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112. In the following exercises, most of the noteworthy difficulties she articulation of our language have been introduced. In some of the sentences, it will be seen, little regard has been had to the sense which they may make; the object being either to accumulate difficulties in Consonant combinations or to illustrate varieties of Vowel sounds and their equivalents:


I. A father's fate calls Fancy to beware. All in the hall here haul the awl all ways. Aunt's heart and hearth are better than her head. And shall I, sir'rah, guarantee your plaid? Arraign his reign to-day; the great rain gauge. And so our whaling ended all in wailing. Accent' the ac'cent accurately always.

II. Awful the awe; nor broad ought Tom to maul. The bulb, the bribe, the barb, the babbling bibber. Biding thou budg'dst, and budging bravely bidest. Bubbles and hubbubs barbarous and public. Canst give the blind a notion of an ocean? Churlish chirographers, chromatic chanters. Chivalry's chief chid the churl's chaffering choice chimerical.

III. Call her; her choler at the collar scorning. Crime craves the Czar's indictment curious. Despised despoilers tracked the dastard's doom. Diaph'ănous delusions deprecate. Drachmas disdain dispersed despotically. Earn earth's dear tears, whose dearth the heart's hearth inurns.

IV. England her men metes there a generous measure. Cæsar deceives the people from his seat. The key to that machine is in the field. Friends, heads and heifers, leopards, bury any. Examine, estimate the eggs exactly

V. Faults? He had faults; I said he was not false. Facundious Philip's flippant fluency. Ghastly the gibbous anger gorges gnomes. Go! though rough coughs and hiccoughs plough thee through! Grudg'dst thou, and gib'dst thou, Gorgon, with thy gyves?

XVI. He humbly held the hostler's horse an hour. His honest rhetoric exhilarates. Hear'st thou this hermit's heinous heresy? He twists the texts to suit the several sects. Hōpe, boats, roads, coats, and loads of cloaks and soap. Why harass'dst thou him thus inhumanly?

VII. In either place he dwells, in neither fails. Is he in life through one great terror led? In one great error rather is he not? Is there a na.neis their an aim more lofty? I say the judges ought to arrest the culprit. the judges sought to arrest the culprit.

I say

VIII. Janglingly jealous jeered the Jacobin. June's azure day sees the jay gayly jump. Knavish the knack could compass such a knot. Keep cool, and learn that cavils cannot kill. Kentucky knows the dark and bloody ground.

IX. Long, lank and lean, he illy lectured me. Lo! there behold the scenes of those dark ages. The Mete'orous and meteor'ic vapors.

scenes of those dark
Mulctedst thou him?

cages, did you say? In misery he mopes.

X. Myrrh by the murderous myrmidons was brought Man is a microcosm, a mimic world. Mute moping, maimed, in misery's murmurs whelm'd. Mammon's main monument a miscreant makes. Moments their solemn realm to Memnon give.

XI. Neigh me no nays; know me now, neighbor Dobbin. Nipt now the flower is riv'n, fcrever fall'n. Nymphs range the forests still till rosy dawn. Nay! did I say I scream ? I said ice cream. Never thou clasp'dst more Lecting triumphs here.

XII. O'er wastes and deserts, waste sand deserts straying. On the hard wharf the timid dwarf was standing. O, note the occasion, yeoman, hut boy, beau! Or'thoepy precedes orthog'raphy. Ob'ligatory objects then he offered.

XIII. Precedents ruled prece'dent Pres'idents. Poor painted pomp of pleasure's proud parade. Pharmacy far more farmers cures than kills. Psyche (si-kë) puts out the sphinx's pseudo pipe. Politics happ'n to be uppermost. The room 's perfumed' with per'fumes popular.

XIV. Quilp quoted Quarles's quiddities and quirks. Queens and coquets quickly their conquests quit. Quacks in a quan'dary were quaking there. Quench'd'st thou the quarrel of the quid'-nuncs then? Quiescent Quixotism and quibbling quizzing.

XV. Rave, wretched rover, erring, rash and perjured. Rude rugged rocks reëchoed with his roar. Rhinoceroses armed and Russian bears. Round rang her shrill, sharp, frenzied shriek for mercy. Ruin and rapine, ruthless wretch, attend thee!

XVI. Six slim sleek saplings slothfully he sawed. Stridulous strays the stream through forests strange. Snarl'sts thou at me? Vainly thou splash'dst and strov' st. Shall shuffling shift thy shrinking, shrieking shame? Schisms, chasms and prisms, phantasms and frenzies dire. Smith, smooth, smug, smart, smirked, smattered, smoked and smiled. Sudden he sadd'n'd; wherefore did he sadd'n?

XVII. The heir his hair uncovered to the air. That last still night, that lasts till night's forgot! The strident trident's strife strides strenuous. The dupes shall see the dupe survey the scene. The martial corps regarded not the corpse. (See Note to T 60.)

XVIII. The ringing, clinging, blighting, smiting curse. The storms still strove, but the masts stood the struggle. The steel these steal still stereotypes (the er as in terror) their stigma. The stalk these talkers strike stands strong and steady. Thawing it thermometrically thrives.

XIX. Temptations tantamount indictment's debtor. Tenth or ten thousandt breaks the chain alike Think'st thou the heights, depths, breadths, thov rt thorough in? The soldiers skilled in war, a thousand men? The soliers killed in war a thousand men. The prints the prince selected were superb.

XX. Then if thou fall'st, thou fall'st a blessed martyr. Thou livʼst — liv’st did I say? appear'st in the Senate! Though thy cry moved me, thy crime moved me more. These things can never make your government. Thou barb'dst the dart that wounded me, alas!

XXI. Thou startl'dst me, and still thou startl'st me. Thou watch'st there where thou watch'dst, sir, when I came. Thou black'n'dst and thou black

'st me in vai:

Thought'st thou those thoughts of thine could thrill me

through? The intriguing rogue's vague brogue plagues like an ague.

XXII. Thou slept'st, great ocean, hush'dst thy myriad waves. The wolf whose howl, the owl whose hoot is heard. The new tune played on Tuesday suits the duke. Too soon thou chuckl'dst o'er the gold thou stolest. Twanged short and sharp, like the shrill swallow's cry.

XXIII. Use makes us use it even as usage rules (this last u like the o in move). Umpires usurp the usurer's usual custom. Utility 's your ultima'tum, then. Untunable, untractable, unthinking. Urge me no more; your arguments are useless. The tutor's revolution is reduced.

XXIV. Vain, vacillating, ve'hement, he veers forever. Whetting his scythe, the mower singeth blithe. While whiling time at whist, why will you whisper? Whelmed in the waters were the whirling wheels. the ware that is to wear so well?

Where is

XXV. White were the wights who waggishly were winking. Wrenched by the hand of violence from hope. Wouldst thou not highly-wouldst not holily? With short shrill shrieks flits by on leathern wing. Xerxes, Xantippe, Xenophon and Xanthus.

XXVI. Yachts yield the yeomen youthful exercise. You pay nobody? Do you pain nobody? Your kindness overwhelms me makes me bankrupt. Zeuxis, Zenobia, Zeus and Zoroäs'ter. Zephyr these heifers indolently fans.

113. By the term alliteration is meant the repetition of the same letter, chiefly at the beginning of words. In the following Exercise the words of every line are alliterative according to the order of the letters of the alphabet. It will be found a good practice for keeping alive the attention of a class to have the lines read singly, one by each pupil successively.


An Austrian army, awfully arrayed,
Boldly, by battery, besieged Belgrade;
Cossack commanders cannonading come,
Dealing destruction's desolating doom;
Every endeavor engineers essay,

For fame, for fortune, fighting furious fray;
Generals 'gainst generals grapple, grimly great;
How hold heroic hearts hard, haggard hate?

Infuriate, indiscriminate in ill,

Kinsmen kill kinsmen, kinsmen kindred kill!

Labor low levels loftiest, longest lines;

Men march 'mid mounds, 'mid moles, 'mid murderous mines;

Now noisy, noxious numbers notice naught

Of outward obstacles, opposing aught;

Poor patriots, partly purchased, partly pressed,

Quite quailing, quaking, quickly quarter quest;

Reason returns, religious right resounds,

Suwarrow stops such sanguinary sounds.

Truce then to Turkey; triumph to thy train,

Unjust, unwise, unmerciful Ukrane !
Vanish vain victory, vanish victory vain!

Why wish we warfare? wherefore welcome were

Xerxes, Xime'nës, Xanthus, Xavière ?

Yield yield! ye youths! ye yeomen, yield your yell;
Zeno's, Zarparrhës', Zoroaster's zeal,

All, all arouse ! all against arms appeal!


114. THE following" Rhymes for the Nursery," by Robert Southey, descriptive of the Cataract of Lodore, afford a good exercise in articulation, especially in the participle termination in ing. The voice should be modulated in many places to imitate the motion of the water; and there is even an opportunity, in the expressiveness of many of the words, for imitative articulation.


"How does the water come down at Lodore?"
My little boy asked me thus, once on a time;
And moreover he tasked me to tell him in rhyme.
Anon, at the word, there first came one daughter,
And then came another, to second and third

The request of their brother, and to hear how the water
Comes down at Lodore, with its rush and its roar,

As many a time they had seen it before.

So I told them in rhyme, for of rhymes I had store;

And 't was in my vocation for their recreation

That so I should sing,

Because I was Laureate to them and the king.


From its sources which well in the tarn on the fell;

From its fountains in the mountains, its rills and its gills;

Through moss and through brake, it runs and it creeps

For a while, till it sleeps in its own little lake,

And thence at departing, awakening and starting,
It runs through the reeds, and away it proceeds,
Through meadow and glade, in sun and in shade,
And through the wood-shelter, among crags in its flurry,
Helter-skelter, hurry-skurry.

See this word and Southey in the Explanatory Index.


Here it comes sparkling, and there it lies darkling;
Now smoking and frothing, its tumult and wrath in,
Till in this rapid race, on which it is bent,

It reaches the place of its steep descent.


The Cataract strong then plunges along,
Striking and raging, as if a war waging
Its caverns and rocks among ;

Rising and leaping, sinking and creeping, swelling and sweeping,
Showering and springing, flying and flinging, writhing and ringing,
Eddying and whisking, spouting and frisking, turning and twisting,
Around and around, with endless rebound;

Smiting and fighting, —
-a sight to delight in, -

Confounding, astounding, dizzying and deafening the ear with its sound..


Collecting, projecting, receding and speeding, and shocking and rocking, And darting and parting, and threading and spreading, and whizzing and hissing,

And dripping and skipping, and hitting and spitting, and shining and


And rattling and battling, and shaking and quaking, and pouring and


And waving and raving, and tossing and crossing, and flowing and going, And running and stunning, and foaming and roaming, and dinning and


And dropping and hopping, and working and jerking, and guggling and struggling,

And heaving and cleaving, and moaning and groaning :


And glittering and frittering, and gathering and feathering,
And whitening and brightening, and quivering and shivering,
And hurrying and skurrying, and thundering and floundering;

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Retreating and beating and meeting and sheeting,
Delaying and straying and playing and spraying,

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