QUARTERLY LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. AGRICULTURE. Touches on Agriculture, including a Treatise on the Preservation of the Apple Tree, together with Family Recipes, Experiments on Insects, &c. &c. By the Author of the Description of Brunswick and the Towns in Maine. ARTS, SCIENCES, AND PHILOSOPHY. Silliman's American Journal of Science and the Arts. No. 1. Vol. VIII. for May, 1824. The Washington Quarterly Magazine of Arts, Science, and Literature. Vol. I. No. 2. The plan of this work is so excellent, and the facilities for carrying it into effect so abundant in the city of Washington, that it comes before the public with very high claims to respect and patronage. In the prospectus the editor states his purposes as follows. 'It is proposed to give authentic specifications of patents obtained for useful discoveries, and improvements of machinery in the United States; extracts from similar publications in England, containing accounts of the most recent and valuable discoveries in that country. These communications will be accompanied with plates illustrative of their subjects. Notices of new publications, on subjects connected with the various branches of national industry, will also form a regular part of the work. The editor also relies with confidence on an extensive correspondence, for original communications on these topics. 'Abstracts of such acts of Congress as relate to trade, agriculture, canals, and objects of general improvement, will be accurately given; and important national events chronologically recorded. Also an obituary of eminent characters in the various states of the Union; and a meteorological report' These objects are all highly important. The present number contains an article on Internal Improvements, and another on Improvements in Naval Architecture. It also contains several drawings of machinery, two of which are illustrative of an apparatus invented by Mr Samuel Brown for propelling vessels without steam. These drawings are from the lithographic press of Mr Henry Stone of Washington, and we are glad to see this art, which has been carried to such perfection in Europe, making some progress in our own country. Timber Merchant's Guide; also a Table whereby at one View may be seen the Solid and Superficial Measure of any square or unequal hewed Logs or Planks from one to forty seven Inches; also Plates representing the Figures of the Principal Pieces of Timber used in building a seventy four Gun Ship of the Line, in Standing Trees. By Peter Guillet. Baltimore. 1823. James Lovegrove. 8vo. Price, $2,50. The Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. No. VI. This number closes the first volume of the Boston Journal, which has continued for one year, and put the public in possession of a large mass of most valuable information on various topics of science and philosophy. In their selections from foreign journals the editors have been peculiarly judicious, both in regard to the intrinsic value of the articles selected, and their adaptation to the wants and state of intelligence in this country. We can safely say of this work, that we are not acquainted with one, pursuing similar objects, whose contents are of so uniformly high a character; which is marked with so much of the dignity and usefulness of science, mingled with so little of merely temporary moment and interest. The original articles have much value. The accounts of the Fossil Bones of the American Mammoth, and of the Egyptian Mummy and Methods of Embalming, contain many curious facts on interesting subjects. There are also original articles on topics of mineralogy and geology, natural history, and on inventions and machinery. 6 In the fourth number of the work is a Narrative of an Ascent to the Peak of Misté,' by Samuel Curson, Esq. This Peak of Misté is a volcanic mountain in Arequipa, Peru, which, considering its surprising height, seems hitherto to have been little known. In the year 1796, according to Mr Curson's Narrative, this mountain was ascended to its summit by Thaddeus Haenck, a Bohemian naturalist in the service of the king of Spain. By trigonometrical measurement in the plains of Arequipa, Haenck ascertained its height to be 20,328 feet above the level of the sea, which is 1430 feet higher than Catopaxi, and only 1112 feet lower than Chimborazo. Humboldt and Bonpland ascended Chimborazo in the year 1802 to the elevation of 19,400 feet, which has been reported to be the highest point of ascent to which any person had at that time attained. But it appears, that Haenck was on the summit of the Peak of Misté six years before, and at an elevation of 1928 feet greater than that attained by Humboldt and Bonpland. The ascent of Mr Curson was made from the city of Arequipa on the 27th of October, 1811. He reached the crater of the volcano, but not the summit of the mountain, which is 600 feet higher; and accordingly, the highest point to which he ascended was 19,728 feet, being 328 feet higher than that of Humboldt and Bonpland at Chimborazo; and 4063 feet higher than the summit of Mont Blanc, which is the most elevated point in Europe. We present these ascents in one view below. Haenck's ascent Humboldt and Bonpland's 20,328 feet, in the year 1796 Mr Curson's Narrative is minute, and presents us with an animated description of the various scenes that awaited him, in his perilous excursion up and down the mountain. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vol. III. Nos. 12, 13, 14. Blackbeard. DRAMA A Comedy in Four Acts. Founded on Fact. By Lemuel Sawyer. Washington. Davis & Force. EDUCATION. Gramática de la Lengua Castellana adaptada á toda Clase de Discípulos, á todo Sistema de Enseñanza, i al Uso de Aquellos Estrangeros, que deseen conocer los Principios, Bellezas, i Genio del Idioma castellano. Compuesta por Mariano Cubi i Soler. Baltimore. 1824. J. Robinson. 12mo. pp. 220. In this little work, it is the design of the author to embrace within a small compass all the particulars most essential in learning the Spanish language. He arranges his subjects in four divisions, namely, Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody. The materials are brought together in a natural and lucid method, and the rules, although concise, are perspicuous and comprehensive. Under the head of Prosody the author treats of the principles of pronunciation with precision and distinctness, and also of the peculiar power of several letters of the alphabet, as used in the Spanish language. The table of irregular verbs is remarkably full and well arranged, and will afford much assistance to the learner. The Elementary Reader; being a Collection of Original Reading Lessons for Common Schools. By Samuel Whiting, Esq. Author of Elegant Lessons, &c. Newhaven. T. G. Woodward & Co. A Specimen of the American Pronouncing Spelling Book; or Sure Guide to the True Pronunciation of the English Language. By Abner Kneeland. Philadelphia. A New Treatise on the Use of the Globe, with Notes and Observations containing an extensive Collection of the most Useful Problems. By James M'Intire Baltimore. 1823. J. J. Harrod. 12mo. pp. 220. Sketches of the Earth and its Inhabitants, comprising a Description of the Grand Features of Nature, &c. Illustrated by one hundred Engravings. By J E. Worcester. 2 vols. 12mo. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. An Introduction to Ancient and Modern Geography. By J. A. Cummings. Ninth Edition. An Easy Introduction to the Study of Geography. By Thomas T. Smiley. HISTORY. Collections Historical and Miscellaneous, and Monthly Literary Journal. Vol. III. No. 6. Concord, N. H. This publication continues to possess much interest from the curious facts, which it brings to light, respecting the first settlement and early history of New Hampshire. The number for June contains an article entitled 'Historical Notices of Newspapers published in New Hampshire,' and another entitled Biographical Sketches of the First Class graduated at Harvard College,' both of which are curious and entertaining. There must, of course, be a limit to materials of this sort, but till the sources become exhausted, we hope the proprietors of this work will be encouraged to keep it up with the same spirit and industry, which have hitherto characterised their exertions. Notes on Mexico, made in the year 1822, accompanied by a Historical Sketch of the Revolution, and Translations of Official Reports on the present State of that Country; with a Map. By a Citizen of the United States. Philadelphia. Carey & Lea, 8vo. pp. 359. The United States' Naval Chronicle. By Charles W. Goldsborough. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 395. Washington. LAW. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Superior Court of New Hampshire. Vol. II. Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From February 1806 to February 1814. Revised and Published by authority of the Legislature, in conformity with a Resolution, passed 22d February, 1822. A Practical Treatise upon the Authority and Duty of Justices of the Peace in Criminal Prosecutions. By Daniel Davis, Solicitor General of Massachusetts. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By Octavius Pickering, Counsellor at Law. 8vo. pp. 580. Wells & Lilly. A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law with occasional Notes and Comments. By N. Dane, LL. D. Vols. II, III. MEDICINE. The Art of Preserving Teeth. By Nathaniel Peabody. 8vo. Salem. An Anniversary Discourse delivered before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Tuesday, June 3d, 1823, on Medical Improvement. By Patrick Macauly, M. D. Baltimore. F. Lucas, Jr. and E. J. Coale. 8vo. pp. 38. Medical Recorder. No. XXVI. The Journal of Foreign Medicine. M. D. No. XIV. pp. 184. Edited by John Godman, Anatomical Investigations, comprising several very interesting Discoveries relative to the Formation of the Capula Ligaments of the Joints. By John Godman, M. D. 8vo. 10 plates. Carey & Lea. MISCELLANEOUS. An Address delivered before the American Academy of Fine Arts. By Gulian C. Verplank, Esq. New York. The Seventh Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the United States; with an Appendix. Washington. Davis & Force. 8vo. pp. 26. Fifth Annual Report of the Directors of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, to the Legislature of New York. January 1st, 1824. E. Conrad. New York. 8vo. pp. 26. |