously with him, though not in accord with his martial policy.

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"MY DEAR Gov.,-The committee of twenty-five go on this morn'g. They take with them a very large petition having many thousand names appended.

"There is a very deep and anxious feeling growing up here in regard to the border states, the sentiment is strong that if the border states withdraw, the Union is gone, and therefore if concessions are to be made, it must be done to save them. Unless the Northern people are satisfied that proper offers have been made to the border states (in case they should go out) there cannot be any unanimity in support of the gov't in the event of a civil war. It cannot be denied that there is a want of unity

amongst our people, and I am free to confess, that many of our Republican friends have strong sympathies with those who are ready to yield to either the Crittenden or border state propositions.

"I begin to despair of an amicable settlement, things have gone too far, the Cotton States it is true are too mad to negotiate with, and the border states sympathize so strongly with them that I see but little chance.

"To my mind it is clear that the new Administration is to have a hard time of it, and unless the border states are with us we might as well make up our minds to separate, for there is a very powerful opposition to coercion, especially if the whole South were united. We were more united in this quarter three weeks ago than now.”. than now."-Seward MSS.


W. D. Moss to SEWARD

"MOUNDSVILLE, VA., February 6, 1861. "MY DEAR SIR,-As I wrote you some days ago, we have scarcely left a vestige of secession in Western Virginia, and very little indeed in any part of the state. The success of the friends of the Union, has really astonished us all. The vote has been overwhelming against secession under any circumstances. This was the issue made here, and our candidate received nearly Not a single secessionist, or 'conditional Union' man, has been returned in Virginia west of the Blue Ridge. The Gulf Confederacy can count Virginia out of their little family arrangement-she will never join them. The election of Monday, cannot be regarded in any other light than an effectual check upon secession. The example of Virginia, will be potent with her sister border states, and without these six important states the squad of traitors in the extreme South cannot exist.

six to one.

"There will be a desperate effort with counties, to throw Virginia prospectively [] out, but even this will be defeated. The matter will have to be referred to the people for action, and the popular vote indicates a heavy majority against secession, to-day, tomorrow, and forever! A majority of the delegates elected will, I think, be found to be against secession without contin

gency or mental reservation. This, I know, will be the case in the northwest. The result in Harper's Ferry district [?], (Jefferson County), if correctly reported, is remarkable. Hunter who is after the late Judge Davis' place, avowed himself unconditionally for secession. His defeat is a just rebuke.

"We will endeavor to secure a Western man, Stuart, Summers, or some other equally good Union man as President of Convention."-Seward MSS.



REDWOOD, February 8, 1861.

"I dropped you a hasty note a few days ago, I told you how we would carry the state in the convention election. The result is that there will not be twenty immediate and unqualified secessionists and disunionists, in the body of one hundred and fifty. And it is equally certain, there will not be one man in it, who is not for a final separation of the states, in double quick time—unless there is reason to hope for a perfectly full, final and unqualified surrender of the slavery question to those whom it concerns.

"Had we received a little more decisive encouragement from our Northern friends there is not a county in Virginia that would have elected a secessionist. I would like to know from you your opinion of the present promise of things. And I would write you very fully, but I know you have no time to read my letter. Our whole batch of old Demagogues will be swept from the field, if this matter is settled. Millson and probably Hunter may survive."-Seward MSS.



"CULPEPER, February 8, 1861.

"The very kind manner in which you received my suggestions when in Washington and the patriotic purpose expressed by you encouraged me to address this letter to you.

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